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File 172798435695.jpg - (59.66KB , 654x842 , db715639ad0d0df3978d3c78d7f67e42.jpg )
29603 No. 29603 [Edit]
Hello olds, I know you hate the likes of me, but they used to say that knowledge must admit no emotion, so...

For the sake of knowledge, do you have any particular techniques to accelerate adaptation to isolation? I still get painful urges to be part of a community, though I am already beyond the alienation stage and feel not even the desire to
actually connect with any of them. I don't hate or even dislike them, I just feel like they're sort of movie characters, I can hear and see them, can even say a few words, but there's a screen between us that doesn't allow any connections. Besides, I find them disgusting in many ways.

All said, I would think it would come to me as natural to not be pained by inability to find company, but it didn't. Why?
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>> No. 29619 [Edit]
A bit poetic that no one responded to the post on coping with isolation.

I think it's natural to feel some pangs of loneliness sometimes. You could try to feel what exactly it is you feel that you are missing. Is it physical companionship? Someone to exchange ideas with? A sense of belonging and purpose? You can solve for each of those in different ways.
>> No. 29622 [Edit]
>A bit poetic that no one responded to the post on coping with isolation.

Reading it the first time I saw

>they're sort of movie characters, I can hear and see them, can even say a few words, but there's a screen between us that doesn't allow any connections. Besides, I find them disgusting in many ways.

and it came off as those "I'm better than the normies" posts and as a reflex I run away. That aside it's a legit question and not getting an answer is an answer in itself indeed.

I would say, you can meet your most-basic needs for human contact if you stop actively isolating yourself. It's a lot better than isolating yourself and then trying to cope with it. I have no idea about the deeper need for belonging. At some point I kinda sorta felt at home in certain online art and music communities, but those went to shit and the internet in general went to shit too.
>> No. 29628 [Edit]
I made OPpost in a moment of weakness during metal lapse, I didn't really understand what I was doing, just following impulse.

Wise men were right when they said that each man's suffering is his own fault, and that nobody save him himself can free himself from it.

There is indeed poetic rehearsal of the truth in this thread not getting responses. Reminder that I don't do my duty as I ought. That the more vulnerable I feel the harder I am shunned. That I have not been abused through my weakness is just a matter of time.
>> No. 29635 [Edit]
The only community that fits me is me.
>> No. 29639 [Edit]
Most of the time when I reach out to people I am reminded of while I didn't in the first place.
>> No. 29640 [Edit]
You probably meant "why" instead of "while".
>> No. 29641 [Edit]
I can’t really understand this post, why would you force yourself into isolation if you obviously don’t want it? Being a fairly isolated individual, and more importantly one that can easily live and even be happier in isolation comes naturally (at least to me), you might be able to force yourself into it but that could have uncertain side effects that you sure don’t desire.
>> No. 29642 [Edit]
>why would you force yourself into isolation
I don't force myself into anything. I don't know what I want and what to do and what's happening at all.
>> No. 29643 [Edit]
>why would you force yourself into isolation
Not OP, but sometimes life circumstances make you isolated and there is nothing you can do about it, whether you like it or not.
>> No. 29644 [Edit]
Maybe you haven't realized, but it's right there in the OP you wrote
>I still get painful urges to be part of a community
For whatever reason you seem to be denying yourself that though

