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File 132109057044.png - (2.41MB , 637x3800 , cliche.png )
7145 No. 7145 [Edit]
Let's see how many of these we can find by pooling our resources.

Just post a cap of it in this thread when you see it.
Expand all images
>> No. 7147 [Edit]
Tomoya's all the way in the back; doesn't count.
>> No. 7149 [Edit]

Actually I though that is the protagonist seat. I'm pretty sure it's more common than what Tohno has posted. I'm too lazy to actually go and take screenshots.

There was a 'Blazing Bat' pasta floating around about that-guy from Kimi ni Todoke which was based on the fact that he had the protagonist seat (all the way in the back). Then again Sawako's seat would be the one Tohno suggest (second last instead of last).

Actually it's so widespread I was pretty suprised when it turned out Keima from TWGoK sits in the middle row.

This is completely unrelated but I was sitting in the protag seat (as in last desk, not second last) quite a bit, especially in HS.
>> No. 7154 [Edit]
last window seat, second to last window seat, the hell difference does it make? stop nitpicking.
>> No. 7157 [Edit]
File 132114139758.jpg - (143.86KB , 654x736 , Yosuga no Sola.jpg )
My 2 cents.
>> No. 7159 [Edit]
File 132114268968.jpg - (140.47KB , 512x780 , uh.jpg )
The strange thing is...
>> No. 7160 [Edit]
File 13211428198.jpg - (153.28KB , 495x795 , kimi ni todoke.jpg )
>I though that is the protagonist seat

Some of them might even realize their own position only when they reach that place.
>> No. 7161 [Edit]
My highschool didn't have windows, so I never got to sit in a protagonist seat ;_;
>> No. 7163 [Edit]

You're destined for greatness.
>> No. 7164 [Edit]
I remember once in about grade 5 before anyone knew I was autistic, and I had trouble focusing, my teacher put my desk in the corner, facing the window so he didn't have to look at me. I used to get real hot and feel sick in the summer times.
>> No. 7166 [Edit]
Rei is the real star of the show?
>> No. 7169 [Edit]

Well she has a pretty big role in End of Evangelion...
>> No. 7171 [Edit]
This happened to me in 7th grade ;_;

Up until then I got the second to last window seat every year since 2nd. Interestingly, it was always a fat boy who sat behind me (not always the same one either). 8th grade had me sitting in the back alone in front of the teacher's desk.

Once in high school I took back my usual place in the second to last window spot mostly out of habit (until I simply stopped going). Though no fat boys sat behind me then, actually there was always a buffer in every class of empty seats around me for some reason...
>> No. 7172 [Edit]
...on some hiki/NEET satyre (probably including NTR).
>> No. 7179 [Edit]

Um, I'm pretty sure there's a big difference between the two.

I'm pretty bored lately so I might actually go through my HDs full of anime to make some caps but I don't watch any romcom shows so I don't think I'll find many examples of this. Again, I always thought that the last seat is the protag seat.

Hell, even Akarin sat in the last row by the window. I thought they were poking fun at her with this.
>> No. 7184 [Edit]
File 132128562486.jpg - (363.14KB , 1280x720 , [Hatena] Kyoukai Senjou no Horizon - 05 (MBS 1280x.jpg )
I will never understand why the protagonist always has to sit in that specific area.

Is it easier to draw or something?
Even Horizon and Guilty Crown have the main characters sitting in that seat. For the Horizon MC, it doesn't even make sense, because his personality is the type that sits in the VERY front.
>> No. 7186 [Edit]
>Is it easier to draw or something?

Probably, yes. I mean, half the screen is just a window (which you can usually fill very easily with generic skyblue or light) while the remaining half is just the protagonist, with maybe one character behind him. Anywhere else and you'd be pretty much forced to draw multiple background characters as well as details of the classroom itself. In fact, if you think about it, it's an economic shot that quickly sets the setting (classroom window and 1 background character) and shows the main character. I can't imagine any other spot in the classroom would be as efficient and cost-effective as the window seat.
>> No. 7188 [Edit]

Well then.
I'm glad we solved this.
Can't really get mad if they're doing it to save money.
>> No. 7189 [Edit]
I don't think they do it to save money in any regard, I think it's more done just because everyone has done it for so long, almost like a meme of sorts. The same way you see a lot of classrooms in anime have the number 2-C or 2-B.
>> No. 7214 [Edit]

>I don't think they do it to save money in any regard, I think it's more done just because everyone has done it for so long, almost like a meme of sorts.

