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File 163349061921.jpg - (279.47KB , 1000x1499 , 140cm-akane-maid.jpg )
26783 No. 26783 [Edit]
Do you have a sex doll, or have you thought about getting one?
Or maybe a non-sexual, but still life~sized doll?

Does cuddling with them or just having them around help dispel loneliness?
Is it more satisfying to have "sex" with the doll than just masturbating with your hands?

I always thought they're really creepy, but now there are some anime-inspired ones that basically look like oversized figurines.

The only thing holding me back from buying one right now is that I imagine it must be a lot of work to clean them.
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>> No. 27537 [Edit]
What about staining from the cloths?
>> No. 27538 [Edit]
It'd be great if you could somehow remove the outermost cloth layer on the face for washing, since that's the only part that's not covered. Maybe the seam could be halfway down in the torso or something to make it invisible. Or I still maintain that having this same design with a silicone mold would be the best of both worlds, but maybe there's some technical reason why that's infeasible.
>> No. 27539 [Edit]
you don't see it because of the clothes on top of it
>> No. 27548 [Edit]
The nose(or lack there of) looks weird, but god damn I still want one bad.
>> No. 27847 [Edit]
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>> No. 28308 [Edit]
I'm I would be in trouble with the customs if ever try buy it.
>> No. 28309 [Edit]
what country are you from?
>> No. 28314 [Edit]
Some third world hellhole from South America.
I rather not say which country since I suffer extreme prejudice around the internet because I was unlucky enough of born in a country where people are extroverted, noisy and with zero sense of personal space.
>> No. 28362 [Edit]
Brazil mentioned.
>> No. 28398 [Edit]
File 169198510387.png - (633.14KB , 1024x540 , My-Robot-Doll-Aotume-Doll-Body-D.png )
I've been thinking of going for it and buying one, and after thinking it over a lot and for a long time I thought I finally figured out which one I wanted to get. I was going to go with a Silicone 145B, but then I read on one site that these dolls have inhuman proportions and need custom made clothing??
I primarily want one as a dressup fashion doll, so hearing this is very concerning. Is there any truth to this? Are they unrealistic because it's a hard to achieve figure, or is it actually impossible? Do these measurements look wrong for a human?
>> No. 28420 [Edit]
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After trying to do a little research, I found that the proportions for the anime style life size dolls I was considering getting are kinda screwy. I like the style of Aotume dolls, but according to the numbers even their 155cm doll has proportions that make it smaller than even the smallest size for most women's clothing. I wouldn't want all the cloths I get it to look baggy and oversized. Alternatively there's getting custom made cloths, but while that might be an option for cosplay outfits it wouldn't really work for more normal looking clothing. I don't know why they don't have an option for a more average/standard body type. Even by Asian standards the sizes are small. I don't get how their smallest dolls and their biggest dolls have the same foot size, or how a C cup can have a 66cm bust and then a XXS size dress would have a bust of 77cm.
I've heard women have a lot of trouble making sense of sizes and finding cloths that fit, I wonder if this is but a taste of that.

I thought there might be an opportunity with a smaller doll for cute outfits but when looking up clothing that might fit a a doll like that, the whole thing felt creepy and made me uncomfortable. this was for a 130cm. I wouldn't even consider going bellow 100cm anyway, might be easier to move around and pack up but for me that's a big nope.
>> No. 28449 [Edit]
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Aotume look really nice, and I'm so tempted to get one, but I can't get over the proportions being so weird. normal cloths just won't fit them it seems.
I guess they do this so it looks more in line with an anime character?
Just look how big and baggy these cloths are.
>> No. 28450 [Edit]
I'm also interested in getting one. From what I can tell, you can put the head on another body, if you don't like the ones they have. I don't know for certain though, as I don't have any experience with this myself.
I think a big thing is, they're pretty small going by listed measurements.
>> No. 28451 [Edit]
Different heads from the same maker seem to be perfectly interchangeable, but from one brand to another I can't say for sure. From what I can tell, I 'think' most of not all major brands use the same size connectors for heads, but I could be wrong. You'd need to keep different skin tones in mind anyway, they might not match.
I've considered the idea of getting a 2D style head to match with a body that might have more realistic proportions, which would need to be from different brands because it seems like the brands that do 2D heads also do funky body types. But trying to use parts from different brands together might not match well.

