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23375 No. 23375 hide watch expand quickreply [Reply] [Edit]
So TC I've been trying my best to deal with my mental issues and keep going. Around 10 months ago I joined a small online community of people (to try and learn how to socialise on non imageboards/IRC) with a similar niche interest(?) and things mostly went okay. However around 4 months ago I started to notice increasingly people on it making fun of me, and outright insulting me thinking I wouldn't realise it due to my autism. Fast forward to now, I've left the community. I just feel completely lost, I thought those people actually cared about me but clearly they didn't, and my mental condition is worse than it has been in a long time. What do I do when the foundation for my "getting better" turns out to be a lie that only hurts me more? I'm sorry for this stupid personal blogpost, but you guys are the only place I can turn to.
4 posts omitted. Click Reply to view.
>> No. 23381 [Edit]
Yes it was my first real experience with discord, I should have on retrospect seen the warning signs of the original purpose becoming eroded. I told them briefly about my husbando when an off-topic discussion ended up with on waifuism, I regretted it. I really don't mean to sound rude in this, but thank you for telling me what I guess I already knew, just couldn't bring into words, I hope I can help you with any issues you have one day anon.
>> No. 23384 [Edit]
TC IRC has had a lot of people that were dicks in my experience.

>mentally ill people with vicious dispositions

This has been my experience with some people on TC IRC, but not everyone of course. And for some of them they just seemed so depressed that they were lashing out.
>> No. 23385 [Edit]
Been lurking the TC IRC for a while. I have only seen one (1) person who had anything close to a "vicious disposition" and they were ultimately banned. For the rest the lashing out are extremely rare. Unless you count being vicious people who don't participate in a hugbox, I don't see how your assessment is anywhere near accurate.
>> No. 23386 [Edit]
I worded that too harsh, sorry. Most people in TC IRC have been friendly and polite. I'm also thinking of years ago, things have changed a lot there. I guess I was caught up on times I've initiated more private conversation in PMs. The group chat is not vicious or anything minus one person who was extremely depressed and alcoholic and would shit on people for a while (this stopped as far as I know). Most people are not going to be huge dicks openly, I think, unless they have nothing to lose and don't mind making themselves an enemy in the group. What is more common is passive aggressiveness and subtle trolling, but I believe even that is much rarer lately.

Post edited on 23rd Feb 2018, 12:13pm

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23361 No. 23361 hide watch quickreply [Reply] [Edit]
The place I want to die is something that looks like the inside of the moon from majoras mask.
>> No. 23362 [Edit]
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Easiest pick ever.
>> No. 23364 [Edit]
I couldn't really care less. Wild dogs could rip my body apart after I'm dead for all I care. I'm dead, what's it matter where my rotting body is?
>> No. 23365 [Edit]
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Inside a volcano so I can one day become a catapulted lava meteor.
>> No. 23366 [Edit]
The north pacific ocean.

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23335 No. 23335 hide watch quickreply [Reply] [Edit]
no one told me when to run
i missed the starting gun
>> No. 23359 [Edit]
You might be off to a slow start, but that doesn't mean you can't catch up.

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23195 No. 23195 hide watch expand quickreply [Reply] [Edit]
how come japanese are better than me at everything?
have you looked at videos of arcades there? have you seen their innate musical talent? their innate drawing talent?
junior high schooler shit scribbles in notebooks while going to the bathroom look better than anything i've ever drawn and i actually practice and they don't.
even the women there are better at games than me. normalfag women that are going to college and have a part time job stop at the arcade once in a while and fucking destroy the arcade machines. the arcade is their only practice and it's like 30 minutes a week at best. me, i have been playing rhythm and fighting games for YEARS and i own the home console version, i dont have to go to the arcade miles away like they do, for eight hours a day i practice and i have made barely any noticeable improvement.
no, i don't have an inferiority complex, it's true, there is video evidence of this happening everywhere and i seriously have been playing project diva since 2012 and still can't perfect any extreme songs.
not only that but i am limited to the few games i know and would have to start all of my work over again if i were to move to a different game. them, the fighting game community there, there are some guys that join tournaments for several different games. they can juggle them all no problem.
they cook their own food, they go to school, they go to work, they clean, they study, they watch anime, they all usually have a project going on like writing a book or developing a game or running their own website where they post their drawings, they have drinks with friends ALL IN ONE DAY and they still also have time to be better than me at every single conceivable thing without any practice.

i hate them, anyone that's not japanese might as well have not been born, they're human perfection and they do more in one fucking afternoon than i do in years.

