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33988 No. 33988 [Edit]
Anyone pick up anything special yet?
Expand all images
>> No. 33990 [Edit]
I'm only watching Nobunaga Dogs (completely ignored but quite fun) and Dorohedoro, I should pick soemthing else but I'm indecisive.
>> No. 33992 [Edit]
Just the three ones for which there are already threads on /an/: nekopara, muranese seton, and koisuru asteroid . If you like kemonomimi then first two might float your boat; the former is more relaxing slice of life while the latter tends towards comedy with some heartwarming moments. Koisuru is standard kirara.

I'm also watching Tatsuki's Hentatsu shorts but I'm not sure if that even counts since they're more like teasers/announcements for some nebulous project.
>> No. 33994 [Edit]
File 157981346711.png - (912.40KB , 1634x489 , winter 2020.png )
I'm watching a lot this season. By far my favourite is Koisuru Asteroid but I'm enjoying pretty much everything.
>> No. 33995 [Edit]
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22/7 is pretty nice so far.
Miu is going to be my future wife.
>> No. 34012 [Edit]
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Watching Eizouken too and it's really damn good, too bad it's already being hated because it's becoming too popular.
>> No. 34013 [Edit]
It's my favorite this season.
>> No. 34428 [Edit]
Plunderer is ok.
>> No. 34566 [Edit]
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Currently watching chinese-language anime..
>> No. 34568 [Edit]
Nasty language, I just hate the sound of it.
>> No. 34570 [Edit]
I agree, it sounds very shrill, jagged, and harsh. It's like they they're trying to stab my ears with sound.
>> No. 34572 [Edit]
File 15984609688.png - (1.56MB , 1280x720 , mewkledreamy.png )
It's not 2020 winter anymore but I guess it's better to use this thread than make a new one.
Mewkledreamy is airing right now and it's really cute. Not a serious show at all, and maybe a little fast for some, but it's very enjoyable and funny. The designs in it are very cute too.
>> No. 34573 [Edit]
File 159847325719.png - (2.65MB , 1920x1080 , in_pure_illusion.png )
>power of "Yume Synchro" (Dream Synchro), the power to enter dreams
>In the dream world, the girl and Mew collect Dream Stones.
Hm, that reminds me of something
>> No. 34642 [Edit]
I don't think it's necessary to start a new thread so I'll use this one instead. With Summer 2020 coming to a close, are there anything you are looking forward to in Fall?
>> No. 34648 [Edit]
I don't follow what's seasonal, but looking at the chart, I'm tentatively excited for Higurashi.
Based on premise and picture alone, Yuukoku no Moriarty, Akudama Drive and Senyoku no Sigrdrifa look interesting, in decreasing order. Senyoku no Sigrdrifa's promo picture looks a lot cooler than the actual trailer. Kamisama ni Natta hi has an interesting premise, but the promo picture and living situation of the mc makes me think it'll be boring as hell and end with a lame cop-out. Majo no Tabitabi has nice background art in the promo, but the character designs are a little too simple and the trailer shows cgi backgrounds.

