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File 133163198293.png - (296.04KB , 800x629 , 4f2d6891414ae7a265ffbd575aa70ec0.png )
8903 No. 8903 [Edit]
Figured it would be better to keep it in one thread, rather than make a ton of small ones every so often...
Expand all images
>> No. 8904 [Edit]
Replies: >>8906
File 13316320207.png - (176.18KB , 230x328 , i118817.png )
Just to start things off.
Fate/kaleid liner Prisma Illya
A spin off of the well established fate/* series, is due to get an anime adaptation.

Story is centered around Illyasviel "Ilya" von Einzbern who is living as a school girl in a alternate universe.
Other characters from the fate universe will be present, such as Rin (Kaleido Ruby) and Luvia (Kaleido Sapphire)
>> No. 8905 [Edit]
File 133163233941.jpg - (75.51KB , 600x840 , Anw1Qb8CAAATV5K.jpg )
King Records opened a teaser website of a new anime "K" on March 19th. One of the character designs was posted on the official twitter account. (shown with this post)

"K" Project official website: http://k-project.jpn.com/

The producer is Nakanishi Go ("Soukyuu no Fafner: Dead Aggressor", "Seitokai Yakuindomo", "Yondemasu yo, Azazel-san."). The details of the anime have not been given yet.
>> No. 8906 [Edit]

>Magical Girl Ilya

Sounds good.
>> No. 8907 [Edit]
File 133164228530.jpg - (123.17KB , 480x854 , 533310410.jpg )
According to the official website, the director of Tiger & Bunny Movie 1: The Beginning will be Kometani Yoshitomo ("GaoGaiGar"). Sato Keiichi, the director of the TV series, tweeted that he felt sorry for not being able to direct the film.

Tiger & Bunny official website:

According to Newtype magazine, the first film will be reassembled version of the TV series with new scenes. The producers try to make the film more than a recap and want the audience to enjoy the background of the story, which was not revealed in the TV series.

Source: Sato's tweet, Newtype
>> No. 8911 [Edit]
Replies: >>8921 >>9293
It's over, SZS is finished.


Or at least it will in 301 chapter. I wonder if Kumeta (did I remember it correctly?) just called it quits otr if it was finally axed. It's being doing pretty poorly for a long while.

But man, this don't look too good for Magazine with both SZS and Negima ending at roughly the same time.
>> No. 8921 [Edit]
I'm kind of glad, even though I love SZS it has been declining in quality for a while. I'd like to see Kumeta try something slightly different.

[spoiler]It will probably end with Chiri killing Kumeta for ending the series on an uneven numbered chapter.
>> No. 8946 [Edit]
According to the official website, director Sato Junichi's new OVA "One off" was announced to be released this year. Car manufacturer HONDA has been cooperating with the production. HONDA will display a wrapped motorcycle featuring the anime at Osaka and Tokyo Motor Cycle Show.

One off official website:

General Director: Sato Junichi
Chief Director: Kimiya Shigeru ("Gift: Eternal Rainbow")
Original Character Designs: Kuroboshi Kohaku
Series Composition & Script: Suzuki Masashi
Anime Character Designs: Watanabe Atsuko
Production Studio: TYO Animations

A slice of life of high school girls in the early summer. Shiozaki Haruno is a 17-year-old girl who loves her motor cycle, HONDA's Giorno. She lives in remote highlands and longs for a vivid life in a city. Encounters with people staying at Haruno's parents' boardinghouse encourage her to step forward to her dream.
>> No. 8947 [Edit]
Well, this is more manga news, but it will reach anime eventually, so...

Apparently Black Lagoon is coming back. I can't read moon, but it has been reported as true twice so far, so who knows? I can't read Japanese myself, so I don't.

Here is his blog, for those that know moon.

>> No. 8950 [Edit]
Replies: >>8951
Strike Witches movie comes out today in Japan. Subs can't be made soon enough.
>> No. 8951 [Edit]
Replies: >>8952 >>8968
File 133203944093.png - (351.65KB , 592x840 , 1217638380126.png )

You seem to have mixed up the theatrical release with the BD/DVD release.

We still have about 6 months to go before subs.
>> No. 8952 [Edit]
Replies: >>8955
I assume he's talking about cam rips.
>> No. 8955 [Edit]
Replies: >>8956 >>8957
File 133204360478.jpg - (215.44KB , 960x540 , 1217624626600.jpg )

Japan doesn't do camrips, with very very few exceptions.

You should know this by now.
>> No. 8956 [Edit]
like disappearance?
Is strike witches not popular/big enough for that?
>> No. 8957 [Edit]
Replies: >>8959
It's because none of them can do it subtly...
>> No. 8959 [Edit]
Where as American bootleggers can hide cameras in just about anything.
>> No. 8968 [Edit]
>The movie hits Japanese theaters March 17
Did something happen to delay it? I can't find anything saying otherwise.
>> No. 8976 [Edit]
Replies: >>8991 >>8994
>According to TV Hokkaido, the TV series of Gintama' was announced to end on March 26th.

>> No. 8988 [Edit]
Replies: >>8995
old news, but yeah
>> No. 8991 [Edit]
Replies: >>8994

The anime looked like it was doing pretty well. Or does this have something to do with the whole Renhou thing?
>> No. 8994 [Edit]
Replies: >>8996
File 133233894899.jpg - (77.37KB , 1280x720 , [HorribleSubs] Gintama - 251 [720p]_mkv_snapshot_2.jpg )
It's barely march and the anime already caught up to the manga.

; _;
>> No. 8995 [Edit]
Replies: >>8998
>4th season

Well in all seriousness, I really hope they will go with Daume or at least other decent studio which won't butcher the shit out of the animation and art direction.
>> No. 8996 [Edit]

>It's barely march and the anime already caught up to the manga.

To be precise the only chapters that haven't been adapted yet are what was published in Jump this year. They made it perfectly clear with the New Years episode. Heck, they even talked about it.

It can't be helped, let's hope they'll take it off the air for a year and then we'll see another 52 eps series next year.
>> No. 8998 [Edit]
Replies: >>9002
Do you think we might have a chance in hell this time of getting art style resembling that of the first season?
>> No. 9002 [Edit]
I don't know man, there's only a little to no detail at all from that announcement, we can only hope for the best.
>> No. 9008 [Edit]
Replies: >>9013 >>9014

Someone linked this in IRC and I was convinced for 10 minutes that it was fake. Welcome back, noitaminA.
>> No. 9010 [Edit]
According to Asahi News, anime director Ishiguro Noboru passed away on March 20th. He was 73 years old. He founded Artland studio in 1978 and directed Legend of the Galactic Heroes and Macross. As the representative of Artland, he trained Itano Ichiro and Mikimoto Haruhiko.

Source: http://www.asahi.com/obituaries/update/0321/TKY201203210546.html
>> No. 9011 [Edit]
According to Anime!Anime!, Toei Animation has announced an original anime movie "Rakuen Tsuiho -Expelled From Paradise-" at Tokyo International Anime Fair. The details of the project except the production staff haven't been revealed yet.

Rakuen Tsuiho anime official website

Director: Mizushima Seiji
Script: Urobuchi Gen
Original Work: Nitro+ and Toei Animation
Production Studio: Toei Animation

Source: http://animeanime.jp/news/archives/2012/03/post_1919.html
>> No. 9012 [Edit]
File 133247662139.jpg - (175.71KB , 582x800 , 543629261.jpg )
According to the cover note of the eighth volume, Crimson's web manga "Aoi Sekai no Chushin de" was announced to get an anime adaptation.


Director: Yanagisawa Tetsuya
Character Design: Fujii Maki

Gear: Okamoto Nobuhiko

All the characters are parodies of Nintendo or Sega games such as Sonic the Hedgehog, Super Mario Bros., The Legend of Zelda etc. Segua Kingdom has been losing the war against Ninterdo Empire but the tables are turned by the appearance of a boy called Gear (a parody of Sonic the Hedgehog).

Source: image with this post.
>> No. 9013 [Edit]
Woah holy shit ! I still can't believe it's real, it has been so long and the outlook is not really good and then this came. It's a shame though I can't get my hands on the manga because there's no translation for it in my country.
>> No. 9014 [Edit]
Surprising that a manga that sells so well took so many years to get a second season.
>> No. 9025 [Edit]
File 133259347322.jpg - (22.38KB , 640x480 , 1245481239583.jpg )
>Japan Norio Wakamoto Championship Announced
>Wakamoto Norio himself will judge the performances of the participants imitating Wakamoto.


>> No. 9034 [Edit]
Replies: >>9107
We'll need to wait and see if this is really true.

And also another season of Tamayura. Hooray!

Post edited on 25th Mar 2012, 5:21am
>> No. 9103 [Edit]
Replies: >>9107

Production IG can be really hit and miss. We'll need to wait and see how this one turns out.
>> No. 9107 [Edit]

Forgot to report this one. noitaminA is definitely getting back on track now.

>we'll need to wait and see
I need to stop using that phrase. (´・ω・`).
>> No. 9122 [Edit]
>TV Anime of VN Game 'Robotics;Notes' Announced

Thought as much.
>> No. 9142 [Edit]
Replies: >>11663
File 133330824691.gif - (2.92MB , 704x396 , beach dance.gif )
Oreimo season 2 announced


More tsun fangs, more snooty cats, more love
>> No. 9146 [Edit]
Replies: >>9162
File 133331428584.jpg - (730.48KB , 700x770 , 3344a5b06ec95b7df968959b17ad4e1b.jpg )

Fuck you, I'll be depressed as fuck if this is a joke
>> No. 9153 [Edit]
File 133332125586.jpg - (179.56KB , 444x301 , 20110109_dogdays01_resize.jpg )
Sekai Yori (From the New World) PV unveiled: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=GCercp1jDfE

Dog Days 2nd Season Scheduled for July Broadcast: http://www.dogdays.tv/index.html

Kokoro Connect PV unveiled at Anime Contents Expo, set for Summer 2012 broadcast: http://0taku.livedoor.biz/archives/4157200.html

Joshiraku Anime to be animated by JC Staff: http://yaraon.blog109.fc2.com/blog-entry-8536.html

ToLove Ru Darkness TV Anime Announced: http://animeanime.jp/article/2012/04/01/9761.html

Hidamari Sketch 4th Series due for October Broadcast: http://0taku.livedoor.biz/archives/4156974.html
>> No. 9157 [Edit]
Replies: >>9162
Everybody calm the fuck down.

I understand getting upset about a comment, or just expressing your opinion, but please do not turn a thread into some bullshit reminiscent of the things we have come here to avoid.

No, you don't have to keep it to yourself, but letting yourself sink to a lower level in the heat of the moment is not ok. Just take it easy, friends.
>> No. 9162 [Edit]
Replies: >>9181
Apparently I do have to keep my opinions to myself, since my original post was deleted.
but >>9146 wasn't.

How the fuck was a post asking if the news post was a April fool's joke, more deletion worthy than that?
Seriously, What the fuck?
>> No. 9181 [Edit]
Replies: >>9304
My apologies. I was trying to deal with the ones that seemed to be angry or defensive, rather than all of them, and didn't think much of it.

I just want people to relax, that's all, man. Sharing opinions is fine, but again, not when it is in an angry or defensive/offensive way.
>> No. 9293 [Edit]

Aaand Air Gear is over, too.

RIP Magazine

No really, who the fuck ends three long running series within like two months?
>> No. 9304 [Edit]
A post that starts by saying "Fuck you" doesn't come across to you as "angry or defensive/offensive"?
>> No. 9409 [Edit]
According to Nikkei MJ, the rating of Mobile Suit Gundam AGE has been hovering around the 2% level. Although the main target of the TV series is preteen boys, the rating among the kids sometimes goes down to zero. Bandai has been aware of the unpopularity of Gundam AGE among kids and have tried to identify the reason by conducting a questionnaire. What they found from the survey was that kids today are unfamiliar with wars and space colonies. To draw the attentions of those kids, Bandai featured scenes at school in Asem's Arc, but their attempt failed to obtain the expected result.

Despite the failure of Gundam AGE, Ueno Kazunori, the President of Bandai Namco HD, has been keeping his composure with the business. At the beginning of this year, Ueno encouraged the disheartened staff of Gundam AGE by saying, "Don't be in panic." The reason for his calmness is the favorable status of the whole Gundam sales, which has grown by 18% year-on-year. The increase is mainly attributed to the success of Gundam Unicorn. Bandai Namco HD will expand the business by coordinating the subsidiary companies taking advantage of the popularity of Gundam Unicorn among fans in their 30-40s.

According to Nijigen Shinbun, a film project of Gundam AGE has been surfaced. The authenticity of the report is uncertain.

>> No. 9410 [Edit]
Osaka may open the Osaka Sougou Manga Geijutsu Kouka Daigaku (Osaka Comprehensive Manga Arts Institute of Technology), which will become the first university to have the word "manga" in its name. Ueda Gakuen, the legally incorporated education system responsible for the new university, aims to raise students not only capable of manga expressionism, but also capable of utilizing the newest of digital technology as well as business and commercial management.

Although Kyoto Seika University had officially announced the opening of a manga department/manga major back in 2006, MEXT claims that this is the first legal submission that ever had the word "manga" in its name.

Source: http://www.asahi.com/national/update/0414/TKY201204140111.html
>> No. 10018 [Edit]
File 134010877095.jpg - (104.47KB , 708x684 , 05035a66.jpg )
Brains Base announced an anime adaption of Capcom's online game Ixion Saga. It's to be directed by Shinji Takamatsu.


Post edited on 19th Jun 2012, 5:26am
>> No. 10063 [Edit]
File 134053128728.jpg - (64.01KB , 450x253 , 180px-Ling_Xiaoyu_-_Full-body_CG_Art_Image_-_Tekke.jpg )
I go here for anime news~

>> No. 10096 [Edit]
File 134083542044.jpg - (217.99KB , 1077x697 , 212c78ce.jpg )
"Maoyuu Maou Yuusha" is getting an anime adaption, due for winter. It's based off this light novel: http://myanimelist.net/manga/28125/Maoyuu_Maou_Yuusha
>> No. 10115 [Edit]
Tanken Driland trailer released...doubt I'll watch this: http://youtu.be/fZkewiI0L40

Seems to be a lot of these social media games turning into shows now.
>> No. 10126 [Edit]
>Third Season of Hayate no Gotoku! Confirmed
>According to Weekly Shonen Sunday, the third season of Hayate no Gotoku! was announced to be aired this autumn. The production studio is Manglobe. The story of the new anime will be newly written by the manga author.

>Second Season of Seitokai no Ichizon Due in October
>According to the cover note on Dragon Magazine September issue, the second season of Seitokai no Ichizon was announced to be streamed on Niconico Live from October. The online streaming will precede the TV airing.

>TV Anime of To Love-ru Darkness Due in October
>According to Jump Square magazine, To LOVE-Ru Darkness was announced to be aired from this October. An OVA is scheduled to be released in August.

Ichizon S2 out of nowhere. Personally I'd rather have SYD S2.
>> No. 10141 [Edit]
File 134115391982.jpg - (56.16KB , 794x619 , 56fc6923.jpg )
"Aura: Maryūinkōga Saigo no Tatakai" is to get a film adaption, based off the original light novel.

The 2008 school romantic comedy novel revolves around Ichirō "Menzu" Satō, a high school freshman who forgets his textbook at school one day. Ichirō encounters a beautiful girl while sneaking back into his school in the dead of night. The girl calls herself a witch from a parallel world. Ichirō used to suffer delusions of grandeur like this, but vowed to stop so that he can successfully re-invent himself as a freshman in high school.

Official website: http://www.maql.co.jp/special/aura/index3.html
More information: http://www.animenewsnetwork.com/news/2012-07-01/aura/maryuinkoga-saigo-no-tatakai-anime-film-officially-unveiled
>> No. 10168 [Edit]
Replies: >>10289
>According to Cinema Today, Evangelion: 3.0 You Can (Not) Redo was announced to be premiered on November 17th. The release date was displayed on the wall of Shinjuku Wald 9 Cinema in Tokyo.
>> No. 10192 [Edit]
File 134129297837.jpg - (181.77KB , 576x1024 , kamisama.jpg )
Kamisama Hajimemashita is to get an anime adaption.

>> No. 10248 [Edit]
File 134148717664.jpg - (17.80KB , 480x360 , m8cc86f66a018a6b5083c8040e61a855122c470b2.jpg )
Blood-C: Last Dark movie
>> No. 10249 [Edit]
File 13414944217.jpg - (56.41KB , 400x573 , ogf1gm.jpg )
Some awesome news: Jojo's Bizarre Adventure is to finally get a fully animated TV series, set for the Fall 2012 season.

Furthermore there is a PS3 game titled "All Star Battle" being developed, to be released next year.
>> No. 10257 [Edit]
File 134158329045.jpg - (167.44KB , 703x1000 , 7f782a8d.jpg )
I love this time of year...so many announcements. Today:

Ore no Kanojo to Osananajimi ga Shura Sugiru animation adaption announced, based off the light novel. Production will be done by A1.

Post edited on 6th Jul 2012, 7:06am
>> No. 10258 [Edit]
Replies: >>10259 >>10265 >>10282 >>10614
File 134158337918.jpg - (109.56KB , 400x328 , img_02.jpg )
And a new Sailor Moon series is being created, set for release in Summer 2013.

Post edited on 6th Jul 2012, 7:06am
>> No. 10259 [Edit]
>> No. 10265 [Edit]
Replies: >>10283
I quess I need to marathon all old ones soon...
>> No. 10282 [Edit]
Replies: >>10614 >>10618 >>10623

Holy macro, are you for real?

So many reactivations over last couple of years... Trigun, Slayers, Eureka Seven, Rupan, Seiya, Eva, I'm sure I'm still missing quite a few.

I'm not sure how to feel about this, I really love the show and the reactivations have been very hit and miss... I hope this one will turn out okay.

One thing that's hard to deny in such situation is the fact that the industry really has ran out of ideas - we have to dig up series from two, three decades ago to keep going.
>> No. 10283 [Edit]
Even the films?

I wish I could watch them with you so I wouldn't have to download them myself. Sorry if that sounds a little disturbing
>> No. 10285 [Edit]
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>> No. 10289 [Edit]
Replies: >>10295 >>10614
File 134173178217.jpg - (23.95KB , 250x171 , pic.jpg )
I prefer the video announcement

Season 2 is finally here and it only took 30 years!
http://www.wa v/video/mysterieuses-cites-or-trailer-52rdh_2ey1r_.html
>> No. 10295 [Edit]
Replies: >>10323 >>18366

It that Esteban S2? Jesus Christ, what the hell is going on... I mean seriously, what's fucking next? New Harlock? Galaxy Express S2?

Also, even though I mentioned quite a few reactivations there are still lots which I have forgotten about... DBZ Kai (well that's a remake I guess), Votoms, Last Exile, Unicorn was the first proper UC series since 08th MS I think and that was early 90s...
>> No. 10296 [Edit]
oh my god...
>> No. 10305 [Edit]
File 134183426460.jpg - (96.47KB , 292x472 , Kyoukai01.jpg )
A side story to Kara no Kyoukai will be getting an animated film.
>> No. 10323 [Edit]
Replies: >>10326 >>10614

Guess what.

>New Anime Movie of Dragon Ball Announced

>According to Weekly Shonen Jump, a new anime movie of Dragon Ball was announced.

>Unconfirmed info: It'll be a new Dragon Ball Z movie and the author Toriyama Akira is deeply involved in the script. The movie will be premiered on March 30th 2013.

That complete lack of creative drive in the industry.
>> No. 10326 [Edit]
What would the movie be about? I think that they've done just about as much as they could've done with the series, unless they decide to bring Broly back as some sort of ball of muscles or a some sort of new "saiyan" where he's black and stronger than the others until they decide to use teamwork or some other stupid thing to beat him.

I hope that they make fun of it in Gintama.
>> No. 10368 [Edit]
File 134228194075.jpg - (69.08KB , 324x400 , 617212404.jpg )
The World God Only Knows is to get an OVA animation, focusing on the character Tenri Ayukawa.
>> No. 10374 [Edit]
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If you can read Japanese, this one is good..
>> No. 10530 [Edit]
Replies: >>10531 >>10614
>New Macross movie announced

>> No. 10531 [Edit]
Replies: >>10532 >>10534
File 134330245091.jpg - (36.50KB , 400x300 , 3240880.jpg )
Apparently it's a crossover of Macross Frontier and Macross 7
That's pretty cool.
>> No. 10532 [Edit]
Replies: >>10535


>> No. 10534 [Edit]

I'm mostly excited for the show coming to Blu Ray myself.
>> No. 10535 [Edit]
Replies: >>10537
I'm not sure what you're trying to say, but I'm guessing it's in regards to how awful 7 was?
>> No. 10536 [Edit]
File 134330495031.jpg - (253.74KB , 915x771 , b56b0a7c.jpg )
Mondaiji tachi ga Isekai kara Kuru sodesuyo? is getting an anime based off the original LN.

Doesn't look like anything special...

>> No. 10537 [Edit]
Replies: >>10541

Yeah, 7 was the worst Macross series. It's awful. I want Space K-On to leave.
>> No. 10541 [Edit]

Me again, remembered something. The irony behind the title of Marcoss 7's manga side story (Macross: Trash) never fails to get me. How appropriate.
>> No. 10604 [Edit]
Replies: >>10614 >>10635
>Second Season of Boku wa Tomodachi ga Sukunai Announced
>> No. 10614 [Edit]
Replies: >>10620


>New Anime of Initial D Announced


>> No. 10618 [Edit]
Replies: >>10619 >>10621

It kind of makes you wonder why people hate remakes of movies and video games, but lose their shit when an old anime gets a reboot.
>> No. 10619 [Edit]
I believe most people welcome remakes of old videogames.
>> No. 10620 [Edit]
>Initial D
As that show went on, that old 86 was having a harder and harder time beating all those modern cars, makes me wonder how it would hold up today.
>> No. 10621 [Edit]
Replies: >>10624

Reboot, remake and sequel are three completely different things though.
>> No. 10623 [Edit]
Replies: >>10628
>One thing that's hard to deny in such situation is the fact that the industry really has ran out of ideas - we have to dig up series from two, three decades ago to keep going.

I agree. At the very least they could at least adapt some more obscure manga series or whatever.

I don't mind the remakes of old shows if they turn out all right but some originality would be nice.
>> No. 10624 [Edit]
Replies: >>10625
pardon my ignorance, but is there really that big of a difference between a remake and a reboot? they seem rather similar.
(not the person you're replying to)
>> No. 10625 [Edit]

A remake respects the original, it might update stuff to make it easier to understand for new audiences (times change).
A reboot just ignores everything that came before while keeping the name (so it can leech off it's fame) and a vague concept of what the original was.
>> No. 10628 [Edit]

>I agree. At the very least they could at least adapt some manga that are actually over and reached some kind of conclusion instead of giving us butchered adaptations of ongoing series.