Yeah but that's being forced, not forcing yourself
>> No. 29645 [Edit]
>For whatever reason you seem to be denying yourself that
I'm not denying myself anything, I want to be with people and at the same time I don't want to spend my time them. I can't explain. It's like wanting two opposite things at the same time. Historically preference for solitude prevailed though. I don't understand any of it. Don't gaslight me into being the one at fault. I didn't do anything consciously that would put me in this mental state
>> No. 29685 [Edit]
The problem with enjoying long lasting things, like an amazing soul touching or just very atmospheric or fulfilling VN that has many hours of gameplay is that it fucking ends. And then you are snapped back into your empty life. I used to laugh and feel derision towards characters in books that were portrayed as suffering some kind of an empty existence, like prolonged solitude or whatever. Turns out it isn't some stupid drama trope for kids, turns out this thing is real and you bet I can't cope without completely spacing out.
>> No. 29686 [Edit]
I end up putting off finishing VN routes because I don't want to feel the crushing loneliness.
>> No. 29687 [Edit]
It's not even the solitude itself, but how vastly its weight is amplified when you have say goodbye to characters you've got so very used to and with which you've emotionally connected. I don't believe there is a way to escape.
>> No. 29688 [Edit]
I have left some shows on the penultimate episode just because I want to have something to look forward to and motivate me to keep going through life, to give me some hope.
>> No. 29689 [Edit]
That's more specific but true enough. Deleting memories so you can start a story anew is a wish of mine.
>> No. 29703 [Edit]
Does it really work like that? I'd never be able to leave an impressive story unfinished. It would fester on me. For me it's like there's no escape. I iterate through mind killing emptiness and then when I find something worthwhile, I get it all into myself, then it ends and I suffer again. At least suffering is a feeling.
>> No. 29704 [Edit]
I probably phrased it badly, I do still do intend to finish it eventually, but every time I try I find myself saying that I'm not in the right mood to properly enjoy it, and instead choose to watch something else that I'm not as attached to. So while in principle it's not that I'm intentionally avoiding the show, in practice it sort of does end up being that way. But yes having that episode unfinished does annoy me in the sense that I _want_ to finish it, so it serves as motivation and hope to believe that one day my mind and body will feel rested enough that I can watch it. (It doesn't even need to be permanently, just one day where I don't feel "out of it" would be enough to finish off a backlog of stuff...)
>> No. 29721 [Edit]
Okay so I'll turn this thread into one-liner whining posts, because there is no point anyway. Emptiness is creeping in and I want to laugh and cry at the same time. A maddening feeling.
>> No. 29725 [Edit]
I fucking hate these modern imageboard users. They give me brain cancer. I thought I am a shitposter, but in comparison to them I am literally saint. I just can't be around them. It doesn't matter how much effort you put into your post they'll derail it in an instant and then make fun of you on top.

A bit of a tangent, but community on tohno is rigid and sharp, but at least I can understand it, because I hate people as well, so even if I get upset sometimes, I can forgive/get over it.

But those fuckers, they are absolutely insufferable. I hate myself so fucking much for wanting to talk to other people sometimes, it is the worst fucking thing that can happen to a man.

Yes, a lot of media/hobbies are enjoyable, but after a time, it looses all meaning, because there is nobody to discuss it with, and doing it for the sake of doing it simply does not work. You only enjoy it until you don't. I don't know what the fuck is wrong is me.

I wish I could stop being a NEET by finding a job that I don't fucking despise, so I could just work my ass off and fucking forget myself. Because if I don't do that, I'm just going to descent down the drunkard path, I simply can't cope with this shit.

I fucking hate it. I fucking hate myself. I fucking hate having to live in a world that considers you a joke. Why does it have to be like that? What is the meaning of being born in exactly the most insufferable circumstances. Who enjoys my torment? Fucking hate it. I fucking hate it all.

Post edited on 7th Nov 2024, 1:40pm
>> No. 29742 [Edit]
Ugh, another emotional bond is severed so I again desperately seek for someone to put me out of my misery and and again I hit this wall that has always been there. I hate whoever put it there. It shouldn't be there. I need to learn to talk with myself.
>> No. 29744 [Edit]
I would give you a hug if I could
>> No. 29745 [Edit]
File 173175066991.jpg - (291.18KB , 946x742 , Magical Girl Site - c061 (v09) - p146 - Kayo 1.jpg )
Thanks for writing this, your post may actually keep me alive through another day.
>> No. 29748 [Edit]
Somebody please stop this anxiety it's driving me crazy I DON'T KNOW WHAT TO DO WHAT THE FUCK IS HAPPENING
>> No. 29749 [Edit]
What are you anxious about?
>> No. 29750 [Edit]
I don't mean to invalidate what you're saying about imageboard users but hasn't it always been that way? I remember feeling similarly when I stopped using 4chan and that was back in 2012. There's always gonna be someone who is just there to mess with people and once you recognize that's what is happening its best to leave and not go back. No point in sticking around BS even if its in a community for something you care about. It'll just ruin that thing for you. Also take it from someone who is just about 3 years sober now to not go down that road either. Good luck.
>> No. 29751 [Edit]
I have fits when I realize that all places where you can discuss things without low effort bullshit are