Like you said, I don't get why they're all so small. Even the ones with D cups that are meant to be fully grown adults don't tend to be over 155 cm.
These dolls all look bigger than they really are. It's like you'd need to buy kids cloths even for the 'adult' dolls, but would those even fit with the proportions that they have? Kids cloths wouldn't be made with huge chests in mind right? The whole thing seems weird.
I don't know if I want to take a random chance and drop $3000 to find out.
Then again, looking at this, seems like buyers aren't having much trouble.

Post edited on 22nd Sep 2023, 1:39am
>> No. 28678 [Edit]
There's this Facebook page that does cloth anime dolls, and I enjoy seeing what they have pop up. I just feel like they're too impractical and not really in the realm of possibility for me. Sometimes I look up anime robots. I also found a gal on Reddit who does 3D printed BJDs. I'm not interested in sex dolls though I wanted to buy an anime sex doll head once just because.
>> No. 29361 [Edit]
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moshi moshi
>> No. 29372 [Edit]
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I absolutely adore dolls, but never owned one. It kinda feels lilke a point of no return for someone who always struggled with people. I just know it would alleviate my loneliness, but I would also treat her like a real being. That can't be healthy in the long run.

Some of the cool pages I follow: <- my favorite brand <- second favorite <- big titty girl and her aotume dolls

life sized doll fool your lizard brain
>> No. 29592 [Edit]

I stumbled across a channel that does reviews and stuff of Aotume dolls.
Most of these dolls look terrible, particularly the ones with silly expressions or opened mouths.
>> No. 29593 [Edit]
Hm something about the relative proportions on the face seems wrong. I still think the cloth dolls further upthread look the best, I wish they were available in a silicone version.
>> No. 29728 [Edit]
File 173138955872.jpg - (153.26KB , 750x1125 , 001_46gu.jpg )
Saw this one and decided to go forward with buying one. I remembered seeing someone here was able to get a custom doll, so I messaged a seller asking if it wouldn't be possible to make a few changes so the proportions would be a little more realistic (for normal cloths). To no surprise they gave me a big nope and told me to just buy kids cloths for the thing. This is with the 155 version, the largest one Aotume makes.

Is it really so weird to want an anime style doll I can dress up in standard sized outfits without them looking five sizes too large?
>> No. 29729 [Edit]
That looks lovely
>> No. 29730 [Edit]
Product page if you're interested.
>> No. 29731 [Edit]
File 173142390120.jpg - (279.45KB , 750x1000 , IMG_20220526_142544.jpg )
I also bought one recently, maybe a week or two ago. I got their Patchouli doll, though I heavily considered the incredibly smug Remilia. The Patche looks really nice and cute in the images however. I'm super excited for it. I told my mom about it too, just to get it out of the way. She says it sounds neat and she wants to see it when it gets here.
I thought about the small body issue as well. I believe the heads have a fairly standard neck fastener, though I'm far from an expert. You might be able to find a bigger body that'd fit if you have the money. Thankfully, the company I ordered through has the option to add a tailored costume with the doll, so she'll have that at least.

