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26730 No. 26730 hide watch expand quickreply [Reply] [Edit]
So I've been thinking a lot about the problem with suicide.
The biggest issue with doing it is the actual act of doing it of course, pulling the trigger, popping that pill, ect. Humans like most animals have this deep seeded instinct for survival. We'll try to keep on living no matter how horrible and pointless it might be to do so. On top of that, it's not like we can just get someone else to do it for us right?
I believe this is why so many people talk about doing it endlessly and never commit, or maybe even attempt it in half hearted ways that they know won't actually work. They might really want to do it but just can't make themselves.
So what if you could do it passively? What if you didn't know if/when it was going to come? What if your actions only indirectly lead to suicide?

I had the idea for this after thinking a lot the other night about shooting myself with two guns at the same time from opposite sides, and what it might be like if the two bullets collided inside my brain. I got to thinking that the timing and aiming would need to be very precise. Naturally for this the guns would need to be mounted on racks of some sort. bore sights would make it pretty easy to align the gun's trajectory. One could also attach bicycle cable to the triggers and with a pully system be combined to one. you could even go one step further and attach them to an actuator, which only needs a power source and a simple switch to open/close the circuit and activate it. This all comes with the problem of flipping the actual switch of course. So I thought about it.

So my idea is a pressure sensitive switch built into the seat of a chair. Once you sit down, you'd have ten minutes before a randomizer starts. That's more than enough time to think things over and get out if you change your mind. Once the ten minutes pass, you have anywhere from one minute to nighty minutes before the system goes off. Plenty of time to take your mind off things and watch a movie or something. Of course, if at any time you change your mind, even after those ten minutes, you can still cancel the process, which would start over from 0 the next time around. I think this would help give the device an air of safety and better assist in tricking one's brain into allowing you to do it. The guns me
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>> No. 26983 [Edit]
who's rem?
>> No. 27031 [Edit]
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I wish I could simply order one of these from Amazon or something. Getting it printed and assembling it myself seems like such a hassle. And it's pretty expensive.
>> No. 27032 [Edit]
>order from Amazon
You'd end up ordering a shitty Chinese knockoff design that makes you crippled instead. These things aren't single use though, so ideally some forward-thinking 3rd world country would buy a bunch and become a suicide tourist spot.
>> No. 27042 [Edit]
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>Rem is one of the twin maids working for Roswaal L Mathers. She tends to speak in a superficially polite manner and sometimes acts without thinking. She holds both worshipping respect and guilt toward her sister for an incident in the past; because of this, Rem tends to think of herself as inferior.
Source: Myanimelist

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26875 No. 26875 hide watch expand quickreply [Reply] [Edit]
Do pets help you cope with loneliness?

I'm thinking of getting a gecko because I always thought they're super cute, and after watching a couple YouTube videos I got the impression that leopard geckos and crested geckos in particular will happily interact with humans.

But I'm a bit worried that I might neglect him and he'll end up dying or having a shitty quality of life, or that taking care of him will become such a drudgery that it'll end up being stressful for me.
They live up to 20 years, so this isn't a decision I'm making lightly.
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>> No. 26997 [Edit]
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I love my dog but also my parents primarily look after it.
>> No. 26998 [Edit]
You have a weird looking dog.
>> No. 26999 [Edit]
My family has 4 cats and they are easy to look after, it depends on the cats though. These cats we have now are actually the hardest ever that we have had. Cats are basically wild animals that just take advantage of you, so long as you give them food water and kitty litter you don't need to do much else, usually. Ohh, but you should of course de-sex them. Generally we used to simply keep a bowl of cat food topped up and they ate when they felt like it, that worked well for all of our older cats but not for the ones we have now, we have two cats that are brothers and they are HUGE! We changed how we feed them but they are still fat, they are just very lazy so don't burn much energy, then my sister found a kitten by a creek and we took that in, it's mostly fine but sometimes urinates on things but then worst of all, my brother is an idiot so he did not desex his cats(both male and female) his female cat has had kittens and he has ditched the male one on us. We de-sexed him but he still has those hormones in him for now and so he is causing problems with the other cats and fighting them though I don't think it's serious so far they never seem to get cuts or bites, only one of the fat ones did and it developed into an abscess that we had to clean and monitor, I think it was from the other cat anyway it did not have any bite or claw marks just the abscess.