>> No. 10632 [Edit]
Replies: >>10633 >>10635
File 13436961712.gif - (6.04MB , 580x326 , sena window.gif )
A second season of Haganai has been announced on twitter
>> No. 10633 [Edit]

I had a feeling that show would get one eventually.
>> No. 10635 [Edit]

>> No. 10649 [Edit]
Replies: >>10650 >>11205
File 134379807361.png - (442.16KB , 800x800 , 1329870722482.png )
>> No. 10650 [Edit]
Replies: >>10652

Ah awesome news. Wasn't my favourite show but I'd love a second season anyway.
>> No. 10652 [Edit]
same. kinda surprised since i heard the first sold pretty poorly
>> No. 10657 [Edit]
Replies: >>10659 >>10663 >>10877
File 134383396471.jpg - (63.58KB , 720x506 , d790b542-s.jpg )
Shaft is creating a new anime series called "Prism Nana Project" to be revealed at C82.

Site: http://www.prism-nana.com/
Character designs: http://otaname.com/archives/13133856.html
English news: http://www.animenewsnetwork.com/news/2012-08-01/shaft-studio-launches-prism-nana-project-anime

Post edited on 1st Aug 2012, 8:20am
>> No. 10659 [Edit]
Replies: >>10682
>Madoka Magica's SHAFT Launches Prism Nana Project Anime
Funny how now Shaft is known because of Madoka.
>> No. 10663 [Edit]
Replies: >>10675
The main site is down, but from the looks of the ANN link it's going to be another mahou shoujo? This makes me wary, but it's Shaft so who the fuck knows what we'll get.
>> No. 10675 [Edit]
Replies: >>10676

Yeah, it's going to be a mahou shoujo. The site was down apparently because it's getting so much traffic (it's up now but there is really nothing there, just the character designs).
>> No. 10676 [Edit]
Replies: >>10682
They're not going to stop until they've completely raped and destroyed whats left of that genre, are they?

Post edited on 2nd Aug 2012, 4:06am
>> No. 10682 [Edit]
Replies: >>10685 >>10691
File 134390268097.jpg - (174.99KB , 500x548 , aGEN.jpg )
What is Bakemonogatari?

So SHAFT is ruining the genre and Pretty Cure isn't?

Man, the ignorance in this thread is astounding.
>> No. 10685 [Edit]
>Pretty Cure isn't?
>> No. 10691 [Edit]
Replies: >>10717

>What is Bakemonogatari?

Funny because earlier I wanted to comment that I'd rather see 'SHAFT, the [pretty boring but I guess it wasn't bad] Madoka studio' than 'SHAFT, the [what is this pile of shit] Bakemonogatari studio'. The only SHAFT show I haven't seen since they recruited Shinbo was Vampire Bund and Bakemonogatari was the worst of them by quite a wide margin.
>> No. 10710 [Edit]
File 134400399197.jpg - (77.74KB , 321x500 , 9998.jpg )
The shojo mystery manga Princess Nazotoki Is a Famous Detective is to get a couple anime episodes soon, released on DVDs in some magazine.

The anime continues the story from "Bōrei ga Sasayaku Shima" (The Island Where Spirits Whisper), the manga installment published in September issue. Ibuki Kido plays Hinami Shiori, Kaito Ishikawa plays Fujisaki, Yoshitsugu Matsuoka plays Umesaki, and AKB48 idol group member Haruka Ishida plays the guest character Kaiji.
>> No. 10717 [Edit]
Replies: >>10719
File 134404249716.jpg - (144.09KB , 500x566 , aGEN.jpg )
Paint by numbers, formulaic anime doesn't excite me.

I see SHAFT (and specifically Shinbo) as willing to take risks. Sometimes it doesn't pay off but that's why it called 'risk'. I also like how it does arty effects on cheap. No talking heads with only mouth-flap animation if they can help it...

It doesn't hurt that SHAFT seems to be using seiyuus that I like. =3
>> No. 10719 [Edit]
I know we're really off topic here, but I agree so strongly that I had to chime in.
I can understand why some of their shows don't appeal to certain people, but I really don't get why so many people seem to hate them so fervently.

Anyhow, the prism-nana.com site is back up, but there isn't any actual content on the site yet.
>> No. 10738 [Edit]
Replies: >>10756 >>10771
OVA of Ebiten coming out in December, on top of the show currently airing.


Ano Hana is getting a film, re-telling the entire story strictly from Menma's viewpoint. That should be awesome to see.

Post edited on 5th Aug 2012, 10:50am
>> No. 10756 [Edit]
link http://www.animenewsnetwork.com/news/2012-08-05/anohana/the-flower-we-saw-that-day-gets-film-next-summer
>> No. 10771 [Edit]
That's great news. A while ago I felt like rewatching Ano Hana but I couldn't get myself to do it. I'm not going to miss this, though.

It's probably going to be even better although I'm a little worried about the execution. They should probably focus more on the events that took place before the main timeline of the anime.
>> No. 10774 [Edit]
File 134444303686.jpg - (193.50KB , 768x868 , e91c4e2c.jpg )
>> No. 10821 [Edit]
Replies: >>10824

Well, this is a pleasant surprise.
>> No. 10824 [Edit]

Shaft or not (not my favourite studio, but whatever) I'm looking forward to this.
>> No. 10839 [Edit]
Replies: >>10878 >>10879 >>12644
File 134474358163.jpg - (9.51KB , 220x229 , b.jpg )
For the Aussies on this board, there will be anime in the movie theatres.
>> No. 10877 [Edit]
Replies: >>10882

Here is the trailer if no one has yet had the chance to see it: http://youtu.be/NGP2jcVZIlM
>> No. 10878 [Edit]
Children who chase lost voices was disappointing. I was expecting a usual Shinkai work, but he suddenly decided he wanted to go try and be Ghibli with this one.
>> No. 10879 [Edit]
I went to that when they premiered Redline. It was pretty good, except there were lots of ford drivers in the crowd.
>> No. 10882 [Edit]
File 134501814263.jpg - (72.45KB , 690x800 , aDD.jpg )
Thanks for the video link.
>> No. 10906 [Edit]
Replies: >>10907
An Ika Musume OVA is out!
>> No. 10907 [Edit]
Oh haruhi, I needed more Ika-chan!

Thanks for posting!
>> No. 10949 [Edit]
Replies: >>10963
File 134545823083.jpg - (28.70KB , 400x382 , ad.jpg )
Hotaro has become the most hated male character this season.
>> No. 10963 [Edit]
I watched the episode, I babelfish'd that page, I looked on the web and all I got was stuff like http://klutzershy.tumblr.com/post/24991969171/ughu-guh-ugh-i-really-hate-chitanda-houtarou

...so: what you mean? I don't get it. Where's that hate? I'm curious.
>> No. 10985 [Edit]
Replies: >>10988
Has anyone heard about the new movie coming out based on the Arlong arc?


Hope it will be good!
>> No. 10988 [Edit]

I'll be looking forward to it.
>> No. 11006 [Edit]
Replies: >>11011
>Director Sato Junichi's Original Anime Project 'Wish Angel' Gets Suspended

Oh come fucking on. Every time I find an anime I look forward to it gets axed. Despera? Axed. Yume Miru Kikai? Axed. This? Axed.

I swear I visited their site some two weeks ago and found out they released some drama CD during the Winter Comiket (characters voiced by Hirohashi Ryou and Ohara Sayaka because who else could they use). 'Hey, at least they're making some progress, at least the project isn't dead'. Hey, right. Fuck you Japan, fuck you.
>> No. 11011 [Edit]
>Ikeda Toyo, the President of the studio, explained that they decided to give priority to other projects, which have been running in parallel with Wish Angel.

Priority to other projects? They better be damn good.
>> No. 11012 [Edit]
File 134581066887.jpg - (47.00KB , 600x426 , A1C7g2KCQAA0L7J.jpg )
"Nagi no Asukara"

Studio - PA Works
Director - Shinohara Toshiya
Series Composition - Okada Mari
Original Character Design - Buriki
>> No. 11029 [Edit]
>5 Episode New Series of Kyousogiga To Be Aired Online
>> No. 11075 [Edit]
Replies: >>11083 >>11092
File 134620270437.jpg - (99.50KB , 299x400 , 7878523446_d435b16c2d_b.jpg )
Neptunia anime: http://waa.ai/4ee
>> No. 11083 [Edit]

I'll be sure to watch the hell out of this.
>> No. 11092 [Edit]
Replies: >>11094
File 134626611397.jpg - (449.65KB , 1280x960 , 1327651772405.jpg )

Does this mean we're finally getting some IF love at pixiv?
>> No. 11094 [Edit]

I sure hope so.
>> No. 11112 [Edit]

I still don't really believe it and I won't until I will see it with my very own eyes. I've gotten my hopes up too many times.

For those of you who didn't know the movie was first announced in 2006 and the release date is being pushed back regularly. They even aired some commercials on TV in 2011 (if memory serves).
>> No. 11128 [Edit]
Replies: >>11280
File 13464732299.jpg - (659.62KB , 1200x1719 , azzz.jpg )
In case you missed it...
Rebuild of Evangelion 3.33 Quickening / Trailer
You Can (not) Redo

17 Nov 2012
>> No. 11156 [Edit]
Replies: >>11159 >>11160 >>11161
File 134666530112.jpg - (13.70KB , 116x207 , a11_jpg.jpg )
Web anime showing
No english subs though...

Kyousougiga is an original net animation created by Izumi Todo and produced by Toei Animation in collaboration with Banpresto. The animation was released on Nico Nico Douga on December 6, 2011, followed by a release on Youtube on December 10, 2011. WikipediaRelease date: December 6, 2011 (initial release)
Director: Izumi Tōdō
Running time: 26 minutes
Genres: Fantasy, Short Film, Science Fiction, Animation
>> No. 11159 [Edit]
Replies: >>11160
>No english subs though...

Ah darn, I was actually intrigued by this series. I hope someone picks it up. The first OVA from last year was all right - sort of has an FLCL feel to it.
>> No. 11160 [Edit]
Commie released the first episode yesterday, and EveTaku are working on it.
>> No. 11161 [Edit]
Replies: >>11167 >>11174
whats the big deal about this? seems like everyone shits themselves over Kyousougiga. but I thought the ova was a horrible random cluster-fuck that made no sense.
>> No. 11167 [Edit]
Replies: >>11182
It has Alice in Wonderland themes and you expect it to make sense?
>> No. 11174 [Edit]
Replies: >>11182

>I thought the ova was a horrible random cluster-fuck that made no sense.

And this is bad because...?
>> No. 11182 [Edit]
I'm just gonna go ahead and assume people like it becuase of the perrty colars, adn kool acton
>> No. 11195 [Edit]
Replies: >>11197

My galaxy is shining
>> No. 11197 [Edit]

>> No. 11205 [Edit]
The music video of the OP with the two seiyuus in school uniforms was better than the anime OP.

~Kirr mi bei-bi~
>> No. 11210 [Edit]
Looks good.
>> No. 11280 [Edit]
Replies: >>11348 >>12193
File 134774362991.jpg - (361.83KB , 850x1174 , api.jpg )
Another movie coming sooner...
Oct 6 & 13
>> No. 11348 [Edit]
Replies: >>11349 >>11353 >>12193
File 134818088119.jpg - (274.25KB , 500x707 , Kriemhild Gretchen.jpg )
I can't decide if I want it to be just a recap or not. It was so damn good I don't want them to ruin it out of nothing but greed.
>> No. 11349 [Edit]
Replies: >>11351
The series was already ruined by greed the moment they designed the characters for the purpose of selling as much merchandises and figurines as they possibly could to stupid materialistic otaku, and overpriced dvds/blu-rays by pandering to pretentious edgy teenagers that eat this shit up.

Post edited on 20th Sep 2012, 4:13pm
>> No. 11351 [Edit]
Replies: >>11352

Just like all anime
>> No. 11352 [Edit]
Except for the anime that are bold enough to not have casts of entirely pretty preteen girls. right?
>> No. 11353 [Edit]
Replies: >>11355
I, for one, can't wait for the sequel movie. I heard I was getting Homu in the post-apocalypse,and I'm expecting some fulfillment on that promise.

I can't say that I"m going to bother with the compilation movies, though had the US run been closer to where I live(no love for Nashville, sadly) I would've used it as an excuse to actually get out for once. Usually those things are pasted together rather quickly to advertise for a sequel (and make some dosh at the same time). The only ones I ever bothered to watch were the Gundam 0079 movies.
>> No. 11355 [Edit]
File 134820279168.jpg - (261.02KB , 916x1030 , please do.jpg )
>Homu in the post-apocalypse
That would be good.

Otherwise, if anything, I long to see an arc/timeline where Gretchen and Walpurgis/Homulilly finally join together... i.e. the very end itself.
>> No. 11356 [Edit]
Replies: >>11357 >>11363
Full JoJo trailer: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=LncqRnznspk

Can't wait.
>> No. 11357 [Edit]
Oh haruhi, that was good. Thanks for posting it.

I usually don't get excited for things that I've already gone through the story with, but I can't help but feel a little hyped for this.
>> No. 11363 [Edit]
Oh Belldandy. A new Jojo game too?
>> No. 11367 [Edit]
Replies: >>11372
>According to the official website, a new special of Tantei Opera Milky Holmes "Alternative TWO: Kobayashi Opera to Koku no Ogarasu" was announced to be produced. A Blu-ray and DVD for Tantei Opera Milky Holmes Alternative ONE and TWO will be released on January 9th.

>> No. 11372 [Edit]
Replies: >>11395
Now if only we could get someone to sub the second season.
>> No. 11395 [Edit]
NicoNico rips were out as they aired.
>> No. 11438 [Edit]
File 134864701536.jpg - (37.80KB , 450x253 , 98.jpg )

Kawaii Kuma!
>> No. 11442 [Edit]
>Anime Movie of Manga 'Saint Young Men' Announced
>> No. 11460 [Edit]
Replies: >>11463
File 134883006169.jpg - (22.45KB , 450x205 , 98.jpg )
Make a sanity check
>> No. 11463 [Edit]
>second season

>> No. 11473 [Edit]
Replies: >>11485
Haganai OVA is out
>> No. 11485 [Edit]
Replies: >>11535

Downloaded it, wateched it and I realized that I...

- don't care for Yozora and I'm no fan of Inoue Marina, either
- don't care for Sena and I'm no fan of Itou Kanae either
- don't care for Yukimura
- dislike Rika period
- dislike Index and dislike Iguchi Yuka period
- dislike the gay donkan protag

The only reason why I even bother with this is Kobato. I plan to follow S2, too.
>> No. 11535 [Edit]
Replies: >>11557
Sena is the only thing that I like about that show, but I realize that it's a matter of time before she becomes the shitty MC's girl.

I hate the show now.
>> No. 11557 [Edit]
I only watch it for Sena too. Cowtits aren't normally my thing but there's just something about her...
>> No. 11604 [Edit]
Replies: >>11607 >>11692
File 134944490010.jpg - (123.82KB , 1024x576 , ak_kenryu.jpg )
Would you fund an anime? Someone looked at Kickstarter for video games and decided to try it for anime.

>> No. 11607 [Edit]
Yes, but only the ones that I know wouldn't be produced otherwise.
>> No. 11663 [Edit]
Replies: >>11664
>> No. 11664 [Edit]
I really liked the style of the first season, I hope the studio change doesn't make it too different
>> No. 11692 [Edit]
I would happily fund an adaptation or additional seasons of something I already like. Random one-off projects, not so much.
>> No. 11704 [Edit]
Replies: >>11876
>> No. 11748 [Edit]
Replies: >>12008 >>12269 >>12458
File 134985484035.jpg - (120.37KB , 1000x1360 , aglass.jpg )
Evangelion 3.0 Q
Because they need the money to build an underground base for real.


Bonus clip: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=bbXjyUOcwMI
>> No. 11857 [Edit]

Best movie: K-On!
Best TV anime: Yuru Yuri
Best theme: Nyaruko
>> No. 11876 [Edit]
File 135020175461.jpg - (111.20KB , 600x466 , Asit_beside_me__colored__by_circle_a-d4cj4s7.jpg )
>> No. 11947 [Edit]
File 135037140076.jpg - (72.65KB , 330x252 , aMagicocktail.jpg )
Why live-action? *sigh*
>> No. 12008 [Edit]
Replies: >>12023 >>12458
File 135055851395.jpg - (234.63KB , 995x723 , acosplay.jpg )
Still teasing
>> No. 12023 [Edit]
Mmmhh... that's my girl's alter-ego...

So Kaworu is gonna play piano this time? I hope he kills kitten as well.
>> No. 12056 [Edit]
Replies: >>12082
Railgun gets second season

>> No. 12058 [Edit]
Replies: >>12082
File 135081474886.jpg - (83.04KB , 400x631 , 1350795072997.jpg )

Best anime of 2011 gets a second season.
>> No. 12070 [Edit]
Replies: >>12082 >>15111
File 135090146155.jpg - (485.62KB , 1734x1061 , acammy2.jpg )
For the Singaporean otakus
>> No. 12082 [Edit]

Fuck yeah!

I understand it was screened on Japan and USA already...? I'm eagerly waiting for some shitty
camrip or something.
However: character design looks way better on that poster; I mean: seems more honest (let alone sexier), less of a Hidamari-sketch bait. I also have expectations for Inu Curry's cinematic work on the witches and their mindfuck barriers
>> No. 12083 [Edit]
Replies: >>12084 >>12085 >>12086

If they didn't do it for the first movie, I'm pretty sure they won't do it for the second movie.

I was really looking forward to good camprips though, or any at all. I thought maybe it was popular enough, but I guess not. I've never even heard of someone camripping anime anyway.
>> No. 12084 [Edit]
Replies: >>12086

The haruhi movie was camripped, and was the only thing we had for like a year until the BDs came out
>> No. 12085 [Edit]
Replies: >>12094
>camripping anime
That's how I first watched EVA 2.0, desperates' edition (fan-subbed in a month).
>> No. 12086 [Edit]
Replies: >>12087 >>12088
would it really kill you to just wait for the bluray? or do you believe all anime was created just for you to download, instantly, for free the moment it is aired/screened anywhere.
>> No. 12087 [Edit]
I'm not waiting for anything, because I have no interest in this movie. What's your problem?
>> No. 12088 [Edit]
>would it really kill you to just wait for the bluray?
Well, that's exactly the point: we don't know. We might be dead anytime and a year or more is a LONG way to go...

In any case: you can't be serious on an anti-piracy stance; we wouldn't get to be the otaku we are otherwise.
>> No. 12090 [Edit]
>do you believe all anime was created just for you to download, instantly, for free the moment it is aired/screened anywhere.

Yes. I am the Chosen NEET, after all. Forsooth!
>> No. 12094 [Edit]

Actually I watched that camrip twice. Not to mention I haven't seen the actual BD rip yet...

Whatever, it was worth it.
>> No. 12117 [Edit]
A collage?
>> No. 12126 [Edit]
Replies: >>12128
File 135115162412.jpg - (401.01KB , 1920x1920 , acosplay.jpg )
Anyone here want to going to the Tokyo International Anime Fair ?
>> No. 12128 [Edit]

Even if I wanted to, there's no way I could.
>> No. 12151 [Edit]
File 135124517370.jpg - (129.45KB , 1523x1102 , afa.jpg )
Crowdfunding works?!?

Divine Buster truck?
It's a painted truck that has Yukarin's tunes blasting away? Noise pollution!
>> No. 12170 [Edit]
Replies: >>12197
File 135132052584.jpg - (75.54KB , 565x799 , ademelon.jpg )
Oooo. Spice & Wolf director to adapt this to anime. I want.
>> No. 12193 [Edit]
File 135150857647.jpg - (282.64KB , 599x1130 , acosplay.jpg )
It's a recap. Although scenes have been reworked, the plot is the same.
>> No. 12197 [Edit]
What I'd really like is a S&W proper ending.
>> No. 12220 [Edit]
Replies: >>12221 >>12222
Looks like Mahou Shoujo movies are all the rage now;
>> No. 12221 [Edit]
Replies: >>12248

Every series of Precure gets a movie though.
>> No. 12222 [Edit]
You're a dumbass.
>> No. 12248 [Edit]
Replies: >>12254
Even the bad ones?
>> No. 12254 [Edit]
Every series
>> No. 12265 [Edit]
It would seem so, but I for one can't stand them.

Post edited on 1st Nov 2012, 2:01pm
>> No. 12269 [Edit]
New video again
>> No. 12338 [Edit]
Replies: >>12339 >>12342 >>12357 >>12365 >>12382
File 135219708648.png - (414.97KB , 600x336 , mass-effect-paragon-lost-04.png )
I hope the Mass Effect anime has a proper ending
http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=o7v616 Ays
Mass Effect: Paragon Lost On Blu-ray and DVD 12.28.12
>> No. 12339 [Edit]
That's getting an anime?

What the shit.
>> No. 12342 [Edit]
Replies: >>12344
I totally thought the thumbnail was Gantz
>> No. 12344 [Edit]
Replies: >>12348
It really does look like it's from Gantz. The one in the middle even looks a bit like Katou from the thumbnail.
>> No. 12348 [Edit]
Damn it I thought that too.
>> No. 12357 [Edit]
Replies: >>12358
File 135227763439.jpg - (247.52KB , 800x1204 , asL.jpg )
Next~ an Assassin's Creed anime when the mecha-assassin founds out that Barrack Obama is a templar! LOL.
>> No. 12358 [Edit]
>> No. 12365 [Edit]

I wonder how this will turn out.
>> No. 12382 [Edit]
Replies: >>12402
lol Japanimation
>> No. 12402 [Edit]
File 135245751912.jpg - (177.45KB , 400x960 , amass.jpg )
Down Under to get it just after the USA release.
>> No. 12408 [Edit]
Replies: >>12409 >>12412
File 135252819265.jpg - (74.13KB , 640x306 , aasg.jpg )
Spring 2013

Prepare for:
Steins;Gate Fuka Ryoiki no déjà-vu.
>> No. 12409 [Edit]
Replies: >>12596
First trailer of the movie.
>> No. 12412 [Edit]

Awesome news.
>> No. 12458 [Edit]
File 135287654788.jpg - (97.97KB , 306x600 , aaSuka.jpg )
Daily reminder of the Eva Q movie on 17 Nov.
You can (NOT) Redo.
>> No. 12503 [Edit]
Replies: >>12521 >>13372
File 135322227328.jpg - (199.38KB , 739x985 , eva3_0.jpg )
This is it.
The time has come.
Here is a SPOILED synopsis of the film, for those desperate enough to read it:


Post edited on 17th Nov 2012, 11:26pm
>> No. 12505 [Edit]
Replies: >>12506 >>12507 >>12508 >>12511 >>12531
File 135323792245.jpg - (123.61KB , 664x469 , a32e83d4b31c8701a2d8fb06277f9e2f0608ff45.jpg )


>> No. 12506 [Edit]
No way
>> No. 12507 [Edit]
Replies: >>12531
File 135324484797.jpg - (595.93KB , 1483x1046 , lozen.jpg )
Higher res
>> No. 12508 [Edit]
Holy shit I can't believe it. Best news of the year right there.
>> No. 12511 [Edit]
Replies: >>12516

Holy macro. Everything is getting reboots/sequels/remakes now.

Mushishi S2 please.
>> No. 12512 [Edit]

Juuni Kokuki S2
Kino no Tabi S2
Baccano! S2
Cromartie S2
>> No. 12516 [Edit]
>Mushishi S2 please.

