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25452 No. 25452 hide watch expand quickreply [Reply] [Edit]
I've been having severe sleeping issues, recently, totaling over a hundred hours without any real sleep. It got severe after Friday evening, when I got the worst panic attack of my life where I was pretty much certain that I was going to die from suffocation from Corona-chan (I didn't have it but I thought so), so my mom had to call the emergencies to help me. Thankfully, the ambulance was never sent as they realized I just had a panic attack and I got to talk with a really professional nurse, instead, who guided me on how to try to remain calm. Later in the night, I still thought I was going to die, though, and started confessing all sorts of things to my mom about my hobbies, like a death bed confession of sorts, to keep her from later shock... she took it all surprisingly well and isn't seemingly judging me at all for my perversions, even still, and it honestly feels good to finally know that it doesn't gross her out how I am. While I'm now better, I got a sort of burnt-out breakdown from it that I'm still recovering from, which is giving me a feeling of pressure inside of my head... I hope it will pass, soon, but apparently it tends to take some time for it to do so. Anyway, from Thursday to Monday, I only got about eight hours of sleep, and three of those hours were in the night to Thursday, so really just five, then. Incredibly, I didn't start getting hallucinations before very late, aside from a more "normal" one, after waking up from very brief sleep, where I was thinking our dog was crawling under a sofa (my bed was on the floor, near the sofa).

Earlier yesterday, before I finally got some good rest on Monday afternoon, I was hearing barely audible, almost demonically creepy trumpet-like music in my head. My mom was taking me to the hospital for the insomnia, but we got there too early as I had forgotten the time to be there. On the way home, I thought she had the radio on on a super low, barely audible volume, but she didn't. I kept hearing it when we got inside the house, too, but it was too low to actually hear the melody. Then briefly later, while washing my hands, I heard some man, very close to the right of me, in a low voice, laughing "heh-heh-heh-heh," maniacally. It literally gave me shivers.

Then the night leading to Monday, I had to go get painkillers fo
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>> No. 25473 [Edit]
Probably not.
Sounds similar to what I feel like and I haven't died yet. It appears to be mostly mental. Shit life syndrome.
>> No. 25474 [Edit]
I'm having it too and I was absolutely terrified at the beginning when it started to show itself this year. It feels like my mind is associating sleep with death, which is the reason for me waking up after every two hours. Every dream ends with a shocking sound, a loud door slam, a waking word, a loud tone.
Lying on back is the most comfortable position.
Eating less doesn't help at all, the superfluous energy stays there for the auto-shock therapy.

The problem is deemed to be a mental condition.
>> No. 25475 [Edit]
Yes, I think it has to be the same thing you described, nightmares included. I will try lying back but I have never slept like that in my life, it feels weird.
There's something I don't get, I'm not particularly unhappy and just a few years ago I was a lot worse. Right now I'm enjoying the confinement of last month. I have less stress than ever, no doubt about that, then why it has to happen now?
>> No. 25476 [Edit]
I just started getting nightmares again this week. They are like re-experiencing certain experiences from many years ago. There was quite some time since I last had them, and I was even starting to think those would be past matters, what a thing. I don't feel anything in particular with regards to my body, just the nightmares themselves. I don't know whether the technical term would be bad dreams but whatever.

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25423 No. 25423 hide watch expand quickreply [Reply] [Edit]
Where have you tried looking for answers before regarding the desires which make you miserable? No matter how hard you look online or in real life or in your head, there's no permanent consolation, no real answer for those questions, at least as far as I know. I've tried time and time again periodically to find evidence that total acceptance of me from someone is a real possibility, and every time I came out of it with nothing. I never expect to find anything and i'm not suprised when I don't, but a feeling of dissatisfaction grows inside of me time and time again that eventually forces me to look despite all the things I know telling me it's pointless.

Post edited on 24th Mar 2020, 7:54pm
22 posts and 5 images omitted. Click Reply to view.
>> No. 25447 [Edit]
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Tiny child who came out of a plant is another one. Thumbelina, The Tale of the Bamboo Cutter, Momotaro.
>> No. 25448 [Edit]
I wasn't thinking about structure, I don't know enough about film theory to notice that.
It's something more obvious. There's always a man who goes from a lower point to an high one. Then he meets his hubris; depending on the movie, sometimes he gets destroyed by it, or redeems himself before that. He always mets a woman and starts a family, the woman always acts the same way (probably quite realistic though) and at some point it will get in conflict with the protagonist, because 1)economic reasons 2)not spending enough time with family/doing dangerous work or lifestyle for family. And she will abandon him and take the kids with her. There's also some rare variants without children or with children dying, but with similar results.
Just think all the (good or even great) movies with those elements, movies that can be completely different in setting and themes.
Think about Goodfellas, Amadeus, Scarface, The Lord of War, Barry Lindon, it's all there and that's just thinking about really good movies.
>> No. 25449 [Edit]
It's also easier/safer to stick with a known structure than to risk something novel.
>> No. 25456 [Edit]
The only consolation I can give myself is that there might be a path to power that can physically and metaphysically re-write reality.

