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File 150503544487.jpg - (100.76KB , 802x1000 , welcome-to-nhk-vecto-satou.jpg )
29372 No. 29372 [Edit]
It's been 10 years and there is STILL no anime as real or brutally honest as Welcome to the NHK. How did this anime change your life?.
25 posts omitted. Last 50 shown. Expand all images
>> No. 29545 [Edit]

>> No. 29547 [Edit]
File 150769779011.jpg - (103.64KB , 475x539 , 3211077300e346f773dea480f9a77778c7f56ebc.jpg )
Please be more constructive in your posts, this is a warning as your excessive "this", "true", and "same" posting offers no constructive discussion.
>> No. 29550 [Edit]
>> No. 29552 [Edit]
His posts are fine.
>> No. 29556 [Edit]

Thanks i will take this into consideration.
>> No. 29573 [Edit]
I couldn't finish this. I stopped watching it around episode 5 or so because it hurt a bit too much to watch. Should I revisit it or will it just depress me? Can the obvious ending (Satou becoming a "productive member" of society) be read in any other way than advocating normalism?

I really just hope this isn't like the Grinch where I'm left in tears by the 1984esque defeat for the protagonist
>> No. 29574 [Edit]

I found myself depressed at how Satou finds a new girl for each arc and then stupefied as how quickly he forgets everything he learned from the previous experience as things move into the next arc. The arcs will either sucker punch you, or make your roll your eyes at the situation.

The ending isn't advocating normalism so much as the end result of what happens of when the wellfare checks stop coming and you have to make ends meet one way or another if you don't want to starve in the streets. I'd hardly call the end result "productive" for him, Once she graduates from school, he's going to quit being a positive role model for her and go back to being a hikki 16 hours a day and working 8 hours to pay for rent and his addictions.
>> No. 30353 [Edit]
>The ending isn't advocating normalism so much as the end result of what happens of when the wellfare checks stop coming and you have to make ends meet one way or another

True i mean as far as i know Neetbux technically don't last forever.
>> No. 31781 [Edit]
Got to face reality eventually?
>> No. 31792 [Edit]
File 154116610289.jpg - (136.92KB , 1200x675 , hikikomori2.jpg )

It has been 2 years and i am still a hikikomori neet sitting in my room jobless no motivation and not doing anything.
>> No. 32024 [Edit]
Currently watching this. It's fun, but blatantly obvious that its little more than anti-hikikmori propaganda. Satou doesn't even feel like a hikikmori either, he's more of a failed normalfag. He just lacks motivation, he doesn't seem like a genuinely broken person who has spent a lifetime of abuse.
>> No. 32025 [Edit]
He's certainly a very outgoing and social hikikmori.
>> No. 32026 [Edit]
It didn't.
>> No. 32029 [Edit]
Read the book and manga they are both better also keep in mind that hikikomori are technically failed normalfags and Satou was trying to get out of being a hikikomori not be one forever.
>> No. 32033 [Edit]
Every human being is social. Even if you're not good in social situations, you will still pine for some type of social interaction. You're here on this internet forum right now interacting with others. Just because you can handle having an IRL friend doesn't mean you're a normalfag. Even weird people can have friends.
>> No. 32674 [Edit]
File 155391647457.jpg - (39.45KB , 357x499 , nhk book.jpg )
The book is better.
>> No. 32676 [Edit]
I read the novel fairly recently and I liked it a lot more. It was more focused, and the way the story flowed was so much more satisfying.
>> No. 32678 [Edit]
It didn't change my life at all, I have largely forgotten about it. I like being a hiki so it's not really applicable to me anyway.
>> No. 32714 [Edit]
Fuck, man. I just remembered Satou was only 22 in this.
>> No. 32761 [Edit]
File 155480458739.jpg - (25.91KB , 600x400 , BvJ7x8bCIAAkWgE.jpg )

I am a 25 year old hikikomori.
>> No. 32762 [Edit]
NHK coldly and effectively exploited anime viewer's mopey melancholy and self pity for great financial rewards. Anyone who was chump enough to fall for the hey that anime character is just like me! routine should feel ashamed and embarrassed.
>> No. 32763 [Edit]

