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File 145302551314.png - (927.73KB , 1280x720 , anime screencap2016-01-17-02h09m21s230.png )
25311 No. 25311 [Edit]
i would fuck that
Expand all images
>> No. 25313 [Edit]
That might mean something if it wasn't coming from someone who 'would fuck' any 2d girl.

>> No. 25314 [Edit]
File 145302686733.png - (429.62KB , 1280x720 , anime screencap2016-01-17-02h32m20s168.png )
apparently the theme of this show is that this girls butt is on camera covering at least 20% of the screen area for most of the show. here is one of the rare lower screen coverage moments
>> No. 25337 [Edit]
File 145323049461.jpg - (97.84KB , 315x450 , kono subarashii sekai ni shukufuku wo.jpg )

Really? Aw. I expected this to be softer harem with minimal ecchi, judging from its cover.
>> No. 25340 [Edit]
I've been noticing some people on tc love to really over exaggerate these sort of things for whatever reason.
>> No. 25349 [Edit]
is DanMachi and DanMachi was great
>> No. 25407 [Edit]
File 145404719611.png - (783.94KB , 1280x720 , anime screencap2016-01-28-21h58m01s201.png )
cabbage tit collision
>> No. 25482 [Edit]
File 145519298976.jpg - (89.93KB , 1280x720 , anime%20screencap2016-02-11-03h47m49s91.jpg )
>> No. 25484 [Edit]
As far as the plot goes, you'd be correct.
But visually, it stays true to the genre.
>> No. 25499 [Edit]
Why does Aqua keep calling the main character a hikki-NEET? Isn't being a NEET or hikki naturally incompatible with being a high school student?
>> No. 25501 [Edit]
Because no one ever explained what a NEET is to the people who make anime and manga.
>> No. 25627 [Edit]
File 145735519830.jpg - (97.99KB , 1280x720 , [HorribleSubs] Kono Subarashii Sekai ni Shukufuku .jpg )

Because she is a selfish cunt. The MC isn't that much better than her, but at least he has a conscience.
>> No. 25652 [Edit]
>> No. 27695 [Edit]
File 148430378997.png - (707.47KB , 1280x738 , anime screencap2017-01-13-02h34m14s009.png )
aqua's butt is back
>> No. 27696 [Edit]
i'd rather watch that maid dragon show
>> No. 27796 [Edit]
File 148557101159.jpg - (221.85KB , 1280x720 , vlcsnap-2017-01-28-05h34m38s399.jpg )
Looks like their animation team changed drastically. This art is nowhere near as good as the first season.
>> No. 27797 [Edit]
the first season had good art?
>> No. 27803 [Edit]
File 148568058797.png - (1.15MB , 1280x720 , anime screencap2016-02-11-03h43m24s45.png )
it did if you like t&a
>> No. 27830 [Edit]
why is Aqua-sama so shit? she ruined the entire series for me
>> No. 27833 [Edit]
File 148610735834.png - (1.03MB , 1280x738 , anime screencap2017-02-02-23h34m04s490.png )
free butts
before the OP even
>> No. 27838 [Edit]
File 14861092052.png - (901.61KB , 1280x738 , anime screencap2017-02-03-00h04m17s078.png )
this ass is visible for like 2 frames and the art on it is just horrible
they only needed to make 2 good frames, but no instead they made two awful ones. disappointing
>> No. 27845 [Edit]
File 148614598060.webm - (2.36MB , Ok.webm )
Are you ready for the best MegaMan clone ever to be released? They're making this for the Bluray and DVD releases. Pic unrelated.
>> No. 27852 [Edit]
It looks pretty good
>> No. 28173 [Edit]
File 148983566137.png - (1.04MB , 1280x738 , anime screencap2017-03-18-04h12m05s819.png )
what would u do if u were in the bath and a naked man walked in and grabed his cock?
>> No. 28192 [Edit]
File 14900797072.png - (0.97MB , 1280x738 , anime screencap2017-03-20-23h58m51s530.png )
i'm half sure they'll show her pussy soon
>> No. 28193 [Edit]
File 149008047462.png - (967.11KB , 1280x738 , anime screencap2017-03-21-00h10m57s145.png )
i appreciate the country western ED this season, you can almost see her pussy in it
>> No. 29323 [Edit]
File 150352914719.png - (49.88KB , 192x162 , konogame.png )
Here's the game, in case anyone wants to give it a shot. It's not translated yet, afaik. Have fun!
>> No. 29340 [Edit]
File 150395527286.png - (383.71KB , 590x450 , konogame2.png )
I forgot to share the password, it's "explosion".

