NEET is not a label, it's a way of life!
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File 148202656136.jpg - (141.12KB , 1280x720 , flipin flaps.jpg )
22383 No. 22383 hide watch expand quickreply [Reply] [Edit]
I've been thinking. This might be obvious to some but it seems to me the more complicated and advanced live becomes, the more miserable it becomes in turn. So much is expected of people in first world countries these days that it becomes very easy to think you aren't living your life to it's fullest. Between schooling, carers, and how complicated relationships are, how could anyone not feel overwhelmed and over stressed?
It's also been my understanding that the more people seem to know about the world the worse they feel about it, where as those who live in ignorance do so blissfully.
It stands to reason that someone might feel bad for not having x or y or z if they see other people have it and believe it improves their life or makes them happy, but what if they don't even know x,y, or z even exist? Then there's nothing to feel bad about right? Like wise, you might feel like shit for failing some important test or class, but what if you never attended that school in the first place? You might say to that "if I don't then I wont get a well paying job!" But then what if you didn't need a need paying job? If an average or low paying job was enough, you could bypass a lot of pain and suffering just to get something you may not even need. In my experience, people with well paying jobs and/or lots of money don't even seem to use much of it anyway and stay miserable. It can almost be like a drug where the more you get the more you want, and the less rewarding it feels as you gather more and more.

Point is, do you think we'd all be better off and more content with life if we got away from all these social expectations? If we stopped pushing each other to live with ever increasing standards of living, and if we stopped wanting things that are always just out of reach. Sure that kills a person's motivation to 'make something of themselves', but maybe that's not for everyone? Time and time again I see people suffering and stressing out over silly things and I just can't help but think. If it's so bad, why not just drop it?
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>> No. 22428 [Edit]
It's like you're describing my entire NEET life.
>> No. 22429 [Edit]
I guess a weird irony is that as humans become more powerful, they also become less free. So many are controlled by the need for "progress" and to stay in line. Even thoughts seem to be clouded by self-deception. There are existential philosophies that believe that we are possible of being authentic though, but I don't think attempting that brings "contentness".
>> No. 22431 [Edit]
>It's also been my understanding that the more people seem to know about the world the worse they feel about it
>where as those who live in ignorance do so blissfully.
Ah, the way it has been for many thousand years.
'For in much wisdom is much grief: and he that increaseth knowledge increaseth sorrow.'
I've seen it personally. Not a ignorance that annoys but a innocent ignorance. Makes you lament all that effort wasted into seeking knowledge.

>It stands to reason that someone might feel bad for not having x or y or z if they see other people have it and believe it improves their life or makes them happy...
Dawkins' explains the spreading of these cultural ideas, such as being rich is the meaning to life, as 'memes'. A person gets 'infected' with these memes, it becomes his meaning to life, and then infect others to think the same. The reason being, for the latter, is: if the people around him don't think the same then it calls into question his very reason to exist. This happens without them knowing; the dissolute avoid confronting such issues.
Capitalism benefits greatly from these people.
>> No. 22434 [Edit]
holy crap that image is cute

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22330 No. 22330 hide watch expand quickreply [Reply] [Edit]
I feel like shit. Like I'm really not worth it. I'm so selfish, no one will ever like me. God, I just don't know anymore, everything feels horrible. I don't even know good from bad moments anymore. All I ever do is cause trouble. I'm sorry for posting this, I just wanted to blow off some steam.
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>> No. 22337 [Edit]
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I love you anon.
>> No. 22338 [Edit]
Welcome to the rest of your life.
>> No. 22341 [Edit]
Learn to appreciate yourself, regardless if others do or not.
>> No. 22389 [Edit]
What makes you think you're so selfish?