But anyway, that's the most problems we have ever had with cats, usually we just let them do their own thing and they are fine.
>> No. 27002 [Edit]
My parents have crested geckos. They are pretty cute and some do like being with people. They aren't too difficult to care for either, of course just make sure you have the time to care for them.

I have a red-eared slider turtle and 2 cats. Pets do kind of help you with loneliness. My shittiest years were made better because of my cats.

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23139 No. 23139 hide watch expand quickreply [Reply] [Edit]
What did you fear as a kid?
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>> No. 26364 [Edit]
25 although I can hardly believe it. It feels like the last five years passed in a couple months. I didn't really have access to games or a computer either until I was around 14, but I burnt out pretty quick. I wouldn't say it was that I watched or played a lot of stuff, I just have been tired all the time.
>> No. 26976 [Edit]
I remember being really afraid of heights despite rarely ever being anywhere very high. I think maybe I used to have dreams where I was falling because I had the idea that falling was the most horrible feeling in the world (where else could I have got this idea?)
Even the drop in rollercoasters was almost too much for me. The feeling of what it's like to fall for a prolonged period made me want to vomit and pass out (and still does).
Also the dark and really any place that felt too exposed and vulnerable to attack.

I always felt in a state of turmoil, never felt stable. I suppose that's why the idea of losing even ground beneath my feet or being somewhere exposed/indefensible/inescapable were my worst fears.
>> No. 26977 [Edit]
Heights are probably my greatest fear. Because you could trip or slip and fall to your death at any moment and also the fact that there is nothing you can do about it once it happens, if you fall from a great height, that is it, you are dead. I feel less frightened being a metre away from a brown snake than a metre away from a tall cliff or ledge.
>> No. 26996 [Edit]
You never know you could legitimately have some health deficiency in addition to whatever else is ailing you.

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26981 No. 26981 hide watch expand quickreply [Reply] [Edit]
happy new year! this is our year i can feel it
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>> No. 26990 [Edit]
Happy new year everyone.

This looks like a good year for anime. There's some new anime I'm looking forward to and I think it will only get better.
>> No. 26991 [Edit]
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Happy new year!

One of >>26986 or >>26990 will turn out to be dead wrong!
>> No. 26992 [Edit]
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If Made in Abyss season 2 comes out, it'll be at least a decent year.
>> No. 26995 [Edit]
I bought a dakimakura to cement my everlasting happiness and there's at least one upcoming anime that makes me the most hyped I've been for a show in a decade. I have no clue about further releases though.

I kept up with seasonal anime last season for the first time too and most of it is fairly decent, but I plan on watching some high rated classic shows instead. Platinum End is my favourite recently released show though and I'm like 90% sure it is being review bombed by manga readers. Some of the negative reviews of it on MAL are outright wrong factually. I heard people are looking forward to Spy x Family too but I know nothing of it.

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25236 No. 25236 hide watch expand quickreply [Reply] [Edit]
How would you like the world to be? If the world could be changed completely, what would one in which you were happy look like?

Rule: It can't be 2d; the fundamental construction of the universe has to stay the same. You can remove your knowledge of 2d if necessary.
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>> No. 26828 [Edit]
Even if they don't articulate it quite like that I would say that most people would take that seriously. People generally want the people in control to be intellectual and to actually know what they are doing rather than be corrupt and only there to fill their wants.
>> No. 26890 [Edit]
i want this, its not a direct answer but a worthwhile read. it paints the most beautiful picture of what the world should be.
>> No. 26893 [Edit]
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Bob: Doug, recently you made some interesting comments. I was wondering if you could expand on them a bit, in private...