God damn would I like a new show to air with really interesting directing, no cgi, a darker color pallete, and pleasing character design.
>> No. 34649 [Edit]
Higurashi, Majo no Tabitabi, Gochiusa S3, Maou-jou de Oyasumi, Ochikobore Fruit Tart, Dragon Quest and Strike Witches. And maybe Maesetsu. Seems like there's a lot of fun stuff this season after how the current year screwed over the last two.
>> No. 34650 [Edit]
File 160079476452.png - (110.29KB , 349x488 , Yuuki_(unit).png )
I've been looking forward to Kuma Kuma Kuma Bear for a while now so I'm happy to be able to watch it soon.
Maou-jou de Oyasumi, Kami-tachi ni Hirowareta Otoko, Rail Romanesque, Inu to Neko Docchi mo Katteru to Mainichi Tanoshii, Munou na Nana: Mini Anime, Seizei Ganbare! Mahou Shoujo Kurumi 3 all look really cute. I hope I'll actually remember to watch them instead of letting good shows pass me by. I had a chance to read the manga for Majo no Tabitabi when I found it in a Barnes & Noble but I didn't feel like spending the money when I saw it. I'm not sure if I should read the manga instead of watching the anime.
>> No. 34653 [Edit]
File 160080630137.jpg - (1.35MB , 2480x3508 , __uni_neptune_and_1_more_drawn_by_meimu_infinity__.jpg )
Probably just Majo no Tabitabi and Maou-jou de Oyasumi. It gets annoying to keep up with too many anime at the same time. If one of em turns out to not be that great I'll drop em for something else.
I think the only genuinely terrible PV I saw from this season was Iwakakeru or whatever that show was called, the rock climbing one. It was almost like a fucking fever dream. I saw some other things that looked really well done as shows but are just things I'd prefer to read in their source material instead. Also a lot of 2nd/3rd seasons it seems.
>> No. 34655 [Edit]
Yeah, comparatively there are a lot of interesting shows to look forward to this season.
>> No. 34666 [Edit]
Looking forward to cute girls doing manzai. From the creator of Lucky Star btw.
>> No. 34667 [Edit]
I remember years ago a luck-star ona spin off was released that every news outlet hyped up, and then nobody talked about it and it was kind of bad. Miyakawa-ke no Kuufuku.
>> No. 34671 [Edit]
It was a weird choice of characters for spin-off. I'd have much preferred a Kagami/Tsukasa centered one, although I suppose half of lucky star was already that.
>> No. 34672 [Edit]
>and it was kind of bad
ONAs usually are.
At least it wasn’t as much of disaster as that haruhi spin-off.
>> No. 34682 [Edit]
It doesn't really matter much who it's about, quality comes from the staff. I'm guessing whoever made Lucky Star good wasn't in the team that made Miyakawa.
>> No. 34708 [Edit]
File 160166670179.png - (2.60MB , 1920x1080 , [HorrendousSubs] Rail Romanesque - 01 [1080p]_mkv_.png )
Nice character design
>> No. 34709 [Edit]
File 160166700924.png - (2.19MB , 1920x1080 , [HorrendousSubs] Rail Romanesque - 01 [1080p]_mkv_.png )
Like this one too.
>> No. 34710 [Edit]
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Looks like Maitetsu.
>> No. 34711 [Edit]
It's made by the same people.
>> No. 34712 [Edit]
Majo no Tabitabi is pretty nice, better than I had expected.

It's a spin-off.
>> No. 34736 [Edit]
Is rail-romanesque supposed to be like kancolle except with trains? I.e. mainly an opportunity to showcase the characters and their designs?
>> No. 34778 [Edit]
File 160196278369.png - (2.34MB , 1920x1080 , [SubsPlease] Maou-jou de Oyasumi - 01 (1080p) [E3B.png )
Watching Yashahime makes me feel nostalgic, they really captured the same feeling Inuyasha did. I've read Dai no Daibouken manga as a kid but never watched the previous anime adaptation, I'm still unsure what to make of the new adaptation. Maou-jou de Oyasumi was rather decent but that is to be expected since it's Dogakobo, I also picked up the manga but didn't realize that there are already 16 volumes published. The manga itself is both fascinating and tedious to read, would be interesting to see how the adaptation plays out. I'm picking up more series than I usually do this season but there are a few that I might end up dropping.

I didn't watch kancolle so I can't say with certainty but I don't think so.
>> No. 34779 [Edit]
File 160196741576.png - (1.80MB , 1280x720 , ouchi he kaeshite.png )
Majo no Tabitabi was nice, it looked pretty good even with the somewhat stick-out special effects they'd use. I liked the hook a lot more than the hook from the bit of the novel I read.
Maou-jou de Oyasumi was both cute and funny and also kind of boring. I hope it picks up and gets a little less predictable as the series progresses, since the premise seems like it could get tiring (heh) fast, but it seems like there's still a lot of effort put into it so it'd be a shame if it ended up boring.
Mewkledreamy is still cute.
>> No. 34781 [Edit]
File 160199262834.jpg - (122.42KB , 1280x720 , [Erai-raws] Majo no Tabitabi - 01 [v2][720p]_mkv-0.jpg )
Before learning her lesson, I thought Elaina was well on her way to be raped by giant insects or something of that nature.
>> No. 34784 [Edit]
You should lay off the ryona for a while.