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23927 No. 23927 hide watch expand quickreply [Reply] [Edit] [Last 50 posts]
Enough pessimism! Share some stuff you're happy or thankful for in your life! Or just talk about something good that happened recently!
52 posts and 12 images omitted. Click Reply to view.
>> No. 25269 [Edit]
Probably shouldn't post this in the optimism thread but my dad isn't as lucky.
>> No. 25272 [Edit]
Just use all the time you have left and spend it together. Don't miss the chance if there's anything you needed to talk with him about, but never did. Nothing left to do but to try to be close and support each other. Makes it easier both for those who die and those who live afterwards.
>> No. 25273 [Edit]
It's a little too late, he's in a semi-conscious state. His condition deteriorated rapidly and suddenly, nobody suspected anything and he was just fine until not too long ago. We have a dysfunctional relationship and I've been estranged to him but it's funny how your feelings could play out at times like this. I'm trying to make the best of what little time there is but I try to avoid my honest feelings since there is quite a bit of bitterness, I'm just trying to put him at ease as much as I can. There's so much mixed feelings in me that I can't comprehend. Thank you for your reply though, it helps me feel a little more at ease.
>> No. 25302 [Edit]

The doctors say that she needs more exams in two months, but I fear that she will need go through a surgery. As for myself, I'm quite anxious because, I will go to a cram school the entire year so I can prepare myself to college admittance exams. I need study a lot of math to pass on it and I'm horrible with math, I'm anxious, and I think I need study at least 5 hours a day after the cram school so I can get a good score.
I'm still worried about mom. I can't lose her now since I'm not prepared financially and emotionally to lose here right now.

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23723 No. 23723 hide watch expand quickreply [Reply] [Edit]
Did anyone else have a sort of normal life and then spiral into NEETdom and so on?

I was living fairly well, had lots of friends, even had a few 3DPDs. Then crippling depression and anxiety kicked in during my first year of college and you know the rest.

Refrain from mentioned your disgusting 3DPD love-life, nobody cares.
32 posts and 2 images omitted. Click Reply to view.
>> No. 25293 [Edit]

This is me, I've improved even further.

However, I suddenly had a loss of motivation and despite being really happy mentally I couldn't focus while studying.

After this I had a bit of a breakdown and am still in a really depressive phase, the most insane thing aboout success is how the standards keep rising higher and higher.

I don't know if this is just me but I feel I'm always wanting more. However, I think I'm internally broken from my parents arguing during my childhood and me locking myself in my room for all of high school moreorless.

I felt SO close to a true victory of happiness! I guess my latent introversion denies me.
>> No. 25979 [Edit]
This thread sucks and is one of the worst on tohno-chan. It doesn't matter how hard somebody had it in life or whatever. It doesn't matter. Normalcattle are different in their dominant priorities and mentality. The anon here who spewed something about empathy even expressed that difference without realizing it. I hope that person has left since 2018. The lives and opinions of normalcattle only matter as much as they interfere with your passions.

Post edited on 13th Oct 2020, 3:13pm
>> No. 25980 [Edit]
The hate is strong with this one.
>> No. 25981 [Edit]
Yeah I'm full of hate. Posts like this >>23732 are disturbing to me. At least they probably left.

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25201 No. 25201 hide watch expand quickreply [Reply] [Edit]
I remember posting here when i was a 20 year old NEET. Feels like a lifetime ago. Remember Railgun? That was back in 2009 wow. Can you believe that? The new season started last week and the girls haven't aged A DAY.... while I'm 11 years older, balding and so fucking ugly. I can hardly recognize the abomination staring back at me when I look at the mirror. Back then I thought I'd never get a job and that I'd die a virgin. But I got really lucky and it all worked out I guess (I still hate women though)
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>> No. 25276 [Edit]
>I think the non-ephemeral nature of Discord (combined with profile pictures and ability to post inline images) worsens this issue.
I was going to post something to this effect too. There are those who bemoan IRC's transience and lack of rich media features, but these are features. (Less is more!) After all, chatting with someone isn't supposed to come with a history other than memories. If one needs some form of permanence, images, profile pictures, or whatever else, use a damn forum. And somewhat related, fuck Github and the whole social-coding-media faggotry.
>> No. 25277 [Edit]
What's wrong with Github? I sometimes get nice programs or mods from there, so it seems alright to me.
>> No. 25278 [Edit]
Not that anon, but Github is alright as just a place to dump code I suppose; it's their push to make things more "social" that's less then stellar. Though this is really subgroup dependent; wading into the "issues" section of a webdev repo is usually a minefield, and I'm pretty sure that's what led to all this "code of conduct" nonsense. From a technical side it's probably adequate, although their PR system is atrocious and their search is complete garbage.
>> No. 25279 [Edit]
Eugh, I had no idea. I just used github as a platform for collecting and uploading light programs.