Post edited on 26th Dec 2017, 3:18am
10 posts omitted. Click Reply to view.
>> No. 23253 [Edit]
In asia they tend to spend time getting very good at one thing, while in the west it's usual to spread your time across many different things.
>> No. 23274 [Edit]
Because Japans culture promotes a ridiculous work ethic and heavily shames those who do not conform, then they kill themselves at 30 because of the stress. Do not worry so much about comparing yourself with other people, try and improve for your own sake. I know that's difficult.
This particular attitude took root in Japan because there is a culture of craftsmanship. In the past, you would study under a master at your craft, be it making sushi, woodworking, farming, whatever. These are jobs that are important, rewarding and technically challenging. This was the way things were in Japan for centuries, in fact it's quite common in a lot of Asian cultures. However, once technology improved and a lot of those jobs became heavily automated or up-scaled this attitude was now applied to unfulfilling, useless, boring jobs. This is how the "sallaryman" came to be. This culture of hard work in crafts, when transferred to a modern office environment was exploited by government and companies because it's great for making a profit. However, since these new jobs are comparatively unfulfilling, with little room to learn or grow and ultimately little purpose outside of profits, it leads to a lot of stress. Hikkikomori is the direct result to this, people who drop between the cracks of that society who can't bring themselves to work like that. In the past, those people would have trained and become contributing members of society, but now they have nowhere to go.
>> No. 23279 [Edit]
>Hikkikomori is the direct result to this
>In the past, those people would have become contributing members of society
Not necessarily. Recluses have existed since the dawn of time. As long as there has been social groups, there have been hermits and loners who tackle life on their own. The only difference now is that parents and government find it acceptable to put up with it, so the "hierarchy" is different (a hiki being maintained), but the principle is the same. Additionaly, hikis exist outside of Japan too (whatever you might want to call them).
>people who drop between the cracks of that society who can't bring themselves to work like that.
That would refer more to NEETs than Hikikomori.
>> No. 23328 [Edit]
I think you are correct, NEET would have been a better word to use instead.

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23231 No. 23231 hide watch quickreply [Reply] [Edit]
>Find post you made
>Oh I remember this, How long ago was it? Like a few months ago, maybe a year or two?
>Posted 2010
>> No. 23232 [Edit]
I don't mind, it sucks to write a really long post and have it deleted in a day.
>> No. 23286 [Edit]
Are you guys regular tripfags?
>> No. 23287 [Edit]
They are, sort of.
>> No. 23288 [Edit]
If so, then congrats to them since they're dedicated to contributing in this chan.

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23255 No. 23255 hide watch expand quickreply [Reply] [Edit]
If you could repeat any time or event in your life which one would it be? Why would you like to repeat it? What would you do differently, if at all?
2 posts omitted. Click Reply to view.
>> No. 23258 [Edit]
changed my mind on this. my dad's abuse made me into the man i am today. the man who loves his waifu very much. trauma develops mental illness and mental illness develops strong obsessive bonds with fictional characters.

instead i would go back to the 8th grade alternative school for retards and criminals where I met a kid named Earl and a kid named Abe. these are their real names, not ones made up for the sake of the story. if either of you are here, which is possible since you were both fucked up people too, i am sorry.
i was on a lot of psych meds and my parents had just split and i had no friends and spent my free time outside of school crying and playing video games in the dark and stuffing my fucking fat face with food. and i took it out on people. i beat people up and made people suffer cause i was suffering.
the stereotypes about "bullies are just insecure bigger losers than you!" is 100% fucking true. you were both better people than me.
i think about you two little retards all the time even though it's been a decade now. i respected you both and thought you were cool and i have no idea why i had the compulsion to punch the shit out of you and make fun of you for being poor. i was poor too. i was living in welfare apartments. i'm sorry.
i'd go back and stop myself from being mean to them. their lives were already a piece of shit.

i hope stopping myself from being a bully wouldnt have a butterfly effect and make me have never fallen in love with my waifu.....
>> No. 23259 [Edit]
There isn't a single thing in life that would make me happy if it had gone the other way around. Everything in life is forgettable shit.

It would have just been better if I hadn't been born.
>> No. 23260 [Edit]
I think it helps to reflect on choices you make in life so that you can make better choices in future.

But you're still right. When I think about the past it just make it harder to breathe.
>> No. 23357 [Edit]
>my dad's abuse made me into the man i am today. the man who loves his waifu very much. trauma develops mental illness and mental illness develops strong obsessive bonds with fictional characters.
There is something relatable to this post and I don't know what it is. I wasn't abused and don't have a waifu.