I agree. I think a lot of studios/authors do it just for the heck of it.
>> No. 7906 [Edit]
File 132478000864.jpg - (428.12KB , 1280x720 , [Mazui]_Boku_Ha_Tomodachi_Ga_Sukunai_-_12_[8E1BF68.jpg )
>> No. 8964 [Edit]
File 133211755441.jpg - (133.47KB , 704x396 , ShugoChara05_avi_000128331.jpg )
>> No. 8965 [Edit]
File 133211904229.jpg - (93.08KB , 508x281 , school days.jpg )
One seat behind and you're fucked.
>> No. 8972 [Edit]
File 133214007937.jpg - (12.60KB , 300x225 , sakaki.jpg )
>> No. 8983 [Edit]
No seats were near the windows in any of my schools. Hell, my middle school had NO windows. All the classrooms were in the middle of the building while the outer walls all were offices for teachers and admins.

We weren't allowed to stare out the window. Or have dreams. ;_;
>> No. 8986 [Edit]
Unless you're a anime character, I don't see how that's appropriate for this thread.
>> No. 9092 [Edit]
File 13329864967.jpg - (100.01KB , 848x480 , not quite.jpg )
does this count?
>> No. 9098 [Edit]

The real protag is the bored kid in the last row who looks out of the window. That's a very protagy thing to do.

One thing nobody seemed to ever mentioned is how the protags are seated by the window for plot related reasons - they can see what's going outside the school that way. So whenever they see someone suspicious entering/one of their friends leaving even though classes aren't over yet/Death Notes getting dropped left and right they can get up and run out of the class (and since the classes have two pairs of doors the last row is quite close to the exit) and do whatever the protag is supposed to do.
>> No. 9202 [Edit]
File 133351838750.png - (420.27KB , 723x508 , rpti.png )
Denpa Onna to Seishun Otoko
>> No. 9208 [Edit]
>Real Player

What the fuck am I seeing?
>> No. 9226 [Edit]
What I'm wondering is why, not only is the video player itself in the cap, but also has transparent edges.
>> No. 9231 [Edit]
We've fallen through a time warp.
>> No. 9279 [Edit]
File 13338384441.jpg - (117.27KB , 723x508 , protag_seet_REALPLAYER PWZ JOO.jpg )
did anyone post Akaneiro ni Somaru Saka yet?
>> No. 9296 [Edit]
File 133389311278.jpg - (42.92KB , 704x400 , snapshot20090126220434.jpg )
even Yuki's seat...
>> No. 9299 [Edit]

Candy boy!
long time no see.
>> No. 9347 [Edit]
File 133426280447.jpg - (159.73KB , 1280x720 , [Underwater-rori] Haiyore! Nyarlko-san - 01 [2F4D0.jpg )
>> No. 9359 [Edit]
File 133432589514.jpg - (118.70KB , 1280x720 , snapshot20090715231331.jpg )
>> No. 9361 [Edit]
File 133434087626.jpg - (101.47KB , 1280x720 , [Commie] Kore wa Zombie Desu ka? of the Dead - 0.jpg )
Ayumu is the one who suffers the most from the MC's curse.
>> No. 9390 [Edit]
Right? It's like, why doesn't he just change seats.
>> No. 9391 [Edit]
Because then someone else would take it, along with his spot light and all his bitches.
>> No. 9441 [Edit]
File 133496113788.png - (513.57KB , 640x480 , vlcsnap-2012-04-20-15h28m39s14.png )
CardCaptor Sakura (episode 8)
>> No. 9557 [Edit]
File 133600172785.png - (350.42KB , 723x508 , cutenni.png )
>> No. 9562 [Edit]

Too far away, doesn't count.
>> No. 9566 [Edit]
i think there is some confusion about exactly which seat we are discussing
>> No. 9575 [Edit]