An English translation can be found here:
>> No. 35869 [Edit]
Sage because bumping a years-old thread may be considered rude.
>Why does Aqua keep calling the main character a hikki-NEET? Isn't being a NEET or hikki naturally incompatible with being a high school student?
Because the characters were originally older in the web novel but were aged down in adaptations. Aqua looking down on Kazuma for being a hikki-NEET makes more sense when Kazuma is college-aged, and Megumin's chuunibyou behaviour actually looks odd for her age like it's supposed to when she's seventeen rather than fourteen.
Thanks for this.
>> No. 35871 [Edit]
File 162894701863.jpg - (164.21KB , 620x500 , 1573514526791.jpg )
>Sage because bumping a years-old thread may be considered rude.
The eternal dilemma...

Here's a reason to bump: a new animation announced last month: . I don't remember seeing any info on the format, but hoping it's a 3rd season. I've been (slowly) reading the LNs, and it seems like there's plenty of material.
>> No. 35872 [Edit]
File 16289471738.png - (1.74MB , 1200x853 , E6lLfa1UcAUvtXj.png )
>> No. 37121 [Edit]
File 168168722346.jpg - (140.43KB , 1280x720 , [SubsPlease] Kono Subarashii Sekai ni Bakuen wo! -.jpg )
Drink more milk kid!
>> No. 37125 [Edit]
First ep of the megumin spinoff was pretty meh. Here's hoping it picks up.
>> No. 37145 [Edit]
Did we really need a backstory for why she likes explosions? Really?
>> No. 37173 [Edit]
I would argue... YES, WE DO
>> No. 37190 [Edit]
File 168413116387.jpg - (124.71KB , 1280x720 , [SubsPlease] Kono Subarashii Sekai ni Bakuen wo! -.jpg )
What the hell is a Jib?
>> No. 37192 [Edit]
Are you a native english speaker? "Cut of your jib" is a fairly idiomatic saying, albeit it's a bit old-timey these days.
>> No. 37195 [Edit]
I don't think it's a matter of not understanding the idiom but why it's said the way it is. It's something that frustrates me about cliche phrases somewhat, in that they're often based on things that are no longer particularly intuitive. A jib is a headsail on a boat.
>> No. 37201 [Edit]
>it's a bit old-timey these days
Perfect for T-C!
>> No. 37224 [Edit]
File 16851658258.jpg - (98.67KB , 1280x720 , [SubsPlease] Kono Subarashii Sekai ni Bakuen wo! -.jpg )
The man knows what he wants.
>> No. 37255 [Edit]
File 168620876929.jpg - (55.21KB , 1154x649 , ASW_Kono_Subarashii_Sekai_ni_Bakuen_wo_-_08_1080p_.jpg )
So far the Kono Suba spinoff is feeling very bland and uninspired. It's almost like the writer put their best ideas and efforts into the original work. Then one of the characters exploded in popularity so they tried to exploit that, so they stopped to ask themselves "okay so what do people like about this character?"
What we get is endless jokes about worthless men and lolicons.

When I heard this was a prequal, what I expected was Megumin joining random groups and failing one after another until finally finding the one she ended up with. That's sort of the backstory they gave her in the original after all. Instead it feels like they went too far back, trying to establish everything from why she likes explosions to where she got her eyepatch. A lot of it we really didn't need to know, and it just bogs things down.
So much of the attempts at humor just seem to fall flat, not that it feels like they're even trying that hard anyway.

