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File 152178712577.jpg - (200.18KB , 1920x1080 , [HorribleSubs] Animegataris - 12 [1080p]_mkv_snaps.jpg )
31471 No. 31471 [Edit]
Do you guys hide your weeb stuff or other possibility embarrassing things? Say for example a relative is coming to visit, or maybe there's stuff you don't want anyone to see in general?
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>> No. 31472 [Edit]
File 152185604122.jpg - (57.63KB , 500x500 , index.jpg )
Hah~? Do you honestly think other people would buy things that would out them as weebs IRL? Haha, come on now.
I totally would, but I can't afford it for now; such is the HikiNEET life.
>> No. 31473 [Edit]
Nobody comes in my room anyway, so nope...
>> No. 31597 [Edit]
I don't hide the weeb stuff (my family knows what I am) but I do clean up. I don't want them to see anything near how messy and filthy it usually is because I was extremely tidy when I lived at home. Now my apartment looks like one of those news reports about hikkis.
>> No. 31648 [Edit]
No, I don't hide it, and I don't like it when people hide it. Everyone is allowed to show what they like, so why should it be any different to us? As the guy above me said though, I do clean my room when someone is going to visit, because it's usually very messy.
>> No. 31651 [Edit]
I don't have any. If you're embarrassed to have something, why have it at all?
>> No. 31694 [Edit]
I like cuddling Ren-chon when I sleep, but I don't want anyone else to know that.
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