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23042 No. 23042 hide watch expand quickreply [Reply] [Edit]
Does anyone else here seemingly lack the capacity to care about things beyond some vague sense of liking/disliking? I can't remember a time before my early childhood that I have ever grown very attached to anyone or anything. In brief, I care so little about effectively everything that I could lose or abandon it all without blinking an eye; nothing feels sincerely precious. Similarly, I don't emotionally dislike many things in the same way, though that is of secondary concern to me.
This aspect of myself feels profoundly wrong and inhuman; I don't want to feel like some walking, talking automaton that can only pretend to care about things like a real person. If anyone here has overcame this kind of state, I would like to hear how you did it.
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>> No. 23051 [Edit]
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>> No. 23053 [Edit]
What is the nature of your eye problems? I am interested because I suffer from dry, painful eyes during many springs and summers. It must be terrible if your condition is chronic.
>> No. 23068 [Edit]
blepharitis, and perhaps keratoconus
>> No. 23238 [Edit]
Rise above the chains of dopamine and become an immortal metal god. It's the only way.

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22849 No. 22849 hide watch expand quickreply [Reply] [Edit]
Do you think romance is a waste of time?
15 posts and 1 image omitted. Click Reply to view.
>> No. 22904 [Edit]
Welcome to tohno-chan btw
>> No. 22986 [Edit]
Romace as idealized in fantasy and my own head? No. Can it exist like that in real life? Not really.
>> No. 23101 [Edit]
Absolutely. It's just roleplaying. Sex is the only thing a woman could offer me.
>> No. 23194 [Edit]
Not at all. I'ts just unsuited to experience with people, but handled as it should, with characters, it's something to strive and live for (at least I do).

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23180 No. 23180 hide watch expand quickreply [Reply] [Edit]
Depressed. doing college part time so I'm taking the degree at a different pace than my classmates. Thinking about a conversation I had with one that mades me happy.
I think "Maybe I should try talking to them next week and make friends"
> Remember it's the last week of the semester and I'll probably never see them again and if I do it'll have been too long to feel as comfortable.
> Every time.
I'm too damn autistic.
But the kind of autist that puts in the effort into not appearing autistic so when I talk, people seem to like me but until I get a good read on their personality I get so anxious and stressed.
So I gravitate towards the quiet kids who open up at the same pace as I do,
And the people who are too friendly and forward right off the bat make me super uncomfortable as I'm quickly trying to figure out what they want from me, but once I've known them for a few months I learn how to roll with it and flow with their specific energy I really like those sort of people.
It's the same either way though. The semester ends right as I've started getting attached to somebody but before I'm close enough to talk to them outside of school or online. I really regret not making closer friends in high school... Only thing I miss about it. I didn't have any close friends but I was socially satisfied making small talk with the same people around me everyday for 4 years.

Tldr: Does anyone have advice for how I can get consistent casual social interactions in my life? Maybe it's asking for too much but it seems like there should be a simple solution like a club or something but that hasn't worked out. that sort of thing is about short bursts of social focused intense socializing once a week. It's too much for me. way too much. You show up and everyone's there to make friends too so someone's going to approach you and ask you all about what your deal is and try to involve you in everything to make you feel welcome and I can't help but freeze up, dissociate until I can find an opportunity to run away and block the memory out. I'm just too damn autistic. School is such a hell hole but until the classes change it's the only place I have tha
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>> No. 23183 [Edit]
Can't help too much really, but the only kind of 'club' thing I'd recommend is trading cards like Magic or something like that. I used to play years ago at this one dingy store on Fridays and while some of the people were friends, people were there to play cards and that's what focused the discussions. It wasn't simply intense socialisation. It didn't hurt that everybody was a grognard too I suppose. That said, this was one specific store from some years ago, perhaps it's different elsewhere/nowadays.
>> No. 23184 [Edit]
I also play Magic the Gathering as well, we mostly just talk about the game and it keeps us busy enough that it isn't too awkward. I am still relatively quiet and no one minds, in a sense I've gotten less awkward over the years.

Draft/Limited is the cheapest format at around $10-$13 a night depending on where you live, and usually that runs multiple times a week too.
>> No. 23190 [Edit]
i gave up on making friends. whenever i meet someone that seems really cool that i want to talk to and invite to hang out with, i just remember that literally every time i have regretted it. seemingly cool people almost fucking always are not. and you'll run into a lot of problems if you hang out with someone for long enough to assess that they are an insufferable retard. they'll think you like them and impose on you wanting to hang out more and there is no way to reject someone politely.
"wow this guy is ugly as shit and his body language is more awkward than mine, i bet he'd be great for me-"
instantly starts talking about romancing women and bullies me. ugly people can be chads too.
"this guy cannot shut up about star wars for five seconds and claims to have spent thousands on star wars figures, and I've never seen someone with diagnosed OCD as bad as him, great material-"
has a fucking wife and plans to have children.

more commonly though, everyone is just a shit eater. i'll meet people that are on my level but watch fucking onision and play pokemon or the only anime they watch is the big 3 shonen or whatever.

just not worth it. just ask yourself, if those guys turn out to be huge faggots, do you honestly want the burden of having to tell them to fuck off? possibly having to see them every day after having told them to fuck off? imagine going to college 200 feet away from a guy you insulted.
i'd rather be alone.