Product page here:
>> No. 29732 [Edit]
>You might be able to find a bigger body that'd fit
Yeah now I'm thinking of maybe trying to get an aotume head with the body from some other brand.
I've seen the option for custom made cloths but I don't like the idea of doing that for all the cloths I'd get (which would be a lot).
another thing I'm being told from talks with a sales rep is that these can't stand for long, even with the bolted feet option, and even with that there's a chance the skin will rip with time around the holes they make? I thought it'd be nice to display one like a large figure, but I guess you pretty much have to constantly keep them in a sitting or laying position?
>> No. 29733 [Edit]
>another thing I'm being told from talks with a sales rep is that these can't stand for long
I hear that too from the bit of research I've done. Thankfully, I don't expect mine to stand much if ever, but they make stands and the like for dolls so that the feet and legs don't actually have to support the weight. I don't know the details and they might be ugly and expensive, but they exist.
>> No. 29737 [Edit]
>I told my mom about it
I'm impressed that your mother is cool with it. Mine is still delusional about me having kids in the future.
>> No. 29738 [Edit]
Not that tohno, but mine still keeps telling me to ganbarimasu and find a 3DPD. It sounds so silly I barely keep from laughing. I imagine she would be mind wrecked if she were allowed to experience just how much disgust and hate I feel towards other people. How can I fucking want to find a fiancee when whenever I imagine what interaction with real world girls is like, I want to puke? I am a freak of nature, divergent and unsuitable for what life requires of me. Yeah delusional parents are a pain especially when you're retarded and have to live with them.
>> No. 29739 [Edit]
I didn't expect it really, but I also didn't want to jump through hoops to hide it. Then again, I'm pretty open about most of my interests. There is some stuff I'm still not going to bring up though.
I feel very lucky that my family isn't made up of otakuphobes.
>Mine is still delusional about me having kids in the future.
It has only really come up once when she was really drunk, where she accused me of hating women. I responded with something along the lines of "I guess?". This isn't really true. My issue lies with personal relationships in general, even if it's just being buddies with some other dude. I don't care what she thinks, as long as she isn't expecting something that isn't going to happen.
>> No. 29753 [Edit]
>I also didn't want to jump through hoops to hide it.
That's what I'd be doing, and it's the only reason I haven't bought one yet (though I did do the checkout and almost hit the buy button).
I'm not sure if I care as much anymore though. It'll be a decade or more till I'm free from her and I don't want to wait that long.
>> No. 29775 [Edit]
That sounds gay. One of the main reasons why I stay away from 3DPD is that they were fucked by dozens of other men before. Why is that suddenly acceptable if it's a doll?
>> No. 29776 [Edit]
A doll won't make you take it out on a half dozen dates first just for a chance to touch it.
>> No. 29777 [Edit]
That's the same as an argument for prostitutes.
That still doesn't make the idea of putting my dick in a hole that had thousands of other dicks and cum before appealing in the least.
>> No. 29778 [Edit]
I don't find the idea appealing either, and I imagine the anon who made the comment was kidding, but I could potentially see it working with inserts that you buy and keep with you.
>> No. 29787 [Edit]
Same... I want an Aotume loli doll but it's legal trouble to have one. It's technically not illegal but I know how things work in this thirdie shithole.... DA would file a bullshit charge based on the Children Act that I'd have to appeal because it's not a child but since there's no concept of personal freedom in this shithole (if normalfags find something yucky they want it banned) the court will take in consideration the average person's (low iq violent people) view on the subject and come to the conclusion that it should be considered illegal, and then I'd get indicted and possibly get sent to prison where I'd be beaten up by (low iq violent) criminals...
I hate the shithole I live in, I hate case law, I just wanted a doll of my waifu...
>> No. 29788 [Edit]
How about getting it sent to a fake name so if there is a problem you can simply say that's not you?
>> No. 29789 [Edit]
Considering how expensive those dolls are, it's probably too much of a risk to buy them under a false name. Suppose they deliver it to your local packet station instead to your house, which can happen, then you will probably never get your very expensive doll, because you simply can't prove it's for you.
>> No. 29790 [Edit]
Wouldn't that be better than getting arrested? If they take it to the local station and ask for some ID to pick it up, that could very well be a trap couldn't it?
>> No. 29853 [Edit]
My doll is supposed to come today. I'll take some photos and play with it a bit tomorrow or tomorrow night, since I have some time off work then.
Got a lot of the recommended supplies. Still need to find her a good place to sit, but I'll figure it out.
Super excited for it.
>> No. 29854 [Edit]
What kind of supplies?
>> No. 29855 [Edit]
Cushions, dresses and a lot of jewelry!
>> No. 29857 [Edit]
She came a day late, but she's here. She is super heavy, wow. The joints are also really stiff, though I suppose they'd have to be. Body's squishy as you might expect, though it's a bit smaller than I thought. I haven't really sorted her out much yet, just a once over. I'll do more tonight when I'm not exhausted from a long shift at work...
Primarily starch, a brush, and an aquarium pump.
>> No. 29863 [Edit]
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Played with Patche today. I quite like her.
To answer the questions in the OP...
>Does cuddling with them or just having them around help dispel loneliness?
It's pretty nice. The weight and shape is comforting to hug and hold on your lap.
>Is it more satisfying to have "sex" with the doll than just masturbating with your hands?
It was a very different experience from masturbating with my hand. Masturbating is a chore. Rub one out, sigh, clean off, and done. Sex with the doll? I had multiple orgasms and had the added satisfaction that strenuous physical activity provides. It was great. Not so great however? The need to clean afterward. I suppose it was difficult because I did a whole body clean, since she was still smelling funky from the factory and a little grubby on the outside.

She was fun to get all set up. Now she's got her clothes on and is relaxing. The wig was a pain in the ass, since it's all tangled and has knots in it. Still doesn't look good, but I'll live. Might look for a different wig. The joints are real stiff which makes the posing feel a bit scary. It's probably totally fine, but the tpe feels really fragile against the metal skeleton, especially with the necessary forces being applied. She should loosen up with time.
I got the foot bolts so she can stand up, but I sort of regret it. I don't expect to have her standing anytime soon.