That's how I felt about Maou-jou de Oyasumi, it's quite amazing how the mangaka is able to come up with 16 volumes of such a basic premise but on the other hand it obviously gets old fast.
>> No. 34797 [Edit]
Iwa Kakeru and Kuma Kuma Kuma Bear was disappointing.
>> No. 34877 [Edit]
Perhaps I've set my expectations too high but Maesetsu was slightly disappointing. Not exactly terrible but for an anime about owarai, there is certainly a lack of laughs especially since they were selling that aspect rather hard.
>> No. 37088 [Edit]
Doesn't seem like there's much for SoL/CGDCT aficionados this (spring 2023) season. Seems like it's only Kuma Kuma (and that's technically not even a SoL/CGDCT, but was basically de facto one anyway since there wasn't much rpg elements to it).
>> No. 37089 [Edit]
I've watched at least one anime series every season for almost a decade but last season was the first time that I've completely watched nothing. I'm keeping an eye on Edomae Elf this season if nothing else.
>> No. 37090 [Edit]
Thanks for the suggestion, it does seem interesting. I also saw Kawaisugi Crisis which I guess is at least worth a shot I guess (but I don't really expect much from it).

>last season
It was a bit sparse in terms of offerings, but for my tastes D4DJ2 and Onimai were pretty decent.
>> No. 37092 [Edit]
What about U149?
>> No. 37093 [Edit]
Idolmaster? I'm not a particular fan of the idol anime genre, and even if I were to start I'd be lost since I'd need to catch up. (D4DJ is technically idol-ish I guess, but felt quite different in tone, although s2 was not quite as good).
>> No. 37096 [Edit]
>Kawaisugi Crisis... (but I don't really expect much from it).
Was I wrong, it exceeded my expectations by several orders of magnitude, down to the OP/ED. If you're looking for a low-stakes comedy + CGDCT show for the season this might be it, probably even moreso than kumakuma.

In terms of TL quality, CR was low-tier of acceptable. It had the usual typesetting issue where multi-speaker dialogue is all squished on the bottom instead of top/bottom separated but that might be an issue with the scraper. Also some crucial mis-TLs that I wouldn't have expected given the simple dialogue.

B-global is also a choice, and interestingly the scraped version actually has an ass file instead of srt like usual. Inspecting doesn't show any typesetting or even any style other than default being used though, so I suspect it was converted from srt.

TL Shootout:

>Look, we might as well destroy the planet.
>Their civilization is far too primitive.

>Hey, can't we just destroy this planet?
>Their civilization level is way too low.

Actual dialogue had
>bunmei no level hikui-sugiru darou
so "civilization level is way too low" isn't strictly wrong I guess, albeit awkward...

In general b-global will favor the literal translation "doku-giri (霧)" is "ToxiCloud" in CR, "poison mist" in b-global. I think in some cases the b-global is actually more accurate: "inshoku no level mo shite-okitai" is "we want to know what their cuisine is like" in CR, even though it feels like a slightly more clinical translation would be warranted, e.g. "level of cuisine". b-global is "I'd like to know about their food culture level" which is maybe more accurate but awkward.


>Spoiled, aren't they?
>You've gotta be kitten me...
>They usually keep to themselves, \N but they like to act silly sometimes.
>Isn't that just the cutest thing?
>But how? How can something so loveable exist?!

>They're so spoiled, just like this.
>They're such a tsundere.
>What is with that...
>Normally they're so majestic, \N but sometime they show their clumsy side.
>Isn't that gap just so cute?


>I think he likes you.
>He's probably grateful you saved his life.
>I-I doubt it.
>Even if it does like me, \N that doesn't really change... anything...
>What do you think about keeping him, Liza?
>Huh? Keep it? ME?!