That would be reallllly really awesome if they made a second season of that.
>> No. 12521 [Edit]
First 7 minutes of this already oh so polemic movie:

Post edited on 19th Nov 2012, 10:41pm
>> No. 12531 [Edit]
Replies: >>12552 >>12563
>> No. 12550 [Edit]
File 135356729199.png - (183.39KB , 415x493 , afate6.png )
Figurine news should be OK as long as it is anime-related.
>> No. 12552 [Edit]
Replies: >>12561
File 135357246978.jpg - (164.41KB , 600x350 , rozen-maiden-screenshot-01.jpg )

Who dressed the Rozen Maidens up in trendy whore clothes?
>> No. 12561 [Edit]

Meh, I'd wear em... if I was a pretty girl that is.
>> No. 12563 [Edit]
I can only hope this new material won't be as stupid as the previous one. The doll premise was nice, but the story was handled pitifully.
>> No. 12590 [Edit]
File 135373869463.jpg - (56.10KB , 500x345 , daass.jpg )
More anime movies!
>> No. 12596 [Edit]
Replies: >>14712
New trailer
>> No. 12606 [Edit]
Replies: >>12635 >>15111
Trailer of the 3rd Madoka movie, on theatres next year:

>> No. 12613 [Edit]
Replies: >>12637
>> No. 12635 [Edit]
Replies: >>12644 >>12697
File 135392777993.jpg - (62.77KB , 400x550 , amen_.jpg )
Noisy camrip is noisy.
>> No. 12637 [Edit]
Replies: >>12638

Seriously? People like this series that much?
>> No. 12638 [Edit]
The sales numbers of season two really surprised me as well. it actually did really well.
>> No. 12644 [Edit]
Replies: >>12706
File 135401461586.jpg - (24.96KB , 400x541 , amen_.jpg )

I prefer the blue-haired one.
>> No. 12669 [Edit]
File 135418973827.jpg - (76.21KB , 500x443 , a_D3.jpg )
>> No. 12677 [Edit]
File 135431947558.jpg - (166.40KB , 598x675 , acccdc64d990d041ef64e2ad09e.jpg )
<- all my money!
>> No. 12696 [Edit]
File 135469929171.jpg - (81.70KB , 500x375 , ak.jpg )
Technically not anime but it's too weird to keep to myself..
My Little Autocrat Can't Be This Cute!
>> No. 12697 [Edit]
Replies: >>12699
File 135470869722.jpg - (153.90KB , 845x1177 , akyoko.jpg )
Seifuku?!? Hnnnngggggg
>> No. 12699 [Edit]

I thought the same thing but didn't post about it.
She looks surprisingly nice in that.
>> No. 12706 [Edit]
Replies: >>12707
File 135478586256.png - (110.66KB , 373x494 , akyouko.png )
Is that Kyouko's casual wear that Sayaka is wearing?!?
>> No. 12707 [Edit]
File 13547861424.jpg - (177.11KB , 758x1280 , akyouko.jpg )
That's something to chew on...
>> No. 12709 [Edit]
File 135487576660.jpg - (84.01KB , 600x461 , aoreshura.jpg )
Longest anime title ever?
Ore no Kanojo to Osananajimi ga Shuraba Sugiru, AKA Caught in the Carnage Between My Girlfriend and My Childhood Friend, AKA OreShura.

>> No. 12710 [Edit]
>Third Season of Kami nomi zo Shiru Sekai Announced

A big suprise I guess, S2 sold like shit and everybody thought all hope is lost.

>TV Anime of RPG 'Shin Megami Tensei: Devil Survivor 2' Announced

Kinda funny how they're simply starting with the sequel. Not like it matters since they aren't related plot-wise. I woner how they'll handle this one since it's a non-linear game.
>> No. 12735 [Edit]
File 135505567790.jpg - (49.68KB , 600x338 , aLCD.jpg )
There is a God.
>> No. 12775 [Edit]

More Ghibli movies!
>> No. 12785 [Edit]
Replies: >>12786 >>12792 >>12883
File 135544371362.jpg - (30.04KB , 566x420 , tomoko turned on.jpg )
>> No. 12786 [Edit]
File 135544610379.jpg - (136.33KB , 800x1137 , its-not-my-fault-that-im-not-popular-2583947.jpg )
Oh wow. That's the best thing ever.
>> No. 12792 [Edit]
>> No. 12883 [Edit]
Confirmed now

>> No. 12923 [Edit]
File 135650418117.jpg - (34.02KB , 500x250 , aCC.jpg )

So many anime movies in 2013
>> No. 12953 [Edit]
File 135685576537.jpg - (13.86KB , 200x196 , afg.jpg )
YEAH Hetalia
>> No. 13002 [Edit]
Replies: >>13003
File 135712102085.png - (475.41KB , 500x610 , contents_main.png )
Anime about Mountain Climbing.
>> No. 13003 [Edit]
And cute girls.
>> No. 13104 [Edit]
Replies: >>13370
File 135745148852.jpg - (118.05KB , 550x388 , achess.jpg )
Last day is today. Doh.
>> No. 13199 [Edit]
Replies: >>13203 >>13204 >>13212 >>13435 >>15915
File 135764139120.jpg - (136.36KB , 475x568 , ablack.jpg )
More Mokoto Shinkai? YEAH!
>> No. 13203 [Edit]
Replies: >>15915
The koi (traditional) rather than ai (imported)concept of love on this one sounds damned interesting. And no doubt about the art going to be just great.
>> No. 13204 [Edit]
Replies: >>15915
File 13576703147.jpg - (761.72KB , 1333x1000 , dc557913689593153a283d50d0b32432.jpg )
>> No. 13212 [Edit]
Replies: >>13214
>In a blog post by Shinkai, he wrote that it’s his first time taking on a love story movie.

This has to be a mistranslation, right?
>> No. 13214 [Edit]
I thought the same thing. Maybe they meant... His LAST time!
>> No. 13250 [Edit]
File 135780903023.jpg - (69.05KB , 350x500 , awhite.jpg )
According to anime law, all female hikkikomori are moe.
>> No. 13321 [Edit]
Replies: >>13324
File 135796793089.jpg - (61.52KB , 614x345 , awhite.jpg )
Gen Urobuchi is the writer.
>> No. 13324 [Edit]
Linkin Park AMV's will never die.
>> No. 13370 [Edit]
File 135806117057.jpg - (93.02KB , 520x678 , achess.jpg )
I see your Hidamari Sketch AniMate and raise you a Monogatari Gamers.
>> No. 13372 [Edit]
Replies: >>13373
File 135806941233.jpg - (77.98KB , 895x501 , bingo.jpg )
Those guys weren't joking: it was (joyfully) painful to watch. Eva, in its new version, has hooked me once again.

>> No. 13373 [Edit]
Replies: >>13388 >>13393
I'll never understand what the big deal is about media telling me shit I already know.
>> No. 13388 [Edit]
Replies: >>13393
I get that you're doing the whole "calloused cynic" thing, but you have to recognize that people just like things that are relatable.
>> No. 13393 [Edit]
And I for once don't get what he's talking about. /tc/ bitching keeps getting stranger by the minute.
>> No. 13435 [Edit]
Replies: >>13452
File 135825324047.jpg - (55.26KB , 450x249 , achess.jpg )
More news on Shinkai
>> No. 13452 [Edit]
File 135829056110.jpg - (448.89KB , 1280x709 , manazashi_L.jpg )
Bigger image.

I'm so happy
>> No. 13464 [Edit]
Replies: >>13465 >>13468
File 135833221880.jpg - (67.65KB , 640x905 , achess.jpg )
>> No. 13465 [Edit]
Replies: >>13466

I've heard it takes place during Motoko's high school years and she is in a club of girls who sit around drinking tea. That was a joke, right?
>> No. 13466 [Edit]
File 135833667442.png - (13.10KB , 240x240 , 93_70.png )
>> No. 13468 [Edit]

Oh yeah!
>> No. 13503 [Edit]
File 135850040859.jpg - (29.53KB , 557x314 , ass.jpg )
It spent four weeks and grossed over six billion yen (~US$67,509,324) at the box office in Japan.

Set sail for One Piece Z!
>> No. 13519 [Edit]
Replies: >>13569

A major disappointment: the "Ford Driver little sis has to deal with her otaku big sis spending all their money on doujinshi so they are forced to eat salted rice gruel for a week" omake pair is getting a manga spinoff, and an anime as well. The season 2 new art style hype has brought us disapppointment here. I was looking forward to seeing my waifu in the new Yoshimizu-sensei style wearing her casual clothes and HNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNGGGGG
>> No. 13569 [Edit]
You hate it?
>> No. 13583 [Edit]
Replies: >>13586
File 135885309579.jpg - (76.34KB , 610x404 , ak.jpg )
>> No. 13586 [Edit]

God Hand! God Hand!
>> No. 13631 [Edit]
Replies: >>13640 >>13661


>> No. 13640 [Edit]
Replies: >>13642 >>13646
I'm surprised anyone still gives a rat's ass about that series. No one cared enough about it to finish subbing the second season at least.
>> No. 13642 [Edit]
Replies: >>13650

Shockingly enough Japan doesn't seem to be overly concerned with given series' popularity in West.
>> No. 13646 [Edit]
Replies: >>13650
NicoNico rips were out about a week after airing. I'm sure CR or Funi will pick up the third season.
>> No. 13650 [Edit]
Replies: >>13684
What does that have to do with it? The people who work for those companys will sub a anime they're told to sub weather they like it or not, and CR will do just about anything and everything regardless of how popular it might be.

so how about you enlighten me as to exactly how well the second season did in japan?
>> No. 13661 [Edit]
Replies: >>13683

I'm so happy I can't even express it.
>> No. 13683 [Edit]
File 135911209262.jpg - (37.00KB , 576x364 , ak.jpg )
Milky Holmes & My Little Pony?!?
>> No. 13684 [Edit]

>so how about you enlighten me as to exactly how well the second season did in japan?

Well enough to warrant another season. Again.
>> No. 13728 [Edit]
Replies: >>13730
File 135937875520.gif - (1.16MB , 319x320 , ax.gif )
>> No. 13730 [Edit]

Sunrise sure has a lot of studios.
>> No. 13806 [Edit]
File 135988433355.jpg - (18.48KB , 610x406 , 1k.jpg )
>> No. 13818 [Edit]
File 135997700388.jpg - (2.16MB , 503x13159 , 1k.jpg )
Railgun on the railway
>> No. 13866 [Edit]
Replies: >>13868
File 136005964397.jpg - (65.52KB , 600x300 , 1k.jpg )
Bandai Visual announced that the second Blu-Ray release for the Girls Und Panzer series will include a 14 minute short original video animation titled ‘Survival War’ as well as several other extras to spice up their second volume release.
>> No. 13868 [Edit]
Merchandise will sell better.
>> No. 13873 [Edit]
This might be old news for some of you but Yawara is finally translated.

>> No. 13913 [Edit]
Replies: >>13921
File 136032016598.jpg - (41.49KB , 500x224 , 1uguu.jpg )
Valentine's Day - Girl & Panzer style? Also show the last episodes already!!
>> No. 13914 [Edit]
File 136032182015.jpg - (164.92KB , 500x711 , 2main13.jpg )
>> No. 13921 [Edit]
>Also show the last episodes already!!
yeah seriously! I heard they wont air till next month.
>> No. 13927 [Edit]
File 136049030397.jpg - (150.48KB , 640x921 , 2013yukifig.jpg )
Stein's Gate overload
>> No. 13943 [Edit]
File 136065892264.jpg - (29.40KB , 615x200 , 2013y.jpg )
Amnesia-themed cafe
>> No. 13964 [Edit]
File 136083212157.jpg - (124.52KB , 640x480 , 3full.jpg )
Idolm@ster Movie Announced
>> No. 13995 [Edit]
File 136098840357.jpg - (100.07KB , 594x797 , 3sd.jpg )
Star Driver movie sweets~ YAHOO!
>> No. 14007 [Edit]
File 136107930477.jpg - (357.36KB , 600x428 , 2dragon-ball-z-themed-canned-drinks.jpg )
>> No. 14024 [Edit]
File 136118216516.jpg - (123.77KB , 550x733 , 25dfc347d5fae65e00de1361014740_full.jpg )
>> No. 14033 [Edit]
File 136127107771.jpg - (47.75KB , 550x413 , 211scale.jpg )
>> No. 14041 [Edit]
File 136135895678.jpg - (243.54KB , 550x780 , 22db.jpg )
Movies time!
>> No. 14065 [Edit]
File 136151976349.jpg - (38.63KB , 640x360 , 21361447120705.jpg )
Makoto Shinkai’s has revealed latest work, “The Garden of Words”
>> No. 14078 [Edit]
File 136158462048.gif - (74.12KB , 480x442 , 3shinigami_no_ballad11.gif )
>> No. 14096 [Edit]
File 136168928446.jpg - (135.22KB , 640x640 , 2938401_full.jpg )
"A Certain Magical Index" Movie, "A Certain Magical Index: Endymion's Miracle", Premieres In Japan On February 23rd.
>> No. 14113 [Edit]
File 136175689160.jpg - (105.07KB , 484x684 , 12latte_art.jpg )
Koutetsu no Vendetta Episode 0 Now Online

>> No. 14166 [Edit]
File 13619158271.jpg - (56.01KB , 600x791 , 25_skullgirlsmysterychars07.jpg )
You probably never heard of these....

>> No. 14175 [Edit]

Perhaps the closest we will get to a Strike Witches Ace Combat game.
>> No. 14190 [Edit]
Replies: >>14196
File 136204971139.jpg - (81.61KB , 813x728 , 2013TypeMoon.jpg )
>> No. 14191 [Edit]
File 136205000023.jpg - (245.38KB , 515x490 , 2013Moo.jpg )
How figurines are made the Good Smile Company way!
>> No. 14196 [Edit]
oh fuck, I must have it.
>> No. 14243 [Edit]
File 13622081414.jpg - (221.93KB , 558x461 , 11342088566661.jpg )
Wonderfest February 2013 review
>> No. 14248 [Edit]
Replies: >>14249 >>14250
File 136221476261.jpg - (84.88KB , 363x516 , 90058bd21d1209e60267dd918a433b95021362169896_full.jpg )
>> No. 14249 [Edit]
Replies: >>14260 >>14262 >>14273 >>14282
I wonder if somewhere out there, someone is tossing darts at a massive board with random activates on it, and mixing it together with cute highschool girls.
>> No. 14250 [Edit]
Replies: >>14257
Ugh roadbikers
>> No. 14257 [Edit]
Replies: >>14262
>> No. 14260 [Edit]
Replies: >>14262

If it means there's a chance that we'll get an air hockey anime with cute girls then I'm perfectly fine with this.
>> No. 14262 [Edit]
With the cycling anime being made, I can't disagree with you.

I guess that it's because most people who do the roadcycling thing in real life seem like obnoxious assholes who think they own the road with their constant need of getting in front of cars.

Y'know, I wouldn't mind that either. Let's hope that the dart lands on that option or that that option is even on that dart board.
>> No. 14267 [Edit]
I hope the dart lands on mountain climbing again and we get a full sized Yama no Susume anime.
>> No. 14273 [Edit]
Replies: >>14282
File 136226901781.jpg - (62.61KB , 500x250 , 2Fate_Love-500x250.jpg )
Cute highschool girls goes better with anything!
>> No. 14276 [Edit]
Replies: >>14315 >>14346
File 136227239417.jpg - (102.36KB , 768x985 , 18542b767f9b3885cab2.jpg )
>> No. 14282 [Edit]

High school girls are old hags, though.

Still waiting for a synchronized swimming anime.
>> No. 14311 [Edit]
Replies: >>14312
File 136239530947.jpg - (0.98MB , 1280x1024 , 2y.jpg )
Fairy Tail ending?
>> No. 14312 [Edit]
It could've never hoped to touch One Piece.
>> No. 14315 [Edit]
I'm still waiting for a camrip of at least one of the first 2 movies.
>> No. 14323 [Edit]
Replies: >>14324
File 136247556658.jpg - (241.24KB , 610x865 , an_orc.jpg )
In anime news, Lucky Star spin-off anime! http://www.crunchyroll.com/anime-news/2013/03/04/yamakan-returns-for-lucky-star-spin-off-the-miyakawa-familys-hunger
>> No. 14324 [Edit]
Replies: >>14328
They were both ridiculously underrated anyway. This should be good.
>> No. 14328 [Edit]
Replies: >>14330
Both what? And lucky Star underrated? Okay.
>> No. 14330 [Edit]
Replies: >>14331
No, both of the sisters that are featured in the spinoff.

Hikage and Hinata.
>> No. 14331 [Edit]
I see. After having read the respective characters' bios I think I get the gist of it. These are pretty non-profilic characters after all, not counting its manga spin-off.
>> No. 14332 [Edit]
Replies: >>14333
File 136253792883.jpg - (177.22KB , 1273x713 , 6236234235345.jpg )

Haha, one of those well done, heart-warming movies got subbed. I just finished watching it and it was as relaxing as I expected it to be. I highly recommend it despite there being somewhat furry here and there
>> No. 14333 [Edit]
Here and there? I watched it a few hours ago and found it difficult to take seriously with its relentless furry assault. I'd give the movie around a 6 or 7/10. I teared up a few times, but that's just because I tear up at anything remotely sweet. The story and art was mediocre. The furry hurt my eyes.

The soundtrack was fantastic, though. Really.
>> No. 14346 [Edit]
Replies: >>14690
File 136265638493.jpg - (37.49KB , 351x450 , 333.jpg )
Come with me if you want to survive...
>> No. 14388 [Edit]
File 136283166077.jpg - (86.95KB , 450x418 , 3mario_costume_mod_by_dsforest-d5v02ok.jpg )
Tentacles! http://www.animenation.net/blog/2013/03/07/second-maken-ki-oad-announced/
>> No. 14407 [Edit]
File 136290555376.jpg - (69.14KB , 640x281 , 1kare_full.jpg )
>> No. 14419 [Edit]
File 136300072842.jpg - (58.78KB , 500x359 , 15.jpg )
Manly swimming?
>> No. 14453 [Edit]
Replies: >>14455
File 136325632164.jpg - (39.71KB , 274x380 , 67.jpg )
You are already chibi.
>> No. 14455 [Edit]
What the fuck? that's the last anime I expected to see turned super-deformed chibi
>> No. 14495 [Edit]
File 136348826830.jpg - (236.47KB , 610x885 , 27033_full.jpg )
Yahoo! More DragonBall Z!
>> No. 14522 [Edit]
Replies: >>14523
File 136368490843.jpg - (187.68KB , 970x610 , 10Onegai-series.jpg )
Yes, please!
>> No. 14523 [Edit]
Replies: >>14527
I hope they announce a new and original anime, and not a reboot/squeal of something old as shit no one cares about anymore becuase the anime industry is out of ideas.
>> No. 14527 [Edit]

Even if it's a new anime it's still beating the dead horse.
>> No. 14580 [Edit]
Replies: >>14583
File 13639468355.jpg - (1.56MB , 1920x1485 , S.jpg )
Hokago no Pleiades Movie Announced
Because Subaru (cars) don't sell themselves.
>> No. 14583 [Edit]
>> No. 14596 [Edit]
File 13640173776.jpg - (44.24KB , 500x333 , 21364008084221.jpg )
>> No. 14610 [Edit]
Replies: >>14611 >>14612 >>14615
File 136412091365.jpg - (75.06KB , 600x600 , twtw54_watchwolf.jpg )
Aiura is one of the spring's adaptations of cute girls doing nothing four panel manga.
Because we need another "cute girls doing nothing" anime...
>> No. 14611 [Edit]
Damn right we do. Not nearly enough of them these days.
>> No. 14612 [Edit]
Replies: >>14614
You know you have problems when your PV is under-animated.
>> No. 14614 [Edit]
Yuru yuri 2 also had an under-animated PV that looked like the opening to a eroge, and the season was just fine.
>> No. 14615 [Edit]

Well, it's not like it's the only one next season. I'll probably watch both either way.
>> No. 14642 [Edit]
Replies: >>14644 >>14646
File 136438553327.jpg - (72.69KB , 390x500 , 21f81364243392_full.jpg )
Mahou shoujo~ YEAH!

>> No. 14644 [Edit]

I was just about to comment on the fact that the first piece of news in this thread is about Mahou Shoujo Ilya and there has been no news about it since then.
>> No. 14646 [Edit]

I bet that they're going to animate only the first two horrible volumes.
>> No. 14671 [Edit]
File 136453035555.jpg - (110.36KB , 500x500 , 296365f8f3c131364433000_full.jpg )
Expect an anime adaption of this soon;
>> No. 14690 [Edit]
>> No. 14692 [Edit]
>> No. 14711 [Edit]
File 136498046612.jpg - (174.74KB , 600x900 , 275a2abea6fe86e7c2ffd44.jpg )
Animate and Gamers have been "VIVIRED".

>> No. 14712 [Edit]
Replies: >>14836
New trailer.
>> No. 14783 [Edit]
Replies: >>14810
File 136529168351.jpg - (45.25KB , 550x389 , 21365290237140.jpg )
>> No. 14810 [Edit]
File 136537527148.gif - (2.78MB , 500x281 , 565368960535.gif )
Pic related..
>> No. 14819 [Edit]
File 136542780847.jpg - (24.47KB , 355x350 , 252bd5f5e01365359577_full.jpg )
"Step away from the door"

>> No. 14836 [Edit]
I'm starting to get excited about it. I hope they can top the series.
>> No. 14842 [Edit]
File 136550924561.png - (400.53KB , 388x584 , 23b62a1365482421_full.png )
Rinbu "Rose" Revolution
>> No. 14876 [Edit]
Full Dog & Scissors Trailer Released
>> No. 14918 [Edit]
File 136568314262.jpg - (57.29KB , 500x288 , 2rod1365556169081.jpg )
Yozakura Quartet ~Hana no Uta~
>> No. 14946 [Edit]
File 136583354077.jpg - (58.26KB , 500x328 , 2148osx.jpg )
Zero Love is over.
>> No. 14985 [Edit]
File 136602053236.jpg - (63.00KB , 354x500 , 22.jpg )
Which light novel will be made into the anime next?
>> No. 15013 [Edit]
File 136619327856.jpg - (84.25KB , 298x168 , 22.jpg )
New mecha anime;
>> No. 15069 [Edit]
File 136654588770.jpg - (128.00KB , 1300x742 , 21366541363027.jpg )
Hatsune Miku used to sell Pizza?
>> No. 15111 [Edit]
Replies: >>15122
File 136672010382.jpg - (71.44KB , 350x525 , 2RW.jpg )
Madoka in Mexico

This is the first two movies; 3rd movie not out yet...
>> No. 15122 [Edit]
>Madoka in Mexico

Ticket prices are totally abusive and going to a theater full of noisy cosplaying brownies (como diría Armandaro: "Había puro mugroso!")... I think I'll wait.
>> No. 15127 [Edit]
File 136679946838.jpg - (53.21KB , 500x284 , 2RW.jpg )
>> No. 15159 [Edit]
More swimsuits?
>> No. 15160 [Edit]
Replies: >>15161
File 136703530693.jpg - (64.51KB , 600x600 , 1221646056719.jpg )

Rozen Maiden preview, vitamin DEEN fortified.
>> No. 15161 [Edit]
Replies: >>15162
Is this going to be a remake?
>> No. 15162 [Edit]
Replies: >>15163

A lot of the scenes in the PV look like scenes from early in the manga, parts the old anime already covered, so yes, the new anime is looking like a remake/reboot.
>> No. 15163 [Edit]
Replies: >>15164
Thats why I was asking, coupled with the tittle of the show with the year in the name. If it is a remake it would be really disappointing. the original anime wasn't bad, does it really need a remake?
>> No. 15164 [Edit]

the entire point of the remake is for the series to follow the events of the manga instead of the anime-original shenanigans.