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22367 No. 22367 hide watch expand quickreply [Reply] [Edit]
How did your life change after that, if it did change? How did you change, if you changed afterwards? How did others change, is they changed afterwards?
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>> No. 22380 [Edit]
>Suicide results when someone determines that their life absolutely will not get any better, but I can't really understand that way of thinking.
>As long as you're alive good things will happen.
It's not that good things can't happen, it's also that your life can be so shitty the negative things overwhelm the little positivity you may have left. It's not that simple.
>> No. 22382 [Edit]
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half a year after I changed school in 11th grade.
I was sick at that time and we assumed that it might be scarlet, since it was passing around the city it that time.
He was the only person in the school, I could feel fine around with, without any signs of being annoyed or aggressive.
From what I've heard he did it after a girl ended her relationship with, he also said things like "I wouldn't mind if a car ran me over", before he did it.
My father drove me to his funeral, but while I was there he and my brother went to a hardware store, so I had to wait for them for half an hour after the funeral.
Then, on the way home they wanted me to tag along in a big store for instruments, although I simply wanted to sleep.
My sister also asked me a few times, if I was also planning on a suicide.
I don't think alot about it nowadays, but sometimes I still wonder what my life would be like, if he was still alive.
>> No. 22386 [Edit]
My friend in high school killed himself a few days before Christmas. Saw him two days before he did it and he seemed fine. Had complete assholes for parents, though. They were barely upset at all at the funeral and got annoyed at his younger siblings for crying and embarrassing them. Apparently he had gotten into a fight with them and then went into the basement and hung himself. Still wonder to this day if it was really a suicide...
>> No. 22387 [Edit]
That's incredibly unfair of your mother man.

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22088 No. 22088 hide watch expand quickreply [Reply] [Edit]
What will you do with your computer and belongings when you decide to kill yourself?
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>> No. 22100 [Edit]
I think I got it here. Did you also make some old guy with a swastika torso? I kinda like her smug smile.
It's a partial upload of a book on suicide methods. Not encouraging it, just something some of us might find interesting.
>> No. 22102 [Edit]

Yeah, I did make that! That was actually a self-caricature of what I'd be in twenty years.

I actually posted the other pic on another site (not an imageboard) and no one liked it. But I'm glad that someone else does. I guess that I should make more of them; it has been a while.
>> No. 22349 [Edit]
I've already thrown out or sold most things I own. All I've got left of any value is my pc and old pokemon cards.
>> No. 22355 [Edit]
I will leave my best shows, movies, e-books, etc on an external drive. Things I'd share with my family or show my children if I had any. Things like Ghibli, Shinkai Makoto, GitS, Carl Sagan's Cosmos/books, beautiful photos and artwork. All my porn will be on an encrypted drive that I will bury somewhere. Why? I can't bring myself to delete it, I get this stupid sense of accomplishment from finding, sorting, and keeping a collection of good fap material.

My clothes will likely be donated to charity. My relatives are superstitious, they think clothes I've worn will bring bad luck. As for my other stuff, I hope they will benefit my sister or anyone. My sister gets the small amount of neet-bux money I've saved over the years. She is the only one to really bother with me, even though she has her own life.

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22296 No. 22296 hide watch expand quickreply [Reply] [Edit]
Back in high-school I used to live off 4 to 6 hours sleep, felt like shit but I could do it (probably bad since I replayed a game I played as a teenager and forgot entire levels from it existed).
Nowadays I cannot physically get up unless it's 8 hours sleep, I just sleep through my alarm even after 6 hours sleep.

Is it just getting old? Even though I read the older you get the less sleep you need.
Any tricks?
How is you guys sleep?
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>> No. 22311 [Edit]
I'm not even entirely sure how long I sleep for on average. I stay in bed for around 10 hours but at least 3 of those I spend on my laptop and I lay awake for what seems like hours.
Maybe I only sleep 3 hours or something ridiculous like that, it would explain why I feel so shitty.
>> No. 22326 [Edit]
I am this way too due to delayed sleep phase disorder. If I set several very loud alarms to go off at once I can wake up, but my body is freezing cold and I'll shake like mad, even throw up sometimes. Back in high school I could pull off 5 or 6 as well, it started around 18.
>> No. 22327 [Edit]
Sounds awfully similar to how I am.