It was pricy, but I don't regret the purchase.
>> No. 29865 [Edit]
>I got the foot bolts so she can stand up, but I sort of regret it. I don't expect to have her standing anytime soon.
I know it would leave holes, but can't you remove the bolts?
>> No. 29866 [Edit]
I didn't even think of it... I probably could. It's not a big issue though. The only issue I've had with it is that it made some rather unpleasant sounds on the bathtub. I might be able to find some sort of hard rubber caps for them too.
As for actual destruction though, I knocked a glass on the bathroom floor with her leg. Completely forgot about it until now. An issue for tomorrow's me.
>> No. 29867 [Edit]
She looks beautiful. I hope you two will have comforting times together.

>and had the added satisfaction
I suspect since it's a more immersive experience there's also an emotional component in addition to purely physical. The need to clean is really annoying though, I'd sort of just want to cuddle instead of having to wash things out. I wonder if anyone has experimented with some sort of disposable inserts.
>> No. 29868 [Edit]
>disposable inserts.
These dolls actually come with an option to have 'that' area with a cavity designed for inserts.

Congrats anon! I was told mine should arrive in January. It's not too heavy is it?
>> No. 29869 [Edit]
It's pretty heavy, mine is about 50lbs. Manageable, but heavy. Very cumbersome though, with the large size and weird shape. I'm sure it'll be easier for others though, as I'm rather short and not especially strong.
>> No. 29880 [Edit]
I feel like getting an onahip or using an onahole would still be the best way to masturbate. Dolls are nice, but as you said they seems far to unwieldy to clean properly. From what I've read you typically gotta lug it to a shower or bath and try and clean it out and then put the aquarium pump in to dry it out, which can pose problems in itself.
A removeable insert, where you can put your own onaholes in would probably be the best solution in my opinion, but they aren't offered by every company.
A doll does seem to be probably the one thing better than a daki when it comes to cuddling though, and the closest you can get to a "replacement" for a sleeping partner. I'd really like to get a doll one day and I think I would primarily use her for cuddling and having something to hold onto while sleeping that isn't a pillow that is more "human shaped" and of a human weight.
Anyways, it seems like you have gotten a good doll, and hopefully you don't encounter any issues with her. What brand did you get? Going based off the face, it seems to be an aotume doll.
>I got the foot bolts so she can stand up, but I sort of regret it. I don't expect to have her standing anytime soon.
Honestly I think getting the foot bolts is always a good idea if you have plans on her ever standing up, because otherwise the material around her feet will get shredded by the skeleton and pretty much ruin her soles. Having soft feet is only useful if you never plan on standing her up and using her solely for sex on a bed or something or purely for a sleeping aid on a bed. Otherwise you will need to pick her up and carry her around and lie her down on her back or stomach if you don't have the foot bolts, since the feet will become damaged very quickly otherwise. At least from the research I have done.
>> No. 29882 [Edit]
Wrote a reply yesterday and managed to lose it before sending...
>Dolls are nice, but as you said they seems far to unwieldy to clean properly.
It's not that bad. I imagine a lot of the cleaning can be mitigated with careful use, but I gave her a bath both times. The aquarium pump drying is pretty easy once you have everything on hand. Actually fucking the doll is a bit awkward and strenuous, probably due to the stiff joints. There's options for a looser skeleton, but that comes at the cost of posing. At any rate, an onahole/onahip would definitely be a better option if you're just looking to masturbate. With the doll, it feels like a different thing entirely, or it does to me.
>A removeable insert, where you can put your own onaholes in would probably be the best solution in my opinion
Yeah probably. Honestly, I wasn't expecting to have doll sex more than once. I thought it'd be a novelty and then I'd just have a massive doll. Thus the effort of cleaning was not a major concern.
>A doll does seem to be probably the one thing better than a daki when it comes to cuddling though
Yes, it is quite nice to hold. Soft and yet has form. A very very pleasing to hold form. Not sure if I'd sleep with it though, as that would seem like a good way to accidentally damage it or something. Besides, my daki is of a character I have much stronger feelings for, and I wouldn't trade it for the world.
>What brand did you get? Going based off the face, it seems to be an aotume doll.
Indeed, an aotume. I heard some bad things, but I'm quite pleased with mine.
>foot bolts
I suppose you're right. I did notice one foot is already slightly damaged as it is. I'm not terribly bothered by it either way.
>> No. 30158 [Edit]
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I got mine a couple months ago (around the time as the previous anon here). Showed up a lot sooner than I expected once it was ready. Meant to post sooner but stuff happens.
I kept over thinking every aspect of the doll leading up to getting it, but once I actually got her out the box I stopped caring about a lot of that stuff. This might sound like a load of bullshit, but I haven't done 'that' with it, and I'm not even entirely sure if I even want to. My sex drive is nearly non-existent, and clean up seems like it would be a pain anyway. My main interest with these was always to have a dress up doll first and foremost, stuff like hugs and lap pillows second to that.
I went with silicone for mine. It's heavy sure and doesn't 'feel' as nice like they say, but I read it has better durability and doesn't get stained as easily.
They're certainly heavy, but not impossible to move. At first I felt like I was going to destroy my back moving it around but I quickly started getting a lot more used to it, either by learning how to better hold and carry it or by getting stronger, maybe both?