Not that the anime-original shenanigans was done poorly, but the anime-only crowd being introduced to Jun who didn't wind +7years without the lead up to it would be expecting more of a SoL comedy instead of what is awaiting them.
>> No. 15176 [Edit]
Is it almost time for a new thread? This one is getting kinda hard on my browser, but maybe it's just me
>> No. 15193 [Edit]
File 136719459299.jpg - (66.15KB , 400x800 , 22333689941187s.jpg )
Panzer vor!
>> No. 15219 [Edit]
File 13673228461.jpg - (110.47KB , 412x620 , 297257_full.jpg )
You want to use that credit card?
>> No. 15220 [Edit]
File 136732294852.jpg - (160.58KB , 524x674 , 297257_full.jpg )
Rock on!
>> No. 15222 [Edit]
File 136732377743.jpg - (53.54KB , 600x300 , 297257_full.jpg )
The “go home after school club”
>> No. 15223 [Edit]
Replies: >>15243
File 136732391097.jpg - (8.10KB , 250x202 , 297257_full.jpg )
>> No. 15243 [Edit]
Transformers is still ongoing?!?
>> No. 15318 [Edit]
File 136771382468.jpg - (104.55KB , 544x463 , 2FZCb.jpg )
Oh yeah, another movie!
>> No. 15488 [Edit]
Replies: >>15517
New Captain Harlock movie, seems to be more geared towards a western audience. I think it looks fantastic, and I'm a big Harlock fan, but some people are mad about it for whatever reason.
>> No. 15517 [Edit]
I am not Harlock fan or I probably won't be watching this movie, but it looks really neat for those people who enjoy this kind of stuff.
>> No. 15540 [Edit]
File 136844265613.jpg - (77.18KB , 500x648 , 164_full.jpg )
>> No. 15542 [Edit]
File 136844328455.jpg - (38.77KB , 418x282 , tokyoESP.jpg )
>> No. 15565 [Edit]
File 136853098548.jpg - (95.01KB , 640x833 , 83_full.jpg )
Wasn't this done in ROD OVA as the villians?
>> No. 15600 [Edit]
Replies: >>15675 >>15764
File 136862242793.jpg - (13.86KB , 320x127 , 83_full.jpg )
Baseball anime!
>> No. 15645 [Edit]
File 136879304826.jpg - (89.95KB , 500x250 , UMDorDSC02892.jpg )
Directed Queen's Blade?
Not sure if want..
>> No. 15675 [Edit]
I hope it has more resemblance to One Outs rather than stuff like Major. Usually the best thing about sports anime are tactics and trickery or their non-sports elements.
>> No. 15699 [Edit]
File 13689678682.jpg - (155.46KB , 640x472 , ded.jpg )
Rainbow Magical Girls anime #349
>> No. 15747 [Edit]
File 136913680332.jpg - (96.10KB , 640x480 , tumblr_lzno6fd6gl1qequos.jpg )
Blu-ray soon!
>> No. 15759 [Edit]
File 136922320879.jpg - (66.04KB , 572x261 , thevertical1333689941187s.jpg )
What is Nipponian?
>> No. 15764 [Edit]
Too bad about fall. I like to watch my baseball anime in the summer.
>> No. 15813 [Edit]
File 136945674949.jpg - (75.77KB , 640x325 , thevertical1333689941187s.jpg )
>> No. 15859 [Edit]
File 136964853171.jpg - (331.62KB , 1300x965 , nsk_49_1.jpg )
Nisekoi anime
>> No. 15861 [Edit]
File 13697391748.png - (41.26KB , 160x166 , 4c6f7f81d44ddab1ebad3d0110c622221369698896_thumb.png )
Kick to the Heart
>> No. 15884 [Edit]
File 136991408028.jpg - (61.51KB , 600x525 , nsk_49_1.jpg )
Black mizugi Sabre
>> No. 15915 [Edit]

It's out now.
>> No. 15916 [Edit]
File 137014002969.jpg - (217.83KB , 640x915 , swapper1-640x360.jpg )
Junk dawa~
>> No. 15959 [Edit]
File 137043337431.jpg - (220.78KB , 640x905 , rWeb 2.jpg )
>> No. 15971 [Edit]
File 137051706475.png - (362.04KB , 600x488 , freeguidebook.png )
FREE! ~ male swim team.
>> No. 16001 [Edit]
Replies: >>16002
File 137074480671.jpg - (146.96KB , 452x640 , 1370578316-0.jpg )
>> No. 16002 [Edit]
Replies: >>16005
File 137075863149.gif - (326.41KB , 188x198 , 1310024035080.gif )
>Director Yutaka "Yamakan" Yamamoto (first four episodes of Lucky Star, Fractale)

and I am quickly reminded of why I didn't bother with the first seasson.
>> No. 16005 [Edit]
Replies: >>16007
But Fractale saved anime
>> No. 16007 [Edit]
Replies: >>16013

>But Yamakan saved anime

>> No. 16013 [Edit]
File 137086272750.jpg - (233.66KB , 640x942 , arc1251_newpin.jpg )
Still saving anime!
>> No. 16036 [Edit]
Replies: >>16038
File 137102963178.jpg - (99.31KB , 500x400 , diabolik-lovers-otome-games-32523792-1280-1024-500.jpg )
Twilight with more vampiric choices!
>> No. 16038 [Edit]
Didn't play the PSP game since no console, but the drama CD's are great. Looking forward to this~
>> No. 16047 [Edit]
File 137111922142.jpg - (169.60KB , 640x734 , danganronpa.jpg )
Premiers on the 4th of July
>> No. 16069 [Edit]
File 13712156317.jpg - (83.13KB , 610x1053 , 4150c649c87318f160e85d66f3766490.jpg )
Where's Anna Coppola from Cornwall?
>> No. 16075 [Edit]
File 13712906092.jpg - (127.83KB , 640x409 , gc.jpg )
>> No. 16087 [Edit]
File 13713675228.jpg - (55.77KB , 267x400 , sailorf.jpg )
>> No. 16097 [Edit]
File 137146809399.png - (241.67KB , 480x640 , 8135d638094e586689398f13ef9cb25e.png )
Suprising no one, another season of Love Live.
>> No. 16114 [Edit]
Replies: >>16890
File 13715480264.jpg - (24.53KB , 200x200 , k.jpg )
Kami-sama no Inai Nichiyoubi
>> No. 16128 [Edit]
Replies: >>16187
File 137172659663.jpg - (14.45KB , 200x197 , mad.jpg )
Crime doesn't pay....
But Hentai does!

>> No. 16151 [Edit]
File 137190782699.jpg - (29.80KB , 200x200 , 56d0562c3c8d6bfd44a7321e122d15691371862478_large.jpg )
Mecha Henshin!
>> No. 16171 [Edit]
File 137196473476.jpg - (103.51KB , 550x384 , ded.jpg )
Someone tried to knife the Neptune anime
>> No. 16187 [Edit]
Replies: >>16294
> http://www.crunchyroll.com/anime-news/2013/06/19-1/eroge-visual-novel-walkure-romanze-to-be-adapted-into-tv-anime
It's probably going to suck, but I've fapped to her for so many hours it'll be hard not to at least pick this up.
>> No. 16203 [Edit]
File 137206920896.jpg - (154.04KB , 640x853 , raincd9c.jpg )
>> No. 16228 [Edit]
File 137215843154.jpg - (257.30KB , 640x865 , 1369344605958.jpg )
>> No. 16245 [Edit]
File 137224189457.jpg - (91.25KB , 550x777 , 1370578316-0.jpg )
Lupin vs Conan
>> No. 16266 [Edit]
File 137232579447.jpg - (79.36KB , 500x351 , n104.jpg )
>> No. 16284 [Edit]
Replies: >>16291
File 137241580762.jpg - (188.95KB , 640x902 , c25_soundbox01.jpg )
>> No. 16291 [Edit]
Oddly enough, I just found the manga yesterday. I haven't read it yet, but I've been meaning to since it sounds a little interesting.

As long as there are no male characters it should be good.
>> No. 16294 [Edit]
>>16187 http://walroma.com/
>> No. 16309 [Edit]
File 137255455235.jpg - (10.95KB , 160x156 , black_chess_queen_somnia_romantica_by_marjoleintur.jpg )
>> No. 16333 [Edit]
File 137276795612.jpg - (86.27KB , 800x450 , 130521b.jpg )
Pokemon can never die~
>> No. 16377 [Edit]
File 137292759140.jpg - (14.46KB , 160x160 , elf.jpg )
"Houzuki no Reitetsu"
>> No. 16407 [Edit]

>> No. 16410 [Edit]
File 137302928322.jpg - (326.22KB , 728x1052 , Mirai Nikki Redial.jpg )
Well, this was even dumber than the regular Mirai Nikki. However, I liked the end (just filling the gaps up to now, really).

What do you think of it? For me, despite being corny, it reminded a little to Asuka's coming back at the very end, to see that other bastard again; I mean, there have been doujin but (allegedly) well documented efforts to fill the gaps on her return too.
>> No. 16414 [Edit]
File 137307358784.jpg - (182.45KB , 640x960 , GalileoDonna.jpg )
>> No. 16446 [Edit]
Replies: >>16485 >>16486 >>16490
File 137318591624.jpg - (9.78KB , 160x162 , pp.jpg )
>> No. 16481 [Edit]
Replies: >>16484 >>16486 >>16575
File 137327600222.jpg - (61.31KB , 353x500 , fist.jpg )
>> No. 16484 [Edit]
>> No. 16485 [Edit]
I was wondering if it would get a second season. The first was very uneven, but there was enough good stuff there to make me glad there's more to come.
>> No. 16486 [Edit]
Replies: >>16487
Really? I'm not crazy about it but we'll see if they can save it, then. Everything from now on should be just insane.

And no camrips yet of the first too. What the hell.
>> No. 16487 [Edit]
Pre-order the Blue-ray
>> No. 16490 [Edit]
Replies: >>16720
Little Witch Academia gets sequel!

I didn't expect Psycho Pass to get second season. Not because it was bad or anything, it just felt 'one shot' type show.

Post edited on 8th Jul 2013, 8:34am
>> No. 16514 [Edit]
File 137336791189.jpg - (114.88KB , 500x733 , Fire.jpg )
25 years!
>> No. 16540 [Edit]
File 137345052989.jpg - (23.55KB , 160x163 , Fire.jpg )
Production IG!
>> No. 16575 [Edit]
Replies: >>16762
File 137354056950.jpg - (142.40KB , 640x409 , Fire.jpg )
>> No. 16580 [Edit]
File 137362233373.png - (213.50KB , 640x498 , Gun.png )
>> No. 16607 [Edit]
Replies: >>16612 >>16626 >>18301
File 137373135843.jpg - (642.33KB , 800x1014 , 28371356.jpg )

I hope they remake the whole series and we can forget the Deen shit one.
>> No. 16612 [Edit]
Those OPs they did for the vita games were really well done I bet lots of people have high expectations.
>> No. 16626 [Edit]
Replies: >>16637
Story by Gen You're a Butcher?
>> No. 16634 [Edit]
File 137380101918.jpg - (162.16KB , 580x814 , zetest.jpg )
Naruto exhibition;
>> No. 16637 [Edit]
Replies: >>16638 >>16644
Gen completely ruined Kiritsugu and Saber as characters thanks to that Fate/Zero bullshit, not to mention how terrible the others were (Kayneth, Tokiomi, Sola, etc).

I'm happy he's going no where near the main story, he'd probably be a stupid asshole like usual and kill off half the cast for no reason, fill it with childish "deep" themes thrown around hamfistedly as usual, and pour a gratuitous amount of blood in because THAT'S WHAT MAKES IT MATURE HURR DURR.

I fucking hate Urobuchi, he's a fucking hack.
>> No. 16638 [Edit]
Couldn't have said it better myself.
>> No. 16644 [Edit]
Replies: >>16656
Half of F/Z was written by Nasu anyway. Stupid to blame Gen for something, when he didn't even have room to 'mess'.
>> No. 16656 [Edit]
Replies: >>16665
Nasu wrote the outline and designed the general characteristics of the characters, Gen wrote the actual text and character development: Which is total shit.

Seriously, Saber has the worst character arc in history for no reason other than "lol suffering madoka amirite XD" I loved to see someone who was supposed to be a pretty strong main character reduced to a blubbering mess who needed Kiritsugu's approval to function as a proper human being, real top quality writing there you fuckhead. Or Kiritsugu going from a man with a mind of steel to a wavering little boy who wants to give up at every turn. Really great way to characterize him.

Yes I'm mad.
>> No. 16657 [Edit]
Replies: >>16663
I think you guys are giving directors too little credit. just becuase a director didn't write the script doesn't mean he doesn't control the direction the series goes in. what to focus on and emphasize, what tone to set, what to show or not to show and how to show it and so on. If a director wanted to he could have made fate/zero a dark comedy, a griping drama or a mindless action piece. It's just like remixing a preexisting song. Someone else might have made the original but it's up to the DJ to put his own spin on it.
>> No. 16663 [Edit]
The director did a fine job, the LN itself is terrible and that's what Urobuchi wrote.
>> No. 16665 [Edit]
Replies: >>16670
I didn't expect that hater would actually know anything he is talking about. There are discussions between Gen and Nasu available and they came up with most of things together and everything was done under Nasu's supervision. Get your facts right.
>> No. 16670 [Edit]
But that's wrong. Don't believe everything you read on /a/. Nasu supervised but that doesn't make what Gen wrote any good, and the things the worked together on are pretty obvious vs things they didn't.

Go actually read the F/Z interviews.
>> No. 16720 [Edit]
Replies: >>16722
>I didn't expect Psycho Pass to get second season. Not because it was bad or anything, it just felt 'one shot' type show.
Yeah I felt the same way. I mean, they killed off a ton of main supporting characters at the end. How do you think they'll make up for that?
>> No. 16722 [Edit]

Not the guy you asked but I think they'll probably introduce some new recruits, it could be quite interesting to see how Akane relates to them now that she'll be the senior (particularly considering all she knows now). I'm very curious about what they'll do with her in general, considering the choices she made.
>> No. 16761 [Edit]
Replies: >>16768
File 137444669944.jpg - (69.44KB , 300x400 , hajime.jpg )
>> No. 16762 [Edit]
Replies: >>16778
File 137446473052.jpg - (130.86KB , 847x466 , Homura bad end.jpg )
jesus fucking christ...

>> No. 16768 [Edit]
File 137449646329.jpg - (9.07KB , 225x225 , horraaa.jpg )
>> No. 16778 [Edit]
Replies: >>17216
File 137460741560.jpg - (194.40KB , 1117x621 , TEH Homu is serious.jpg )
I just watched the 1st and 2nd movies (finally): it was exactly the same than the entire anime series, just with slightly better production values in some parts and different (though not so fortunate) distribution of the OST. So, as seen in the preview, the 3rd movie will really be a sequel in the new universe, focusing on Homu and goddess Madoka reunion.

So it really starts now (hope they don't ruin it). I can't wait.
>> No. 16794 [Edit]
File 137483178149.png - (45.26KB , 250x357 , FREEMAN.png )
>> No. 16810 [Edit]
>Anime Project 'Kyousougiga' to Get TV Series in Fall

>"Kyousougiga", an anime project produced by Banpresto and Toei Animation, is to get a TV anime series starting this fall. The anime project started in December 2011 with one episode broadcast online. It was the director debut for Matsumoto Rie who was only 26 at the time. This was followed by a series of another 5 episodes, also broadcast online, from August to December in 2012. Over one million online views have since been registered in total for the series. The TV series will consist of 10 episodes together with 2 summary episodes and 1 special episode.

Sugoi sugoi. I was starting to lose hope for a proper TV series. Probably the only Fall show I look forward to at this point in time.
>> No. 16865 [Edit]
File 137527215634.jpg - (13.40KB , 160x160 , sm.jpg )
Figurine news
>> No. 16890 [Edit]

Oh yes, SHAFT!
>> No. 16908 [Edit]
File 137570119827.jpg - (7.88KB , 120x120 , mg.jpg )
>> No. 16932 [Edit]
Replies: >>16953
File 13758770878.jpg - (123.04KB , 600x450 , mg.jpg )
Anime pop-up stores;
>> No. 16953 [Edit]
File 137596370530.jpg - (45.14KB , 500x331 , mg.jpg )
Another pop-up store, NitroPlus store
>> No. 16991 [Edit]
File 137619977193.png - (101.58KB , 640x378 , bow.png )
>> No. 17029 [Edit]
File 137655762773.jpg - (92.55KB , 468x712 , c1.jpg )
>> No. 17090 [Edit]
File 137699818533.png - (542.01KB , 598x435 , bow.png )
Makai Ouji
>> No. 17105 [Edit]
File 137708545062.jpg - (52.54KB , 400x553 , VXD_Minis.jpg )
Seiyuu news & info
>> No. 17131 [Edit]
File 137742021966.jpg - (75.43KB , 450x285 , y2.jpg )
What are your anime news sites?

Mine are:
>> No. 17170 [Edit]
File 137790267876.jpg - (12.87KB , 200x200 , p2.jpg )
O, I want!
>> No. 17206 [Edit]
Replies: >>17212
File 137853495761.jpg - (105.60KB , 500x567 , zusa.jpg )
>> No. 17212 [Edit]
But where is the new anime??
>> No. 17216 [Edit]
File 137860704438.jpg - (226.31KB , 1114x1254 , fuck it.jpg )
This really is gonna be serious.
>> No. 17261 [Edit]
File 137922272475.jpg - (16.85KB , 212x300 , zFade.jpg )
Giovanni no Shima (Giovanni’s Island)
>> No. 17264 [Edit]
File 137928379963.png - (358.55KB , 683x384 , haruka.png )
So Haruka no Himitsu finally ended.
It was very stupid but, well, that brings up a closure alright.
Keep putting two and two together.
>> No. 17287 [Edit]
what the hell are you talking about?
>> No. 17300 [Edit]
File 137958803376.jpg - (103.42KB , 640x544 , zself.jpg )
It's gun-witch time;
>> No. 17322 [Edit]
File 137977362932.jpg - (16.06KB , 160x162 , zsonic.jpg )
>> No. 17344 [Edit]
Replies: >>17346
I was pretty happy when I read just the headline - finally a volleyball anime. But it's about [i]boys[/]. Come on guys, go play a man's sport and leave volleyball to women.

>> No. 17346 [Edit]
Replies: >>17355
lame, I wonder if it has anything to do with the recent Free! anime.
>> No. 17355 [Edit]
File 138018412927.jpg - (104.27KB , 640x360 , Zyam.jpg )
2nd season planned already;
>> No. 17373 [Edit]
File 138041838123.jpg - (316.33KB , 640x906 , usa.jpg )
"Shashinkan" and "Hinata no Aoshigure" Indie Anime Trailer
>> No. 17392 [Edit]
File 138071844360.jpg - (179.67KB , 640x707 , uEfP.jpg )
Robot Girls Z
>> No. 17440 [Edit]
Replies: >>17487
File 138105378516.jpg - (99.96KB , 539x600 , madoka.jpg )
>> No. 17487 [Edit]
File 138127258739.gif - (414.75KB , 500x500 , homu nyan nyan.gif )
I'm counting the days.
>> No. 17509 [Edit]
File 138140347496.jpg - (210.54KB , 600x849 , zn.jpg )
>> No. 17528 [Edit]
Replies: >>17582
Oh yeah. Took them too long but all is forgiven:

>Anime 'Seitokai Yakuindomo' Second Season and OVA Announced

>The 46th issue of Weekly Shonen Magazine, to be published next Wednesday (Oct 16th), will be announcing that a second season of "Seitokai Yakuindomo" has been green-lit. An OVA will also be bundled in a special edition of volume 10 of the manga. Volume 9 of the manga, which will be released on Oct 17th, also contains an OVA in its special edition.


>Anime 'Suisei no Gargantia' to Get Sequel

>During the TV rebroadcast of anime "Suisei no Gargantia" today, it was announced that it will get a sequel. Information on format, story, staff, and cast is not disclosed yet. Suisei no Gargantia is a science-fiction, original anime made by Production I.G and was aired from April to June in 2013.

Interesting. I doubt anyone will agree with me but I thought Gargantia was the best anime of this year. Unfortunately I don't see the sequel being any good but we'll see about that.
>> No. 17550 [Edit]
File 138174693895.jpg - (77.11KB , 600x300 , zch.jpg )
Strike Witches season 3 and new OVA green-lit for production
>> No. 17572 [Edit]
Replies: >>17574 >>17597
>Manga 'JoJo's Bizarre Adventure Part 3: Stardust Crusaders' to Get TV Anime Adaptation

We all knew it will happen eventually so I won't bother with copying the rest. Good to get some confirmation though. No release date so far.
>> No. 17574 [Edit]
I don't think it was a matter of 'if' it was gonna happen, more like 'WHEN?!!?!'
>> No. 17582 [Edit]
File 138204910032.png - (482.91KB , 800x600 , BACHAN-2013-10-15-15h47m18s124.png )
>Oct 17th
>> No. 17597 [Edit]
File 138216306853.jpg - (107.43KB , 717x720 , ztopr.jpg )
More Jojo is always good!
>> No. 17607 [Edit]
File 138230323430.jpg - (235.61KB , 600x830 , _tankyou.jpg )
2014 G&P news from http://www.crunchyroll.com/anime-news/2013/10/19/girls-und-panzer-2014-calendar-preview

>> No. 17675 [Edit]
File 13826103557.jpg - (137.05KB , 560x315 , z2m.jpg )
Sat 2013.10.26
>> No. 17717 [Edit]
File 138295525499.jpg - (52.91KB , 600x337 , photo.jpg )
>> No. 17763 [Edit]
Why would you live-action an anime?!?
>> No. 17780 [Edit]
Replies: >>17782
File 138355097545.jpg - (50.80KB , 500x281 , ZEX.jpg )
1:1 scale!
>> No. 17782 [Edit]
Replies: >>17785 >>17786
why do figs get uglier and uglier as they go up in size?
>> No. 17785 [Edit]
uncanny valley
>> No. 17786 [Edit]

that face would uncanny valley regardless of what size it was scaled to.
>> No. 17846 [Edit]
Replies: >>18011
File 138404442599.jpg - (41.78KB , 350x267 , atom.jpg )
50 years of broadcast anime (1963-2013);
>> No. 17960 [Edit]
File 138450369690.jpg - (27.85KB , 200x201 , z3.jpg )
>> No. 18002 [Edit]
Replies: >>18083
File 138476866732.jpg - (51.21KB , 400x310 , wV.jpg )
Garupan OVA~ It will be titled ”Kore ga Hontō no Anzio-sen Desu!” or “This Is the Real Anzio Battle!”.
>> No. 18011 [Edit]
File 138484456736.jpg - (2.27KB , 125x70 , wV.jpg )
Not linking?
Here you go!
>> No. 18034 [Edit]
File 138516004837.jpg - (8.85KB , 160x160 , z1365938460297.jpg )
>> No. 18050 [Edit]
File 138527011658.jpg - (121.91KB , 640x453 , z88.jpg )
No one can stop the Monogatari train...
>> No. 18083 [Edit]
File 138567966765.jpg - (184.08KB , 584x717 , Zsd.jpg )
>> No. 18111 [Edit]
File 138586315158.jpg - (92.38KB , 605x831 , 13329-efxbee6u9h.jpg )
This was moving enough.
>> No. 18117 [Edit]
Replies: >>18118
File 138598186886.jpg - (431.99KB , 866x1200 , Yama no Susume 2.jpg )
Yama no Susume 2! With two cours and the episodes being triple the length of season 1!!