I think you're waaaay overthinking it anon.
>> No. 32764 [Edit]
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It's a conspiracy.
>> No. 32766 [Edit]
File 155491636388.png - (0.97MB , 1132x760 , sato.png )
It didn't change anything, well maybe it changed my grades since i watched it during my finals instead of studying but oh well.
The only reason Sato went outside in the first place was because he had a reason to, I don't have a reason to nor can I find one that is better than what I am doing now, so why bother.
Of course, the novel hit me harder than the anime and I had to take a second shower after reading Sato's lolicon monologue but nothing major changed.
The show is obviously pandering to NEET and Hikki fantasies but of course we all know that a cute girl taking pity on us is never going to happen so why even entertain the thought.
>> No. 32767 [Edit]
I didn't really find the anime that compelling. At least the way he's portrayed in the anime, Satou maybe isn't a social butterfly but he definitely seems socially competent enough to have/had a middling relationship with Hitomi, form friendships with Yamazaki, etc. His agoraphobia seemed almost tangential.

The only point I sort of got out of the anime was that Satou's main issue is his gullibility and his inability to manage his life (the way he just falls into the pyramid scheme, wastes his money on gaming, etc.).
>> No. 32769 [Edit]
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I felt about the same way. He was by and large a normalfag, also a complete moron with little self control and a touch more paranoia than would be reasonably expected, but still a normalfag that would talk to people, meet women (every arc centers around a different one), and then return to the status quo before the next arc.

I've heard his personality is a lot more hikkikomori in the novels, but I didn't bother. The anime was a slog that I finished for completion sake.
>> No. 32774 [Edit]
I didn't feel anything from watching the anime. I think the reason many people relate to it or think it's depressing is because the hikkikomori lifestyle is shocking for them, either because they're a functional person or a hikki themselves that lack doesn't or avoid to think about his situation too much. When I watch the anime, my opinion throughout the show is this is just normal stuff I do everyday bar the human relationships and adventure. The "everybody is broken and has issue" message are also delivered quite flatly. As >>29459 mentioned, the whole jumping from suicide to mmo to whatever the next episode is going to be is absurd and feels more like the author is trying to show sheltered people how depressing the world is when I am already sick of this kind of stuff. My point is, the author isn't a particularly good writer or anything, his only strength is having knowledge about the hikki lifestyle but then so do I. If being neet or hikki isn't such a relatable thing in the anime community, nobody would remember this anime. I don't think it's really that terrible, just overrated. It might be worth a watch but it's ridiculous if it become anybody's top anime.
>> No. 32775 [Edit]
nothing is real or honest about a NEET just getting a job through begging
>> No. 32776 [Edit]
>there is STILL no anime as real or brutally honest as Welcome to the NHK.
I think that depends entirely on your perspective. I could say the same thing about Kaiji and the ugly picture it paints of greed, poor life chooses, and what people are willing to do for a buck.
>> No. 32777 [Edit]
Pretty sure I would be dead if we didn't have the dole here. It has been a long time since I watched NHK but I think I remember how it went for Satou. If you were begging for a job in real life, it would actually go worse for you if you were visibly starving.
>> No. 32779 [Edit]
Only good version.
>> No. 32828 [Edit]
File 155592740514.jpg - (76.84KB , 671x509 , hiki.jpg )
>The hikikomori lifestyle

Hikikomori is a distinct psychiatric condition that is not directly caused by a physical condition or another psychological problem It's not just another lifestyle. being a hikikomori is not the same as being a generic shut-in Neet or an introvert who likes to stay home. A hikikomori is a specific type of shut-in most of the time a Neet who does not leave their bedroom in their parents house or single room apartment and isolates themselves away from society and their family for 6 months.
>> No. 32832 [Edit]
I did not meant lifetyle in the sense that it is something done for amusement nor that people choose to be hikkikomori out of trivial reason. I simply use it to describe a way of life, in this case the condition of a hikkikomori. It was a poor choice of word.
>> No. 32833 [Edit]
Thats the Lain guy who did the art for book, isn't it? Was he involved in the NHK anime at all?
>> No. 32836 [Edit]
You mean Yoshitoshi ABe?
No, at least i don't think he was.
>> No. 32837 [Edit]
He was not, but he did do the cover illustration and his design for Misaki forms the basis for the anime version's.
>> No. 35748 [Edit]
File 162293942177.jpg - (383.76KB , 1558x1400 , 914899a4acd2018014ea301f4f5c9ed47e184040.jpg )
I reread the novel but in Japanese this time. I noticed some differences between it and the Tokyopop translation.

