No. 30655
Well.... war is never nice, though. Even if you'd get to kill all who would deserve it, lots of terrible, nightmarish stuff would happen along the way. One can only, well, attempt to pray that it won't be that bad....
Oh, the day after, he acted like nothing had happened, the day before. Even was in a good mood. I'm not sure if he understands how much damage he is doing to me, mentally... and his behaviour is just making me get even more extreme. Of course, he has no idea of deeper views of mine... his view of a "fascist" is someone who doesn't want immigration. Kind of odd how he not once talks about rescuing the persecuted Boer in South Africa or the fact that Poland has taken in lots of *actual* refugees from Ukraine. He just repeats the official EU narrative, like a parrot. It's kind of odd how he's become so politically correct, because before I realized how lied to I have been, throughout the years, he was the one who kept talking about how migrants are a problem. It's almost as if he feels I "stole his thing" so now he needs to think the opposite to what he previously did.
Yes, although their view of me was incorrect. However, I did end up getting free money after getting harassed so badly by the psychiatry.... they ruined my life, so I'm not the slightest bit thankful for it. And I do have an apartment but I hate being there. At least at home, there is our dog and my mom. I really should just get a storage place for the stuff in my apartment and move out.... even if it'd have to be back home. If I'd just stop talking anything political with him, and never responding to anything he says that I disagree with, it should be fine..
Yeah, all artists need to be medicated, in their view. They'd really have loved to "correct" Nikola Tesla, too.
I'll consider it...