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File 173785023145.jpg - (6.12KB , 239x211 , HNI_0017_JPG.jpg )
30050 No. 30050 [Edit]
How does one obtain this "motivation"? I know obvious sentiments,like the definition of insanity is doing the same thing over and over again expecting a different result each time and there's also the fact that you don't know what you're capable of doing until you actually try it,but how do I get that little voice in the back of my mind telling me that I won't be able to do something to shut the hell up and let me do it? To those who actually get shit done,what the heck do you do to balance everything out? I want to reach goals and i struggle with this. It honestly drives me crazy.What do I do??
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>> No. 30053 [Edit]
>insanity is doing the same thing over and over again expecting a different result
do you even begin to imagine how many programs i debugged that way and succeeded

Post edited on 25th Jan 2025, 7:24pm
>> No. 30054 [Edit]
> that I won't be able to do something
That's not an issue of motivation, it's an issue of self-esteem or anxiety.
>> No. 30056 [Edit]
I honestly never thought of it like that. I do struggle with self esteem and anxiety a lot,so that honestly makes perfect sense.I just wish i knew a way to balance myself out a little more.
>> No. 30057 [Edit]
Why do you assume there is a solution? There is none. Either you have will to maintain perseverance or you don't. Once you lost it, it is exceptionally hard to regain it. Better never to loose it. But since you did, ask somebody to help you. Don't like interacting with other people? Too bad, you're screwed now.
>> No. 30059 [Edit]
>There is none
This is a terribly self-defeating piece of "advice". If your mindset includes the belief that your worldview and internal narrative is fixed and unable to change, then it's a self-fulfilling prophecy. You don't need to believe in some extramaterial notion of human "will" that can overcome the law of physics to introduce "free agency" or violate determinism: So long as you hold some idea in your mind, it automatically becomes incorporated into the internal subconscious decision making process.

(Now of course if you think too hard about it then as a determinist you find that whether someone will even intentionally hold onto an idea is recursively dependent on other factors. So yes I suppose in theory there are a small set of people who "will never escape" their karma, because their world view doesn't even allow the possibility of altering it. But I think most people are not like that; first because we're conditioned from most of our childhood to believe in the idea of mutability and growth, and more practically we're biologically wired to adopt ideas that enhance quality of life. It's easy to see that adopting the mindset that the internal decision making process can be altered is better off long-term since it allows you to affect the decision process itself at a meta-level to be more "aligned" with your current needs.)

>Once you lost it, it is exceptionally hard to regain it.
There is a small amount of activation energy, but it's also an exponentially increasing reward since willpower can be used to cultivate willpower.

> But since you did, ask somebody to help you
No, nobody else can help you shape your world view. At best they can only ask questions to help you introspect yourself.

Can you trace back where your self-esteem issues are coming from? Almost certainly you will trace it back to events you were exposed to during childhood. Once you realize how those past events are shaping your present thought patterns, you're halfway there.

>I just wish i knew a way to balance myself out a little more.
If you are interested, I can give you techniques that are rooted in eastern schools of therapy which help dissolve past karma (the definition of karma has nothing to do with "past lives" or extramaterial stuff like that. The definition as causality is a bit closer but obscures the intuition that it's subconscious/emotional imprints that shape thought patterns). All of them basically require you lead you to adopt a world model that I think is roughly analogous to the buddhist one though.
>> No. 30060 [Edit]
>self-fulfilling prophecy
We've had this argument on /late/ ten times over already. I don't know if I want to do it again.
>> No. 30062 [Edit]
I don't know what /late/ is (board on one of those numerous lynxchan IBs)? Also from my point since this is all subjective metaphysics, there is nothing to argue, you are free to believe what you want and OP is free to adopt which ever viewpoint he resonates with best. Some people might indeed find a comfort in accepting such inevitability/immutability and making it part of their world view, but I don't personally see how that makes you better off in the long-run.
>> No. 30063 [Edit]
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>board on one of those numerous lynxchan IBs
And you say you don't know.
>This is a terribly self-defeating piece of "advice"
It wasn't really an advice, but I am a defeated person, so of course my perspective is self-defeating.
>since it allows you to affect the decision process itself at a meta-level to be more "aligned" with your current needs
It does not provide tools, however. It is not enough to recognize the possibility of change. As you said,
>If your mindset includes the belief that your worldview and internal narrative is fixed and unable to change
but it is not my mindset, and I know that - at least to a certain degree - worldview and internal narrative are mutable, mostly by my own example. However, to change your actual behavior and thought model towards perceived good is not the same as recognizing the possibility. Then, see the situation I find myself into. First, I perceive possibility of change. Then, I hit the wall of actually not knowing what kind of a change exactly it should be and how I should choose my further actions, and generally what direction I should choose in life at all. Then, I recognize that I simply don't have any knowledge or skills necessary to bring qualitative change into my life. Then, the only conclusion I can arrive to is that factually, I can not change anything, at least not by myself. Even boiling it down to a simple material goal oriented context, pursuing what OP describes as "I want to reach goals and i struggle with this" is incomprehensible to me, because I neither have any goals, nor do I know any one worth the trouble except seeking some peace of mind which, again, I have no tools to attain. I remember having some vague life goals back in the day, but didn't come to be, not even entirely my fault, just a plot twist of "fate" that put them out of my reach. The only realistically attainable goal left for me is starting a family and that just isn't going to happen, not because I can't, but because I won't.
>There is a small amount of activation energy, but it's also an exponentially increasing reward since willpower can be used to cultivate willpower.
Willpower is not a quantity in vacuum, it exists in relation to a certain movement. Once you know your proper direction you can exercise willpower, but until you don't, the very concept of willpower becomes meaningless.
>No, nobody else can help you shape your world view
I don't believe this is true. I think almost all people don't actually live their own lives, but rather move by inertia of being showed by others in certain directions. And then it solidifies into a worldview. I think ability to form your own mindset and help yourself without others is available only to the few select ones. Either way, what I really meant is that if you want to start "reaching goals" (citing OP), and can't do it on your own, you need to ask other to help you, not with the mindset, but with solving practical issues at hand which you can't solve, even if your inability arises from lack of motivation. But I personally strive above all to avoid others, so it's not an option. I just really don't like being around people. It's not uncomfortable by any means, I just don't like it.
>> No. 30071 [Edit]
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>wrote a long post
>deleted because wasn't really saying anything of substance
Sigh. I don't know your circumstances OP all I know is that whether you have tools and resources at your disposal, or not, and whether you have a grand life goal, or not, all you can really do is try. Try try and try again. Change will come naturally after that (it actually won't because the human brain is kind of a nigger about adapting beyond certain circumstances but let's pretend that doesn't happen for a second) and then the effects may add up on each other. If you don't feel "motivated" to try just remember this is all there is and all there will ever be.

>What do I do??
>take a nap
>mindful meditation
>seek to nourish your body with quality food
>change your phones and desktop wallpaper to those of the Tonegawa speech in Kaiji
>do what I did, replay in your head the FarCry speech on insanity each time that voice that says you "won't be able to do it" comes up, tell the fucking faggot voice who is the insane one, him for doing that or you for putting up with it instead of putting both of you to sleep with a glock
Good luck!
>> No. 30140 [Edit]
I appreciate the advice guts,thank you!

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