>Seems like they got attached to you.
>They understand that you saved them.
>What? It would be a problem \N if it got attached to me, I...
>Why don't you adopt them, Liza?
>What?! Adopt?! Me?!

Not sure why the pluarity on antecedent is off on the b-global, it's not even consistent between lines. Surely even MTL wouldn't make such a mistake.


>Did you get into a fight with an Earthling?
>Not exactly...
>Well, I made sure your request was authorized. \N Is the Earthside outpost sufficient?
Crucial mistranslation from CR side on the last line

>Did you get into a fight \N with the Earthlings?
>Just know that I'm allowing it \N because it's you.


Also another crucial mis-tl from CR I think
>You're going to say, \N "Earth is an inferior planet!" again, aren't you?
>And then, despite your insistence, \N you're going to find some sort of merit to it.

>I'm sure you'll just say \N that it's a worthless planet again.
>Even so, it is your duty \N to find anything of value on this planet.
Given the original dialogue of "Hoshi no kachi o miidasu no wa omaedaga" and following lines, b-global seems slightly more accurate to me, but the phrasing seems off (feels like it should be "even so, you're the only one who can find something of value in it").


Overall B+ effort to b-global, the TL content is nailed fairly well but grammar and phrasing make it painful to use. I wish b-global would get someone to proofread, because if not for that their TL would probably be better than CR. I'm not even sure how they can make such subject-verb agreement errors (e.g. "Everyone in the Azatos army have their faith in you") considering that that grammar is the one part that MTL to English can nail perfectly. Or just put it through a grammar checker, this is basic stuff.

I'm fairly certain someone can quite literally take the b-global script, put it through chatGPT asking it to fix the grammar errors, and the result would be better already.
>> No. 37097 [Edit]
Edomame Elf seemed quite decent too! It was quite the opposite of what I was expecting though. I'd expected a gag type series, but instead it actually seems to be a more serious, slow-burning character-driven show. Will be interesting to see what direction this ends up taking over the first half of the season.

Also stick with CR subs on this, they're pretty good (and by comparison the b-global subs are quite bad).
>> No. 37130 [Edit]
Also maybe WataYuri, I don't know what kind of yuri it is though.
>> No. 37134 [Edit]
This was pretty neat. It takes the theme of facades from Oshi no Ko more seriously. And as for the kind of yuri it is, it's all of them simultaneously, wrapped up in that layer of parody. It's not exactly a kirara-esque CGDCT, but it is a comedy-filled SoL, especially if you're already familiar with all the yuri tropes.
>> No. 37153 [Edit]
One more latecomer to the TL party, seigyoku.

First, second, and third CR example are unchanged. Last is altered minorly to

>Let me guess, you're going to tell me \N their planet is insigificant.
>And then, despite your insistence, \N you'll find some kind of merit to it.

I'm still fairly certain the TL on that is wrong. If they wanted to have the nuance of "despite your initial stance, you're the kind of person who'll come around" I feel like swapping sentence order to make omae the topic, and maybe throwing in a "kekkyoku" or "koto ni naru" would be needed.

There are minor phrasing changes, usually for the better although some I feel were just fine in the original. Overall it's a slightly more polished version of the CR script, but doesn't fix any of the core TL issues. I wish they'd spent the effort polishing the b-global script instead.
>> No. 37160 [Edit]
>it actually seems to be a more serious, slow-burning character-driven show
Unfortunately this doesn't seem to be the case, I thought it would be a bildungsroman focusing on Koito, but the bulk of each episode seems to just be trying out snacks. In that sense it's basically Kuma Miko except with vairous foodstuff replacing uniqlo. There's some moments of humor, and the historical Edo-period notes are interesting, but it feels like I'm sitting through a snack commercial.
>> No. 37165 [Edit]
There are not good anime since 2020
>> No. 37167 [Edit]
I read this as "I haven't watched anime since 2020".
>> No. 37168 [Edit]
Looking back on this, I ended up dropping Eizouken, Ishuzoku Reviewers and Orphen. But I really loved what I finished out of these. Koisuru Asteroid and Magireco are great and it was nice to have more Railgun.
>> No. 37202 [Edit]
File 168439282550.png - (414.02KB , 1500x1500 , oshigoto.png )
A fairy accurate summary of the show. Perhaps comedy-filled SoL was a bit too premature, there's a bit more drama than you'd expect given that description. I suppose if they're going for the feel of a true yuri show, then they've nailed the drama part.
>> No. 37214 [Edit]
Just found out there's fansubs from "Chihiro". Are they any good? Well the fact that I felt the need to write this probably means they're not.