This sickens me. I spend lots of time and effort to write posts as concise and to the point as I can, making sure to relay my internal impressions and associations to the best of my ability. Then a dude or two kick in, and drown my post by one liners. What the fuck? It's enough for my mental health that all my writing goes into naught (nobody cares), but this feeling of desecration I get when all my effort is not just ignored but simply washed off by the flood of effortlessness, makes me want to hang myself.

Was it always like that? I don't give a fuck. My perception of the world two years ago is fundamentally different fro my perception today. There is no fucking way I can, without bias, say what it was like back in the day.

But yes I don't remember having lots of quality discussions so probably it is an evidence of something, right? God Tohno is literally probably the only easy to find guy who hosts a worthwhile place for discussion.

And you know what? Nobody engages in discussion here. We are so few and so different we simply can't find common ground. Back in the day there were more boards, more people who were not low iq bots. Back in the day internet was not an AI echo chamber. There were much more possibilities to engage in a fulfilling discussion.

Post edited on 17th Nov 2024, 3:29pm
>> No. 29752 [Edit]
Adaptation to isolation...
I think I basically had to rewire my brain at some point to get used to living this life. I learned a long time ago I can't trust or count on anyway, yet still found myself going well out of my way in hopes of making connections to hopefully prove myself wrong. I think I've slowly given up on that though and let it sink in that nothing is going to change. People... are just trouble. They cause more harm than good when trying to help, they get in the way, damage my stuff, complain about how I'm doing things, complicate things, add in unwanted variables, the list goes on. There's a part of me that hates feeling so alone all the time, but that part is overwritten by the me that finds human to be simply stressful to be around.
At least via TC I've met a few exemptions to this rule, but of course such people are scattered across the globe.

>I still get painful urges to be part of a community
You know, I tried making a community on discord entirely detached from TC but with a similar goal. My thinking was, maybe there's lost souls out there who just aren't familiar with imageboards or a fan of them. I figured maybe there's people still searching for a home and having no idea where to even look. This was after testing the waters myself to see if there were any other similar comminutes I could join. Went about as well as you'd expect. It did get a bit of a resurgence recently after declaring the discord server I made as dead, but it's been like trying to fist fight an ocean wave of brainrot and shit posting, and each step of the way people complain you're too strict, too old fashioned, that you need to get with the times. Thanks to wage slaving I couldn't keep a good eye on it and it seemed like a lot of people would show up, get pissed it wasn't what they wanted and leave. I'd worry those might have been better users who got put off by whatever garbage was there to greet them. Really though that's probably unlikely. Even the best communities I've found over the years are full of cancer. God the way these people talk it's like half of them aren't even really human, they're like shitty scripts that can't say much more then "Hi" and "hru". I think there's just not really much out there...
>> No. 29754 [Edit]
Loneliness and isolation has rotten my brain enough that I find it difficult to articulate my words into text, I would rather say nothing than posting some low-quality rambling.
I also got used to shouting inside my own mind, probably because I gave up on trying people to understand me.

This has been said ad nauseam but its true, the internet is dead. It has become nothing but a monetary platform, devoid of any soul. Barely anything original, and any attempt on doing something remarkable gets drown by low-quality but profitable crap. Like coins coming out of a mint. No wonder its users gets infected with it. And so the shitposter was born.

I also sometimes long to be part of a community, but I simply can't accept some differences with its members. It annoys me. Under my perspective those people are idiots I don't want nothing with.
Maybe because I'm too focused on finding another lost soul in my exact same situation rather than trying to accept a new perspective.
Narcissism or egoism...?