Post edited on 17th Dec 2017, 10:04pm
>> No. 23192 [Edit]
fellow autist here,
What happened to me is that I got diagnosed around 23ish, struggled with it, was a complete dumbass. After going through a group home situation and having a roommate, I built up my confidence. What I noticed from reading your post and from my own experience is that it was about the same.
The repetition thing that people with asperger's do applies to 'anxiety' as well. I've noticed the same pattern suggested in your sentences that I did(still do), which is that I'll repeat the anxious situation in my head. In reality, as in the people that I actually end up talking to, I realized that I was doing mostly fine. I was okay with what I was saying, okay with how they responded. However, I ran into the same problem as you. I had a roommate who loved to talk, I tried getting outside and volunteering for data entry and a pet shelter and some other stuff. In the end though, I would never talk to anyone, and when I did not only did I feel further away from people I felt emotionally drained. I would replay the situation over and over, I would love the feeling of getting out of a conversation. The happiest moments I had was when I was alone with my computer watching anime, that made me feel more connected to others than talking to people online or posts like these.
The worst times I had in my life was around other people, being at the whim of their behavior, feeling like I had to conform to whatever they said or something bad would happen. Hell is other people. However, I still wanted and want other people. How useless a desire is that?
I began journaling, writing, trying to connect to others through that. I talk to people from time to time, and I gained confidence from challenging my own writing. That, and hitting 30 really helped. It felt like I was just a dumbass back then, I honestly think that no one could have told me anything. If a girl wanted to fuck me I would have had to say yes, if someone wanted to be my friend I would have had to say yes. My life was like driftwood, and it's still driftwood, but at least I feel like high quality driftwood.
I think the only real difference between me and the rest of the depressive imageboard types is that I refused on a very basic level to not have fun. It's always been a strangely powerful belief, that if there isn't any joy in life,
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23153 No. 23153 hide watch expand quickreply [Reply] [Edit]
Anyone else find it annoying to keep hearing about how millennials are so poor and struggling and can't afford anything? Yet those same millennials would gladly spend $600 every other year for the newest phone, macbook, or trendy gadget? Those same millennials winningly go into massive debt with college fees when they could just not go to college. They blow money on recriatinal drugs, expensive body mods, parties, trips around the world, and overpriced "organic" health food. waste a small fortune on rent when they could live with their parents for less or even free. I propose that Millennials are poor due to stupid life choices and trying to adhere to trendy cultural norms, not due to the poor economy. The problems with the economy are part of the problem, but it is far from the real issue in my opinion.
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>> No. 23174 [Edit]
It's not hard to live on minimum wage or close to it. If you are okay with living humbly, you can even manage to save money. I've done it for a couple years, so it is certainly possible. College can go fug itself. Sure those people like in OP exist, but they are most likely enabled by their parents which causes such behavior. The above poster does have a point, however, purchasing a home is nearly impossible, unless I saved for a many more years or moved to a rural area. Rural sounds real nice to me, but there's a reason living is cheap: no jobs. One can only dream...
>> No. 23175 [Edit]
Wealth is relative.

I never thought I was poor until I started working in a nice area, then I felt like that moment in Great Expectations when the blacksmith boy goes to entertain the rich girl, and he suddenly becomes embarrassed about his family and appearance, never having known any different.
>> No. 23176 [Edit]
>suddenly becomes embarrassed about his family and appearance
That's what he gets for being a normal. Being ashamed of not having more unrelated to your own capacity is ridiculous.
>> No. 23177 [Edit]
I have a hard time believing people that live lavish lifestyles like this actually manage to save a proper amount of money. Seems like it all goes into houses, cars, raising kids, and other spending.

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20969 No. 20969 hide watch expand quickreply [Reply] [Edit]
Posting in a dead board
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>> No. 21071 [Edit]
What should we talk about?
>> No. 21092 [Edit]
There's nothing to talk about. There was never something to talk about, at least in respect to /so/ because any kind of discussion would be better served in a board where its the actual main topic with people knowledgeable about it. Boards like this are just stupid because they encourage self defeating attitudes and mediocrity, 2 things that got you in this hole in first place. No one here is retarded enough to actually need "advice" and venting becomes addicting instead of helpful. This is why this retard >>20979 is wrong and this place will stay half-dead like its been for years. Unchanging, with the same userbase that has exhausted most topics. But hey if thats what you want who am I to judge? It just seems an obvious contradiction to me to admit wanting more posts yet have that unwelcoming attitude towards new posters.
>> No. 21110 [Edit]
>/r9k/, as well as wizchan
pls no
>> No. 23119 [Edit]
Posting in a dead thread

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