>Don't you mean "Onee-sama?"
>Please, don't be so cold toward me.

>Don't you mean "Sister?"
>Please, don't be so cold with me.

Choosing to localize onee-sama is an odd choice especially given they had no problem keeping the honorific on names. And additionally "senpai" is apparently too foreign to use, so has to be "senior" instead. Given that the people watching this are surely familiar with yuri tropes, the localization here breaks immersion. The irony is that the stock script nails this fine, even going so far as to keep "kabedon" untranslated.


>It's your fault that we're in this mess.


>It's your fault we're in this mess, you little bitch.

The original dialogue doesn't have any cursing at all, at most Ayanakouji only uses "anata". And it's particularly egregious in context.

The rest of the fixes are minor word rephrasings that aren't substantively better or worse. Really, I just wonder why someone would take the time to do a "fansub", choose to edit a base script that's already fairly decent, and then intentionally make things worse. There are a dozen other shows out there with truly terrible official translations, couldn't they work on one of those? Clearly these people aren't doing it out of passion for this particular show, because all the TL choices seem to indicate the opposite.
>> No. 37215 [Edit]
4/a/ has been shitting on them since forever.
>> No. 37283 [Edit]
Spring 2023 season draws to a close: there were lots of cute shows this season.

Anyone seeing anything interesting for Summer 2023? I don't see anything tagged as CGDCT, yuri, female cast SoL, or non-romance comedy; I guess it's an opportunity to revisit unwatched shows from older seasons.
>> No. 37284 [Edit]
I guess "Shiro Seijo to Kuro Bokushi" is the closest thing. It's not clear if it's going to trend more towards romance or iyashikei, but since it's from Doga Kobo it's probably worth a shot.
>> No. 37309 [Edit]
[From blog associated with "seigyoku" fansub"]
>I didn’t have much issue with the official script, though, it was fantastic – this mostly served to bring in some song TL and for the fun of typesetting on it
>I do wonder if I would’ve been more satisfied with this release if I had done an original translation though. Not like I’m not satisfied I guess, and surely it would’ve been worse than the official script.
Five different people credited in the fansubs and not one of them was able to catch basic translation errors, let alone fix the egregiously unnecessary localizations? And that's considered "fantastic", to the point where making your own subs would be worse? I understand not wanting to spend time on a de novo translation (or heavy script edits) for a show that has no plot and whose cuteness transcends all language barriers, but the effusive praise for the official translation is really head-scratching. Maybe I just don't understand their motivations, but if you're already sinking time to do typesetting (at which point you need to rewatch the episode anyhow) it doesn't seem like that much more effort to do basic script revisions.

That said, at least the typesetting (and karaoke lyrics) were well done, so kudos on that at least.
>> No. 37334 [Edit]
It's basically a CGDCT, and while it's technically a romance, it's not really in the romance genre at all. I think it'd be similar to Acchi Kocchi, although I haven't watched it.
>> No. 37342 [Edit]
After watching a bit of Acchi Kocchi I think Shiro Seijo actually executes better on the "fluffy, almost CGDCT-esque romance" than Acchi Kocchi. While Acchi Kocchi has elements of romance, it's feels more like a backdrop for gag scenarios (i.e. nosebleeds jokes ad infinitum). I'll keep watching it in hopes that the group dynamic & friendships get ironed out in later episodes, but it's a bit of a disappointment from a kirara.

