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File 150032549162.png - (460.46KB , 853x482 , anime screencap2017-07-17-14h03m16s199.png )
30318 No. 30318 [Edit]
why do they do this to the pantsus in some anime and not others?
air time?
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>> No. 30320 [Edit]
So you buy the BDs.
>> No. 30321 [Edit]
i have never bought a bd
>> No. 30322 [Edit]
I think stuff like that doesn't always necessarily get replaced. I believe it's there sometimes because the creators think it's funny.
>> No. 30323 [Edit]
Well in this case there's also an uncensored version that airs so it could be different timeslots have the censored vs uncensored version. In general the majority of censorship (light beams, etc.) get taken out for the BD, along with general improvements to QUALITY.
>> No. 42240 [Edit]
File 170591915667.jpg - (168.35KB , 839x567 , 20240122.jpg )
So that you gush for magical girls
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