No. 31616
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I turned myself into a wage slave for this summer, I had no idea how bad the lifestyle was until now. I fucking hate myself for it and I wish that I listened to my family and to just enjoy my summer break from college for the time being. If I actually have to do this sort of thing I'll just off myself, it's absolutely unbearable.
I normally hate to do nothing on my extended summer breaks, because I thought I could always do better than laying around playing videogames, but don't get me wrong, playing games is fun, but leaves a lot to be desired at the end of the day, I never really felt accomplished or fulfilled, so I thought if I got a job, ANY job and worked hard on it, I'd be happy. Sounds good on paper, work hard for most of the day and play on the rest
Boy, was I fucking wrong. I landed myself a job for the summer and god, I hate it. I hate everything about it, the waking up an hour and 30 minutes before work, the agony of doing extremely boring, menial tasks, the fact that I have to sit on my ass for 9 fucking hours a day with an unpaid lunch period, the fact that you have to go through rush hour and go home at 6pm, giving you only a few hours to relax and unwind which is never used to actually do that because your more often than not so goddamn tired from work and stressed for the next day.
It's not all hopeless though, I'm barely monitored at all so I still get plenty of time to post on 4chan (or in this case Tohno chan), listen to music and play Touhou on this laptop a good amount. I love it when my best friend comes online though, talking to him makes time go by extremely fast at work.
Still though, I've never been this unhappy in a long time. My only solace is the fact that this is a temporary position, September 1'st is going to be the happiest goddamn day of my life I tell you.
Never again will I get a 9-5 desk job like this. I'd rather die than live through this horrible grind again, the fact that this is legitimately how most people live their life is beyond me.