Doug: Sure, Bob. What comments?

B: You were talking about alien contact. You said if aliens were to contact us, they might try online before revealing themselves in person. Why do you think so?

D: Well, I have a number of reasons. Before that, you have to assume there really are aliens, they're aware of our existence, they have the means to contact us relatively soon, and they're interested in doing so. You could argue against all of these assumptions, but since you’re asking, I'm guessing you’re open-minded enough to accept them for the sake of argument...

B: Sure. Go on...

D: We've already discussed various means of contact that *may* be occurring already. UFO sightings for instance, which sometimes have multiple witnesses. There's also abductions.

All of these are easy to deny though. Authority figures can easily discredit reports of contact. It seems no one can provide hard physical evidence, and it’s easy to come up with other explanations most people will readily accept: weather balloons, secret military projects, mental illness, etc. Unless you've experienced it yourself, you can't say for sure contact has been made.
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>> No. 26964 [Edit]
ET ... shitpost home...

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24286 No. 24286 hide watch expand quickreply [Reply] [Edit]
I killed a roach and left it's body with its spilled viscera to rot because I am too disgusted to clean it up. I know that it's unhygienic and will attract other bugs to it but I just can't be bothered. Forcing yourself to do something you hate requires willpower, and mine has been sucked dry by depression and other negative emotions. Now I understand how some of those hikkikomori and mentally ill people can end up with ridiculously filthy houses. You just can't be bothered to clean one thing, then another, then the bugs help themselves, and before you know it you're living in a dump. This is applicable to any other problems in life too. I like to think of myself as being better off among the "losers" in imageboards but it's not unlikely that I am heading in their direction. I have never been so grateful that humans have the ability to commit suicide.
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>> No. 24289 [Edit]
Thats why most hikkikomori are still alive. They just cant be bothered to die.
>> No. 24290 [Edit]
Its not not being bothered to die, but not able to because of their lack of willpower.
>> No. 24291 [Edit]
When someone says "if you hate your life so much, why don't you just kill yourself" I have a little analogy.
Imagine you had some condition that caused you pain for every metre you were above sea level. Life is like living in a valley at 1,000m, surrounded all around by mountains of Himalayan proportions. "Why don't you live by the sea?" Because climbing over the mountains would be too painful.
>> No. 26819 [Edit]
That's a really good way to explain it. Thank you, anon.

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26750 No. 26750 hide watch expand quickreply [Reply] [Edit]
Lets post here every time you or someone you see performs a random act of kindness or good deed.
Please don't feel like posting your own deeds would be stroking your ego, the point here is to show that there's still some good in the world, give people some faith, and prove that there are still people out there trying to do some good!
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>> No. 26780 [Edit]
Never give money to a charity without research. Street peddlers are irresponsible at best.
>> No. 26781 [Edit]
An oil change, and your bill was big enough they were able to undercharge you for $50 without even noticing the difference? You need to find a new mechanic.
>> No. 26782 [Edit]
This was at the dealer. Apparently the service itself was $15, the oil(parts) was 40-something. I think they have people bring in their own oil and assumed that's what it was.
>> No. 26788 [Edit]
>Never give money to a charity
Fixed that for you.

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25224 No. 25224 hide watch expand quickreply [Reply] [Edit]
What are your most painful experiences with illness and general bad health? I'll get this started with some of mine. They're not too interesting.

I had a terrible fever once on top of a sore throat and very strained eyes, the kind of thing where moving them even slightly causes pain so you have to turn your head all the time. My forehead was hot, but the rest of my body felt freezing. When I stripped down to my underwear to sleep at night, I felt like I would die from the cold.

At one point I had something wrong with my stomach. I don't know what it was, but it was excruciating. Eating most types of food was out of the question and I lost some weight because of it. I was thin to begin with. At night I couldn't sleep. For eight hours straight one night I just tossed and turned in pain. I was a sharp sensation, coming and going at different spots. I used a soap suppository on myself and eventually it went away.