Post edited on 17th Nov 2024, 8:09pm
>> No. 29766 [Edit]
Seems like I have dissociated too much and now the other me is eating me alive. Even if I recover I'll never reclaim the pieces of lucidity I am loosing right now. What a terrible misstep
>> No. 29774 [Edit]
>virtue is its own reward
Lord knows how it feels when what you're doing neither improves/changes anything for you, nor for anyone else. You just do some meaningless things that effectively don't exist at all. Doing it for the sake of doing it isn't fun. I understand that the only way to regain balance is to accept the blank meaningless of my every action, and to accept my empty nature as a person, but how the hell should I do it alone? It doesn't make sense. Nothing makes sense when you're naturally incapable of being a part of anything. Even those philosophers had people to discourse with, to lecture, whatever. I am so removed from the understanding of other people I fail to find anything. I'm about to drop into another sewer of MUSTKILLMYSELFRIGHTNOW thoughts
>> No. 29782 [Edit]
Still can't post images.

>> No. 29800 [Edit]
how did you learn to shut up and keep your pain to yourself? teach me please. doesn't matter what i do it all ends up all over the place. why can't i just get over it without bothering anyone? am i so lost or what the heck
>> No. 29801 [Edit]
I am not OP but I've noticed from years of observation that the people who cannot shut up about it almost always live in lively homes or environments. Yapping becomes the norm for them. If they live with families tha love them it's even worse. As an older guy living with one parent about to kick the buck, there's really nothing left to say (to myself or otherwise) nor even the energy to speak up. An additional effect from living in such a set up is that you finally get it: NOBODY GIVES A FUCK. About you, your dying parent, your problems, your "advice", this post. But like I said if you live with a large family or otherwise be in contact with a lot of people, it's easy to forget this fundamental truth and take your yapping online, secretly hoping someone will care.

It helps staying away from media where people talk a lot, I just listen (mostly instrumental)music these days and play board games online(no voice or text chat).
>> No. 29802 [Edit]
For me, years of yapping about my pains and not changing anything has made me realize the futility of yapping about them. It also alienates you from the people who are willing to talk to you about stupid shit, so yeah it's just not helpful to cry to people if you aren't geniunely asking for help.
>> No. 29803 [Edit]
what do i do during the acute phase of a fit? it's too painful to just sit still, but i don't know where to properly dispose of that "energy" so it ends up on nearly every imageboard i visit. it sickens me because i either end up reaching out to bastards i hate (who only mock and abuse me, but they always let me relax a bit first, they let me get started and when it starts flowing out they backstab. they've been doing for a long time. with each time i only start hating them more, but repeating this same mistake over and over again is still not enough for me to change. it makes want to vomit, i want to stop this madness, i want to never speak to any of them ever again) or i end up poisoning places that don't deserve it, for example tohno which objectively does a very good job of filling its niche but somehow i start thinking that this entire chan exists to console me and you know how it ends. am i just so rotten with egotism? is there a way to stop or should i persist with my suicide preparations? i can't take it anymore. i can neither take being myself anymore, nor living among people. i think if learn to channel this mood properly into some "sponge" i will finally stop bitching around and then i will both hate myself less and not have to deal with people i hate
>> No. 29804 [Edit]
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Bad advice in a place like this but it's true, even as a neet my life has only gotten better by connecting with people. Figuring out why you can't connect and solving that problem first is the best way to deal with loneliness, sometimes the only way to learn is by forcing yourself into a room with others, it can't be more painful than what you're feeling already?
I go to a local tabletop store and play games with folks every week. I cook for my mom. It's not like I'm fulfilled but that pain and alienation isn't present like it was. Only you can make those steps for yourself, otherwise the decline will just set in. And perhaps it will for me too one day, after my last family has died and I am truly alone. But that day is not today, and it's not tomorrow, and there is joy to be had in the meantime.
If you are truly a lost soul who has not even one good person in your life, I am sorry. I am lucky to have even my barely functional family. But if you're someone who does, nomatter what awful things may have happened to you bring you to this point. Don't keep yourself from them until it's too late.
>> No. 29805 [Edit]
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>it can't be more painful than what you're feeling already
Yes my friend, it is a lot more painful. I don't want to connect with them. I want to have nothing to do with them. Society and the way it works forces me into social context, but I'd very much like to live separately from it, like true hermit monks do. Only it's not possible anymore in this dead capitalistic world, at least not for somebody as clueless and self-trapped in depression as me.