>At Sunday's fan event "Touchou Kinen Party! Hannou-shi Shimin Kaikan tte Doko!?" in Hannou, Saitama Prefecture, Japan, a second anime adaptation of girls' mountain climbing manga "Yama no Susume" was announced. The second season is scheduled to air in spring 2014. The series will be 15-minute-per episode and two cours total. More information will be revealed in the next issue of Comic Earth Star magazine, which will be on newsstands on December 12, 2013.
>> No. 18118 [Edit]

So pretty much one normal cour content-wise.
>> No. 18193 [Edit]
File 138708127514.jpg - (134.84KB , 452x640 , zSKYrimming.jpg )
Watashi no Kosmos!
>> No. 18239 [Edit]
File 138770105949.jpg - (20.22KB , 160x160 , zAnimeBceZHZq.jpg )
More JoJo!
>> No. 18263 [Edit]
File 138785656549.jpg - (142.97KB , 640x452 , yegods.jpg )
>> No. 18284 [Edit]
File 138828418268.jpg - (214.24KB , 640x866 , zstuff.jpg )
IdolM@ster: The Movie - To the Glittering Side
>> No. 18296 [Edit]
Replies: >>18301
File 138836538448.jpg - (21.15KB , 450x239 , fate.jpg )
Another one?
>> No. 18301 [Edit]

It's not a new adaptation announced, it's the ufotable F/SN remake that was announced a good while ago in >>16607
It's just that you go animenation, and they are kinda slow on these things.
>> No. 18310 [Edit]
Replies: >>18312
File 138865400430.jpg - (232.82KB , 640x905 , yande_re.jpg )
Sword Art Online? More like GUN Art Online...
>> No. 18312 [Edit]
File 13887333678.jpg - (30.61KB , 600x300 , z2014-600x300.jpg )
>> No. 18332 [Edit]
File 138892199219.jpg - (62.89KB , 343x470 , z2012.jpg )
>> No. 18366 [Edit]
Replies: >>18564

>It that Esteban S2?

It's been ages since I heard about that and after googling it today I found out that S2 is actually out (has been for ages) but it was made it France, not Japan. Weird.


>I mean seriously, what's fucking next? New Harlock?

Since then I also found out Galaxy Express does actually kind of have a sequel TV series, pretty embarassing that I didn't even know about it.
>> No. 18400 [Edit]
Replies: >>18455
File 13893509163.jpg - (46.96KB , 352x500 , z20140201.jpg )
New Se-la- Mu-n?
>> No. 18441 [Edit]
Replies: >>19657
File 138950828064.jpg - (14.07KB , 160x160 , z20140201.jpg )
>> No. 18455 [Edit]
File 138960986297.jpg - (75.33KB , 550x563 , z20140201.jpg )
Was it that long ago?
>> No. 18515 [Edit]
File 139010612978.jpg - (182.44KB , 600x840 , zPolis.jpg )
Who's bad?

>> No. 18528 [Edit]
File 139029771892.jpg - (141.38KB , 596x751 , z2014.jpg )
>> No. 18535 [Edit]
File 13903828853.gif - (111.10KB , 255x167 , Dudley-alt-mp-taunt.gif )
Oh yes!
>> No. 18539 [Edit]
File 13904713426.jpg - (126.52KB , 550x455 , z2014.jpg )
Amagi Brillant Park
>> No. 18564 [Edit]
France probably has the largest number anime fans in Europe. That it has an animation industry also helps (eg. Wakfu)
>> No. 18567 [Edit]
Replies: >>18569
File 139077932661.jpg - (429.11KB , 1280x768 , z2014.jpg )
FREE! 2nd season confirmed?
>> No. 18569 [Edit]
>> No. 18607 [Edit]
File 139130316931.jpg - (61.60KB , 500x237 , z2014.jpg )
Do you know Miku?
>> No. 18649 [Edit]
Replies: >>18657
File 139183610961.jpg - (242.27KB , 852x1200 , Spoiler Picture.jpg )
Madoka Rebellion blueray/DVD out 2nd April 2014.
>> No. 18657 [Edit]
aw, they look so cute dominatrix mode.
>> No. 18673 [Edit]
File 139201902464.jpg - (149.90KB , 476x640 , z2014.jpg )
Anchovy, Carpaccio & Pepperoni
>> No. 18703 [Edit]
"Attack on Titan" English Dub to Premiere at Anime Boston
Anime convention scheduled for March 21-13

That is all.
>> No. 18739 [Edit]
File 139281925117.jpg - (78.93KB , 362x500 , z314.jpg )
Anime gaming?
>> No. 18791 [Edit]
File 139313467157.jpg - (97.38KB , 500x431 , z2.jpg )
FREE in Nagoya
>> No. 18839 [Edit]
File 139410734717.jpg - (22.48KB , 500x281 , 201403060101566a7s1-500x281.jpg )
‘Brynhildr in the Darkness’
>> No. 18898 [Edit]
File 139505078997.jpg - (175.68KB , 640x782 , verticalchess.jpg )
Captain Earth
>> No. 18945 [Edit]
File 139564704311.png - (546.55KB , 1000x558 , x1248.png )
Oh Gen....

>> No. 19021 [Edit]
Replies: >>19025 >>19026 >>20261
File 13965153877.jpg - (12.64KB , 160x160 , yp.jpg )
Why would you make it live-action?!?
>> No. 19025 [Edit]
>kaotan as homu
It's so ridiculous I ain't even mad. I just laughed.
>> No. 19026 [Edit]
Replies: >>19063 >>19090
Because it's popular with normals, and normals prefer live action.
>> No. 19063 [Edit]
Replies: >>19112
File 139727059949.jpg - (232.39KB , 640x905 , yjen.jpg )
Oh.... K
>> No. 19072 [Edit]
File 139738786924.jpg - (132.67KB , 640x881 , yjen.jpg )
"Aldnoah.Zero" Mech Anime Ad

>> No. 19090 [Edit]
Replies: >>19091
>hurrrrrrrr i'm superior to everyone because i watch anime anonymous legion XDdurrrrrrrr
>> No. 19091 [Edit]

I don't see anything edgy there, he just answered the question and what he said it's true. LNs/manga/anime get turned into live action because they can reach a wider audience that way. Get over yourself.
>> No. 19112 [Edit]
That's going to be easy for the lighting department. Blue is the only colour they'll need.
>> No. 19139 [Edit]
Replies: >>19140 >>19141
File 139825292559.jpg - (171.89KB , 500x756 , ysen.jpg )
Another live-action based on a manga..
>> No. 19140 [Edit]
What a weird cover, I might check it out.
>> No. 19141 [Edit]
>schoolgirl starts dating her substitute teacher
Sounds pretty neat. I'll watch that.
>> No. 19165 [Edit]
Replies: >>20485
File 139842838714.jpg - (119.88KB , 800x583 , ysen.jpg )
More live-action Rurouni Kenshin
>> No. 19179 [Edit]
File 139859567058.jpg - (52.62KB , 600x300 , yfw.jpg )
>> No. 19207 [Edit]
File 13989432977.jpg - (55.95KB , 356x500 , yfw.jpg )
Denki-gai no Honya-san

>> No. 19288 [Edit]
Replies: >>19289
File 139997026340.jpg - (87.88KB , 600x380 , yfree.jpg )
>> No. 19289 [Edit]
Disgusting. I wish this fujoshit trendy trash would die already.
>> No. 19303 [Edit]
Replies: >>19306
File 140024207920.jpg - (137.45KB , 517x825 , yfw.jpg )
More Gundam Building....
>> No. 19306 [Edit]
Holy shit, I was actually thinking about that less than 15 minutes ago.

I'm a wizard!
>> No. 19313 [Edit]
File 140027997389.jpg - (163.61KB , 610x867 , yken.jpg )
『史上最強の弟子ケンイチ』56巻 OVA付き特別版CM
>> No. 19332 [Edit]
Replies: >>19379
File 140039680287.jpg - (100.52KB , 318x450 , ySF.jpg )
新劇場版「頭文字D」Legend1 -覚醒- 本告映像
>> No. 19374 [Edit]
File 140066882617.jpg - (268.73KB , 640x778 , y50.jpg )
Watamote studio SILVERLINK, director Shin Oonuma and character designer Hideki Furukawa will be reuniting for an anime adaptation of Rokujouma no Shinryakusha!, Takehaya's light novel series about a high school student living on a tight budget, in a haunted apartment surrounded by would-be magical girls and other wacky neighbors.
>> No. 19379 [Edit]
Looks cool. Would be a shame if they got rid of the euro beat but it'd be understandable.
>> No. 19398 [Edit]
Replies: >>19408
File 140089650418.jpg - (10.59KB , 200x200 , ychai.jpg )
"Ghost in the Shell: Arise - border:3" Promo
「攻殻機動隊ARISE border3」劇場予告編公開 恋する草薙素子
>> No. 19408 [Edit]
>> No. 19452 [Edit]
File 140119050214.gif - (35.77KB , 300x200 , ZEYbq3D.gif )
Not sure if anime...
>> No. 19466 [Edit]
Replies: >>19491
File 140126770766.jpg - (115.82KB , 500x707 , ychai.jpg )
Sailor Moon
>> No. 19491 [Edit]
I must be the only person on the planet who couldn't give a shit about sailor moon.
>> No. 19497 [Edit]
File 140146120992.jpg - (242.43KB , 640x871 , ynot.jpg )
Gekkan Shojo Nozaki-kun
>> No. 19519 [Edit]
File 140159208674.jpg - (139.53KB , 560x788 , ynot.jpg )
>> No. 19589 [Edit]
File 140195982471.jpg - (20.50KB , 160x160 , zMadocar.jpg )
Nozo x Kimi
>> No. 19590 [Edit]
File 140196052399.jpg - (72.78KB , 1280x720 , yShadrs.jpg )
First Gundam: The Origin Trailer Released Online
>> No. 19657 [Edit]
File 140239178670.jpg - (23.55KB , 200x200 , c27cf754f2a4045cc0f0ea6cbca7733f1402342064_large.jpg )
Updates: http://www.crunchyroll.com/anime-news/2014/06/09-1/video-latest-ao-haru-ride-ads-and-visual
>> No. 19714 [Edit]
File 140280748233.png - (362.01KB , 500x437 , x1248.png )
Date A Live movie
>> No. 19852 [Edit]
File 140369955299.jpg - (30.53KB , 500x281 , spear.jpg )
Anime -> game crossing-over
>> No. 19889 [Edit]
File 140421450397.jpg - (238.52KB , 335x480 , yNot.jpg )
「ハナヤマタ」TVアニメ プロモーションムービー LONG版
>> No. 19931 [Edit]
File 140489777670.png - (311.10KB , 560x429 , x1248.png )
>> No. 20028 [Edit]
Replies: >>20029 >>20101
File 140551335549.jpg - (200.56KB , 640x588 , minion.jpg )
Cute girls eating
>> No. 20029 [Edit]
This is going to be good, especially if it is done by Shaft.
>> No. 20050 [Edit]
File 140559326542.jpg - (12.25KB , 200x204 , yooolooooo.jpg )
When Marnie Was There (2014 July 19 )
>> No. 20101 [Edit]
File 140583233457.jpg - (32.27KB , 230x332 , Beatit.jpg )
Can they cook or just eat?
eg. http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Cooking_Papa
>> No. 20129 [Edit]
45 years
Who says anime has to be all-fiction all the time?
>> No. 20174 [Edit]
File 140628097840.jpg - (233.99KB , 600x853 , yooolooooo.jpg )
劇場版『ドラゴンボールZ』 特報 2015
>> No. 20176 [Edit]
New character and tank coming in the Girls und Panzer movie.
>> No. 20209 [Edit]
Replies: >>20253
File 140643850819.jpg - (163.86KB , 580x838 , ydrift.jpg )
Magic Kaito
>> No. 20253 [Edit]
Conan still ten-years old.
>> No. 20261 [Edit]
Replies: >>20360
File 140670709278.jpg - (96.27KB , 640x560 , ycast.jpg )
Another live-action adaptation...
>> No. 20360 [Edit]
Seriously... stop
>> No. 20380 [Edit]
File 140783250490.jpg - (233.98KB , 1600x900 , Grisaia-no-Kajitsu-anime.jpg )
Has anyone played this?


Anime starts in October.
I think I'll watch it.
>> No. 20409 [Edit]
File 140818990118.jpg - (50.00KB , 500x297 , y149.jpg )
>> No. 20456 [Edit]
File 140861154548.jpg - (143.81KB , 550x844 , minion.jpg )
>> No. 20485 [Edit]
File 140884611662.png - (694.75KB , 1600x1371 , X.png )
>> No. 20529 [Edit]
File 140960558665.jpg - (204.67KB , 640x606 , y56CDybY.jpg )
「クロスアンジュ 天使と竜の輪舞」第1弾PV

Ladies that hunt dragons in mecha
>> No. 20563 [Edit]
File 140995782736.jpg - (126.52KB , 560x792 , yd3.jpg )
>> No. 20588 [Edit]
File 141035038314.jpg - (20.76KB , 200x200 , y6.jpg )
オリジナルTVアニメーション『SHIROBAKO』 コミックマーケット86公開PV

An anime about making anime?
>> No. 20605 [Edit]
Replies: >>20608 >>20609
File 141057868745.jpg - (328.51KB , 640x905 , yuRysa.jpg )
>> No. 20608 [Edit]
Replies: >>20611
Anime PVs are so bizarre to me, I don't think I'll ever understand them. It seems to be the norm to show random and often oddly picked clips with no context or even audio. Why even show characters talking if they're muted? Are they really that eager to show off their repeating two frame mouth flapping animations? There's not even any mention of the plot/premise. It's like the polar opposite of live action movies that give away the whole movie in their trailer.
>> No. 20609 [Edit]
Replies: >>20610 >>20611
File 14105858481.jpg - (397.74KB , 1070x1538 , Full Metal Panic Fumoffu.jpg )
Stupid question: Can someone explain to me why the fucking bear suit from full metal fumoffu is in there? I can't imagine them ripping off the design like that, that's just shameless, so I suppose it's a crossover?
>> No. 20610 [Edit]
Replies: >>20611
Probably just wanted to do a call back to their better days.
Considering they're both kyoani I don't know why they couldn't just keep the original design. As is it looks like something a different studio would changed for copyright reasons.
>> No. 20611 [Edit]
Replies: >>20612
That promotional video assumes you already know the source material.
>> No. 20612 [Edit]
>assumes you already know the source material.
yes that is the problem indeed.
>> No. 20664 [Edit]
Replies: >>20666
File 141116429173.jpg - (117.02KB , 960x1280 , y1410851111275.jpg )
All your favourites are getting more episodes!

"Chaika -The Coffin Princess- Avenging Battle" Anime Listed for 10 Episodes
"Log Horizon 2" Listed for 25 Episodes
"Nisekoi" OVA Announced
"Tokyo Ghoul" Anime Season 2 Listed for January
>> No. 20666 [Edit]
Replies: >>20669 >>20671
those are not even close to my favorites
>> No. 20669 [Edit]
Those are nobody's favorites
>> No. 20671 [Edit]
File 141116595735.jpg - (200.94KB , 640x815 , pppppppppp.jpg )
How bout this?

PSYCHO-PASS サイコパス 2 PV「新章、起動。」
>> No. 20696 [Edit]
File 141155692138.jpg - (96.22KB , 1280x720 , tg.jpg )
Ah! My Goddess
>> No. 20730 [Edit]
File 141182032948.gif - (520.61KB , 500x200 , zcharm.gif )

>> No. 20740 [Edit]
File 141187239794.jpg - (26.62KB , 500x280 , y201411.jpg )
「ストライクウィッチーズ Operation Victory Arrow vol.2 エーゲ海の女神」PV
>> No. 20747 [Edit]
File 141198261414.jpg - (60.54KB , 318x450 , y201411.jpg )
FSN UBW 2014-10
>> No. 20760 [Edit]
File 141215562543.jpg - (13.46KB , 250x130 , yBL.jpg )
>> No. 20799 [Edit]
File 141240392527.jpg - (4.58KB , 165x200 , YASS.jpg )
Akame ga Kill
>> No. 20831 [Edit]
File 141252369067.jpg - (73.86KB , 856x479 , the new god of anime.jpg )
I only knew about this after watching the Aoi Honoo Live Action Series: a retrospective of Anno's work, now officially acknowledged by Toshio Suzuki as the "next-Miyazaki", will be screened at the 27th Tokyo International Film Festival (TIFF)...



I can only say: at last.
>> No. 20925 [Edit]
File 141328292319.jpg - (89.26KB , 363x500 , [TW].jpg )
Kaitou Tenshi Twin Angel: Kyun Kyun Tokimeki Paradise!!
>> No. 20929 [Edit]
The wake up girls social game will cease its service in december.
>> No. 20947 [Edit]
File 141358338047.jpg - (172.49KB , 600x800 , zEat.jpg )
Cycling, cycling lalalaaaaaa
>> No. 20956 [Edit]
Replies: >>20965 >>20967 >>21158
File 14136876004.jpg - (187.59KB , 767x553 , cafe.jpg )
Piracy is bad
>> No. 20965 [Edit]
Replies: >>20969
>The anime industry is taking the issue of manga and anime piracy very seriously as companies are losing millions
People still don't understand 1 pirated download doesn't mean 1 lost sale
>> No. 20967 [Edit]
>To help spread information and stop people from buying pirated anime and manga products
I guess it's okay if it's about spreading information. Buying something pirated doesn't feel good if you wanted the real deal (I assume they mean fake BDs or scanlations).
>How about Madoka from Madoka Magica? Or Yui from K-On!?
I didn't know that KyoAni and Shaft were in on it too. You know, since they weren't mentioned.
>> No. 20969 [Edit]
Replies: >>20970
and you still don't understand that pirating anime is a shitty thing to do, regardless of the consequences. also, if piracy was so harmless you wouldn't see these companies spending money trying to shut it down.
>> No. 20970 [Edit]
Replies: >>20971
>To help spread information and stop people from buying pirated anime and manga products

From the link. They don't care about random gaijin torrenting anime since we don't buy directly from them anyways. Physical piracy is what they're talking about, which is obviously a big problem since that is directly a lost sale.
>> No. 20971 [Edit]
Replies: >>20972
No, you're wrong. If they didn't care about gaijin they wouldn't bother writing this in English: http://manga-anime-here.com/guardians

Their website is designed to show fans how to get anime/manga legally online, not physically: http://manga-anime-here.com
>> No. 20972 [Edit]
Replies: >>20973
Huh, interesting. I'm still going to keep torrenting anime though. Maybe if the prices weren't a complete joke I would consider buying some shows.
>> No. 20973 [Edit]
Replies: >>20974 >>20976 >>20979
Manga and light novels are cheap as bricks, T.V anime is expensive for a reason. You shouldn't assure yourself that pirating is a good thing ever.
>> No. 20974 [Edit]
Replies: >>20976
>Manga and light novels are cheap as bricks
only in japan. English versions are marked up three times the original price.
>> No. 20976 [Edit]
In Japan most people record the TV airing anyways, that's why only the hardcore fans buy the BluRay/DVD. Only VERY few people torrent it in Japan. Japs themselves hate piracy, just go on 2ch or futaba and try to make a thread asking on how to torrent or XKCD, everyone will tell you to go die.
And they really don't give a fuck about gaijin. Japan is the only relevant country when it comes to anime and manga. The money from licensed manga and anime they get is really really small except for that first time when they sell the exculsive right. Your argument about them not writing it in English if they didn't care is not very good. Of course they'd be happy if we also imported blurays a lot, but they focus on Japan.

I'm not saying piracy is awesome and I always import the original manga so I can support the mangaka of a series I like. This also works if you want to support an anime you like a bit, when a new anime adaptation airs the boost of the original works are also usually taken into measurement because the guys who look at the sales don't only look at the DVD/BluRay sales. They also look at how much advertising for the merchandise and the original work was done.
The japanese hate piracy, this is also not the first time those companies also do these anti-piracy ads.

Just wanted to say this. Not gonna argue now because I'm lazy

edit: I want to put emphasis on the fact you have to import the original works if you want to support the industry. Buying licensed stuff won't do shit, 90% of that cash you're spending goes to the foreign publisher and practically none of it goes to the real authors. Just import the original manga from Japan, even with the expensive shipping it's still cheaper than buying the licensed and translated version of the manga in my country (Germany). Also like 99% of the shit out there isn't even licensed and translated.

Post edited on 20th Oct 2014, 8:27am
>> No. 20979 [Edit]
Replies: >>20980 >>20998
I do import manga and light novels, I have several series sitting on my shelf. They're cheap enough and have enough value that I feel they are worth it. I really don't see the harm in pirating anime, though. I'd rather buy a figure or something to support the studio than pay for overpriced blu-rays that I could have downloaded for free.
>> No. 20980 [Edit]
I don't see harm in pirating anime either and I do it myself. There's just no other feasable way for me to get the shit because buying it is too expensive and getting older series would be fucking impossible. I support the indutry by importing the original works and merchandise. I didn't want to sound like I don't pirate it myself.
That's all I have to say.

Post edited on 20th Oct 2014, 9:30am
>> No. 20981 [Edit]
Replies: >>20991
The only reason I pirate anime is that I know very well Crunchyroll or massively comparatively underpriced, not really well subtitled English DVD releases do little to support the author or company in question and I do not know Japanese so the original media is nigh-useless to me.

If I knew Japanese, I would actually consider buying the media in question... but until then.
>> No. 20991 [Edit]
Replies: >>20993 >>20997
Crunchyroll and worldwide releases are too cheap, therefore you're gonna pirate and contribute nothing to the industry? How is that logical?

What if an anime fan in Japan said they were gonna pirate because the money from 1 sale won't make a difference. Isn't that basically the same as your "licensed anime doesn't matter" argument?