By contrast, off the bat Shiro Seijo opts for a much more subtle, nuanced tone: the elements of romance are put through the SoL strainer, and what comes out is a purified moe. That alone might quickly get repetitive, but it also seamlessly blends in new scenarios and characters.
>> No. 37386 [Edit]
>group dynamic & friendships get ironed out in later episodes
It definitely improves a lot in the later episodes, and the jokes/gags become more chuckle-worthy too. Without the all-girl cast it still feels like it's missing the kirara charm though: you can't do as much skinship without crossing the line into explicit romance.
>> No. 37415 [Edit]
Shiro Seijo was kind of awful at romance, actually. Lawrence is one of the most infuriatingly, unforgivably dense protagonists ever. And instead of developing him as a character, they just had the side characters keep pointing out how dense he is every episode as if we couldn't see it ourselves. I don't think I'll be reading the manga anytime soon.
>> No. 37416 [Edit]
It's not a romance genre show though, it's basically cgdct. Acchi Kocchi has a similarly dense MC; it's the only way to do a show in the cgdct style genre with a male protagonist.
>> No. 37720 [Edit]
2024 Winter: Anything interesting you guys see?

Seems slim pickings for cgdct or SoL fans this time around. Only interesting things I see are "Chou Futsuu Ken Chiba Densetsu" (some sort of gag show?), 'Himesama "Goumon" no Jikan desu' (maybe similar to maojou de oyasumi?) and the Oomuro-ke movie.
>> No. 37722 [Edit]
File 170431567942.png - (2.64MB , 1920x1200 , [SubsPlus+] Gushing Over Magical Girls - S01E01 - .png )
this season is really dry for me, there's only one anime i'm super interested in...
on the bright side, Mahou Shoujo ni Akogarete is really good so far. i was already a fan of the manga and the anime's really doing it justice imo.
outside of that, the only other anime this season i'm vaguely interested in is Metallic Rouge, which i know nothing about.
>> No. 37723 [Edit]
I slacked off and couldn't watch much anime last year, I'm thinking of watching at least 3 anime each season in 2024 minimum but I don't know what to watch besides anon's recommendation (Mahou Shoujo ni Akogarete). I haven't watched Youzitsu yet, but I think I'll catch up on it to watch the 3rd season and check out Majo to Yajuu.
It's not that I'm forcing myself to watch it. Anime is still one of the things I still find interesting, I've realized I need to make an effort to keep up and enjoy it like I used to before.
>> No. 37726 [Edit]
File 170434923926.png - (611.14KB , 1565x253 , winter 2024.png )
This is what I plan to check out, lthough I doubt I'll end up sticking with each and every one there's a lot I'm looking forward to trying.
>> No. 37727 [Edit]
Seems there's a lot of buzz around this but it's a bit 2lewd4me
>> No. 37728 [Edit]
File 170435116746.jpg - (1.71MB , 2894x4093 , 55c72479307df7ab8a7efd896957f472.jpg )
Premise looks fun.
>> No. 38259 [Edit]
New slate of summer shows! Did you find anything interesting in the lineup?

As usual here's what I'm seeing for SoL/CGDCT fans:

* Shikanoko Nokonoko Koshitantan
* VTuber Nandaga Haishin Kiri...
* Mayonaka Punch
* Na Nare Hana Nare - (if you want more cheerchair club)

* Boku no Tsuma wa Kanjou ga Nai - The manga is fairly popular IIRC, might be interesting.

Besides that there's a lot of romance, romcom, and harems this season.
>> No. 38261 [Edit]
File 171980230316.png - (1.08MB , 1327x612 , Screenshot 2024-06-28 232309.png )
here's everything i plan on watching. really excited for Senpai wa Otokono and Monogatari! the rest of these, i'm going in totally blind.

the "romance, romcom, and harem" part reads kind of dismissive, i was personally grateful that this season wasn't totally dominated by fantasy like it has been for the past few seasons...
>> No. 38306 [Edit]
>Na Nare Hana Nare
Hm maybe too much kirara has rotted my brain but I can't figure out what's going on in this show. What's the timeline of events? Clearly _someone_ got injured during a cheerleading throw, but apparently both Kanata and Megumi have some sort of injury (Kanata having some sort of mental trauama and Megumi having physical injury). Why was the president(?) of the cheer club (Hana) acting so mean towards Kanata?