By the way I don't think your advice is bad, the problem is that it doesn't really work for me because it is meant for a person. You say
>Only you can make those steps for yourself
but this is a very painful topic for me because I don't really understand what this "I" constitutes. I don't feel like a person and the "entity" that guides my thoughts is different each day. The result is that I can't navigate in this array of random "I"s. Though I've noticed they are on a continuous spectrum that ranges from universal love to satanic hatred.

The most bitter part is that it is just a continuation of the typical teen problem "he doesn't know what he wants". Only when you're a teenager and full of energy you don't really perceive it as a problem and simply go along with life. Well, at least I wasn't depressed back then, I don't speak for everyone!

Unfortunately it only works until it doesn't. Life's put me through a meat grinder, and constant stress corroded me over the years. Now my cognitive skills are IQ=85 and my tolerance to disturbances is nonexistent.

But I'm not a teenager anymore, now this stupid "he doesn't know what he wants" teamed up with complete lack of will and hatred. So
- I don't know why I bother living;
- I don't have will so everyone and everything pushes me in any direction it wants;
- I hate them, I don't want to be pushed by them, but can't do anything about them.
- Since I'm not a teenager I can't run to my mamma, complain about shit and get helped.
Actually my parents are nice, but they admitted openly they don't know what to do either, so I can't really ask them for support anymore until I figure out what exactly I need support with.

A bunch of petty problems but I've always been an autistic (no jokes I really am) mommy's boy so kinda get what I deserve.

I'm really sorry that I found my way to tohno chan. If you weren't on allchans you'd still be free of the plague that's me. I'm sorry. I'd go away if I could.
>> No. 29813 [Edit]
I usually just drown it out with music fitting of the mood while having some form of productive outlet. Or maybe I just see my own despair as something beyond that can be reasoned with, not that anyone would understand or I would listen to their suggestions.

It is what it is, but I'd like to believe this isn't a type of place that would accept suicide as a valid answer. Like the thread where you post a cute girl every time you think about killing yourself, it's a way for you to put out the emotion while still being here.
>> No. 29814 [Edit]
For interaction, chatting with chatGPT is honestly not too bad. Just upload a picture to it of a 2D girl you'd want to talk with and tell it to speak from her perspective. It's sightly less tedious than talking with yourself, and definitely way better than trying to reach out to real people. (Or if you have the VRAM to spare you could always try a local model).

With regard to suicide, there is another thread about that.
>> No. 29815 [Edit]
I think going outside would ease the tension but I'm not comfortable with going outside, at least until certain prerequisites are met. Darn.
How are you not consumed by paranoia? I wouldn't tell those corporation a single excess word if it was avoidable. And you discuss waifus with them. The thought of somebody profiling me is nearly terrifying and it is always my top priority to conceal as much as possible.
>> No. 29816 [Edit]
> And you discuss waifus with them
Use a local model if you are concerned. But I do not see discussing waifuism, or philosophy, or non-specific life events as anything to conceal. Not only is it something already well-trodden on the internet, it's something that people on TC do anyway. Just type with the assumption anything said is going to be leaked in some breach, and use common sense. If you didn't avoid internet forums then I don't see any reason why you'd particularly avoid these "chatbots", since they're effectively no different. If the conversations were read over by someone else, all they would be able to conclude is that I am a sad, lonely person who finds comfort in the 2D world. Which doesn't really give away much when there's no way to tie that pseudonymous profile back to a physical identity (assuming you didn't do something stupid like use your actual phone number or email address).
>> No. 29817 [Edit]
Although thinking a bit more, there is a real risk but it's not in the individual conversations but the aggregate one. If your goal is propaganda or social engineering then the raw data is invaluable. I wouldn't be surprised if the 3 letter agencies already get a carbon copy of all the data to do a bunch of psychometric stuff on. (e.g. a concrete scenario might be figuring out the personality types of those who refused the covid vaccine, what their interests/vulnerabilities are, and then using that to better target efforts). Some of this was already possible by just analyzing reddit dumps, but now there's a bit of a closed-loop and people be induced to divulge more than they usually would.