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24886 No. 24886 hide watch expand quickreply [Reply] [Edit]
You're all cute. You're all adorable. It's not your appearance that makes you adorable, it's your being. Who you are. Just a friendly reminder, I believe everyone on this chan is adorable. Your being and your existence is something to be loved and adored, and I do! I love you guys! Please don't be sad anon, you deserve to be loved, be happy and live a good life. Forget what the normies define as 'good', do what makes you the happiest. That's what makes you so cute, adorable and lovely. I love you all! ☆ ~('▽^人)
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>> No. 25067 [Edit]
merry christmas!! It's great to see everyone in the christmas spirit! I can feel the love and joy from all of you!
>> No. 25068 [Edit]
>a board you profess to dislike
I already said there's threads on /so/ I like.
>a topic you express distaste for
I have no problem with talking about Christmas.
>things out of your control
If I tell them off, they might not make a thread like that again.
>> No. 25211 [Edit]
That was unexpected and funny considering the posts above, gave me a good laugh. Thank you and for the wishes too.
>> No. 25212 [Edit]
Thanks! It's exactly what I was going for.

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25035 No. 25035 hide watch expand quickreply [Reply] [Edit]
I fucking hate christmas. I always did and unless some kind of stupid miracle happens I always will. I always got forced to celebrate it when I just wanted to sleep and wait for it to be over. I always had to hang out with my family when I was a kid and they would be loud as fuck and probably drunk acting like life isn't shit. It's all smiles for everyone everywhere but me. Every year I would just want to be fucking dead and it never happened, just waking up to another morning. We don't even get snow here, just ice. It's cold and fucking lonely for me while normies everywhere else get to have the time of their lives just because they do. They get everything they want, every minute of every day or every year. Not me, never me. I'm fucking stuck and I hate it. I just want to go to sleep and not wake up, that's my holly jolly christmas wish. I don't even want to be happy, I just want to quit. But christmas is like some kind of specially tailored reminder of how fucking miserable I am. I hate this holiday and new years is stupid.
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>> No. 25170 [Edit]
Just lie and say it was with family. You ate dinner at home or a restaurant, it's a tradition. No one will question it.
>> No. 25172 [Edit]
Or tell the truth. Nobody would (should) care.
>> No. 25199 [Edit]
Has anyone tried deliberately lying, just for the fun of making up crazy storylines? Not in New Year's but in those kinds of situations.
I always tell the truth but then these people keep asking me for reasons and reasons and pissing me off, I am seriously considering making up a pretend 3DPD just for kicks.
>> No. 25200 [Edit]
I'm bad enough at keeping normal conversation, so trying to construct a coherent lie on the fly would end in spectacular failure. And then I'd be in a worse situation.

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24769 No. 24769 hide watch expand quickreply [Reply] [Edit]
Is there anything that most people would call simple that you struggle with?
I have too many things and I need to get rid of some things but it's hard to bring myself to do it. I worry that someday I'll need one of those things but I don't want to become a hoarder. If this keeps up though, I will. I'm sure most would be able to just trash anything without a thought.
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>> No. 25065 [Edit]
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I can’t understand or explain my own emotions. They call it Alexithymia.
>> No. 25079 [Edit]
I struggle with everyday sounds that shouldn't bother me but do nonetheless. Sounds like dogs barking and bags crinkling in particular drive me up the wall.

Post edited on 25th Dec 2019, 7:33am
>> No. 25183 [Edit]
I have the same, especially with children or babies crying.
Some sounds just make me angry to the point where i chipped off a bit of my tooth from grinding my teeth so much.
>> No. 25198 [Edit]
Refraining from scratching my fingers and hand with my nails during these social situations, everytime I get myself into a unwanted dialogue I unconsciously begin the ordeal. Sometimes, most of the time, actually, I only notice after it's done.