There is but even then the ones in question are last and second last.
>> No. 9922 [Edit]
File 133961616467.jpg - (128.13KB , 1280x720 , [Doremi]_Smile_Precure!_19_[1280x720]_[47149D9B]_m.jpg )
>> No. 10828 [Edit]
File 134463367351.jpg - (131.58KB , 1280x720 , [UTW]_Accel_World_-_17_[h264-720p][E6C151E7]_mkv_s.jpg )
>> No. 12105 [Edit]
File 135105805273.jpg - (112.26KB , 1280x720 , [UTW-Mazui]_Little_Busters!_-_02_[720p][D634FD46]_.jpg )
>> No. 13515 [Edit]
File 135854736448.png - (2.65MB , 1280x720 , love live 02.png )
>> No. 13523 [Edit]
That's the back corner, it has to be second from the back, baka.
>> No. 13528 [Edit]
File 135859625062.jpg - (82.54KB , 1280x720 , [Kira-Fansub]_Shuffle!_Episode 01v2_(BD_1280x720_h.jpg )
>> No. 13531 [Edit]
Tomoya Okazaki and Itou Makoto were there as well. I think that rather might be the doomed protagonist sit.
>> No. 13542 [Edit]
Oh God, you're right.
>> No. 13815 [Edit]
File 135996382720.png - (2.65MB , 1280x720 , minami.png )
Does that mean Kana is doomed?
>> No. 13816 [Edit]
File 135996411087.png - (2.65MB , 1280x720 , Kotorasan.png )
I don't see why it has to be second from the back, why can't it be back corner window OR second from the back corner window? There seems to be plenty of protags in the far back corner to warrant it's inclusion. and is this really even a cliche? seems more like a in-joke type of thing, like the Wilhelm scream.
>> No. 13817 [Edit]
I don't know, I'm just fucking around...
But we'll see.
>> No. 14032 [Edit]
File 13612686498.png - (5.95MB , 1920x1080 , nekorun.png )
>> No. 14123 [Edit]
File 136177927254.jpg - (61.43KB , 1280x720 , [FFF] Love Live! - 08 [415F45BA]_mkv_snapshot_16_1.jpg )
>> No. 14125 [Edit]
If you ask me, when a anime has two characters in the back two seats, the one second to the back takes priority. see >>13515
>> No. 17548 [Edit]
File 138172701716.jpg - (70.85KB , 1280x720 , [Anime-Koi] Tokyo Ravens - 01 [h264-720p][18C64B64.jpg )
>> No. 18725 [Edit]
File 139268792439.jpg - (66.02KB , 1280x720 , [FFF] Noragami - 01 [3B59E3E2]_mkv_snapshot_14_20_.jpg )
>> No. 18744 [Edit]
File 139289903580.jpg - (92.58KB , 1278x720 , saten studying hard.jpg )
She's so cute.
>> No. 19380 [Edit]
File 140073442286.jpg - (113.89KB , 1282x720 , meta as fuck.jpg )
>> No. 20451 [Edit]
File 140857368770.jpg - (100.44KB , 1280x720 , [Commie] Hanamonogatari [E055B3E8]_mkv_snapshot_00.jpg )
>> No. 20452 [Edit]
Oh my god, I forgot!!!
[runs to Nyaatorrents]
>> No. 20546 [Edit]
File 140979051951.jpg - (505.56KB , 1280x720 , 23e4r5t6yuhijk.jpg )
>> No. 20547 [Edit]
File 140979089294.jpg - (440.71KB , 1280x720 , heart catch.jpg )
and here I thought Tsubomi was more of the main character.
>> No. 20549 [Edit]
File 140982904046.jpg - (69.75KB , 640x480 , 1.jpg )
>> No. 22849 [Edit]
File 142950673170.jpg - (72.53KB , 1280x720 , [caffeine] Nagato Yuki-chan no Shoushitsu - 01 [72.jpg )
>> No. 23077 [Edit]
File 143127186016.png - (929.24KB , 1090x863 , Ultimate protag seat.png )
>> No. 23195 [Edit]
File 143229850681.jpg - (579.26KB , 1280x720 , (Hi10)_Nisekoi_-_01_(BD_720p)_(Coalgirls)_(DD0F09D.jpg )
Since Nisekoi protagonist Raku used that seat, does it make him a minor character?
>> No. 23196 [Edit]
File 143229861758.jpg - (209.48KB , 1920x1080 , (hi10)_magical_girl_madoka_magica_-_02_(bd_1080p)_.jpg )
Continued at >>23195
And Kaname Madoka too?
>> No. 23197 [Edit]
He's a harem protagonist, those are always minor as far as characters go.

