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31684 No. 31684 [Edit]
I've spent a lot of time on different forums and boards. Even been a part of my fair share of real life groups, teams and whatnot. There's one thing that irks me to no end - whatever the group, whatever the forum, there's always one or two people that seem to absolutely hate and detest me from the get-go. Whatever I try to do to appease them just furthers their disdain (as does distancing myself from them or ignoring them).
The thing is, I'm a decently amiable person. I go out of my way to find common ground with nearly everyone and it usually works. Usually. Even if I don't get the person to like me, I can at least be on friendly terms with almost everyone. Almost.

Yes there's that 'haters gonna hate' stuff. It doesn't help. I don't know if these people sniff vulnerabilities out or if I'm just making a major faux pax everwhere I go. Maybe it's just some cruel joke. I just don't know or even understand. Yet, I'll put on a tough face whenever this happens and say "pfft, whatever..." but it still hurts every time.

Having to navigate through life like this is so very frustrating.

Now then. Can anyone relate to any of this and maybe share some much needed armchair counseling?
>> No. 31685 [Edit]
>I'm a decently amiable person
If you think you're an amiable person, it's possible you're not. Specially the way you wrote it tells me you are not particularly introspective. I'm not saying you're wrong, but rather that an amiable person would hardly fail at such task.
>or if I'm just making a major faux pax everwhere I go
Seems quite likely.
>maybe share some much needed armchair counseling?
I think the issue may boil down to "lurk more". For example, despite it's not a big deal (imho), I found odd you chose a 3D reaction picture on a site that's particularly adamant about using 2D ones, and it's not like there aren't dozens of 2D reactions that could fit the theme or feeling of your post. Point being that if you're new, you put little effort in lurking, learning and adapting here... and if you aren't new, then you made an odd or (relatively) unfitting conscious choice. That enough might suffice for someone here to detest you from the get-go.

Good luck.
>> No. 31687 [Edit]
this seems like a pretty good analysis of the situation to me, i don't think i could have posted a better reply than that.
> I found odd you chose a 3D reaction picture on a site that's particularly adamant about using 2D ones
he also made an effort to reference his 3dpd social life, this is really more of an /so/ thread if it belongs anywhere on /tc/
>> No. 31690 [Edit]
Who gives a shit? You can't please everyone. Don't get hung up on things like that.

But at the same time, maybe have some self-reflection -- are you socially awkward or something? Or is the problem with the other people? After all, there can be some weird people on forums.
>> No. 31691 [Edit]
Well you made two faux pas in your post here. People don't like "reaction images" from that other imageboard, and the material of this post is more suited for /so/ than /ot/.

You're also demonstrating that you have a somewhat self-absorbed worldview (which is nothing new for tohno-chan but still): you believe that everyone should like you.

Honestly though, you probably just rub people the wrong way. Maybe your "amiable" personality comes off as a facade; I know people like that. You can tell when someone is genuinely being kind, and when they're putting on an act to ingratiate themselves with you. I'm not fond of such behavior myself. It seems like you do that a lot - By trying to find "common ground" with people, you probably distance them even more because you seem disingenuous.

Some also dislike outsiders by nature, not everyone is welcoming, which can't be helped.

This isn't really criticism, though it might come across that way. I don't know you. This is all inferred from a single post on an imageboard. I could be wrong, I don't have all the information.

Even on the internet (especially in this day and age where so much of our social interaction is done through it) being treated poorly by others is painful. We all have our methods to handle the immense pain of co-existing with others. You'll be okay, just try to understand that not everyone has to like you simply because you aren't an asshole.
>> No. 31693 [Edit]
I think you're being too harsh. OP doesn't seem that bad. But the fact of the matter is that you can't please everyone. There's no point in trying.
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