Satou's hikikomori song lyrics use the old kana orthography, e.g. きょう is written as けふ. Likewise, later in the novel, "tetsuhou" was actually written as てつはう. This doesn't really come across in the translation.

When Yamazaki is drunkenly rambling about Nanako, he first uses "boku" but then corrects himself by saying, "iya, kono ore ga," which is lost in translation, where he just says, "I... I," making it sound like he's merely hesitating or stuttering.

There's a part where Satou is describing what he thinks Misaki will say and do to him in response to his actions by the elementary school. In doing so, he quotes or paraphrases the Bible and refers to what is supposedly the corresponding verse, but he gets the first two references wrong. For some reason, the way it's wrong differs between the Japanese text and the translation, and the translation quotes a different verse for the second one. I wonder why.
>神はすべての罪を知っている!(ルカ 18:18)
Luke 18:18 has nothing to do with the quote.
>み子に従わない者は命を見ない!(ヨハネ 3:16)
He refers to John 3:16, but the text is more in line with John 3:36.
>The Lord knows all your sins!
The endnote refers to John 3:20, but that verse doesn't really have anything to do with the quote.
>For if our heart condemns us, God is greater than our heart and knoweth all things
The endnote refers to John 3:36, but the text used here is actually pretty much 1 John 3:20.

At one point, Satou's narration reads:
> 梅雨明けで、すかっと爽やか、スーサイド
I think that first sentence means something more like, "I thought up a haiku," even though it's 5-8-5 rather than the more typical 5-7-5. The translation reads:
>A line from a poem popped into my head: The end of the rainy season, refreshing, suicide.
which makes it sound more like he's remembering part of an existing poem that's not necessarily a haiku.

One thing that bugged me about the translation was the mismatched name order. They use "Satou Tatsuhiro" and "Misaki Nakahara" even though "Satou" and "Nakahara" are the family names. Of course, it's fine in the Japanese text.

At the beginning of chapter 8, there's this exchange:
Misaki doesn't know the word 癪, so Satou berates her in his head to go study more. The translation uses the more common word "problems" instead, arguably making Misaki come off as more clueless than she was originally portrayed. There's a similar issue later on when Misaki quotes from a book, "retto itto bii," and then asks Satou what it means. In the translation, it's merely "Let it be" in plain English without an endnote or anything.

The text contains over 100 instances of 「…………」. In the translation, they seem to be omitted or replaced with things like, "I didn't say anything," "I had nothing to say," "I was speechless," "I didn't answer," etc., I guess because using ellipses that way can come off as incorrect, confusing, or annoying to English speakers.

Interestingly, the word ニート/NEET doesn't seem to be used anywhere in the main text. It only appears in a second afterword that was appended some time in or after 2005, years after the book's original date of publication. Speaking of which, there's a page near the end that notes that this story was originally serialized on the web in 2001.

I really like the soundtrack and still listen to it sometimes even to this day. That said, the novel remains my favorite version for reasons similar to those mentioned by >>32676.

I prefer the earlier cover art.
>> No. 38297 [Edit]
File 172068746151.png - (307.95KB , 853x480 , 1716037676404079.png )
While it's cool, that there is an Anime about life as a Hikikomori, I don't think NHK deserves as much praise as it gets, on a technical level. For example already in the 3rd episode, Satou goes out at daylight to one of the easily most crowded places he could (a middle/high school) to make pictures of lolis, as if there was no problem for him leaving the house in first place. Fair enough, maybe he just isn't socially anxious and has other reasons to be a Hikki, but then all the scenes where he thinks all people surrounding him, laugh at him, doesn't make much sense. Okay. But then there is also the thing, that Satou apparently, never has heard of online porn or video games before, which is just hard to believe all things considered. Overall NHK doesn't go much into detail, why Satou is a Hikikomori, or why anyone would live like this. As far as I remember, he doesn't really struggle with anything. Not even working seems like a problem to him at the end of the series. It's just given that Satou leads a normal life from then on, despite all odds. I enjoyed watching it, but because it's the only one of it's kind really, people make it out to be more than it really is, I feel like. I've watched it quite some time ago, but I plan on reading the novel, which is supposedly better.

>How did this anime change your life?.
It didn't, but it was a fun to watch show.

