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File 152599666249.jpg - (183.97KB , 1326x912 , minitokyo-fruits-basket-152815.jpg )
31572 No. 31572 [Edit]
my current torrent stats
ratio 0.93
total downloads: 674.12 GB

I've downloaded about 47gigs more than I've uploaded. Thats like 8 whole seasons of anime I've gotten off you people for free.
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>> No. 31595 [Edit]
Your ratio is sub-standard. You can definitely do better than that...
>> No. 31596 [Edit]
I only use XDCC for downloads so I've download everything more than I've uploaded.
>> No. 31602 [Edit]
i try to keep my ration under 1 at all times, that way i never feel like i'm being taken advantage of. still hanging at 0.93 now with 678.06 GB downloaded, so apparently i consumed 3.94GB of anime over the past 12 days. 328 megs or roughly one ep in 720 per day
>> No. 31615 [Edit]
File 152848845690.jpg - (20.53KB , 240x58 , small example.jpg )
Whenever I get something that I know won't have that many seeds, I try to do my part as I know what its like to be unable to obtain something you want.

I'm grateful for those that have shared and want to help as many as I can if I can.

I'm only posting this small example because I'm not sure how to find out my total ratio on Deluge. Orz
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