No. 27410
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, the future is in my hands.png
I looked at my data usage, only to find that apparently, my phone visited the future briefly. What is even going on? There are several things that annoy me about this phone (Galaxy S3), and this is only the most recent thing. Another is that for some reason, when playing music via Bluetooth, it doesn't always send the song metadata or something, although that might be a problem with the receiver. When using the newest version of Spotify, Bluetooth crashes between every song, so I had to download an older version from not the play store (as far as I can tell, you can't download old versions from there), so I hope that that program isn't doing bad things. The default browser is shit; for some reason sites are occasionally convinced that I have JavaScript disabled.
This might be an issue with the carrier, but one time a text message wouldn't download until I restarted the phone. Another time, I tried to make a call and it said something like "not registered on network," and I had to restart.
Also, the home button feels a little recessed, I think a piece of sand got in there or something, and I find out that the only way to remove the button to clean it is to remove the entire screen, held into place with adhesive fashioned from the jizz of ten thousand nerds, and essentially requires destroying the screen to remove it. I guess making one of the few mechanical parts of your phone goddamn impossible to clean is a good idea?
Also, hidden locations that do specific things are pretty frequent, it's like UI designers actively loathe the user. Surprise! Touching here while a video is playing changes the volume. No, you can't delete part of your data usage history. No, the default keyboard doesn't have arrow keys, if you want to edit something, you'll slide your grubby fingers all over the text trying to get it into place.
This is my first smart phone, are they all this much of a mess?
Post edited on 12th Aug 2015, 9:08pm