Thats why "supporting the industry" isn't even the right way to think about it; this isn't a canned food drive or a kickstarter. It's about the fact that you're not entitled to download everything for free. How can you consider yourself a fan of something if you won't pay the minimum respect to the creators by watching their product as intended?
>> No. 20993 [Edit]
Replies: >>21002
it's so cheap the money you pay only is enough to pay for the service but nothing of it goes to the real producers of the anime who are sitting in japan.
if you want to support the industry you are forced to import goods. signing up for an american service $5 per month won't do anything for the guys in japan.
if you buy licensed foreign releases you don't support the industry in japan one bit, you only support the guys who licensed it. you're no better than a pirate. actually, the guy you're replying to might still import merchandise, like figures for example. this means he supports the industry more than someone who only buys licensed anime/manga and never imports anything.

watching licensed shit with dubs on a shitty dvd that comes without extras is not how the producers wanted you to view their product originally.
I'm not saying it's impossible to support the industry, I'm not saying it doesn't matter anyways because one person can't do shit.
I'm saying supporting the industry is easy, just buy figure (or like the others said manga or LNs in japanese). but buying licensed releases is not the right way to do it, you think you're doing something but in reality the money you spend could be of much more use if you just imported the goods instead.

also, how in the fuck do you watch newer anime that are airing right now or just anime that were never licensed if you never pirate anything?

Post edited on 20th Oct 2014, 3:31pm
>> No. 20997 [Edit]
Replies: >>21002
>by watching their product as intended?
The product is not intended to be viewed on a licensed release but on an original release you'd have to import or just the one that airs on Japanese television.
I'm sure downloading a TV or BluRay rip with japanese audio is closer to what the producers intended than what you get on an American DvD. Not to mention that the foreign distributers sometimes decide to censor the stuff.
>> No. 20998 [Edit]
Replies: >>20999
>I really don't see the harm in pirating anime
The harm being the studio doesn't get any money. Most of us can't help it, sure, since they don't release it outside of Japan oft, but that does not mean there is no harm done, it's just a harm that can not be avoided.

>overpriced blu-rays
I told you that they were expensive for a reason. The reason being that anime cost a lot of money to make in the first place. And if anime blu-rays are expensive, it's like saying that figures are over-priced since they are just PVC.
>> No. 20999 [Edit]
Excuse me but did you even fucking read what I wrote?
I support the studios by importing merchandise and the original media. I know what you mean when you say it hurts the industry, but one pirated copy does not equal one lost sale.

If I could not pirate anime I would have never gotten into it in the first place, and I just don't have enough money to blow 250+ euros every time I want to watch a show.
I don't believe you when you say you never ever pirate anime. 90% of the stuff out there will never be licensed and the original is just too expensive. It's nearly impossible to get most of the stuff if it is 10 years old and isn't licensed. But you can easily pirate the 10+ year old show and then afterwards import the manga if you liked it. That way you get to see it AND support the original author.

Post edited on 20th Oct 2014, 4:26pm
>> No. 21000 [Edit]
Replies: >>21001
>I don't believe you when you say you never ever pirate anime
I never said that.

I never said you shouldn't pirate, in the post you responded to I state that it's a 'harm that cannot be avoided'. If anime started airing on television in similar fashion as it does Japan, and the industry somewhat resembled the one in Japan (in terms items for sale), only then would I say not to pirate anime.

However, the person I responded to said he did not see the harm in pirating anime. I don't like the idea that pirating should ever considered a good or acceptable thing, the limit I would draw is understandable (no harm done would be to think it's acceptabe, whereas understandable would be to know you are doing harm but it can not be helped). You know? like how the bible teaches us not to ignore or accept our sins, but to ask for forgiveness for them. Now I don't mean to go to your church and ask God for forgiveness, but on a personal level I think that people should keep in mind that pirating anime is not good or acceptable, it doesn't benefit anyone but ourselves and it does, even if minutely, harm others. But there's nothing wrong with wanting to watch it, and it is totally understandable that people do pirate, but I don't want understandable to become acceptable.

Post edited on 20th Oct 2014, 5:20pm
>> No. 21001 [Edit]
I'm sorry I misunderstood what you meant.
>> No. 21002 [Edit]
Replies: >>21003 >>21007
>The product is not intended to be viewed on a licensed release

Yes, it is. Thats why the rights holders licence it. And they have a lot of control over what companies like Fuckimation do, the product is approved by them.

>if you buy licensed foreign releases you don't support the industry in japan one bit, you only support the guys who licensed it.

You "support" both. Why do you think the Japanese even bother licencing their shows? Its obviously beneficial to them.

By the way, when anime is licensed outside Japan the foreign companies pay for the marketing, production and distribution. Thats why they deserve your money. If you buy anime within Japan there are still companies that take a slice of the pie for doing these things.

There are only 2 semi-valid arguments in favor of piracy and I've never seen a pirate use them:
1) If not for piracy there would be no streaming or simulcasts, no websites like Daisuki or Crunchyroll. We would probably still be in the dark ages of single disc DVD releases.
2) Someone who gives all their disposable income to charity and pirates anime is doing more good in the world than someone who buys anime.
>> No. 21003 [Edit]
Replies: >>21004
You don't fucking get it. The money you pay for the licenced version does not go to the people WHO MADE THE SHOW! You support the industry in Japan more when you pirate anime, but then import merchandise than when you buy licenced anime.
Japan is the only relevant country when it comes to sales. Have you ever heard of an anime that got a second season because it sold so well two years later in america? The sales that matter are always for the japanese dvd/blurays.
If you don't import the bluray/merch/manga you're not relevant.
>> No. 21004 [Edit]
Replies: >>21005 >>21006
>The money you pay for the licenced version does not go to the people WHO MADE THE SHOW!

Some of it does. Some of it goes to paying for marketing, production and distribution, no matter what country you're in.
>> No. 21005 [Edit]
Replies: >>21008
but not nearly enough as when you just import the goods.
Why not just import instead of buying licenced stuff? You still pay money, but more of it goes to the creators and more of it is is relevant in the statistic.
Not to mention the stuff you get is uncensored, has extras and when talking about manga it's also cheaper.

Post edited on 20th Oct 2014, 5:44pm
>> No. 21006 [Edit]
None of the shows I like got licenced. And now? Am I not allowed to import the shit?
>> No. 21007 [Edit]
>Yes, it is. Thats why the rights holders licence it. And they have a lot of control over what companies like Fuckimation do, the product is approved by them.
Bullshit. do you even know how many manga releases in the US are censored?
>> No. 21008 [Edit]
Replies: >>21009 >>21010 >>21011
Because the actions of one person are irrelevant either way. It isn't an economic issue; its a moral issue.
>> No. 21009 [Edit]
Replies: >>21012
No, if anything it is economical and not morally. One pirated copy does not equal one lost sale and 90% of the stuff you can't get legally at all because it will never get a release outside of Japan.
If I could not pirate anime, I would have never gotten into it in the first place.
>> No. 21010 [Edit]
Replies: >>21012
What if there's an anime you want to see and you can't get it legally it? What do you do? Not watch it? Must be though only being able to watch ~5% of the shit that is out there.
>> No. 21011 [Edit]
Replies: >>21012
People with good morals give their money to the people who deserve the money. And not to the fucking jews at crunchyroll.
>> No. 21012 [Edit]
Replies: >>21013 >>21014 >>21015 >>21016
>90% of the stuff you can't get legally at all
Most good anime is available legally these days, unless you live in a third world country or you love watching old anime.

>If I could not pirate anime, I would have never gotten into it in the first place.
But now that you are into anime, why continue to pirate?

I'm sure there are many cases of people who were introduced to something through piracy and ended up spending lots of money on it. But that doesn't outweigh the hundreds of thousands (literally) of people torrenting and streaming the popular shows. If it really was harmless the industry wouldn't care.

If its not available legally I don't watch it. I still havent seen Evangelion 3.0 (no spoilers please).

The Japanese anime industry WANT you to support Crunchyroll. That was where this whole discussion started: http://manga-anime-here.com/
>> No. 21013 [Edit]
Did you even read what I posted earlier?
I DO support the industry more than you do.
Just because I get my anime through torrents doesn't mean I'm a big bad wolf. idiot.
>> No. 21014 [Edit]
Replies: >>21017
Just because they want you to support crunchyroll doesn't mean it's the right thing to do. They only say it's better than nothing at all.
The really good thing is to support the people who made the stuff by buying the things directly from Japan, they get much more money that way. Way more than when you buy all your stuff licensed or stream is super cheap on crunchyroll. How much do you pay for crunchyroll per month? 10 bucks? Do you think the people who made the shows don't deserve more than 10 bucks? Just buy merch and you're giving more money to the people than your fucking crunchroll subsripction would ever get them.
>> No. 21015 [Edit]
Replies: >>21017
Serious question, are you being paid? I have never seen someone so against piracy before, it's very strange to me.

As for the legality thing, anime is still very expensive for NEETs like me, and for my money I get either a subpar localized version or an extremely expensive japanese version. There are many other things I would rather spend my money on and many other ways to support the industry (like buying figures).
>> No. 21016 [Edit]
Replies: >>21022
The industry only cares about Japan, not about foreigners. You have to understand that. The only sales that matter are JAPANESE sales. You have to import every single anime on bluray if you want truly good morals.

What about the people in Japan who never buy anime and instead only watch it on TV? Are they also bad people with bad morals?
>> No. 21017 [Edit]
Replies: >>21018 >>21019 >>21020 >>21021 >>21023
so how much money goes to the creators when you buy a figure?
haven't the people who actually created the show already been paid at this point?
what about shows that don't have merchandise?

you can't necessarily draw a direct line form your wallet to the guy who directed an anime episode. deal with it, thats the way the world works.

If you go and see a movie you're not giving $1 from your ticket to Brad Pitt, $1 to George Clooney etc. Those guys have already been paid. The money goes to the theater, probably passes through like 20 people, eventually Sony Pictures get some of it. That doesn't mean you're entitled to download a camrip and put $5 in Brad Pitt's mailbox or buy a Brad Pitt action figure!
>> No. 21018 [Edit]
If the show doesn't have merch you buy the source material. Like the manga or novel. Anime in japan are also used as advertisement and the DVD sales are not the only thing that matters.

If the show if an anime original and there's no source material you can be certain there will be merchandise.
>> No. 21019 [Edit]
You seriously can not compare the anime industry to hollywood.
>> No. 21020 [Edit]
Replies: >>21021
You don't know how the industry works.
>> No. 21021 [Edit]
Replies: >>21027
>>21020 here

Try to read this http://www.animenewsnetwork.com/feature/2012-03-05
and start lurking japanese message boards.
it will give you more insight on how the anime world works.
>> No. 21022 [Edit]
Replies: >>21024
Television has television commercials, which I know doesn't go to the animition studio directly, but it does support them. I don't know the exact process, but I'm sure you have an idea of how the television industry works.

I'm not the guy you responding to, I just wanted to point this out.
>> No. 21023 [Edit]
Replies: >>21025
>you can't necessarily draw a direct line form your wallet to the guy who directed an anime episode. deal with it, thats the way the world works.
If that's the case why should they give a fuck about piracy in the first place? If what you just said is true then they obviously wouldn't get any money if I bought the DVD either.

Post edited on 20th Oct 2014, 6:36pm
>> No. 21024 [Edit]
Oh you're right. Forgot about the tv ratings.
>> No. 21025 [Edit]
Replies: >>21026 >>21027 >>21028 >>21029
The guy who directed the episode isn't necessarily seeing any money from the DVD sale because they don't own the rights, thats the point I was trying to make. That person probably still gives a fuck about piracy because its bad for their industry and future work prospects.
>> No. 21026 [Edit]
Yeah and so you support the industry by buying merchandise and manga. When you import those things you support the industry more than when you buy licensed stuff. Don't you get it?
As long as you support the industry in a meaningful way it's fine. Just because you also torrent anime doesn't mean you're all around doing damage to the industry. It's the opposite, you're doing good as long as you support the things you like in one way or another.
>> No. 21027 [Edit]
Obviously not because the animation studio (and so the director who works at the animation studio) get their share of the money NO MATTER if the show is a financial success or not.
The only people who can lose money are the investors and the people who make up with the concept, not the studio itself.
You don't know how the industry works, read that article: >>21021
>> No. 21028 [Edit]
The point is you can't hope for a second season if you only buy licensed stuff. When you buy licensed stuff 90% of the dosh goes to the foreign publishers, but not to the japanese publishers who decide if they want to invest in another season or whatever.
>> No. 21029 [Edit]
If I wouldn't be able to pirate I would never buy merchandise and manga because I couldn't see the show in the first place, thus I would support the industry even less than when I pirate.
Do you understand what I mean? Just because I pirate does not mean I instantly damage the industry. I easily make up for it by importing lotsa stuff.
>> No. 21031 [Edit]
Kouji Kumeta's manga time thief is going to end

>> No. 21118 [Edit]
Replies: >>21147
2014 will be closing out with a broadcast of the four-episode adaptation of Tsukimonogatari, the tenth part of the Monogatari series, thirteenth book overall and first book in the final season of the series, with the story "Yotsugi Doll."

Blue-ray releases are planned for February and March 2, 2014. Please support. *Bow*
>> No. 21142 [Edit]
Replies: >>21177
File 141420226216.gif - (1.99MB , 640x360 , yslash.gif )
Please support

>> No. 21147 [Edit]
I hope it'll be better than Hanamonogatari. That one quite disappointed me.
>> No. 21149 [Edit]
Replies: >>21186
File 14142127143.jpg - (143.91KB , 1920x1080 , 1379451801466.jpg )
Watamote OVA came out on 20. Season 2 never.
>> No. 21158 [Edit]
"No More Movie Piracy"
>> No. 21177 [Edit]
A new samurai anime? *gasp*
>> No. 21186 [Edit]
Replies: >>21192 >>21193

Is there a decent English sub of it somewhere? Checked 4chan's /a/ yesterday and there was only some poorly synchronized & translated srt file.
>> No. 21192 [Edit]
>> No. 21193 [Edit]

nvm, found a good enough sub: https://mega.co.nz/#!bhYmjKiR!BCO-bC_M2YvInFpSumfflOM6Ep-cfGyo23COo05S9nM
>> No. 21292 [Edit]
Girls & Panzer Movie is coming summer 2015 and has a running time of 90 minutes.

>> No. 22256 [Edit]

new aria!
!!!!!NEW ARIA!!!!!
>> No. 22329 [Edit]
Replies: >>22393
File 142577223677.jpg - (67.63KB , 640x226 , z20150308.jpg )
>> No. 22337 [Edit]
Replies: >>22338

Yuru Yuri Season 3!
>> No. 22338 [Edit]
ehh, I guess that's kinda neat I suppose. I dunno... OH MY GOD!!! YYYYYYYYYYEEEEEEEEEEESSSSSSSSSSS!!!!!! HELL FUCKING YESSSSSSSS!!!! THANK YOU JESUS!!!!!!! I THINK I JUST PISSED MYSELF!! Anyways I'll probably check it out one it airs if I feel like it.
>> No. 22393 [Edit]
File 142614903249.jpg - (5.18KB , 160x160 , z20150313.jpg )
Updates: http://www.crunchyroll.com/anime-news/2015/03/11-1/one-punch-man-anime-site-launches

"Sarusuberi - Miss HOKUSAI"
>> No. 22414 [Edit]
File 142621017490.jpg - (267.54KB , 594x792 , 1426150511274.jpg )
Monster Musume Anime
>> No. 22695 [Edit]
>> No. 22698 [Edit]
With all these older anime's getting reboots/continuations, we really need a Magipoka Season 2 and a Spice and Wolf Season 3.
>> No. 22784 [Edit]
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Bakemono no Ko
>> No. 22823 [Edit]
>> No. 22895 [Edit]
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Free movie
>> No. 22999 [Edit]
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Fifth Chapter of "Code Geass: Akito the Exiled" Confirmed
>> No. 23386 [Edit]
Replies: >>23433
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"AntiMagic Academy 'The 35th Test Platoon'" TV Anime Cast Listed
>> No. 23433 [Edit]
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>> No. 23528 [Edit]
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Here is some anime news sites;
>> No. 23656 [Edit]
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More Shiro-Bako related news
>> No. 23733 [Edit]
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>> No. 23749 [Edit]
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"Shirobako" Set to Folk Dance Music in Comiket Special "SoloSolo" CD Preview
>> No. 23915 [Edit]
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>> No. 24120 [Edit]
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Time-Limited "The Idolm@ster" Official Store Opens in Makuhari, Chiba
>> No. 24406 [Edit]
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New Full Metal Panic anime announced.
>> No. 24437 [Edit]
Replies: >>24557
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>> No. 24445 [Edit]
Replies: >>24448
It would have to be a character that acts like they're on drugs...
>> No. 24448 [Edit]
When memes become reality.
>> No. 24471 [Edit]
File 144627093148.png - (56.64KB , 200x200 , xRugby.png )
You are already defeated.
>> No. 24499 [Edit]
Replies: >>24557

Damn, that's depressing.
>> No. 24557 [Edit]
File 144688468414.jpg - (102.17KB , 640x401 , z20151109.jpg )

Back to Working!!!
>> No. 24597 [Edit]
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>> No. 24692 [Edit]
Replies: >>24693
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>> No. 24693 [Edit]
I can't wait.
>> No. 24739 [Edit]
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"Prince of Stride Alternative" Premiere Set for January 5, 2016
>> No. 25582 [Edit]
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<-"Symphogear" Anime Plans To Also Include a Fifth Season
Yesterday's news out of the Symphogear Live 2016 at Nippon Budokan event has been clarified by an official PR and site update

"Gundam Thunderbolt" Episode 3 Featured In Latest Preview
Episode launches March 18th
>> No. 25618 [Edit]
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>> No. 25635 [Edit]
Replies: >>25645
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"Astro Boy Reboot" Cast Featured in New Visual
For the first time, producers of new "Astro Boy" have the right to change the story
>> No. 25645 [Edit]
Wasn't the series already rebooted by Americans in the form of a movie?
>> No. 25669 [Edit]
Sakamoto desu ga?
>> No. 25803 [Edit]
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>> No. 25830 [Edit]
>> No. 25851 [Edit]
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"Rewrite" Anime Featured In New Preview
>> No. 25864 [Edit]
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According to the latest Oricon Report, A-1 Pictures' original feature film Kokoro ga Sakebi Tagatte Irunda. (English title: The Anthem of the Heart), topped Japan's weekly overall Blu-ray sales charts selling 23,000 units in its first week. The film's DVD and Blu-ray were released in Japan on March 30. This is the Japanese animation feature's highest first week sale record of this year so far. The previous record holder was the first press limited edition of Arpeggio of Blue Steel -Ars Nova Cadenza- released one week earlier selling 17,000 units.

The Tatsuyuki Nagai (Anohana: The Flower We Saw That Day, Mobile Suit Gundam: Iron-Blooded Orphans)-directed film was released in Japan on September 19, 2015, and earned 1.12 billion yen from its domestic theatrical run, becoming the 35th top-grossing Japanese film of 2015.
>> No. 25873 [Edit]
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The an early look at the May issue 49 Dengeki Bunko MAGAZINE, out April 9th, has revealed plans for Isuna Hasekura and Jū Ayakura's economics informed fantasy series Spice and Wolf's 10th anniversary. It starts with the "Spring Log" chapter, a Lawrence story in which a pair of a pair of travelers unwind after a long journey in a hot spring.

After reintroducing Holo the Wise Wolf, Dengeki Bunko MAGAZINE will be continuing the sequel story. There's also going to be a short story in monthly installments on the anniversary site http://hasekuraisuna.jp/, plus memorial goods and an ebook omnibus release of the series.
>> No. 25884 [Edit]
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Tatsunoko Heroes Assemble for 55th Anniversary Project "Infini-T Force" PV
>> No. 25900 [Edit]
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Beginning in May of 2016, patrons of the "Virtual Theater" service available at 31 Internet cafes in the Kanto region of Japan will be able to experience Ghost in the Shell: The Movie - Virtual Reality Diver, a 15 minute virtual reality movie that immerses its viewers in a CG-rendered, 360 degree world based on the landmark cyberpunk manga by Masamune Shirow.
>> No. 25993 [Edit]
Replies: >>25997
File 146097740668.jpg - (8.48KB , 250x202 , g20160512.jpg )
>> No. 25997 [Edit]
web anime? really?
>> No. 26132 [Edit]
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>> No. 26198 [Edit]
Replies: >>26199
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Long Riders!
Who likes bike shorts?
>> No. 26199 [Edit]
At least it's not more faggy bikers.
>> No. 26371 [Edit]
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Bonus: http://en.rocketnews24.com/2016/05/25/japans-ghibli-museum-announces-therell-be-a-new-catbus-for-adults-to-ride-in-this-summer/
>> No. 26512 [Edit]
Replies: >>26517
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>> No. 26517 [Edit]
I liked the show for various reasons, so I would like more.
>> No. 26586 [Edit]
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No Game No Life is getting a movie.

>> No. 26822 [Edit]
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Overlord Chibis
>> No. 26843 [Edit]
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In addition to the TV anime's 5th and 6th episodes, the next 3rd DVD/Blu-ray volume of the TV anime adaptation of Mimana Orimoto's BAKUON!! motorcycle-themed manga will also include a three-episode newly produced short anime titled "BAKUON!! no Kobeya" (BAKUON!!'s Small Room) as a bonus content. The three episodes are listed as: "Hokkaido nite" (In Hokkaido), "Hokkaido nite 2" (In Hokkaido 2), and "Natsu no Shingo-machi" (Waiting for a Traffic Light in Summer), and their total running time is two minutes. The disc will be available in Japan next Wednesday.
>> No. 26914 [Edit]
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Friends and colleagues of the late voice actress Miyu Matsuki are celebrating her life with a charity event, the proceeds of which go to support CAEBV research, blood donation, and bone marrow donation.
>> No. 26969 [Edit]
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TV Anime "Drifters" Long PV Introduces Main Characters, Story Premise
Kenichi Suzuki (JoJo's Bizarre Adventure)-directed series will premiere on October 7
>> No. 26986 [Edit]
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Show by Rock
2nd season
>> No. 26996 [Edit]
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>> No. 27009 [Edit]
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Slice-of-life comedy kicks off on October 1 at 9:00am Pacific Time
>> No. 27067 [Edit]
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Sound! Euphonium 2
>> No. 27124 [Edit]
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Super Sonico Prepares To Celebrate 10th Anniversary With Greet, Figures, Blu-rays And More
While Super Sonico is officially (and perpetually) 18 years old, she takes her birthday from her October 14, 2006 date of creation
>> No. 27274 [Edit]
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Crowfunded anime?

