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File 171322036483.png - (540.74KB , 941x529 , hi.png )
38031 No. 38031 [Edit]
Your reaction when you see that thing...
Expand all images
>> No. 38032 [Edit]
File 171322101866.png - (832.94KB , 1280x720 , [SubsPlease] Henjin no Salad Bowl - 02 (720p) [03D.png )
NTR is my favorite.
>> No. 38033 [Edit]
Hm there's a pattern with this smug loli accountant archetype [1]

>> No. 38036 [Edit]
Ashley was best girl.
Also, no wonder I like Salad Bowl: it's by the same woman who wrote that LN. There was something familiar, but I couldn't put my finger on it.
>> No. 38037 [Edit]
>it's by the same woman who wrote that LN
Oh wow I didn't realize either! Artist is Kantoku as well. Now these patterns make sense...

(I wonder if this show will unfold into a tapestry as grand as ImoSae was. Probably not since this seems to be a lighter comedic show, but I do have my hopes up.)
>> No. 38040 [Edit]
File 171330146776.png - (839.75KB , 941x530 , hi1.png )
I knew it
>> No. 38042 [Edit]
I don't see it going down that path, but either way is fine since it's doing well as a comedy with doses of cuteness. Anime like this are exactly what the doctor ordered.
>> No. 38046 [Edit]
File 171350306313.png - (522.83KB , 1280x720 , [SubsPlease] Henjin no Salad Bowl - 03 (720p) [7AB.png )
Sie werden die Käfer essen.
>> No. 38067 [Edit]
File 171428235753.png - (1.10MB , 1280x720 , [SubsPlease] Henjin no Salad Bowl - 04 (720p) [36E.png )
A shit!
>> No. 38071 [Edit]
[ep3] - I guess Klauss Schwab figured out how to get people to eat ze bugs
>> No. 38081 [Edit]
File 171471801627.png - (454.47KB , 1059x564 , [SubsPlease] Henjin no Salad Bowl - 05 (720p) [688.png )
I fucking love this ojousama.

I vill eat ze bugz if he funds this kind of anime.
>> No. 38088 [Edit]
henjin no mushi bowl
>> No. 38093 [Edit]
File 171531672759.png - (855.17KB , 1280x720 , [SubsPlease] Henjin no Salad Bowl - 06 (1080p) [40.png )
This is how I use tohno-chan.

Mushi mushi Jesus desu~
>> No. 38094 [Edit]
File 171539006478.jpg - (1.55MB , 1920x2160 , ASW_Henjin_no_Salad_Bowl_-_06_1080p_HEVCCCB17622_m.jpg )
Wait a minute...
>> No. 38107 [Edit]
File 171592648250.png - (811.38KB , 1280x720 , [SubsPlease] Henjin no Salad Bowl - 07 (720p) [533.png )
>> No. 38108 [Edit]
I need a spin-off show about the tax accountant & lawyer.
>> No. 38109 [Edit]
Turns out lolibaba professionals is a home run concept.
>> No. 38119 [Edit]
File 171652382112.png - (689.54KB , 1280x720 , [SubsPlease] Henjin no Salad Bowl - 08 (720p) [52E.png )
Leaving my soulless cubicle every night to enjoy a nice hot cricket tempura with my Asahi Super Dry, just like I was told!
>> No. 38120 [Edit]
File 171652676565.png - (672.11KB , 1280x720 , [SubsPlease] Henjin no Salad Bowl - 08 (720p) [52E.png )
>> No. 38121 [Edit]
I preferred the golden hair...
>> No. 38122 [Edit]
File 171653331197.png - (844.83KB , 1280x720 , [SubsPlease] Henjin no Salad Bowl - 07 (720p) [533.png )
Thankfully she'll be attending school with her natural hair (for some reason).
>> No. 38123 [Edit]
But sadly not with her friend. Couldn't they just have lied so they'd both end up in the same school?
>> No. 38128 [Edit]
Sara-chan doesn't want her debut ruined by that loser.
>> No. 38129 [Edit]
I'll assume that this was said purely in jest.
>> No. 38138 [Edit]
File 171670000619.png - (800.77KB , 1280x720 , [SubsPlease] Henjin no Salad Bowl - 05 (720p) [688.png )
I'm afraid not. The rules of nature exist regardless of dimension, and Sara-chan is merely asserting her superiority.
>> No. 38146 [Edit]
File 171711632281.png - (747.57KB , 917x720 , [SubsPlease] Henjin no Salad Bowl - 09 (720p) [090.png )
The class' ikemen: seduced.
Next, the world.
>> No. 38147 [Edit]
File 171711640542.png - (597.40KB , 789x720 , [SubsPlease] Henjin no Salad Bowl - 09 (720p) [090.png )
>> No. 38161 [Edit]
File 171770945976.png - (475.41KB , 565x720 , [SubsPlease] Henjin no Salad Bowl - 10 (720p) [61E.png )
Where the hell did this cleavage come from? Very unfaithful to the lore!
>> No. 38191 [Edit]
File 171831505354.png - (955.51KB , 1280x720 , [SubsPlease] Henjin no Salad Bowl - 11 (720p) [39A.png )
Supreme Leader (Ret.)
>> No. 38215 [Edit]
File 171891708795.png - (758.35KB , 1280x720 , [SubsPlease] Henjin no Salad Bowl - 12 (720p) [BFF.png )
And that's a wrap!
>> No. 38255 [Edit]
Is that a giant gingerbread man?
>> No. 38260 [Edit]
Pretty sure it's some kind of reptile.

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