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25102 No. 25102 hide watch quickreply [Reply] [Edit]
I think contact with reality is slowly killing me.
It's contaminating my mind.
I could spend one month without going outside my room and I will be a happy, almost enlightened human being.
But having to deal with work and people five days a week makes me feel insecure, dirty, exhausted.
The problem isn't the time I'm outside but how it fucks my free time too, it makes me feel anxious, afraid and tired when I should be happy at home. It's friday and I'm already worried about monday, I can't rest.
How do you deal with this, mentally?
There's any particular strategy?
I've been working for years but it gets worse every year, I don't feel like I can get used to it.
>> No. 25126 [Edit]
I know where you're coming from. I cope with leading towards jobs/shifts that place me around fewer people, but I think it's hard to do that with a real career. You'd likely just screw yourself over in the long term doing what I do. One thing I did a lot of at my first job was hiding in the bathroom to play games on my psp. It helped a lot to have a little place to get away and relax for a bit. Of course one of my coworkers who's a real asshole started giving me a hard time about spending so much time in the bathroom but if you ask me it's no different than people taking smoke breaks for stress releaf.
My recommendation is to try and find a new line of work, or maybe be your own boss and try a less conventional form of making income. Have you considered forex, stock trading, drop shipping, or running an online business from home?
I know switching careers can be scary but if what you're doing now isn't working for you, you should at least consider it.

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25070 No. 25070 hide watch expand quickreply [Reply] [Edit]
A community I used to be rather fond of to discuss a certain game series has officially gone to shit. To sum it up, it used to be a wonderful, friendly place where you could post whatever pertainingto a certain series, and you'd be met with nice and wholesome discussion. Now the good people have almost entirely left and what's left is straight up abusive people who will trample you if you even include posts written in a way they don't like. It feels like you can't post anything more than a sentence long meme or image dump. It's fucking awful right now and I think I'm about to leave for good or at least just lurk the thread for a while.

I'm really distraught by this because I've been around since almost the beginning and it's a really shame it degraded into what it is. At least I have met a lot of good people and found a lot of wonderful things through it.

Is it time to find greener pastures? Anybody else with similar experiences?
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>> No. 25076 [Edit]
>Is it time to find greener pastures? Anybody else with similar experiences?
Leave. Staying will only embitter you.

>(in both the literal and metaphoric sense)
I noticed that with programming social circles too.
>> No. 25078 [Edit]
I recognize that feeling. I hate modern internet.
>> No. 25086 [Edit]
Let me guess...4/jp/?
>> No. 25087 [Edit]
The time to be distraught over 4/anything going to shit was years ago.

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24294 No. 24294 hide watch expand quickreply [Reply] [Edit]
Do you know what I find annoying? People who complain about being lonely without knowing what it's really like to be alone and take what they have for granted. Maybe they broke up a while back or are just going some time without seeing their friends, these people don't know what it's like to be truly alone. They almost certainly have someone there, siblings or friend or a parent, anything. They have people they can talk to if need be, people who will be there for them. They don't know what it's like to never have anyone.
The internet is my only social outlet, there's no one else in my life I can talk to. I can't even speak properly out loud because of how little practice I get, and it's such a bizarre experience if/when I actually do have a conversation with someone in person. Just being able to talk to someone is one of those rare things for me that normals take for granted. I feel like a ghost in this world, there but disconnected, observing other people as an outsider but unable to join them. I might as well not even be there as far as they've concerned. Even when I make online acquaintances, they never stick around long. I've learned to stop expecting anything from anyone. I still try all the same, to be friendly giving caring, but it never works for long. Their 'real' friends always take priority and win out. I can't even talk to anyone in my family. I have no brothers or sisters or cousins, only an abusive asshole of a father who I don't live with, my simple minded half deaf mother, and my insane uncle. I do still try with them, but it just ends up being a disappointing and frustrating experience each and every time. The real kicker here is that I don't even like being around people anyway. I like being alone and find humans annoying and obnoxious to deal with. I don't know if I'm lonely, or if I've just bought into the idea projected by society that everyone needs someone and not having someone is the worst most lonely thing possible. The times when I'm truly and completely alone without any humans around online or off are some of the most enjoyable moments for me. I feel like I'm just not cut out for intermingling with humans and trying to is a waste of time and effort, but I also find myself worrying in the back of my mind that maybe I've
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>> No. 24989 [Edit]
>I wish I could have one or two friends without needing to participate in the rat race
I'll be your friend but im a really shitty friend
>> No. 24993 [Edit]
I appreciate the offer. You're in good company; I am also a pretty awful friend. As I alluded to in the other post, all the things that friends do together fail to come naturally to me. That's probably why nobody has ever wanted anything to do with me: I'm just too lackluster and boring to be anyone's friend.

It is probably better for everyone this way in the long run, since I won't be a bother to anyone and I'll eventually settle back into the calm stability of isolation again.
>> No. 24994 [Edit]
Truth is, adults don't have friends. If something, couples have friend couples.
It's the shocking truth. The normalfag world isn't about friendship, it's about social relations and that's a completely different thing. Children have friends, not adults.
>> No. 24995 [Edit]
From what I've seen of my parents, adults will sometimes call the people they were friends with in school or their work buddies. They occasionally visit each other's house too.

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