One year, right before a hurricane, I had a head splitting headache for hours. I almost never get them, but this one was intolerable. I had to take pain killers.

Post edited on 26th Jan 2020, 4:18pm
11 posts and 2 images omitted. Click Reply to view.
>> No. 25484 [Edit]
I was a shut-in outside of school from the age of 11 onwards. I was depressed, then extreme eye pain at the age of 16 kinda killed my emotions for a few years, I think I had erectile dysfunction by 16 too.

Fitness and goals helped a lot, but age 21 I got damaged knees, 22 a hiatal hernia and gastritis. So when I do fitness it's really just treating my injuries rather than progressing, it's very demotivating.

I'm now convinced my life will be an endless spiral of self-treatment till I die and I'll never achieve a comfortable physical body, as if I treat one I have 5 more to irritate me.
>> No. 25485 [Edit]
Acute cholecystitis back when I was a teenager. For months, there would be times where I had really strong pain in my abdomen that would last about an hour. Then one weekend I woke up with the pain and didn't go away. Couldn't keep anything apart from water down without throwing up for days. Despite that, my mom didn't think it was serious enough to warrant a doctor visit. Then I eventually started going into shock and finally got taken to the hospital, where after eight hours of tests and waiting they figured out what was going on. They kept me overnight and the next morning they operated on me to remove my gall bladder. My appendix was also removed, since that had absorbed so much of the bile that was leaking into my gut it would eventually lead to appendicitis. Spent another week in the hospital after surgery, and then a few months home from school.
>One year, right before a hurricane, I had a head splitting headache for hours. I almost never get them, but this one was intolerable. I had to take pain killers.
I have this happen to me every time a storm moves into my area. Something to do with changes in barometric pressure or other environmental conditions. I hate that shit.
>> No. 26745 [Edit]
Saw this post while looking at old threads. How are you doing right now anon? I tried getting fit some months ago only to realize my body may be a bit defective, tried hiking and intensive calisthenics, eventually got a dull but lasting ache on most of my joints. It got specially bad on one knee, it lasted almost 2 months of acute pain. It appears this condition is called tendonosis and is chronic for the most part. Which means I'll spend a good deal of time trying to get past this, just recovering into my baseline level. Very demotivating indeed. I'm uninsured to make it worse.

I have scoliosis as well, diagnosed since childhood. Waiting for the unbearable pain to kick in.
>> No. 26746 [Edit]
One time I stayed up too late and started to get this really painful headache like someone was jabbing needles into the bones of my face around the eye sockets and especially the area between the eyebrows and the nose. I'll never stay awake for that long again. It only happened in the first place because I was on an international flight.

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26736 No. 26736 hide watch quickreply [Reply] [Edit]
I am very depressed today. As is common for me, I started to think how my whole life has been a joke from the very start and how there's no possible way that I, would have ended up okay by society's standards and live a normal or even a "happy" life considering the environment I was born in, the people that brought me into this miserable and frankly sad excuse of an existance and other very traumatizing, horrible events that happened throughout my life while listening to sad L'arc~en~ciel songs on loop over and over again and crying as I do every single day. Then, I started playing Sell My Soul (my favourite song) by L'arc on Audiosurf when a thought popped up in my head. What if... the devil was real and I could just summon him and sell him my soul or make a pact to fix my life instantly or to be another person entirely? what if I could just stop wishing I was dead every single day by selling my soul and live a good life? To me it doesn't really matter if I go to hell, after a couple hundred thousand years you would be able to handle the pain pretty well, you probably wouldn't even feel it at that point, and nobody goes to heaven anyways... heck, i could even meet some cool people and historical figures while i burn in hell for eternity, i suppose it wouldn't really be that different from the hell that i'm in already. I would kill any ammount of people if it's 100% guaranteed that i would be happy after the deed is done. I could even settle for one of those MMO addicted asians who are practically permanent residents at cheap internet cafés, i could even become friends with the staff and the other guys at the computers, form a team with them and practice everyday to get good at an esport and possibly even win a tournament...
What do you think? would you sell your soul to Satan for a chance at a better life? (if all that religious bullshit was real, of course) Sorry if this makes you sad, i just wanted to get these thoughts out of my head, i hope that at least someone can relate to this. I've been lurking for years now and today i've felt good (and bad) enough to post for real on here, hope this thread isn't too shitty, sorry if it is.
>> No. 26737 [Edit]
If that stuff is real, I'm already going to hell, so why not? I'd be losing literally nothing.