Post edited on 11th Jul 2024, 2:02am
>> No. 38299 [Edit]
> (a middle/high school) to make pictures of lolis
Are you retarded?
>> No. 38300 [Edit]
> all the scenes where he thinks all people surrounding him, laugh at him, doesn't make much sense
Because he's suffering from a psychotic break and that's the main reason he decided to shut himself in (paranoid delusions)
>Satou apparently, never has heard of online porn or video games before, which is just hard to believe all things considered
He didn't hang out with people who knew about those things until Yamazaki. I think it's believable given the time period, not everyone was terminally online back then and knew about those things, or if it did chances are it was seen as childish and not worth caring about
Maybe it's time for a rewatch?
>> No. 38302 [Edit]
File 172072986252.png - (781.98KB , 1014x533 , little girls.png )
I wasn't exactly sure what kind of school it was, since in the subs they were speaking of "little girls", which is a bit vague, thus the slash. But hereof stems why I called it loli. Also Misaki asks him in the line after, whether he is a lolicon.
>Because he's suffering from a psychotic break and that's the main reason he decided to shut himself in (paranoid delusions)
Fair enough
>not everyone was terminally online back then and knew about those things
I thought it was heavily implied he was, because being at the computer seems to be the only thing he shown doing.
>Maybe it's time for a rewatch?
I guess so
>> No. 38303 [Edit]
Then it is obviously an elementary school.
>> No. 38304 [Edit]
It's not explcitly said in the anime, but if you read the novel you will know the stuff Satou goes and finds online are pictures of junior models (basically what would be considered cp). He isn't looking at 2D. In this era in Japan, nearly 20 years ago, it was legal to posses cp, and even was until 2014. Iirc specific names of models are either mentioned or implied in the book and anime but it's easy to miss. The anime (iirc, watched long ago) dumbed this part down for sure, but I'm pretty sure it was clearer in the novel. Likewise, the details of Satou's relationship with Hitomi were left out in the anime, as with the appliance hallucinations at the beginning being caused by using drugs. I'm not sure why these changes were made, but I always assumed it was so that it could be aired on TV. Like, I don't think they could get away with Yamazaki playing the Doremi opening without a copyright issue, so they created the Pururin song.
>> No. 38308 [Edit]
>so they created the Pururin song
Which was sung by the songstress/VA who played Onpu, iirc
>> No. 38339 [Edit]
You know after 12 years I never realized that, but after reading your post it immediately clicked with me and it's obviously her voice. That's incredible, thank you for posting about that.
>> No. 38343 [Edit]
I think Welcome to the NHK is some sort of anti-NEET propaganda. I mean what else are you to conclude from the fact that the show basically focuses on someone falling for the dumbest scams and ends with a message that even though it sucks, you're ultimately better off participating in society (aka getting a job).

It's the equivalent of taking an alcoholic living on government subsidy who loses all his money on crypto schemes and pointing to him as an example of why you're better off wageslaving.
>> No. 38344 [Edit]
there is nothing good about being a neet
>> No. 38345 [Edit]
That's not necessarily the case. There are positive aspects in not having responsibilities and dedicating the entirety of your time to the things you like. Naturally this comes with drawbacks like the lack of personal freedom, independence and in some cases respect for yourself if you compare your life with others
>> No. 38350 [Edit]
In my experience it's good if your body and mind doesn't decay.

Body is easy, some sport and you are done. It doesn't matter which, as long as you do something, unless when something specific hurts then you should probably train it. There is a lot of stuff for at home too. A stationary bike for example is great. Else some dumbbells are also doing the job. Many things can be done without any equipment and devices, in case of a money shortage. If you postpone it again and again then a gym membership helps. With several hundreds spent the pressure is higher to get something out of it and you can't really get distracted there. As a neet it's possible to go anytime you want, so going when nobody is there is a blessing.

Keeping your brain in shape is harder, but here are many options as well. Learning a language, coding, making music, drawing, reading, writing and so on. Important is that you need to think and that you are challenged. It's hard to say what is the right thing for you, so just try something. Once is not enough though, do it a few times and if you get nothing out of it go to the next. Some fresh air and greenery can also do wonders to prevent your mind getting cluttered. If you can't try cooking or meditating.

Your diet is also important. Take care to have the needed nutrition. Don' eat too much and often, but don't forget to eat.

Heaven and hell is incredbily close when it comes to neeting, especially as a hikineet. Living in that hell would make death be a sweet release and mercy.
>> No. 38360 [Edit]
YOu make a lot of sense...
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