No. 27491
After all these years of struggle and wasted time and life, I now realize, that I honestly don't give a damn about my family. they tried to figure big in my life, and early on I was suckered into it, but now I know to interact with them purely as a transaction, to get something out of them in exchange for whatever it is they want. the last exception I'll make is for my grandfather, who is close to death.
Not that I'm angry about it anymore, but it was foolish of me to ask a girl out when I was 11. I suppose it taught me the lesson, once rejected immediately after, that a 3d girl simply doesn't exist on the same plane as me, but it would have been better to learn this in a way that did not make a fool of me.
I think what I really want to do in the rest of my life, is pursue my own pleasure, no matter what, and not be tricked ever again by the ideas of morality, meaning, family or earthly love.