When I said I sleep through alarms, it's a bit more complicated. I set multiple at different times; the first one often I hear, physically get up and turn it off then go straight back to bed; the second one I either sleep through without hearing, hear it and leave it ringing until it turns itself off or get up and turn it off and go back to bed, and the third is the same as the second.

I am also always cold when I wake up, even in warm Springs and hot Summers, and that being one of the reasons I don't want to get out of bed. Sometimes I do shake but I am kind of conscious of it, like, I do it to warm up my body.
Never vomited though.

It also started around 18 for me but this is when I became NEET so I've been assuming going to bed at 6a.m. and not being able to psychically wake up was because of the NEET lifestyle.
>> No. 22354 [Edit]
I get about 8-9 hours of sleep a day. Any less than that and I feel like shit.

Because my body won't let me sleep until I'm dead tired, my sleep schedule is all over the place and generally pretty fucked though.

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22332 No. 22332 hide watch expand quickreply [Reply] [Edit]
What do you think about it? Suicide has had different purposes before such as being an action to incite social change or being a method of escape from pain. We all know what those useless parrots think that dare call themselves "helpful" but what are your thoughts?
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>> No. 22339 [Edit]
I don't think it should be used as a tool to manipulate others after death (ie: forcing others to feel guilty or incite social change, as you brought up), but other than that, I dislike the fact that it's against the law to harm oneself. I certainly don't advocate that anyone here do it- I'd much rather that you found something to live for, even if it it's selfish or minor- but I still believe every person has the right to end their own life if they feel like it. The imprisonment of people that are already trying to kill themselves into hellish psychiatric wards is a horrible form of torture.
>> No. 22340 [Edit]
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I suppose that it is sometimes appropriate, but most of the time it seems like a waste. The vast majority of suicides are done for pretty stupid reasons, like relationship problems or something materialistic.

Oddly, those who kill themselves due to lack of resources or money tend to off themselves with no problems whatsoever, whereas those who have depression tend to have a life instinct that kicks in right when they are about to die. Just imagine experiencing wanting to live right after you made the decision to die; that is way, way worse than being suicidal, I think.
>> No. 22342 [Edit]
It's a common thought that depression is a mechanism which evolved to impede self destructive action like suicide.

I would speculate that those people who kill themselves easily (like traders jumping off of buildings) are highly motivated individuals and are as far from depression as anyone else.
>> No. 22348 [Edit]
I've had several bouts of depression recently and tempted suicide but I could never even begin to do it. Like what >>22333 said, there's so much left to do and see it'd be so petty to kill myself just because I feel sad more than I like. Plus I can't imagine the impact it would have on the people around me, I'm no saint but I know people would be greatly affected by my death, especially my family.

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22247 No. 22247 hide watch expand quickreply [Reply] [Edit]
So, how do you escape the feeling of worthlessness? I mean, the best I can do is tell my mind to shut up, but that doesn't really accomplish anything.
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>> No. 22252 [Edit]
Get new hobbies.

Reasoning is, your current hobbies are not making you feel better so there's no reason to continue doing them.
>> No. 22255 [Edit]
What if I dont have any hobbies because the feels are so heavy they impede me from doing anything I enjoy?
>> No. 22259 [Edit]
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Eat or watch cute girls eating cute things in cute ways.
>> No. 22261 [Edit]
Why not just eat a cute girl and cut out the middle man?

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19425 No. 19425 hide watch expand quickreply [Reply] [Edit]
I genuinely need help.
Spare you my life story, the end result is that I'm a reclusive alcoholic on the brink of suicide.
I can't really afford therapy or anything, and I already use anime and video games for escapism.
I want to believe things are going to get better, but it's starting to feel heavy.
Has anyone else been in a situation like this? What helped you through it?
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>> No. 19514 [Edit]
I can testify to the effectiveness of a regular sleep pattern. When I started sleeping with a consistent pattern, my mood and motivation improved considerably. And when I sometimes have to go sleep deprived, I get depressed and lonely again. So definitely try to get a consistant sleep pattern. Its hard to stick to it at first but the more consecutive days you do it the easier it is to stick to it.