Post edited on 10th Sep 2021, 2:35pm
>> No. 26738 [Edit]
You silly, we're in hell already.
>> No. 26739 [Edit]
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Heh... well, there's still the possibility of hell existing in some capacity. At least in this hell that we live in there's anime and music to distract ourselves from the pain, even if for a little while.

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22766 No. 22766 hide watch expand quickreply [Reply] [Edit]
Do you feel empty? Not really happy, not really sad, but alien and different from your surroundings. Only spiced up by the occasional shame brought about by base desire like lust and hunger. Like there's just nothing there at all within you.
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>> No. 26630 [Edit]
As I see it, friendship like in SOL shows is mostly a thing for children and teens, adults don't have friends that way.
>> No. 26635 [Edit]
It's true. I had wonderful friends whom I loved a lot when I was a kid and teen, but that all faded into a generalized feeling of just being with people because you got used to each other. No emotion or value is present. And it's not like I had many friends, just a few in fact. I no longer keep contact with them. To make matters interesting, I not only lost contact with them during the fake pandemic but I now see them as wholly worthless and unimportant to my life. I don't even feel lonely. I realized that they added absolutely nothing of value to my life.

Friendship really is something that belongs in childhood.
>> No. 26680 [Edit]
Yeah I'm feeling it and it really hits me hard. The only thing that really keeps me together is giving my time and energy to my family and what remaining friends I have. Thats when I feel like there's some fulfillment. There are days where I feel like everyone is just living their life without me. I feel like being an empty witness to it. Like being a ghost or a spectator at a game. You don't feel like a player or protagonist at all. But just someone who watches. I don't feel happy or sad. But a void in my mind and body keeps me doubting myself. "Why do I do this?", "Why do I continue?". It feels very shallow and unfulfilled when I have these thoughts on repeat. Man its so hard to get rid of it.
>> No. 26692 [Edit]
Yes kind of but i don't have the choice. It gets worse when i let myself go and keep wasting my life and reminiscing about it, or thinking about what could have been, which is so damn stupid. Lately it was triggered by a specific music which made it much worse, i've been melancholic for 2 days now. Deep down i always found life beautiful (well at least in a developed society and all that, i know it's not a default state of things) but it was just not for me. The only thing i feel like i can do as i'm getting closer to my thirties is to just push through and fight the hardest i can so i don't get stuck in that emotional slump.

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26611 No. 26611 hide watch expand quickreply [Reply] [Edit]
How do you deal with anxiety when its related symptoms can exacerbate anxiety in a vicious cycle? I'm rather weary about my health, so I tend to focus on minor details to the point of inducing panic.

