No. 30055
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>I have no clue how you came to that conclusion. The pool of people you can talk to on the internet, is orders of magnitude larger than in real life
Meaning, the internet:real life ratio is comparable to the big city:small town ratio.
Is it easier to make friends in a more crowded place?
You are certainly more likely to meet a greater number of people, but whether long-lasting relationships are going to emerge from that is a different matter altogether.
I have met a lot of people in college and at workplaces, almost none of them struck me as friendship material. Something it takes 10 seconds of looking at each other to figure out that you and the other person have nothing in common. It's a vibe check
>People also wear their interests on their sleeve online
Do you get along with everyone you share interests with?
I don't.
I may get to know them in the first place, but that doesn't mean there aren't going to be arguments.
Just like husband and wife can get into shouting contexts despite being, you know, literally married to each other.
>The issue of social anxiety is also largely absent.
This is a mixed blessing.
On the internet, people who are normally shy and inhibited tend to let loose and act in ways that they would clearly refrain from IRL (hence the "tough only on the internet" meme).
This means you can bounce from one excess to the other, in behavioural terms
>I have no magnetism
I have little magnetism as well (very rare for someone to message me spontaneously and ask me how I am doing, I always have to take the initiative), but for me there's no big difference between the internet and real life in this regard.
Yes, on the internet I can talk about junk I like, such as VNs, anime, non-mainstream vidya, Nip culture, etc. , all interests I would simply find weird to bring up IRL, but the focus is never on me, it's always on the topic, so why would people bond with me specifically?
They can always find someone else to discuss the topic with if I'm not around.
See what I mean?
>In a sense, we only see the "good" side of a "person" we want to see
I mean, so long as said person is being polite and friendly towards me, I have no problem focusing on their good side. There's clearly something good about them if they are treating me nicely
>when in reality these very persons might not be very much different to those in real life
I really don't have a problem with internet personas, they are of course mental constructs, but that doesn't make them "fake" or "phony" to me, just something that doesn't exist IRL, which is not the same as not existing in any way whatsoever.
>For others seeking a deeper connection, this may come as a disappointing truth however.
It is very much possible, in my experience, to connect deeply when both parties are wearing a mask.
The idea that I can only connect if you know who I am IRL is a normalfag dogma.
My driving license may contain a lot of factual information about my life, but it's not Me with a capital M.
That being said, there are of course people who wear masks with ill intentions, but usually that doesn't last for very long.
Both IRL and online, the test of time is king, intimacy should be built gradually, although you are of course supposed to put some effort to break the ice at the very beginning