No. 30063
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>board on one of those numerous lynxchan IBs
And you say you don't know.
>This is a terribly self-defeating piece of "advice"
It wasn't really an advice, but I am a defeated person, so of course my perspective is self-defeating.
>since it allows you to affect the decision process itself at a meta-level to be more "aligned" with your current needs
It does not provide tools, however. It is not enough to recognize the possibility of change. As you said,
>If your mindset includes the belief that your worldview and internal narrative is fixed and unable to change
but it is not my mindset, and I know that - at least to a certain degree - worldview and internal narrative are mutable, mostly by my own example. However, to change your actual behavior and thought model towards perceived good is not the same as recognizing the possibility. Then, see the situation I find myself into. First, I perceive possibility of change. Then, I hit the wall of actually not knowing what kind of a change exactly it should be and how I should choose my further actions, and generally what direction I should choose in life at all. Then, I recognize that I simply don't have any knowledge or skills necessary to bring qualitative change into my life. Then, the only conclusion I can arrive to is that factually, I can not change anything, at least not by myself. Even boiling it down to a simple material goal oriented context, pursuing what OP describes as "I want to reach goals and i struggle with this" is incomprehensible to me, because I neither have any goals, nor do I know any one worth the trouble except seeking some peace of mind which, again, I have no tools to attain. I remember having some vague life goals back in the day, but didn't come to be, not even entirely my fault, just a plot twist of "fate" that put them out of my reach. The only realistically attainable goal left for me is starting a family and that just isn't going to happen, not because I can't, but because I won't.
>There is a small amount of activation energy, but it's also an exponentially increasing reward since willpower can be used to cultivate willpower.
Willpower is not a quantity in vacuum, it exists in relation to a certain movement. Once you know your proper direction you can exercise willpower, but until you don't, the very concept of willpower becomes meaningless.
>No, nobody else can help you shape your world view
I don't believe this is true. I think almost all people don't actually live their own lives, but rather move by inertia of being showed by others in certain directions. And then it solidifies into a worldview. I think ability to form your own mindset and help yourself without others is available only to the few select ones. Either way, what I really meant is that if you want to start "reaching goals" (citing OP), and can't do it on your own, you need to ask other to help you, not with the mindset, but with solving practical issues at hand which you can't solve, even if your inability arises from lack of motivation. But I personally strive above all to avoid others, so it's not an option. I just really don't like being around people. It's not uncomfortable by any means, I just don't like it.