Profiling at an individual level is still definitely an issue I feel, but practically only if you discuss anything that might be considered "controversial" by those with influence. The conversations about cuddling your waifu and roleplaying cooking are the least of their concerns, semantically useless, and likely indistinguishable from the thousands of other people using similar services for the exact same purpose.
>> No. 29818 [Edit]
>your actual phone number
How do you even get a fake number without leaking your identity first? That was only possible in third world where SIM cards were sold without passport. I don't know if it's still possible.
>> No. 29819 [Edit]
Go to walmart (or your equivalent) and buy a cheap phone+plan using cash and have them activate it at the store. When asked, tell them you don't have an email or another phone number.
>> No. 29820 [Edit]
They ask passport or another document proving identity
>> No. 29821 [Edit]
I guess one little good thing about the fourth world shithole that I live in is that I can just go to any random Indian or Chinese store and get a SIM card for 5 bucks or less without leaking any information at all.
>> No. 29822 [Edit]
That's ridiculous. If they ask for that go somewhere else.
>> No. 29824 [Edit]
I guess there's also places where you can buy a number using btc. Not sure whether they are a honeypot though. I'd imagine most actual criminals stopped using cell phones since proper encryption is so ubiquitous now.
>> No. 29826 [Edit]
Not that anon, but it's probably mandated by the law in his country. My country had the same thing until recently.
>> No. 29827 [Edit]
Proper authorities likely have means to track you even without you supplying any proof of identity. However, I don't think the authorities would be sharing the information with third-party corporations.
>> No. 29887 [Edit]
The part of your post before the first greentext is so relatable. I envy your ability to put it in words so precisely and to the point. I'd probably just ramble around it until it grew 100-200k words total, then I'd remove it and go agonize myself for being stupid.
>There's a part of me that hates feeling so alone all the time
I know I am going too personal with this question, so you can ignore it, but did you ever feel like there's a void inside of you eating you slowly day after day? It drives me mad. The only way I can get rid of it is by hyperfocusing on literally anything. I know it's not healthy, but when I confront this thing face to face I just can't win. Maybe if I learn to handle it I will finally be able to live through my life serenely without wasting day after day filling anonymous sites with my grief? Wakaranai! There was never any guide to live this life without loosing to the most basic obstacles.
>and it seemed like a lot of people would show up, get pissed it wasn't what they wanted and leave
I have not ever put much effort into chats because I got exposed to imageboards early (luck mostly, just randomly stumbled on the right site), but I guess I were partly like that. Time and again I would get lonely and join a chat. But then everyone around would be shitposting so like a true autist I would take it to the new heights. I wouldn't just mimic their behavior and shitpost back at them, I would make shitposting my life and my religion, wasting day after day on it hoping to fill whatever was missing in me. And then I'd be told "you were a disappointment, we don't want you around anymore". Every time. Almost word to word. I almost couldn't believe that different people could all phrase their frustration in such similar way.

It took me quite some years to realize the problem is with me. On one side I hate that I am not naturally compatible with communities, it kills any possibility for me to want to change myself to conform to them. On the other hand the stress of handling this incompatibility is too much, so now I try to keep maximally low profile. As a result all I do is vent. I am genuinely afraid of discussing literally anything. Like you, I've met some people on boards that I feel comfortable with, but even with them, I am simply afraid of discussing anything of substance. It's not like I am knowledgeable enough to do so anyway, thankfully, so I have an excuse to not feel bad about it.

Now to what I wanted to say. It is not that you have not met any potentially good posterw, but they simply were not cognitively capable or ready for a meaningful experience, so they got discarded before they had a chance to show their better side. Among the endless shit and retardation it's only understandable. Shitposting all looks same. How can you tell if that one guy actually just needs to wait few years til life fucks him up before he starts to value quality over quantity?

