No. 20523
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What I like to do is twist meanings and things around so that it bothers me less. Say, what if I once played an instrument then I heard some neighbor yell "STFU" so I got embarassed and stopped playing. But what if he was yelling about something else? I always keep thoughts like that in mind and tend to downplay situations. Nothing is absolute. Even if it seems so, I'll find really farfetched ways to change subjects or narrative, for my own good.
That and assume that everyone else has either forgotten about it since or doesn't care (as much as I do). Which is often true, because of "the spotlight effect".
You can also think "in the grand scheme of things it really doesn't matter". Whenever I'm following a sci-fi series set in space, it usually helps to realize how small we are. Seeing the cosmos, other solar systems,...
And another thing, the "shedding your skin" is what I call it. The stuff you've done happened at least a while ago (and if it's recent, give it some time, since time heals wounds at least somewhat), and since then you've learned. Y²ou've shed your old skin containing those mistakes you've made and now it's no longer your concern, it's abandoned. It's no longer you.
I should publish some cheap psychology book, jeez. But yeah, those are some of the things I've been trying out.