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File 153372419730.jpg - (301.26KB , 1280x960 , 1cb2d874a5fbd3e067d308eae797bcf3.jpg )
31703 No. 31703 [Edit]
Okay so lets say you're given the chance to get a do over on life and start over as a girl.
There's a catch, but you get to pick the catch.

- You can be a cute 2D anime girl, but it will be in the world of a horror anime and you die a slow painful death at an early age.

- You're a cute 2d anime girl, but you are born blind and deaf, and can never be cured.

- you can be born as whatever kind of girl you want, but you'll be born in the poorest part of south Africa.

- you're an ugly 2D anime girl who's abused and molested by her father, bullied and treated like shit at school, you never get to have friends, and you die alone as a fat fujoshi.

- you're a cute 2D anime girl from a typical slice of life anime with cute loving friends and are part of a club of your choosing, but you're forced to relive the same 13 days of high school until the end of time.
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>> No. 31704 [Edit]
>Eveyone wants to be a cute girl
Only closeted gays, people with mommy/daddy issues, or several lack of parenting.
>There's a catch, but you get to pick the catch.
These are all terrible. Might as well just be a 2D guy or just relive my current life.
>> No. 31705 [Edit]
>Only closeted gays, people with mommy/daddy issues, or several lack of parenting.
Neither describe me, though, anon.
>> No. 31706 [Edit]
can't I just pick the south africa one but be a rich girl and then just move if I can pick any kind of girl
>> No. 31707 [Edit]
>south Africa
Sure anon, suuure.
>> No. 31708 [Edit]
anon... I have bad news...
>> No. 31709 [Edit]
hey that says whatever kind of girl I want, I intend to abuse this loophole!
>> No. 31711 [Edit]
>you're a cute 2D anime girl from a typical slice of life anime with cute loving friends and are part of a club of your choosing, but you're forced to relive the same 13 days of high school until the end of time.

This sounds fine to me.
>> No. 31713 [Edit]
I pick neither.
>> No. 31714 [Edit]
I want to be a cute boy instead.
>> No. 31723 [Edit]
File 153457815494.jpg - (38.12KB , 500x372 , cute anime girl.jpg )
i already am a cute anime girl
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