Recently I've been feeling a little light-headed from time to time (probably because of allergies), and because I'm asthmatic I keep a pulse oximeter (small device that attaches to your finger that measure pulse rate and blood oxygen level) with me to make sure I'm alright. As I sit waiting, I unintentionally start worrying so my heart rate goes up and I start breathing faster, and my palms get clammy. When it finally picks up on my vitals, I'll usually have a heart rate in excess of 120 bpm and SpO2 of 96% (good, and normal blood oxygen level). Regardless, I'll keep focusing on it, and start unconsciously hyperventilating causing my blood oxygen level to start dropping and my heart rate to eventually rise to 150 bpm or higher. And upon seeing my falling blood oxygen level, I'll really start panicking and hyperventilating in earnest (monkey brain says breathe more even though hyperventilation depresses nervous activity and causes a rapid decrease in blood CO2, leading to further decreased blood oxygen level, potentially leading to fainting if a normal breathing pattern cannot be resumed). Another source of panic is the accuracy of the pulse oximeter. With cold hands, or sweaty palms, the accuracy of the pulse oximeter drastically falls; when in actuality the person may have a SpO2 of 96 or greater, the reading on the pulse oximeter may read 85% and below, which indicates a dramatically low blood oxygen level, possibly imminently close to fainting. What is especially distressing about hyperventilation are the effects of as one reaches closer to fainting: from your hands and feet, a creeping tingling numbness rises through your limbs, your vision tunnels and dims, your limbs become useless as you lose coordination, your speech slurs, and intense fear grips you. Meanwhile, though your senses dull, your mind remains racing and conscious as it nears closer towards fainting.

That's not even mentioning that my anxiety is so severe that I experience random rapid muscle twitches. They're more annoying than anything, but still. Another more impactful source of anxiety is that I regularly feel some degr
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>> No. 26666 [Edit]
By observe I mean just let the thoughts be. If a thought pops into your head it's not a signal that you need to engage in thinking about that stuff. You can if you want to.

>shift my attention back to consciously breathing, is that the correct thing to do?

yo. but I would say try to relax your body. When the tension from the body goes away the breathing will become less tense and compulsory thinking slows down. Keep experimenting. I used to find most tension in my jaw, face muscles, neck, arms, shoulders, chest.

>Can also be caused by vitamin deficiencies. Vitamin D is the easiest to fix (go out in the sun) and also probably one that most imageboard-dwellers are deficient in, followed by things like magnesium (can also cause insomnia) or b12 (if you eat meat rarely).

Magnesium by all means. Stress eats it up. Vitamin D deficiency seems to cause lethargy and generally feeling like crap. I dont know about B12 specifically but I've read that taking B-complex reduces stress.
>> No. 26685 [Edit]
do you think your health anxiety is just something you have, or that it has an underlying cause? what factors in your life could be stressing you out, and making that stress manifest itself as fear that you're going to die? are you a neet, or do you have a job that puts you under strain in some way? btw ur cute and I wanna hug you
>> No. 26686 [Edit]
>I wanna hug you
Don't. They'll think you're trying to suffocate them.
>> No. 26687 [Edit]
Sorry in advance for the long post.

>do you think your health anxiety is just something you have, or that it has an underlying cause?
Perhaps part of it is a result of my childhood. I was never weary of my health, but I did get sick somewhat often and I was really bad about being able to take medicine. I regularly would "take medicine" and hide it in pillows, or underneath the seats of our couch, or do the trick of hiding medicine beneath my tongue or hold liquid medicine in my mouth only to spit it out in the bathroom. At the same time, my father was very strict about taking medicine; I can understand his frustration now, but as a child, it only made me more fearful of taking medicine, which likely made him all the more angry at my not taking medicine. But, again, that was only fear and apprehension of taking medicine, not worrying of being sick.

Regardless, I've always been a rather timid person. A memory that will always stick with me is of a time when I was still in elementary school. I can't remember what grade, maybe 1st or maybe even kindergarten. I was sitting behind the playground crying to myself, alone. I was scared and upset because I thought my parents had left me there, and wouldn't pick me back up. Fortunately, a nice person came up to me and asked me why I was crying, as did a few other people, and they consoled me that it would be alright. A happy ending, maybe, but I think it gives some insight into my formative years. Another memory of mine had to do with playing games online. Having grown up with computers and the internet, I was accustomed to playing games, but multiplayer interaction was way too much for me. I remember playing some game, and being politely told "Sorry, we're trying to do something here, could you leave?" and becoming so flustered that I had to turn the game off out of embarrassment and fear of interacting with people.

A bad influence for sure, but I only gained the courage to really talk to people online thanks to Anonymous imageboards online.

So, I think I've always been anxious to some extent or another, and perhaps developing h
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