>> No. 27411 [Edit]
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Special remakes the first episode as part of 20th anniversary celebration

20 years.. he goes as fast as Ash Ketchum. Haha.
>> No. 27447 [Edit]
Replies: >>27452
File 148019623960.gif - (420.35KB , 616x338 , 20161128Fell.gif )
What site do you go to read up anime news?
>> No. 27452 [Edit]
I personally like the MAL news RSS feed because it doesn't have a ton of tiny, insignificant stories like ANN, and pretty much sticks to the important stuff.
>> No. 27469 [Edit]
File 148074246863.gif - (82.44KB , 700x224 , 20161226dahl.gif )
This has mostly anime news but has a little trivia & video-game news mized in...
>> No. 27495 [Edit]
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How is https://www.reddit.com/r/anime/ for news?
>> No. 27518 [Edit]
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Upcoming Anime http://anichart.net/
>> No. 27605 [Edit]
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Opinion about Aldnoah.Zero
(that I agree with)
>> No. 29006 [Edit]
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More Kino coming our way!
>> No. 29481 [Edit]
Replies: >>29487
Madhouse Isn't Doing One Punch Man Season 2
They're handing it off to mother fucking J.C. Staff. Also, season one’s original director Shingo Natsume won’t be returning, and Chikara Sakurai will instead be taking the helm instead.
>> No. 29487 [Edit]
Replies: >>29491 >>29492 >>32293
File 150647276382.jpg - (113.60KB , 1280x720 , [HorribleSubs] One-Punch Man - 04 [720p]_mkv_snaps.jpg )

On the bright side, that means no jam project OP/ED and the fanservice is going to shift from a snow-based breast focus to a wind-based loli focus and hopefully Kugimiya Rie will voice something.
>> No. 29491 [Edit]
Tatsumaki is not a loli, she's a horrible person of a midget that hates anybody weaker than her. Even so, she's my favorite horrible midget. <3
>> No. 29492 [Edit]
Replies: >>29783
>On the bright side
But the OP was fantastic, and the fanservice was already more towards Tatsumaki than her sister.
>> No. 29778 [Edit]
Replies: >>30068
File 151093453178.jpg - (139.24KB , 832x1200 , DOzi9SsUQAAfQUl.jpg )
>> No. 29783 [Edit]
No kidding. I didn't even realize she had a sister.
>> No. 30068 [Edit]
Replies: >>32293
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>> No. 30161 [Edit]
Replies: >>30179
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>> No. 30179 [Edit]
Replies: >>30198
Is there anything they won't slap the Eva brand on?
>> No. 30198 [Edit]
Replies: >>30199 >>31954
File 15152602733.jpg - (58.63KB , 848x480 , [gg]_Zan_Sayonara_Zetsubou_sensei_-_11_[DAFCFC08]_.jpg )
The Japanese logic is: if you don't want it, don't buy it.
The American logic is, apparently: if you don't want it, demand a reason for its existence.

I wonder which nation is truly the freer market.
>> No. 30199 [Edit]
Replies: >>30200 >>30252
the one that doesnt ban guns i think
>> No. 30200 [Edit]
Replies: >>30250
The one that doesn't ban guns but bans kinder eggs?
>> No. 30250 [Edit]
Replies: >>30251
USA bans kinder eggs? Why?
>> No. 30251 [Edit]
Retarded kids might choke on the toys.
>> No. 30252 [Edit]
Try open a store that sells mostly loli mags in the U.S, it's not if but when is it going to be burnt down by a mob of 'freedom lovers'.
It may not be De Jure but it is De Facto.
>> No. 30386 [Edit]
I know this might fall into a grey area with the rules.

Post edited on 14th Jan 2018, 9:17pm
>> No. 31636 [Edit]
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Kemono Friends 2?

Animation Studio drop Prepares to File for Bankruptcy
According to a report on an economics website, as of August 24, 2018, Nerima-based animation studio drop has ceased operations and is preparing to file for bankruptcy.
>> No. 31668 [Edit]
Replies: >>31677
File 153646631746.jpg - (235.89KB , 566x800 , 20180909.jpg )
Non Non Biyori Vacation Film Gets Wide Release across Japan from 29 September 2018
>> No. 31677 [Edit]
I thought this had released already, I was waiting for the BD. Welp.
>> No. 31721 [Edit]
Replies: >>31730
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Director Tatsuki Posts The 0.5th Episode of His New Anime Kemurikusa on Twitter
Kemono Friends team's new original anime is set to premiere in January 2019
>> No. 31730 [Edit]
It's nice to see he's working on something new. Good news, thanks for sharing.
>> No. 31749 [Edit]
Ranking of the top slice of life anime.
>> No. 31763 [Edit]
Replies: >>31764 >>31808 >>35231
File 153993840150.jpg - (116.30KB , 943x580 , Crunchyroll-Funimation-Partnership-End-Thread.jpg )
Crunchyroll and Fuckimation’s partnership is at an end.
With any luck maybe these two will die in the process so we can get all the casuals and normies to fuck off onto a new fad.
>> No. 31764 [Edit]
>> No. 31785 [Edit]
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Slayers Novel's Latest 16th Volume Immediately Gets Reprints

The fans were waiting for the release for 18 years since the previous volume in 2000.

>> No. 31808 [Edit]
I know right...
>> No. 31942 [Edit]
Replies: >>31952
File 154336014044.jpg - (47.81KB , 268x405 , 96418l.jpg )
So I guess fruits Basket is getting a remake? wtf?
>> No. 31952 [Edit]
Live-action remake?
>> No. 31953 [Edit]
Replies: >>31954 >>31957
Netflix has announced a live-action remake of Cowboy Bebop: https://twitter.com/NXOnNetflix/status/1067644277847539712

Why the fuck do they feel the need to desecrate everything? Why can't they realise that animation doesn't translate well to live-action?
>> No. 31954 [Edit]
Replies: >>31955 >>31959
Now why going for the hyperbolic discontentment comments? I'm looking at the responses on that piece of twitter you linked and that's what everyone is doing it. Every time someone releases some adaptation nowadays this happens. It's not like the original needs to be burned and banned forever is it? It's still here, you can watch it any time you want. Besides the producers didn't see a problem selling the rights to Netflix did they? Shouldn't you be angry at them instead? Actually, shouldn't you not be angry at all and just not watch it?

This is actually a great opportunity. Many years ago when they began releasing those Smurfs movies? you know how much merchandise they released for it? I disliked the movies quite a bit but every toy store and book store had Smurfs related stuff for sale. Had a blast with it. Got cool plushies and the missing books I didn't have yet. Then the movies stopped making money and everything was gone again. Same thing happened with Tintin, same thing happened when they launched Pokemon for smartphones. It's a great opportunity to get stuff for cheap.

Not buying would be too silent and unobtrusive.
>> No. 31955 [Edit]
Replies: >>31956
Cowboy Bebop didn't need a live-action remake, nor a Western one at that. It's a pointless attempt at making money, rather than trying to be creative and writing something original. I'm not just directing my anger at Netflix, but also those that made the decision to sell the rights to make a quick buck.
>It's a great opportunity to get stuff for cheap
Not everyone is a materialistic rich kid
>> No. 31956 [Edit]
File 154363136831.png - (32.76KB , 350x350 , justdont.png )
>Why the do they feel the need to...
Americans? To make money. Japanese? To cushion up before the inevitable crisis starts in the next 2-3 years.
What do you think you're doing? You can't complain here in this imageboard... this is not the place to discuss the ruining of anime and its relations. Silly you.
>> No. 31957 [Edit]
Replies: >>31958 >>31961
>Why can't they realise that animation doesn't translate well to live-action?
The current generation of Americans have no respect for animation as an art form, unless it's pseudorealistic 3DCG. To them this is an improvement. It's an awful state of affairs.
>> No. 31958 [Edit]
Unfortunately so.
>> No. 31959 [Edit]
Replies: >>31962
> It's still here, you can watch it any time you want
I see people take this stance a lot, and get it, and with the exception of starwars you're not wrong. Thing is.. While reboots and unnecessary squeals will often come and go and quickly forgotten. In some cases they can retcon material, add unnecessary details, (either of which which might be for the worse) tarnish the original by association, or ruin the possibility of a proper sequel/remake using the same stories or by changing details that are hard to working around.

In japan, you don't see remakes too often because it's considered an insult to the original creator. It's basically telling them they did something wrong and that you can do the same thing better. This is why out of thousands of anime series out there, there's less than a dozen remakes.
This is why people find it offensive and bothersome when they see announcements for a remake. A teaser trailer recently dropped for a 'live action' lion king remake, and the first thing I see people keep asking is "What's wrong with the original?"
It's insulting to the original works in the way a cheap knock off is, like one of those shovel wear movies that are rushed to dvd while looking and sounding like a more popular movie.
It's one of the reasons why creators go after knock offs with lawsuits, it's misleading and hurts the image of the original product. The creators of something like "Kungfu Panda" don't want kids buying "The Panda Fighter" only to feel disappointed and cheated and resent the franchise. Fans feel the same way, they might love cowboy bebop and hope more people can see it and learn to love it too, what they don't want is for people to be lead astray by an inferior product. Sure the original is still there, but should a new comer watch the movie first, their image of the franchise as well as expectations will be set by the movie, and that's not even mentioning having the story spoiled for them. Even if they decide to watch the anime after watching the movie, the experience will already be ruined for them.
It doesn't help matters at all when we know there's a slim chance in hell it's going to be any good anyway. The record speaks for itself when it comes to live action adaptations of both games and anime.

These materials worked as well as did because they specifically made for the type of media they're in. People will so often claim "the original is better" when it comes to ports and adaptations because by adapting/porting something to an alien medium, you're essentially taking a square peg out of a square hole and trying to j-j-jam it in to a round hole. The only way that's going to work is with some serious modification, and you're going to loose something along the way while being left with a thing that just doesn't fit right.

Don't get me wrong, it's not impossible to make it work. some pegs can be adapted to fit into different holes better than others, and with enough skill and passion you can make one fit really well. Before The Avengers came along, people struggled to make comic books work in live action with more misses than hits. Most of the people being forced to do this in the case of anime much like games however clearly don't have that skill or passion. To them it's just a means to bank off a well known name and some nostalgia while they're at it.
>> No. 31961 [Edit]
I'm not so sure that's limited to just this generation. I believe animation in the US has been seen as something for children for a long time now, with the few animations for ""adults"" being little more than crude poorly drawn comedies, not meant to be taken seriously.
>> No. 31962 [Edit]
Replies: >>31983
I don't see originals getting tarnished by shitty live action movies made in the West. Not in cases where the original is a Japanese anime and the adaptation is some shit Western movie. We've seen plenty of those and nothing was really tarnished. The only thing in your first paragraph I agree with is
>ruin the possibility of a proper sequel/remake using the same stories
But then again I don't think this is true when we're talking about an offshoot shitshow from netflix. If the producers made another anime based on it and it was shit, which can and do happen, then yes, the original tends to get tarnished because now it's a "series" and the "series" suck even though the "first one" was good. That do happen. I don't think anyone will consider CB a "series" now because there's some netflix show about it.

>In japan, you don't see remakes too often because it's considered an insult to the original creator.
Well that's just plain wrong. You do see it often, for starters. Every other season you see some IP making a return in another iteration or getting adapted. You constantly see movies being made based in other media, which is the case here. Second, I've been browsing 2ch for years I never quite saw "insult to the creator" being any prevalent in comparison to the West. I do see it very often in Western boards though, specially if the guy is dead. Then everybody goes for the spinning in his grave joke. I've seen people shitting on Doraemon movies a lot but don't quite remember a guy saying Mr. Fujimoto is spinning in his grave. Now that you mention that, this is in fact very common in the West. Every time some guy fucks up and make a shit movie based on a Lovecraft story people go for the "Glad Lovie is not alive to see this!". Hm, very interesting, thanks for bringing to my attention. Apparently we do love to respect the dead when you get to scorn some other guy doing it. Fucking pathetic.

>Sure the original is still there, but should a new comer watch the movie first, their image of the franchise as well as expectations will be set by the movie, and that's not even mentioning having the story spoiled for them. Even if they decide to watch the anime after watching the movie, the experience will already be ruined for them.
I don't get you guys, or rather, I get you but I just don't like what I see. If people start to get interested in anime you scorn them, call them names, go for the "fucking casuals" insult. Make fun of their tastes, make fan of their ignorance, play the elite tard all the way through. You revel on it. And then proceed to hope every company distributing anime in the West burn to ashes. Not you anon I quoted in particular but you, you know who you are. Then you get completely ignored and fans of the original start to adapt some series they like to other media in their own terms and suddenly you play the protector of the innocent, concerned about new fans leading astray. Unfortunely most of you (not you I'm quoting but you know, you) are hipocrites. Acting as if producers have to personaly consult you to sell their IP, demanding a reason for a piece of media to exist if you don't like it, scorning new fans if it makes you feel like elite or playing heroes concerned with new fans if it gets you the chance on shitting on something. IMO people who do that should learn some inhibition.

But yeah, it's probably going to be really bad. Good thing I don't have to watch it. Now, I'll just get out of the way to the thread can go back to its original intent. Best of luck to all of us.
>> No. 31983 [Edit]
>we're talking about an offshoot shitshow from netflix.
True. If this ends up being crap (which it likely will) it will be forgotten about just as quickly as the live action death note shit was.

>Well that's just plain wrong. You do see it often
What you're seeing are squeals, not remakes. Remakes are retelling of the same story, typically by a different creator. A couple examples are Kanon 06, and full metal alchemist brotherhood. It's a bit debatable if movie/ova retelling count as remakes, which there are indeed a fair amount of out there. Personally I don't count them as remakes but I understand if you do. To me they're more like adaptations from one medium to another (TV -> cinema) while also acting as summaries for the originals, but in the case of something like the Nanoha movie the run time is so close to the original series it can practically be considered a remake.
But yeah I guess the "spinning in their grave" thing is a bit over used.

Myself, I watch a lot of movies so I'm used to seeing old tittles get crappy reboots/remakes. As mentioned the only part that 'does' bother me is the lost potential for something better in their place, which is something adaptations have a higher risk at. If something was successful the first time around, even if the remake fails, they might keep trying to recapture that success. If on the other hand something gets an adaptation and it turns out to be shit, that's it, that's all we get. We've got one shot and if doesn't do well there likely wont be a second chance. It's still a bit sad to think what the super mario brothers movie could have been, and what it could have done for not just game to movie adaptations but the game industry itself... On the other side of the coin you can have bad adaptations which do well financially such as the transformers movies, and because they make money you wont see a proper adaptation made any time soon.

>Unfortunely most of you (not you I'm quoting but you know, you) are hipocrites.
I'm not so sure these are the same people though. Maybe elitist asshole, and protector of the work's integrity, aren't the same person? I'm mostly just guessing what the motivations and thought processes are here anyway.

Honestly this movie is going to be no different than the ghost in the shell movie everyone quickly forgot about, or the deathnote thing netflix did. Same shit different day, nothing to get bent out of shape about. Last I checked Hollywood's take on ghost in the shell didn't ruin the franchise, Arise did that.
>> No. 32058 [Edit]
Replies: >>32059
File 15465143554.jpg - (286.11KB , 566x800 , 20190106.jpg )
The fourth and final film in the Rebuild of Evangelion tetralogy is schedule to be released in 2020.
>> No. 32059 [Edit]
Replies: >>32115
I wonder if they'll wait a few years then rebuild the whole thing over again?
I don't get the impression they'll ever let this franchise die.
>> No. 32099 [Edit]
Replies: >>32102
File 154736240737.jpg - (98.02KB , 640x461 , 20190113.jpg )
Sega… stop

Sega Joins the Pack with "Kemono Friends 3" Smart Phone & Arcade Games

Pre-registration is now open in Japan for latest iteration of popular mixed media project
>> No. 32102 [Edit]
It's understandable. They're skipping ahead to 3, perhaps fearing 2's negative reception. Or maybe they kicked someone out of the committee again.
>> No. 32115 [Edit]
Replies: >>32121
To be honest the franchise never really had much of anything else going on besides this project, which is 4 whole movies. There are plenty of other franchises to look at if you want to know what real milking is. Though Eva merchandise is pretty bad I've gotta admit.

After Rebuild 2.0 came out I saw a lot of people saying (/tc/ very much included) they'll kill themselves after the Rebuild project is finished. Bet they figured it'll get done by 2016 or so. I wonder how many of them already killed themselves, how many don't even care about Eva anymore, how many still stick to their plan etc.
>> No. 32121 [Edit]
Replies: >>32123
Yeah I was mainly referring to merchandise. I know they haven't released much media for a long time. outside of the movies the only thing that comes to mind was the eva at school thing with chibi characters? Merchandise and pachinko seems to make them a lot more money than the media side of things so it makes sense to focus more on that
I doubt those people were serious by the way, but there's really no way of knowing but I have gotten the feeling eva is quickly becoming irrelevant to today's youth.
>> No. 32123 [Edit]
>I doubt those people were serious by the way
Frankly I'm very convinced they absolutely meant it, having been in a similar position in the past ('I'll kill myself after...'). Whether they were actually capable of pulling the trigger - quite literally - is a different matter, but again, I'm sure many of them believed what they wrote. I would take this less seriously if it were on 4chan or something but if it's /tc/ of all places...
Anyway, don't wanna derail the topic any further so I'll leave it at that, this isn't really news.
>> No. 32293 [Edit]
File 154967167419.jpg - (261.19KB , 640x904 , 20190210.jpg )
Transformers & Mazinger Z crossover?
New villianess from JC, Tsunde-zilla, out in 2019-04.

No more Bulma?
>> No. 32334 [Edit]
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"City Hunter The Movie: Shinjuku Private Eyes"

>> No. 32363 [Edit]
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Would you?
>> No. 32408 [Edit]
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Bye Bye Banpresto
>> No. 32413 [Edit]
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Lelouc movie doing well
>> No. 32454 [Edit]
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Y: The Last Man and Ex Machina creator Brian K. Vaughan has been attached to the upcoming film adaptation of Mobile Suit Gundam, co-produced by Sunrise and Legendary Entertainment.

Vaughan, who is also executive producing the film, has already signed a three-year contract with Legendary. The deal with the studio involves adaptations of his own properties, as well as original movie and TV projects.

The project is being overseen by Cale Boyter, a producer on Pacific Rim: Uprising and the upcoming Pokémon: Detective Pikachu. The film will mark the first official live-action adaptation of a title in the Gundam franchise.

Source: Deadline
>> No. 32613 [Edit]
Replies: >>32664

Ojamajo movie in the works for 2020
>> No. 32664 [Edit]
Replies: >>32665
File 155390061210.jpg - (502.06KB , 1200x1600 , bats.jpg )
How does Ojamajo's popularity compare to PreCure?
>> No. 32665 [Edit]
I'd imagine Precure is much more well known at least with the younger generation, last of Ojamajo Doremi aired 15+ years ago.
>> No. 32667 [Edit]
>Penguin Highway Anime Film Opens in NY April 5, Nationwide April 12
Hiroyasu Ishida's feature was nominated for the Japan Academy Prize for Animation of the Year
Budding genius Aoyama is only in the 4th grade, but already lives his life like a scientist. When penguins start appearing in his sleepy suburb hundreds of miles from the sea, Aoyama vows to solve the mystery. When he finds the source of the penguins is a woman from his dentist’s office, they team up for an unforgettable summer adventure!
>> No. 32701 [Edit]
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Hi-Score Girl cameo in a free shooter by Capcom:
>> No. 32732 [Edit]
File 155436712537.jpg - (133.78KB , 1200x675 , 20190331.jpg )
>「天気の子」Weathering With You
Makoto Shinkai is back with a new movie!
He is directing the film and doing the original story with Comix Wave Films producing the animation. Masayoshi Tanaka is returning to do the character designs from your name as well. The film will star Kotaro Daigo as Hodaka Morishima and Nana Mori as Hina Amano. It will premiere on July 19.
>> No. 32733 [Edit]
Replies: >>32737
File 15544595035.jpg - (108.67KB , 1200x1042 , 20190331.jpg )
>Konosuba the Movie
A new trailer for the Konosuba movie with actual footage this time. Release date is this year (2019).
>> No. 32737 [Edit]
File 155453371189.png - (1.79MB , 1920x1088 , anime screencap2018-01-06-03h26m17s735.png )
one day they'll have imax anime fart porn and i hope to be the first guy in line. until then the konosuba movie will have to suffice.
>> No. 32739 [Edit]
Replies: >>32740

Gonzo might go bankrupt, again.
>> No. 32740 [Edit]
Replies: >>32743 >>32745
File 155461295358.gif - (852.26KB , 640x360 , 1392434874534.gif )

Their only worthwhile products are strike witches and Murata Range character design anime.

They haven't put out either in years.

They have nobody to blame outside of poor management decisions and shitty direction in all of their recent anime. That isn't to say that the direction in strike witches or range murata shows were even passable, just that there was enough else there to make up for it.

Rosario + Vampire died when the dumb fucks at Gonzo chose to skip the ghoul arc and completely forgo the character growth of the main character from shitty spineless self-insert to manly GAR vampire lord who grabs bitches by their breasts without giving a fuck and fucks peoples shit up when they try to start shit with him in order to just keep him as the shitty self-insert for the anime... ruining the timeline and setting themselves up for sales so low that a reboot to correct those errors would be impossible.
>> No. 32743 [Edit]
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>Genmu Senki Leda/Leda: The Fantastic Adventure of Yohko gets a 4k remaster
This will be released on June 19, 2019. The 72-minute anime was originally released in Japan on March 1, 1985 as one of the titles in the earliest days of Japanese OVA (Original Video Animation).
It became a huge hit selling more than 30,000 units, then even got a theatrical release on December 21, 1985 along with the first Vampire Hunter D OVA.

How many times is this now?
>> No. 32745 [Edit]
What about Saki?
>> No. 32818 [Edit]
Replies: >>32819
File 155581479797.png - (317.71KB , 900x1012 , 20160977.png )
So sad. Lupin III's mangaka died...

Is Leiji Matsumoto still alive? I think he is...
>> No. 32819 [Edit]
Replies: >>32857
Damn that's sad. I thought Lupin the III was getting pretty popular but I guess not.
>> No. 32857 [Edit]
File 155643518528.jpg - (51.11KB , 375x525 , 2019D4W5WvPUEAA8WPi.jpg )
Kabaneri of the Iron Fortress: The Battle of Unato reveals new trailer

What do you mean? afaik Lupin3 has mainstream appeal on the level of The Simpsons.
>> No. 32872 [Edit]
Replies: >>32873
Has anyone found any new information on Yuru Camp's second season? All of the news I have seen just says: it's coming. I'm getting impatient! AAAAGGGGHHH!
>> No. 32873 [Edit]
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Do you count a new key visual as new information?
>> No. 32902 [Edit]
File 155760708172.png - (2.24MB , 1920x1080 , gaze.png )
Non Non Biyori Season 3 Announced.
>> No. 32920 [Edit]
Replies: >>32921 >>32922
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Is Detective Pikachu anime?
>> No. 32921 [Edit]
It depends if you consider live action adaptations I guess, I’m glad there’s finally a couple non shit ones with speed racer, edge of tomorrow and that. I know the japs make some but I’ve never seen any because it’s honestly difficult to find subs for jap live action that aren’t Chinese.