In retrospect, I did fuck up royally by not waiting a bit longer. see what happened is I bought the largest model the company made at the time that also uses anime style heads, which is still unfortunately too small for even XS size clothing. After many many years of wanting one, planing and thinking and shopping around, I just went for it thinking I was never going to find 'exactly' what I was looking for. It wasn't until a few weeks after this doll showed up, that the site added a larger doll with proportions that would accommodate adult size clothing. So my dreams of using one of these dolls for cosplay will have to wait until if/when I buy a proper sized doll. Via some trial and error I did figure out the sizes for this one. Options feel a bit limited with a lot of cloths looking very similar in this size, but it works. The proportions do make some cloths look weird however. A body of this height should not have a chest of it's size, so everything looks stretched out around the chest. To be fair, I have heard women often face this problem.
I do have to say that these don't really work that great as dress up dolls. Most clothing materials seem to catch on the skin, making it hard to pull on or off. I've also noticed some of the makeup they use for covering up the reflective silicone can come off onto cloths. It's also a bit hard to get these to pose in ways that allow for changing. I never would have thought it could be so hard just to put a shirt on. Even a skirt can be a very awkward and changing thing to put on one of these due to weight on top of the other issues as well. I know I said I might buy a larger one later, but I've seen there are actually life size ball joined dolls which could potentially be a better option. I don't like the looks of the joints on those, but I imagine a skin suit might help a lot with that. The cloth dolls posted in this thread also seem a lot more appealing now, but only if I could find one in an adult size.
From what I could tell, I think most people who buy these probably don't seem to care if clothing fits well. Most promo photos seem to have poorly fitting baggy clothing, which I want to avoid. Even the dress my doll came with was way too big for her. For me, I view this like a life size figure or doll, something nice to look at more than anything. Eventually I'd like to build a stand of some sort to keep her on display like you would with a doll.

I went with stiff joints for mine since I figured I would pose her a few times and leave her at that. It turns out it really makes for a pain in the ass to move her body parts, and the range of movement isn't really that great. It's hard to not have her looking robotic. Because the joints are covered in silicone it can be hard to tell what orientation they're in which can make other parts down the line look weird, or make it harder to bend some joints. Like not being able to move her arm if her shoulder isn't bent the right way, which can be hard to get enough leverage to move. Likewise, if the hip joints aren't bent the right way she won't stand up straight, which might not sound like a big deal but with dolls this heavy it can be a challenge to get right. Being as heavy as they are, it means you can't easily do any fun poses. There's the risk of them falling over or damaging parts if weight is placed in the wrong location.
Speaking of weight. I went with the feet bolt option, which wasn't as bad looking as I thought. So far no damage has been found, but it's an easy way to destroy whatever shoes she's wearing. I found placing pads in them first helped a lot with that.
That's not to say there hasn't been some damage. I accidentally made an imprint in her leg while she was in a chair after pushing her into part of my desk. I also noticed a stain on one of her fingers, but that might have been from the factory.
I also forgot to buy a neck bolt to hang the body in storage. I found out you can buy these for a fraction of the price, but I bought an M18 thinking that was the size and learned it wasn't. Mine looks more like an M17 or M16.
Bought a few wigs too which turned out to be a little big for the doll and not that great in quality anyway. This one in particular was pretty poorly cut with tons of uneven stands. I tried fixing it, and while it does seem better now, it still needs a lot of work.
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