I imagine stuff like diet and exercise might have a similar impact, I never tried it though.

And youre right with the dont beat yourself up thing. Just cause you failed once doesnt mean youre a failure forever and you dont have what it takes. Dont get stuck in that negative mindset. Its not all black and white, its not like successful people will always success and failures will always fail
>> No. 19515 [Edit]
And also I think at the end of the day this site can give all the advice it can but it will msotly just go in one ear and out the other. You realy got to try things yourself in other to learn the lesson we try to teach you.
>> No. 19537 [Edit]
I haven't quit drinking, but I don't feel quite as shit as I did when I made that post. Thank you for all the advice.
My little sister has been dragging me out of the house.
>> No. 19538 [Edit]
Going outside can be really scary, but it can help.

I used to drink a lot, to the point every morning I'd wake up with puke on my shirt. I started just doing simple things like watering it down.

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13455 No. 13455 hide watch expand quickreply [Reply] [Edit] [First 100 posts] [Last 50 posts]
For all of us dealing with problems in this regard.

Do you have any sort of condition/disorders? Are you depressed? Did you ever seek professional help? What are you doing to overcome your current situation?

General mental health discussion thread.
226 posts and 8 images omitted. Click Reply to view.
>> No. 22308 [Edit]
I have depression and generalized anxiety disorder, both pretty bad. Also drug addiction which is a mental health thing I guess. I had a psychiatrist for a while but the therapy was pretty much 'have you tried not thinking like that' so I stopped going. To overcome my anxiety I just don't go anywhere unless I'm drunk or high, and nothing helps the depression besides sleep. I used to sleep 6 hours a night but now I sleep up to 12 hours a day because it makes everything go away. At least I stopped self harming
>> No. 22309 [Edit]
>I'm pretty envious. I wish I could get legal speed. Unfortunately my family is too impoverished for me to seek proper mental health care.
I was actually reflecting on this after it happened. Healthcare is still kind of publicly funded in my country but it has been eroded, so I'm still $100 out of pocket at each appointment and $10 per 100 amphetamine pills. Got me thinking that I might have done this years ago if money was no issue, back when I still had some will to strive.
Now that most drugs which could improve someone's life are controlled, it's almost like they are only obtainable to people who are already well off, rather than those who often need them most. People who can't afford treatment often end up self medicating with alcohol, weed or ice which just fuck their lives up further in a vicious cycle. Same thing with smoking: it's still cheaper to smoke than use nicotine replacement even when cigarettes are taxed sky high. Unhealthy food is cheaper than healthy food. The list goes on, shit's fucked.
>> No. 22310 [Edit]
>People who can't afford treatment often end up self medicating with alcohol...
Oh yeah, I have an irresponsible observation relating to this: I have found since starting amphetamine it is a lot easier to reach a lovely level of drunkenness without the normal sedation and shitty feeling. No doubt because this is so enjoyable it's harmful in some way, maybe there is synergistic neurotoxicity or some other awfulness. Because you know, experience shows there can't be happiness in life without suffering down the line to outweigh it tenfold.
>> No. 22647 [Edit]
I turned 18 not long ago and I realized I have actual mental retardation. Not imageboard autism, I mean really retarded. Someone who starts sperging, having seizures or epilepsy out of the blue, say things you didn't want or mean to, display weird facial expressions for no reason, start laughing by yourself sometimes even in public for no reason, have absolutely no sense of balance or any motor coordination, inability to connect with others in any way, not even on imageboards, have not at least marginally normal emotional reactions, strongly react to sounds and touching, constantly live in a world of delusions and mirages created by your own mind, feel like you're constantly tripping on psychedelic mushrooms, have your inner brain constantly work in very weird, broken ways. I could go on. Basically think of an ugly drooling retard. That's me. After I finished highschool I have been a NEET since November and was indulging upon my life. The last straw that only confirmed my thesis was finding out I used to take medicine for the retarded since a young age. This is not something I wish for anyone no matter how evil they might be. To live in a constant state of uncertainty, knowing that because of some condition outside your reach, everything you see, hear, smell, taste, touch, everything you experience, that you think, feel, perceive, thats all invalid, worthless, meaningless, devoid of any certainty. That is to be retarded. You're constantly a bother to others for simply being alive. You break any object you touch, you hurt people you don't even know, you're unwelcome in any place even on these imageboards. You constantly live in a world of pain, suffering, despair, set up by your own brain, something that cannot be removed, almost as if a paranoia or schizophrenia. There's no way to tell anything you do or say (read as "type", since I don't talk at all), is any good. In fact, I take it as a rule that anything I do is bad, since I'm inherently a bad person. Right now with this post I'm shitting up a potentially great thread on a great imageboard. There's one thing I'm thankful for being born like this and that is the insights and intelligence. I can easily imagine and see wonderful, beautiful, amazing things. Not in the artistic or philanthropic sense. But in the sense of mathematics, enginee
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22268 No. 22268 hide watch expand quickreply [Reply] [Edit]
NEETs on welfare or disability, how did you do it? Please help. My best friend wants to kill himself. The working life is getting to him, and he's been exhausted for a long time. He won't accept any help I give him, and he doesn't want to talk to me but I don't want him to die. He doesn't want to die either, but he'll probably end up dying after all his savings disappear.