Banhammer incoming, brace for impact.
>> No. 23198 [Edit]
Meduca meguca is a deconstruct, also Meduca isn't the main character.
>> No. 23269 [Edit]
File 143390302816.png - (1.13MB , 1132x636 , Hibike!Euphonium ep_ 9.png )
>> No. 23826 [Edit]
File 144043831214.jpg - (98.47KB , 1264x704 , [Stardust] Jewelpet 01v3 [HD_720p]_mkv_snapshot_04.jpg )
>> No. 24086 [Edit]
File 144378697045.jpg - (114.49KB , 1264x704 , [Stardust] Jewelpet 06 [HD_720p]_mkv_snapshot_10_3.jpg )
>> No. 24819 [Edit]
File 144872782498.jpg - (149.34KB , 1280x720 , [Commie] Jinrui wa Suitai Shimashita - 11 [BD 720p.jpg )
I think this might count.
>> No. 25964 [Edit]
File 146078990466.jpg - (145.13KB , 1280x720 , [HorribleSubs] Sansha Sanyou - 01 [720p]_mkv_snaps.jpg )
>> No. 26009 [Edit]
No one wants to sit up the front close to teacher?
>> No. 26010 [Edit]
Of course not, you know how stressful that is?
>> No. 26491 [Edit]
File 146794868533.jpg - (122.23KB , 1280x720 , [gg]_Kuromukuro_-_05_[A3D6E7D0]_mkv_snapshot_02_59.jpg )
>> No. 26519 [Edit]
File 146817612325.jpg - (139.41KB , 1280x720 , [HorribleSubs] Yuki Yuna wa Yusha de Aru - 01 [720.jpg )
>> No. 26520 [Edit]
File 146819152216.gif - (1.66MB , 852x476 , 2c878bc3de5db4b6d4848d1d792.gif )
not always
>> No. 26527 [Edit]
File 146822833581.jpg - (72.89KB , 1280x720 , 156.jpg )
>> No. 27688 [Edit]
File 148422073266.jpg - (101.50KB , 1280x720 , [HorribleSubs] Robotics;Notes - 05 [720p]_mkv_snap.jpg )
>> No. 30347 [Edit]
File 151582563238.jpg - (81.59KB , 1364x766 , MarchenMadchen-Episode1-1.jpg )
>> No. 30378 [Edit]
File 151595989466.jpg - (161.61KB , 1280x720 , Noir.jpg )
>> No. 32015 [Edit]
File 154487551850.png - (593.35KB , 1280x738 , realplayer2018-12-15-04h01m31s458.png )
>> No. 32494 [Edit]
File 155261701078.jpg - (286.60KB , 1920x1080 , shot1210.jpg )
>> No. 32747 [Edit]
File 155461928743.jpg - (154.53KB , 1280x720 , shot1082.jpg )
>> No. 33036 [Edit]
File 156200763359.jpg - (98.80KB , 848x477 , 8D30A5E0-A098-4A93-BC9B-F3F9AAD77E7A-26550-000020C.jpg )
Yuki is another exception.
>> No. 35206 [Edit]
File 16070210211.jpg - (478.94KB , 1280x1440 , Adachi to Shimamura protag seat.jpg )
This really says something about who the protagonist of this anime is.
>> No. 35652 [Edit]
File 161991849224.jpg - (86.79KB , 1280x720 , [SubsPlease] Super Cub - 02 (720p) [4563A554]_mkv_.jpg )
I wonder if studios aren't just doing it out of a sense of tradition at this point.
>> No. 35654 [Edit]
I think Super Cub is company sponsored. It's like a really, really nice ad. Not that I'm complaning.
>> No. 35739 [Edit]
File 162239316119.png - (1.26MB , 1431x894 , ippo seat.png )
>> No. 35772 [Edit]
File 162413127057.jpg - (131.42KB , 1280x720 , cooking class.jpg )
For a little variety, cooking class.
>> No. 37019 [Edit]
File 167597553728.jpg - (171.22KB , 1920x1080 , onimai 06.jpg )
>> No. 37032 [Edit]
This one was almost surely intentional, I think they even explicitly said "your seat is in the back" or something.
>> No. 37085 [Edit]
Now I know why I never amounted to anything. If only I had picked the right seat...
>> No. 37171 [Edit]
File 16831629634.jpg - (717.83KB , 1920x1080 , 【Oshi no Ko】04.jpg )
>> No. 38492 [Edit]
File 172947294213.jpg - (134.97KB , 1952x1100 , magical canan.jpg )
Best girl gets the best seat.
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