If Anna wants to be a music/dance-related youtuber why is she pitching ideas for a spicy ramen eating contest? If Shion dreams of being a singer-songwriter why was there a scene of her doing ballet? Why is Suzuha being a tsundere and silently parkour-stalking Shion? Why does every frame have blown out saturation?

Well I suppose so long as Anna keeps kissing everyone I can't complain. The initial cheer choreography was pretty mesmerizing as well.

>Boku no Tsuma wa Kanjou ga Nai
This reminded me of Senko-san a lot
>> No. 38309 [Edit]
>VTuber Nandaga Haishin Kiri...
>Mayonaka Punch
Really interesting that like last season we have these two shows which you could almost compare against each other. I don't think they're going to be as much on the emotional side as YoruKura/GirlsBandCry/SeiyuuNoUraomote though. Also I guess vtubing has gone mainstream enough that there's probably going to be some anime related to it every season from now on.

I'm still not sold on Mayonaka Punch, but "Vtuber Nandaga" is really fun to watch so far, and a lot dirtier than I expected. Being a VA for that show must be a blast, there's 4 layers of indirection going on there
* The VA's true personality
* The "pure" personality VAs must usually project
* The "pure" personality of the character being portrayed
* The dirty personality of the character being portrayed, which in this case might non-trivially align with (1).
I expect some nice joshiraku style humor to come out of this.
>> No. 38318 [Edit]
>Vtuber Nandaga
Sponsored by Strong Zero.
>> No. 38321 [Edit]
Ah I guess the characters don't know the cause of Kanata's issue either. I did not know there was a specific medical term for this, "yips".

>They refer to a sudden loss of a gymnast's ability to maintain body control during aerial maneuvers. Some gymnasts reference a feeling of disorientation or unawareness of where the ground is. Luckily, this is temporary and only relevant to a singular task. However, this loss of air awareness increases the chance of a serious or critical injury occurring if the gymnast forgets in the moment how to land the maneuver safely.
So I think most likely then the order of events is reversed, the "yips" is what caused Kanata to fall.

There's a neat opportunity here to physically depict the closeness of the characters, and the awareness/trust they have in each other, in the gymnastic routines. I hope the show will properly execute.
>> No. 38480 [Edit]
For some reason even though the show wasn't particularly relatable to me, this evening I randomly felt really sad for the two characters in the show that had this "Yips" condition. It must really mentally agonizing to have worked most of your life for a pursuit, only to suddenly simply not be able to do it. And to further know that there's nothing physically wrong with you, it's just a mental block. You'd beat yourself up over it trying so hard to "get over it", and those efforts would only make it worse...

Actually I guess that part of the show did resonate with me, as it's sort of similar to anxiety and falling into negative thought patterns. One of the later episodes in particular which highlights the struggles of the second character, in a sort of unorthodox way, where the character didn't even have anyone to support her like Kanata did.
>> No. 38493 [Edit]
Fall 2024: what are you watching anons?

The only thing CGDCT-y I found was "Mahoutsukai ni Narenakatta Onnanoko no Hanashi" and "Kabushikigaisha Magi-Lumière".
(I suppose I'm a bit relieved since due to various circumstances I haven't been able to finish some shows from earlier this year).
>> No. 38494 [Edit]
I'm catching up on Shana and don't care for this season. I want to drown myself in memories of old days for a while. A shame I never finished Shana before. I guess back then I was more into some shounens or whatever.
>> No. 38495 [Edit]
File 172950044676.png - (1.38MB , 1920x1080 , [SubsPlease] Puniru wa Kawaii Slime - 02 (1080p) [.png )
Puniru wa Kawaii Slime is quite funny.
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