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31631 No. 31631 [Edit]
I was playing overwatch on voice chat and someone started calling everyone over where he was to look at something. There's nothing there but on his end apparently two characters clipped into each other and froze mid air or something so I'm watching this guy freaking out at nothing and expecting a reaction from the rest of the team until we tell him we can't see it. We move on but the concept sticks with me. Has there ever been a virtual reality story that's had literal physical differences in how different players will view reality? You're playing the same game but are you really? In online play you always see it in these little things like how people will only see certain bushes if they have their graphic settings high enough. If an online game is your whole world though it'd be fucking your perception of the world. A dead team mate could be floating by you, only by you and people would think you're crazy. You might be the only one who can't see a sunset your party is in awe of. Even though I kind of hate dystopian cyber stories I like this idea that in the future resources like good food and shelter are cheap enough that all their money is spent on getting the highest tier computer because mmo's are blowing up and that's where you see the economic difference between people. There's not some enforced hierarchy between the rich and poor. There's no longer a strong IRL difference between classes but they literally see different worlds. People build communities around what they specifically see or don't see and that creates a culture divide out of superiority and salt.
What are some game mechanics that still haven't been touched on in fiction?
>> No. 31632 [Edit]
it's not a VR game but dead space 3's co-op mode worked like that, showing player one things player two couldn't see and vice versa. I remember it was one of the very few things people universally liked about that game
>> No. 31634 [Edit]
Phillip K. Dick is pretty cool.
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