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File 172008044098.jpg - (172.54KB , 1920x1080 , YOU DEER.jpg )
38274 No. 38274 [Edit]
The deerest show of the season.
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>> No. 38275 [Edit]
The OP for this is addictive.
>> No. 38283 [Edit]
File 172038221172.gif - (4.77MB , 400x225 , 7db.gif )
This series looks insane tbh

Shikanoko nokonoko koshitantan Shikanoko nokonoko koshitantan Shikanoko nokonoko koshitantan Shikanoko nokonoko koshitantan
>> No. 38284 [Edit]
File 172041651511.png - (69.30KB , 999x684 , GR2m-7DW8AMtUcj.png )
Saw the first ep and, it was okay I guess?
With all the hype and way people have talked about it I expected something a lot more crazy than what we got. It feels like a fairly tame [protagonist befriends unusual character] story, with a few stand out moments sprinkled in. It does seem to have better than average production values, but even so it doesn't seem like anything 'that' special. It is still entertaining enough though, and something I'll stick with.
>> No. 38285 [Edit]
The internet certainly isn't fawning over the subtitles, though. Let's hope the Internet will be deer to our hearts and stag a fansubbing group for this show.
>> No. 38286 [Edit]
>It does seem to have better than average production values
It's never like that with truly weird anime. They're not gonna risk losing money on high production values for something that could be off-putting. The marketing is kinda a bait and switch. Even the trailerbait tactic is there.

Post edited on 7th Jul 2024, 11:40pm
>> No. 38287 [Edit]
File 172042147288.jpg - (16.32KB , 225x350 , mai.jpg )
>It's never like that with truly weird anime.
Someone would like to have a word with you.
>> No. 38288 [Edit]
File 172042197118.jpg - (112.24KB , 600x848 , 295207edff39f25e69d4e47914f031d7.jpg )
The exception that proves the rule.
>> No. 38289 [Edit]
>The internet certainly isn't fawning over the subtitles, though.
Oh deer. Guess I don't even need to do comparisons this time then. I don't have much hope for fansubs considering bocchi didn't even get one despite an order of magnitude more popularity.

I have not started this show yet (and unfortunately probably won't even have a chance to start watching it for another few weeks) but maybe there are chinesium subs for this?
>> No. 38291 [Edit]
The official subs are so frustrating and the show viral enough that the deer anime may actually get proper fansubs. Currently your English choices are:

- official subs (made by the licensor, Remow, and used by CR, Amazon, etc.) - riddled with typos and feel very rushed overall,
- le meme subs - MTL,
- le meme subs (v2) - MTL with some fixes,
- [anon] subs - a fansubber on /a/ did a quick pass over the Remow subs to fix some of its issues.

If you care about sub quality, I would honestly wait a week longer or so to see if a proper subbing group forms around it. If you know some Japanese and use subtitles more as an aid, or don't care about sub quality, just stick with the Remow subs.
>> No. 38292 [Edit]
I remember seeing anons use AI generated JP subs for anime. JP CC on youtube works surprisingly well with some exceptions when people talk too fast, so I imagine it wouldn't be an issue for anime. I should look into it because I want to watch airing shows...
>> No. 38293 [Edit]
Thank you!

Oh you can do much better than YT subs (which probably call into google translate?). Use Whisper for the transcription then feed it to your LLM of choice. The results should be a lot more consistent, especially with regard to pronouns and implied context.
>> No. 38294 [Edit]
Update - Remow gave the subs some much-needed QC on the YouTube upload. The typos have been fixed and some particularly stilted sections have been retranslated.

I don't think anyone outside of their YouTube channel ingested that version yet; in particular, Crunchyroll is still using the old one.
>> No. 38298 [Edit]
Update - They changed the YouTube subs AGAIN. They're now on their third version.
>> No. 38310 [Edit]
Do you guys think Deer Girl and Squid Girl could be friends?
>> No. 38311 [Edit]
I geso.
>> No. 38312 [Edit]
Stupid question from someone who hasn't watched yet, how do you parse the title of this show?

"Shikanoko Nokonoko Koshitantan" - clearly "Shikanoko, Noko" is the MC's name which contains 鹿 (shika – deer) and "の子" (child).

So that gives [shikanoko noko]noko Koshitantan. What's the second noko part? There's probably some pun since I doubt it's a repetition of "の子" 3x: ([鹿の子 の子]の子? No.)

For the "koshitantan" part I found the yojijukugo 虎視眈々 which seems like it would probably fit.
>> No. 38313 [Edit]
Quoting /a/:

> the protagonist is called Noko Shikanoko, literally (girl, deer-girl)
> the co-protagonist is called Torako Koshi, literally (tiger girl, looking)
> “shika noko” translates to “a deer girl”
> “nokonoko” is an onomatopoeia for “walking casually”
> and “koshi tan tan” is a traditional Japanese phrase with Chinese origins that means “the tiger looks down for an opportunity.”
> The co-protagonist is faking her pesonality of do-gooder because she used to be a delinquent hence the "tiger looking on" moniker

In other words, the show's title is a Matryoshka of puns. One of the fansub groups translated it as:

> Shikanoko's doe-eyed nonchalance, Koshi-tan's tale of vigilance
>> No. 38314 [Edit]
Right, one last bit: Torako Koshi's nickname, as granted to her by the deer girl, is Koshi-tan.
>> No. 38315 [Edit]
>Torako Koshi, literally (tiger girl, looking)
How do you get "looking" from koshi?
>> No. 38316 [Edit]
Koshitantan is written as 虎視眈々.
>> No. 38320 [Edit]
I had a chance to watch the first episode. I like it, but like the quoted anon I don't think it's particularly "unexpected". Overall (which I don't mean to use in the dismissive but rather in the aggregate sense) it feels similar to Kitakubu or Sabagebu in its style of meta-comedy. (Maybe even a little bit of Teppen!!!!1 thrown in there).

I really liked Kitakubu because behind all the humor and antics you got a good sense of their friendship, hopefully this show can build on Tora & Shika's friendship. (And well Sabagebu leaned the other direction, dialing up the craziness every episode).

Also I have no idea why subtitles are apparently such an issue with this show. I am not remotely qualified to have an opinion, but the jokes did not seem to rely too heavily on knowledge of Japanese culture (unlike Joshiraku). I used the "DeerGod" subs because I liked their no-nonsense attitude in the description, and they were fine.
>> No. 38322 [Edit]
>Also I have no idea why subtitles are apparently such an issue with this show.

Because the subtitles available on the first episode's release day were either [le meme]'s MTL subs or Remow's official, typo-ridden, unedited subs. Either track was not really a good showing. This led to everyone, including Remow itself, hastily trying to deliver better subtitles, so we ended up with like ten subtitle tracks total over the next few days, and episode 2 had a few anons seeing if they can do a better job, taking advantage of the early Wednesday raws. The situation will probably stabilize within the next few episodes.
>> No. 38378 [Edit]
Why does this character understand me on a spiritual level?
>> No. 38414 [Edit]
Because it's Fauna Ceres' chaotic imouto?

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