The friendship formation with yunyun is pretty cute though.
>> No. 38045 [Edit]
File 171341816529.jpg - (154.78KB , 1280x720 , [SubsPlease] Kono Subarashii Sekai ni Shukufuku wo.jpg )
Would you fall for it?
>> No. 38056 [Edit]
File 171401145842.jpg - (134.50KB , 1280x720 , [SubsPlease] Kono Subarashii Sekai ni Shukufuku wo.jpg )
Just look at how she's dressed, she's just begging to be grapped.
>> No. 38057 [Edit]
Built to be tied to a radiator!
>> No. 38073 [Edit]
File 171453972674.png - (2.14MB , 1920x1080 , panchu.png )
After that terrible spinoff I didn't have high hopes for this new season, but so far it's not missing a beat.
>> No. 38074 [Edit]
File 171454698459.png - (507.80KB , 615x690 , [SubsPlease] Kono Subarashii Sekai ni Shukufuku wo.png )
The core cast is just that strong.
>> No. 38076 [Edit]
File 171462026691.jpg - (135.70KB , 1280x720 , [SubsPlease] Kono Subarashii Sekai ni Shukufuku wo.jpg )
They play off each other really well. It just seems to start falling apart when you spend too much time focusing on just one or the other.
>> No. 38105 [Edit]
File 171589325387.png - (0.99MB , 960x1080 , [SubsPlease] Kono Subarashii Sekai ni Shukufuku wo.png )
I want to make this into an animated banner.
>> No. 38118 [Edit]
File 171650411646.png - (811.53KB , 1280x720 , [SubsPlease] Kono Subarashii Sekai ni Shukufuku wo.png )
Another banner-worthy one!
>> No. 38160 [Edit]
File 171763562080.png - (860.35KB , 1280x720 , [SubsPlease] Kono Subarashii Sekai ni Shukufuku wo.png )
Aqua has nothing on him!
Also I want to fucking vomit.
>> No. 38164 [Edit]
This bothered me about season 2 as well. Lots of focus on Aqua and Darkness, but little interaction. Darkness being a masochist is only funny so many times.
>> No. 38165 [Edit]
File 171787538157.png - (785.66KB , 1280x720 , [SubsPlease] Kono Subarashii Sekai ni Shukufuku wo.png )
Yup. Her masochism was very weak compared to the other girls' quirks. So this part of the story is very, very welcome in properly fleshing her out. I can happily say that she's on equal footing with the rest.
>> No. 38189 [Edit]
File 171825834292.png - (500.55KB , 668x720 , [SubsPlease] Kono Subarashii Sekai ni Shukufuku wo.png )
It's not often you see a character like Darkness be drastically improved in one season.
You love to see it.
>> No. 38212 [Edit]
File 171884642882.png - (798.09KB , 1280x720 , [SubsPlease] Kono Subarashii Sekai ni Shukufuku wo.png )
They had me going for a few moments. Sasuga, Aqua-sama.
A good ending to another fine animated entry of Konosuba.
>> No. 38213 [Edit]
File 171884652561.png - (703.47KB , 1280x720 , [SubsPlease] Kono Subarashii Sekai ni Shukufuku wo.png )
And due keep in mind that obsessing over a woman for most of your adult life is not worth sacrificing your anal virginity and life to demons, even if she and her daughter are high spec.
>> No. 38220 [Edit]
Why only 11 episodes this season? Is ep 12 going to be a blue-ray disc only episode? Weird episode count...
>> No. 38222 [Edit]
The first two seasons both had ten episodes each, but they also got OVAs.
>> No. 38256 [Edit]
File 17197244862.jpg - (40.66KB , 474x304 , 20240701.jpg )
I expect more OVAs and maybe a movie.
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