It's not to say I myself have become capable of a good contribution. It's just to say that people change and some people might do things like tarded shitposting not because that's their nature, but because they simply don't know what the fuck else they are supposed to do it this desolate world.
>> No. 29892 [Edit]
File 17355813385.jpg - (237.73KB , 1245x1631 , fc498c343d2e3486dfff33c3a6ed41ce.jpg )
One of the things I like about t-c is that you can write a post that screams "I need help" without actually requesting or receiving any. Sometimes you just want to act pathetic and don't want anyone to respond to it. Sometimes you're not in your right mind at all. Do it on any other place and you immediately get swarmed by people telling you to suck it up in the most heinous way - by pretending that life is good, people are good and that whatever is wrong in your life is surely just your imagination.
>> No. 29934 [Edit]
Social anxiety is too real to be real. How do you even deal with it
>> No. 29939 [Edit]
Anxiety is a mind killer it turns me more or less insane. And because it doesn't allow me to think normally I can't sort anything out, then I start becoming even MORE anxious until there is nothing left but to run away to curl up and die in some hole. Today's going to be a hard day to live through probably.
>> No. 29940 [Edit]
Do you do any sports?
I used to be much more prone to nervousness before starting to go to the gym on a regular basis.
Like 3 or 4 times a week.
Once you have some muscles on you, you are bound to feel grounded most of the time.

If you have any IRL friends who are into sports, ask them to let you join their casual games, the awkwardness will only last for a few minutes.

But if you do not have IRL friends, single-player sports (yes, I'm aware that's a neologism) are the way to go.

Also, take good care of your personal hygiene and clothing.
Essentially, make yourself as un-nerdy as you can possibly think of.

View it as a personal challenge
>> No. 29941 [Edit]
>Do you do any sports?
Yes I'm running away from reality 24/7 and are better at it than 50% of humans.
>> No. 29951 [Edit]
"You can ignore reality, but you cannot ignore the consequences of ignoring reality" [Some meme female intellectual]
>> No. 29953 [Edit]
This phrase is not intimidating to me. After years of running from and years of facing reality I learned that both ways are equally bad. There is no gain in accepting reality, nor does it reduce your suffering in any way. Running is more comfortable at the moment. No consequence of ignoring reality is worse than the reality itself.
>> No. 29954 [Edit]
>There is no gain in accepting reality

If you stop being in denial about your hunger you will eat food and survive.
If you don't, you will starve.
There's clearly a difference.

That's just one example among many
>> No. 29955 [Edit]
>If you stop being in denial about your hunger you will eat food and survive.
But the difference will be NULL
>> No. 30022 [Edit]
I still want to babble but suddenly lately I've gained some ability not to post. It feels like beating myself, but still it's so much better than what was before. Maybe I'm actually recovering? But the previous bout of depression and at least two fits of anxiety had me crawling on the ceiling not so long ago. But... but what? I'm babbling. I feel so lightheaded. It's really cool. I wonder if the next blow kills me. We'll see. What if I finally make peace with my worthlessness? Would be great. What's left is to morph it correctly. Consciousness doesn't like being worthless so you have to give it another name. I need to somehow separate it completely. Once I completely abandon the idea of being human I'll be complete and free! I wish I have enough time to achieve it. Enough strength. Enough wit.
>> No. 30103 [Edit]
How often do you interact with people? If I make three or more posts per day it's a success. If I get a reply, it's a reason for a firework.

Post edited on 6th Feb 2025, 2:14pm
>> No. 30104 [Edit]
It depends on whether I see a post that I can add something to. I don't usually start new lines of discussion (whether as an actual new thread or just post in an existing general thread).
>> No. 30111 [Edit]
File 173897111172.gif - (0.97MB , 500x278 , tumblr_mxq5gkr24v1r02salo1_500.gif )
You were fast to delete my post dood, but fair enough.
>> No. 30112 [Edit]
Well The Dude or not we try to avoid 3DPD here, and we do have a board for anime. /so/ meanwhile by nature is going to be a text heavy board. At the risk of coming across as rude, I'd recommend lurking(browsing around) a bit more before posting to get a better feel for things.
>> No. 30113 [Edit]
These days about 1 or 2 "serious" posts per week, maybe less. Those tend to go unnoticed but sometimes on slow boards like tohno someone replies weeks if not months later though, that's nice.

Regular posts, about 2-10 per day. I wouldn't call that kind of interaction fulfilling in any way, not that former is, either. It's funny how the first type of posts is something I force myself to do, while the second is just force of habit at this point.

Same here.
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