I just need to find a sustainable way for him to not work and stay alive. Moving in with his parents isn't an option. They don't get along well.
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>> No. 22279 [Edit]
It shouldn't discourage you or him, but it's not all fun and games with money raining from the sky like those old threads pretended. (Descartes anyone?)
Either way, there's no harm in trying. Good luck!
>> No. 22280 [Edit]
Best of luck to you both. It might not be easy to try and go on SSI or disability, but it could be worth a shot. Believe me, if I knew that I could easily do it, I would. I've got fucked up feet, which limits the amount of standing I can do, and likely have some form of depression/anxiety/autism or something, but since nothing was really diagnosed in my childhood aside from my feet, I would personally probably not be able to get it.

The people who can judge or diagnose you are pretty good at spotting fakers. Couldn't hurt to try though.
>> No. 22282 [Edit]
So this person doesn't even want to talk to you (your own words) and you think you're friends? Maybe he is depressed because after a long day of work that last thing he wants to do deal with your bullshit. Full time is draining no matter what job it is. He works at a call center because that is all he is good paying for, its awful work but its consistent and pays. If he is completely miserable, that is his problem. Least he has a job.

Not everyone can just kick their feet up and let the government or parents let them cruise through life. Everyone wants to kill themselves, its part of the modern human condition.
>> No. 22283 [Edit]
The word is arbitrary... I still care for him and value him as a person. Maybe the friendship isn't mutual, but that doesn't mean much to me. I try not to bother him with my problems, but maybe I just radiate toxicity.

>Everyone wants to kill themselves, its part of the modern human condition.
Everyone is no concern of mine. I only care about him, and I know he's not a special snowflake in the greater scheme of things, but I'm still willing to do as much as I can to keep him alive. I think his mental condition + resilience is weaker than most others, but whatever.

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21916 No. 21916 hide watch expand quickreply [Reply] [Edit]
Have you?
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>> No. 22072 [Edit]
Been on and off, mostly for survival purposes.
>> No. 22073 [Edit]
>> No. 22076 [Edit]
I already gave it an earnest shot but now I'm destined to be a shut-in I guess.
>> No. 22196 [Edit]
You can go outside and formally stop being a shut-in, but you'll never stop being one inside.

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