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File 161959076179.jpg - (729.25KB , 2047x1447 , e44d5b6d7a9515c50e7314621de737d2.jpg )
35636 No. 35636 [Edit]
Here's how the game works.
You have just died, and you will be isekaied to the world of an anime to start your new life. The catch is, it's a completely random anime!

Go to
Get a random number between 1 and 15800 and attach the number you get to the end of the following URL.
Example; getting "2002" would land you in the world of Air.

Alternatively, can use Mal If you like ( ) and set the number to 45000, but you'll likely get a lot of 404s and will have to try again each time you do.
If you land 849 for example, you end up with Suzumiya Haruhi no Yuuutsu.

Once you know where you're heading, you can take one item you own with you. All your memories will be intact, but sorry to say no god like OP powers (unless it's normal to have them in your series), you'll just be an ordinary person. Then you'll be dumped off in the path of the main characters of the series.

Where are you going? Are you familiar with it? What will you do when you get there? Do you even want to go there?

Post edited on 27th Apr 2021, 11:23pm
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>> No. 35639 [Edit]
File 161959182819.jpg - (57.45KB , 250x356 , 3836.jpg )
I got 2292 on anidb "Daisougen no Chiisana Tenshi Bush Baby"

Somehow never heard of it, but it doesn't sound bad honesty. Seems like it could honestly be pretty fun. Sure seems like it'd be an upgrade from my current life.
No idea what I'd take with me, doesn't sound like power outlets would be readily available so that would count out any electronics. I suppose it sounds like I'd get a lot of use out of my crossbow? but who knows. Being stuck in Kenya makes it sound like some hunting might be involved.
One things for sure, now I want to check this anime out.
>> No. 35641 [Edit]
I made two more rules for myself: it can't be a sequel season and it can't take place in a nearly normal setting.

My first result was Duel Masters Victory V3.
Ugggh. Because it's a sequel, it thankfully didn't count.
Second was Yuri Seijin Naoko-san (2012), which has a normal setting.

Third was TO
I wouldn't want to go there unless there's robots, and I wouldn't take anything since anything I could think of would probably be useless and primitive by then. Also, it was made with really ugly cgi.
>> No. 35643 [Edit]

it's not even japanese
>> No. 35644 [Edit]
Also got another non-Japanese production. It's so obscure that I'm actually curious. I guess I would join one of the mafia crews, I would have preferred a Gundam or something but I have always wanted to be part of a crew like this so it could be worse.
I'm not sure what I would bring, honestly. What would you even need if you were part of a crew like this?
>> No. 35646 [Edit]
Why am I not surprised this turned out to be a bit hard to get? I don't think it's even subbed.
>> No. 35669 [Edit]
File 162004896345.jpg - (123.19KB , 400x567 , 257801.jpg )
14733 gives me 'Wei, Kan Jian Er Duo La!'. D'oh! It's a BL anime, and it's not even Japanese but Chinese. Just kill me again, this time for good.
>> No. 35671 [Edit]
File 16200507023.jpg - (137.13KB , 343x600 , 238069.jpg )
I will bring my rifle, but it looks like I will just be carpet bombed anyway.Me on the left.
>> No. 35673 [Edit]
File 162005347949.jpg - (61.76KB , 614x480 , Namakuragatana[1].jpg )

Uhh.. so obscure there's little about it, it appears to be a sequel to pic attached. Seems like a contender for one of the earliest animations, dates back to the Taisho.
>> No. 35713 [Edit]
RNG sucks
>> No. 35722 [Edit]
You can alternatively use
I would have put that in the OP post but I can't edit it anymore.
>> No. 35920 [Edit]
Is the guy named PHANTOM or does that refer to the jet plane?
>> No. 35930 [Edit]

Oh boy...
>> No. 35931 [Edit]
File 163607602012.jpg - (87.52KB , 289x411 , みこすり半劇場.jpg )


I think the only thing I might need is going to be a bottle of lube
>> No. 35939 [Edit]

I get to live in a mansion full of maids. Not sure if I should be glad or terrified.
>> No. 38217 [Edit]
If you get isekai-ed onto earth in the future, does that count?
パリピ孔明, Hepburn: Paripi Kōmei, lit. "Kongming of the Party People"!
>> No. 38250 [Edit]
I got 40, Fushigi no Umi no Nadia. Could be worse
>> No. 38251 [Edit]
Sounds to me like you hit the jackpot anon.
>> No. 38252 [Edit]
This game is an interesting way to observe how exactly RNG driven life gets you fucked up.

I'll make three rolls only. Imagine killing yourself three times to get a decent roll :D

Dream life basically. A town of happy weirdos. This could be tohno! I'm very glad to get this as my first roll!
Looks snug. No idea what I'm going to do. Maybe I should start dancing as well?
Jokes aside, seems like I'm going to have a pretty boring life while main characters do their shounen thing and win tennis tournaments.

First roll was the best. See you in happiness town! Now where are my bags?
>> No. 38277 [Edit]
File 172024071052.jpg - (126.08KB , 400x565 , 235556.jpg )
>>35636 (Betterman)
I think I would just go and hide myself somewhere far far away from all things Algernon. Maybe trying to live as farmer somewhere in the mountains. Obviously I wouldn't like to live in that world, considering the constant fear of something bad happening. (Boku no Hero Academia)
Unlike all the others, this isn't super-obscure or anything, but I haven't watched it. I think if I were to live in this world, I try to get as remote from all the magic fights and conflicts as possible and try to work something normal (NEETing is not an option I suppose). Maybe being a janitor at the Hero Academy or something like this. Whatever it is, nothing that's too involved in all the happenings of that world. I'd stand up in the morning, get myself a coffee and read in the newspaper what Midoriya Izuku and everyone else is up to, go to work, do my boring janitor job there, maybe do a lunch break and go home to sleep. I don't want to live like this, but this would be the most bearable in that world. It's better than being some super-hero, with the responsibility to save the world on his shoulders, for sure. (Business Fish)
As with the others, I haven't watched this either. It's about anthropomorphic fish working in an IT company apparently. I think the fish lady in the red suit is cute and the idea of a world full of humanoid fish is cool, albeit I wouldn't necessarily want to go to that world. Wagecucking in an IT company probably is as boring as in this world, as the fish gimmick would likely get boring rather quickly.

Phantom is the nickname of the McDonnell F-4 fighter-jet, that's the plane in Anon's picture.
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