Considering the rules of this site though, probably not here.
>> No. 32922 [Edit]
It's American made and live action, so no.
>> No. 32927 [Edit]
Replies: >>32959
File 155824826141.png - (565.56KB , 1280x720 , Frame-Arms-Girls-Movie-Trailer-Exploding-with-Moe-.png )
Fag project movie trailer has landed.
>> No. 32959 [Edit]
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Nice! More FAG is always good!
>> No. 32999 [Edit]
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DC x Lupin III
>> No. 33000 [Edit]
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New Black Lagoon manga on 2019-09!
>> No. 33002 [Edit]
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Blue-ray disc sales from Oricon: https://www.oricon.co.jp/confidence/special/53185/

Top-selling anime Blu-ray in the first half of 2019:
(its position in the overall top 50 ranking)

1 (9). "Mobile Suit Gundam NT (Narrative)" - 49,390 units
2 (30). "ZOMBIE LAND SAGA" SAGA. 1 - 24,679
3 (35) "MYSTERIA Friends" I - 24,159
4 (36). "MYSTERIA Friends" II - 24,018
5 (38). "Dragon Ball Super: Broly" Special Limited Edition - 22,929
6 (45). "Zoku Owarimonogatari Koyomi Reverse" 1 - 20,781
7 (47). "Zoku Owarimonogatari Koyomi Reverse" 2 - 20,614
>> No. 33083 [Edit]
File 156297515071.jpg - (109.86KB , 640x335 , 2019D4W5WvPUEAA8WPi.jpg )
More Tenchi Muyo?
Tenchi Muyo! Ryo Ohki OVA's fourth season, and now the long-running franchise is ready to come back for more. Anime production house AIC revealed plans for a fifth season via a newly launched website, with cast and staff members returning from previous seasons.
>> No. 33097 [Edit]
Replies: >>33165
File 156342561478.png - (789.14KB , 1280x720 , anime screencap2016-01-29-05h02m46s74.png )
endless eight was shit, so was hyouka, encyclopedia brown, free! free2!!, free!!1OVA and the circus show and the show about cute girls doing music
solid decade without a single decent production
hopefully there weren't any survivors
oh yeah that cute talking jarjar binks bird and the kawaii jungle girl sucked balls also
>> No. 33165 [Edit]

Careful with that edge
>> No. 33182 [Edit]
Replies: >>33184
File 156449440431.jpg - (67.89KB , 424x600 , download.jpg )
Zombie Land Saga Revenge~ 2nd season confirmed!
>> No. 33184 [Edit]
nice, I hope they develop the backstory of the prostitute zombi
>> No. 33187 [Edit]
File 156473506312.jpg - (95.07KB , 640x640 , _cowedboy_beeeebop.jpg )
Japanese figure company MegaHouse has listed two new 1/8 scale figures of Spike Spiegel and Faye Valentine from the Cowboy Bebop anime franchise for release in December 2019. Both figures are inspired by the two's gun action scenes in the story.

Pre-orders for the 16,280 yen items and their 30,800 yen two-figure set are accepted exclusively on Premium Bandai, MegaTrea Shop, AmiAmi, Digitamin, Volks, and Yellow Submarine.
>> No. 33383 [Edit]
Replies: >>33390 >>33475
File 156789716495.gif - (144.80KB , 500x280 , stare.gif )
Joshiraku is being licensed by Maiden Japan and will receive official english subs. A very strange decision since this is quite a niche show. I'm quite interested to see how they're going to pull it off given the highly contextual humor and wordplay.

>> No. 33390 [Edit]
Replies: >>33391
From what I recall, no one wanted to sub the anime when it came out due to how complicated the humor and dialog is. This was back when fansubs were still a thing.
>> No. 33391 [Edit]
GG ended up being the only ones to sub it, and each episode was accompanied by pages full of TL notes. For some the GG-subbed version is an abomination because a lot of the Japanese contextual jokes are replaced entirely with Western-understandable counterparts ("Four heavenly kings" -> "Kanto elite four"). To me the replacements at least made sense in context (which is better than the current state of official subbing [>>/an/33121]), so I didn't generally mind too much though.
>> No. 33454 [Edit]
File 15688007519.jpg - (93.52KB , 640x453 , 20190908.jpg )
It's time for The Rising of the Shield Hero franchise to take the inevitable next step: A stage play adaptation! Stage performances have been announced for next spring, starting with COOL JAPAN PARK OSAKA TT Hall in Osaka in March 2020 before moving over to Tokyo Theater Sun Mall in April.
>> No. 33475 [Edit]
Replies: >>33490
If you're interested someone ripped the subs from the official version: https://mega.nz/#!EggkxCqY!mclFdnrTCLqrUpNNFwraiTLqHXHerwaNy-8Vj3TNdOo

But honestly I think GG's were fine and are better than the official. For instance, in episode 6 (the "four"s scene) the original dialogue is "Kisetsu wa shunkashūtō". GG's version has "The seasons are spring, summer, autumn, and winter. Four again." Official version has "The beatles had four members. They were pretty popular." And when jokes needed to be rewritten for both the GG version matches the spirit of the original more closely.
>> No. 33490 [Edit]
File 156957281298.jpg - (141.39KB , 1280x720 , 21.jpg )
Sankyu, anon.
Will give the Joshiraku subtitles a look.
>> No. 33525 [Edit]
Replies: >>33532
Apparently Black Fox was intended to be a tv series that ran into production issues and got salvaged into an anime:

>> No. 33532 [Edit]
Replies: >>33539
File 157040227019.jpg - (13.82KB , 160x160 , 20191006.jpg )
>Shield Hero Characters Get in on ISEKAI QUARTET Season 2
>Naofumi joins along with Filo and Raphtalia
Shouldn't it be Isekai Quintet now?

Can't finish a 1 cour tv anime in time? Turn it to a movie! Brillant marketing?
>> No. 33539 [Edit]
Maybe it's just thoughtfulness on the part of the Japanese. They already have a TV Show with a particular name. What if someone else decides to make a different show with the name "Isekai Quintet" but that name was taken?
Also, what if, as the series progresses, the Quintet returns to being a Quartet. What do they call it now?
>> No. 33730 [Edit]
Replies: >>33731

Great, more uninspired lowest common denominator shows.
>> No. 33731 [Edit]
Replies: >>33732
Too bad for netflix that they don't seem to understand your average person doesn't actually watch anime. "weebs" of today are all secondary and are only interested in meme and emoji derived from anime, they care little for the source material itself.
>> No. 33732 [Edit]
Replies: >>33733 >>33734
Then all they need to do is fund and present such works.
>> No. 33733 [Edit]
Except they probably wont just fund them.
>> No. 33734 [Edit]
Replies: >>33735 >>33736
How do you 'fund' meme and emoji?
>> No. 33735 [Edit]
Sorry, I meant they'll fund stuff that's "meme-able" or whatever.
>> No. 33736 [Edit]
Replies: >>33737
Not sure about funding, but it's probably possible to influence social media and make it seem organic. The fact that the phrase "netflix and chill" has entered into current lexicon is certainly evidence of this. I'm not sure how the other poster wanted to apply this to "memes and emoji" in the context of anime, however. I suppose it's possible to create a show that's intentionally manufactured to be "memeable" (á la Neo Yokio), but that alone might not result in sufficient viewership to offset the costs.
>> No. 33737 [Edit]
Anime doesn't cost much at all to make.
>> No. 34029 [Edit]
File 158054216297.jpg - (28.75KB , 474x632 , Dgy.jpg )
Goblin's Crown
Out 2020.2.1
>> No. 34128 [Edit]
Replies: >>34129

How does this make you feel /an/?
>> No. 34129 [Edit]
I don't really have an interest in any of those so it doesn't bother me. Whoever makes it, it's still being made for a western audience in the end but I prefer they produce originals for themself and the west than try to interact too much with the Japanese market. In theory, worst case scenario they make something awful and I just will not watch it, best case scenario they make something watchable. Who knows, maybe making it for a western audience will introduce some novel elements that could be interesting(although I doubt it).
>> No. 34206 [Edit]
File 158417012848.jpg - (192.72KB , 640x452 , 20200314.jpg )
Strangest collaboration ever?
>> No. 34245 [Edit]
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They cancelled C98. I'm not surprised, but I am sad.

Post edited on 27th Mar 2020, 8:52am
>> No. 34250 [Edit]
File 158552930030.gif - (10.79KB , 100x100 , 0.gif )
The Norwegian LAMININE https://healthevolutionproject.com?p=B1Baj7FSI are 4 times more affordable, as Laminine by LPGN
>> No. 34260 [Edit]
Replies: >>34261
File 158625542978.jpg - (183.16KB , 707x1000 , 20200216.jpg )
Cells At Work/Hataraku Saibou Season 2
>> No. 34261 [Edit]
File 158659827549.jpg - (144.24KB , 707x1025 , DMT.jpg )
>Cells at Work! Season 2 reveals January premiere, theatrical screening, key visual
>> No. 34268 [Edit]
Replies: >>34269
Houkago Teibou Nisshi delayed from 4th episode onwards:
>> No. 34269 [Edit]
Replies: >>34270
Damn it, it's the anime I'm enjoying the most so far besides Kakushigoto.
>> No. 34270 [Edit]
Replies: >>34271
Me too, I'm irrationally upset that it's happening to anime I like now.
>> No. 34271 [Edit]
Replies: >>34273
So what, not like there aren't also a million and a half other things to watch in the mean time.
>> No. 34273 [Edit]
Sure, it's not a huge inconvenience objectively speaking, but I liked that series.
>> No. 34274 [Edit]
File 158711610550.jpg - (8.30KB , 141x200 , 20200426.jpg )
>Ghost in The Shell SAC_2045
>> No. 34275 [Edit]
Replies: >>34276 >>34277
File 158716622860.jpg - (834.56KB , 1809x2560 , EVyseEFUcAAazQo-scaled.jpg )
I'm devastated.

I don't know how many of us have been holding on, for years, just hoping to watch this movie. Now, with thousands dying everyday and more death hunting us at every corner, I thought: 'come what may, I might at least make it to see the very end of Eva; I want nothing more'; but this compromises even that last wish. I guess I do deserve it, but others don't.
>> No. 34276 [Edit]
Replies: >>34277 >>34278
I've been a fan of Eva for like 20 years and I haven't even watched 3.0, it's like I'm perpetually afraid and I can't get into it.
>> No. 34277 [Edit]
Replies: >>34278
is there even the slighhtest chance that its gonna be better than the 2 old endings that we already have?
You are mistaking cashgrab remakes for quality movies.
I m not saying they are THAT bad, but cmon.
>> No. 34278 [Edit]
Replies: >>34279 >>34280
3.00 is when Rebuild actually started to shine (a bit).

It's more about getting full closure, at this point.
>> No. 34279 [Edit]
You're assuming some other studio wont make a remake or spin-off or something after this.
>> No. 34280 [Edit]
>It's more about getting full closure
Fair enough
personally i havent seen them yet for that reason
I ll give them a go when the last one comes out but i dont have high hopes.
>> No. 34376 [Edit]
Replies: >>34377
File 159022899951.jpg - (257.51KB , 856x1200 , EYq7r4EUcAAQgCa[1].jpg )
The third season of Non Non Biyori has finally been given an official date, scheduled to air on Winter/January 2021. It will be titled Non Non Biyori Non-stop. With Gochiusa also scheduled to air on Fall 2020, there is a lot to look forward to at the end of the year.
>> No. 34377 [Edit]
Replies: >>34381
Coincidentally I just started the first season one week ago, somehow I missed this series while I'm really into SOL, kinda weird.
It makes me think about how the japanese country must be, it seems like it's few people, probably living from the government and having shops, vending machines or good roads even in the middle of nowhere. Thanks to google maps I also know there's really decadent places but there's something beautiful about it too.
>> No. 34381 [Edit]
This might interest you too.
>> No. 34382 [Edit]
Replies: >>34383
They have finally formally arrested the Kyoani arsonist.
>> No. 34383 [Edit]
Replies: >>34384
What? Just now? I thought they got him ages ago?
>> No. 34384 [Edit]
Replies: >>34386
I guess he was in the hospital until now?
>> No. 34386 [Edit]
Yeah, he's been hospitalized for his own burns.
>> No. 34449 [Edit]
Replies: >>34454
File 159443047222.gif - (478.73KB , 500x375 , zFlash.gif )
Mr. Osomatsu Season 3 announced for October 2020

Ahiru no Sora drama over anime adaption of the basketball anime
>> No. 34454 [Edit]
>Ahiru no Sora drama over anime adaption of the basketball anime
The 'eye tracings' greatly annoyed me, but I read the (TL'd, of course) manga up to a point, and the adaption doesn't seem all that different. The biggest thing that changed, for me, is that the hoodlums were more brutal to the MC in the beginning. The fact that this anime can be a glorified powerpoint presentation for a good chunk of a game is more irritating. But then again, perhaps I haven't read enough of the source material.
>> No. 34478 [Edit]
>> No. 34518 [Edit]
Replies: >>34521
Act-Age Play Gets Cancelled Following Writer's Arrest After Minor Incident
>> No. 34521 [Edit]
It was just a stageplay.
>> No. 34574 [Edit]
Replies: >>34575 >>34576
File 159855278965.jpg - (111.74KB , 800x450 , Egb4m3UUcAE_GVR[1].jpg )
>> No. 34575 [Edit]
I wonder if blue will show up this time around.
>> No. 34576 [Edit]
Man I'm so happy about this.
>> No. 34585 [Edit]
Replies: >>34587 >>34589
File 159888174220.jpg - (10.37KB , 200x200 , 20200913.jpg )
The Endless Wait is Over, 12th Haruhi Suzumiya Novel To be Released on November 25 After 9 Year Break
The book, Suzumiya Haruhi no Chokkan (The Intuition of Haruhi Suzumiya), will be released in Japanese on November 25 in bookstores across Japan, with new stories written by writer Nagaru Tanigawa.
>> No. 34587 [Edit]
Good god. I guess we know who to blame for 2020 then.
>> No. 34589 [Edit]
Wow. This doesn’t feel real!
>> No. 34657 [Edit]
Replies: >>34659 >>34661
Uzaki season2 confirmed https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=w2CvKNgyu_g
>> No. 34659 [Edit]
I dropped this the moment they introduced the blondie.
>> No. 34661 [Edit]
I don't understand these kind of dynamics. At least Takagi had Mina and their friends.
Uzaki makes me feel really uneasy for some reason.
>> No. 34669 [Edit]
Replies: >>34717
>Uzaki makes me feel really uneasy for some reason.
Because she's a physical abomination.
>> No. 34713 [Edit]
Replies: >>34714 >>34716 >>34719
File 160167702183.jpg - (220.89KB , 1080x1920 , 20201004.jpg )
What are your anime news sites?

Mine are:
>> No. 34714 [Edit]
>> No. 34715 [Edit]
Replies: >>34737
File 160167884623.jpg - (48.85KB , 405x464 , da576d80d83e85dcdb269699b6ef26b7.jpg )
Has anybody watched the first episode of Higurashi 2020? Is it good or is it shit? How does it compare to the older adaptation? I want to spare myself from any disappointment.
>> No. 34716 [Edit]
File 160167886883.jpg - (2.64MB , 3352x4896 , __jashin_chan_kyon_kyon_and_ran_ran_jashin_chan_dr.jpg )
Nowhere specific but anyway while perusing your links, seems that Jashin-chan Dropkick is getting a third season. Also happy mid-autumn festival Tohno-chan!
>> No. 34717 [Edit]
Replies: >>34718 >>34723 >>34730 >>34731 >>34733 >>34740 >>34754
Why do people hate her design? She's just a shortstack.
>> No. 34718 [Edit]
Replies: >>34721
Shortstacks are usually plump everywhere. She's short and has massively oversized tits, but is slender everywhere else. It's grotesque.
>> No. 34719 [Edit]
It has been a while since I have heard that site. Shocked that their forum is still around.
I mostly use https://www.mangaupdates.com/index.html and RSS of torrents.
>> No. 34721 [Edit]
Replies: >>34722 >>34729
File 160168097135.jpg - (327.20KB , 688x911 , uzaki.jpg )
Maybe in western media, but that same logic doesn't apply to anime. Plump everywhere is considered overweight and nothing else. Search the tag oppai_loli in any imageboard if you need to be reminded. The two week period where western artists kept sharing their desecrated renditions of Uzaki-chan in the name of "correcting proportions" was beyond fucking awful and I don't even follow her series. It just infuriates me to no end to see shitty localization and censorship occur because of someone else's cultural sensitivity.
>> No. 34722 [Edit]
Replies: >>34724
>The two week period where western artists kept sharing their desecrated renditions of Uzaki-chan in the name of "correcting proportions"
The fact you know and care about something like that just feels like you're seeking stuff to be angry about.
>> No. 34723 [Edit]
It just feels weird. She rubs me the wrong way, maybe just because she's popular.
>> No. 34724 [Edit]
Replies: >>34726 >>34727 >>34728
>The fact you know and care about something like that just feels like you're seeking stuff to be angry about.
And the people complaining about fictional designs to the point where they feel the need to "correct" it aren't seeking things to be angry about either? I know about it because it was widespread enough to the point where the Japanese illustrators I follow were discussing it. I care because it's yet another instance of outsiders self-righteously attempting to dilute otaku culture.
>> No. 34725 [Edit]
The japanese didn't seem to care about her proportions, they were happily donating buckets of their bloods months before the anime aired.
>> No. 34726 [Edit]
Replies: >>34733
> I care because it's yet another instance of outsiders self-righteously attempting to dilute otaku culture.
It's extremely popular in the west, I'd hardly call it otaku culture.
>> No. 34727 [Edit]
> I care because it's yet another instance of outsiders self-righteously attempting to dilute otaku culture.
It's extremely popular in the west, I'd hardly call it otaku culture.
>> No. 34728 [Edit]
Replies: >>34733
Use pixiv. It has less gaijins, doesn't destroy the image quality and has less bullshit around the art.
>> No. 34729 [Edit]
Replies: >>34730 >>34733
File 160168318495.jpg - (319.21KB , 1200x849 , 83652590_p9_master1200.jpg )
Ohhh fuck off. First of all, you're the one who used the western term "shortstack", second of all there is Japanese people with a fatty fetish. I think her design is ugly, that is all.
This too.

Post edited on 2nd Oct 2020, 5:01pm
>> No. 34730 [Edit]
Replies: >>34729
Her eye proportions are weird and it annoys me. No one is even mentioning that though.
>> No. 34731 [Edit]
Replies: >>34734
File 160168336727.png - (94.42KB , 500x457 , ああああああああ!.png )
Uzaki's appearance exemplifies physical mendacity: one exepcts--nay--requires that small features correspond with a similarly small stature. When this does not hold, the contradiction deeply affects the beholder. The resultant is an aghast reaction as the inner gentleman compensates for this terrifying irregularity. To like or be appreciative of such a physicality is indicative of a broken and horribly contorted mind. Such a person should seek help.
I am ignorant of Western artists' renditions of Uzaki and similar characters, and if their solution is to further add fat elsewhere on a small frame, then their acts invoke revulsion from the inner gentlemen of every just individual. Likewise, oppai loli are abominations whose existences are the physical manifestations of a contradiction, and previously statement argument equally applies.
A small frame necessitates a suitably small bust. Otherwise, the universe is distressed.
>> No. 34732 [Edit]
fat tits = dumb girl
>> No. 34733 [Edit]
Absolute non-argument, it's a manga series that's authored by a Japanese mangaka and originally published for the Japanese market. Any foreign interest is just extra cash-flow.

I also use pixiv along with other sources (Niconoco, FC2, etc.) to find art. It's a great platform, the only reason why I use Twitter alongside it is because there's a higher concentration of people who exclusively upload there.

I am not >>34717, I used the term oppai loli. I never denied that there are Japanese illustrators that take interest in drawing overweight characters. I stated that large breasts don't necessitate a large body.

Post edited on 2nd Oct 2020, 5:20pm
>> No. 34734 [Edit]
Replies: >>34744
I think their solutions include increasing her height, decreasing chest size, and yes increasing her weight to look more in line with western standards.
>> No. 34735 [Edit]
Replies: >>34738 >>34754
File 160168651522.jpg - (793.58KB , 1061x1500 , a99f591fa4422dc9e9efc8220c081335.jpg )
I prefer this Uzaki.
>> No. 34737 [Edit]
Just watched it, was kinda boring. Every scene feels like they are drawn out for a little bit too long. I watched the old one right after to make sure it wasn't nostalgia, it wasn't.And checking the times the new one is indeed slower. It's also less subtle in trying to scare you with the characters.
It's prettier though and it has only been one episode.
>> No. 34738 [Edit]
Replies: >>34754
Bullying is what killing bites is.
>> No. 34740 [Edit]
The anime doesn't look good. Her manga design looks fine, but it's very telling that none of the conversation revolves around that.
>> No. 34741 [Edit]
Replies: >>34742
These bullying anime are all bad. Takagi would have been borderline unwatchable if it wasn't Mina and her friends.
>> No. 34742 [Edit]
Replies: >>34743 >>34745
I've been wondering what's up with all of the bullying anime. I know otaku were always a masochistic bunch but why now and not sooner?
>> No. 34743 [Edit]
Because idealism is dying. Or something.
>> No. 34744 [Edit]
>increasing her height
>decreasing chest size
>increasing her weight to look more in line with western standards.
They're fags if these are the transformations. One only needs to decrease her bust to rectify the issue at hand. The last "improvement" sickens me.
>> No. 34745 [Edit]
Replies: >>34754 >>34772
It was a manga trend, new spin on tsunderes. It has kind of waned recently because most of the popular ones stopped being about actual bullying and became drawn out romance shit but adaptations are just catching up. It was also to capitalize on the popularity of gentle femdom.
Some of them inherently are real downgrades I'll tell you what, Nagatoro went from a BPD extreme bdsm stuff to a dorky girl who gets jealous when her crush gets female attention.
>> No. 34754 [Edit]
Replies: >>34759
Because it's a rather ugly character. Never liked her even before the drama, when she was only featured in these one-off pics.
Tits have nothing to do with it. In fact they could be the only good thing about this character. Her face just looks bad to me and it's made worse by low quality animation.
And then there's her awful personality.

Now that's a character design that can make my heart go thump desperately.

Is it? I never read it despite finding Hitomi super hot.
I got the impression it's one these stories which are built around a never ending string of duels that the protagonists need to win in tricky ways. I find those boring.

Degradation and abuse is the opposite of gentle femdom. All that bullying stuff is off-putting. I love gentle fdom, don't put it together with sadism/masochism and other mean spirited stuff.
>> No. 34759 [Edit]
>Degradation and abuse is the opposite of gentle femdom
Most of it is good natured teasing that is done because they like the guy, especially takagi.
>> No. 34769 [Edit]
File 160180012262.jpg - (32.27KB , 300x451 , nz.jpg )
Yashahime: Princess Half-Demon
Oh ho..
>> No. 34772 [Edit]
>new spin on tsunderes
I'm waiting for the old to be new again: girls' animus gradually becoming intense love.
>> No. 34851 [Edit]
Replies: >>34917
File 160230625335.jpg - (19.37KB , 474x203 , 20201018.jpg )
Gintama THE FINAL Movie Releases Trailer Featuring Theme Song "Wadachi" by SPYAIR
The long-running anime franchise's final chapter will open in Japan on January 8, 2021

>> No. 34916 [Edit]
Replies: >>35197
File 160285441785.jpg - (674.08KB , 850x1166 , sample_799508d24613bbc4d8823aa1f4c3f7b9.jpg )
I think I like the sound design in the original more. The VAs are the same, but I like Keiichi's more subtle performance in the original. The new one is distractingly over the top. I can't think of who to blame besides the new director. Maybe it's my imagination, but the new directing feels less inspired in general. There's more close ups, less panning shots, and shots change faster rather than lingering on them as much, which I think subtracts from the atmosphere.

Gou also includes the magical bullshit stuff that came later. I didn't even like that to begin with. I couldn't finish kai because I disliked it so much. Higurashi's premise and beginning are good, but the actual answers to the mystery were stupid as hell. The creator couldn't decide if he wanted it to be spirits, aliens, a virus, or humans messing around with each other, so he made it all of those things and it was a clusterfuck. Leaving the mystery unanswered would have been better.
>> No. 34917 [Edit]
Gintama ending feels so bizarre
>> No. 35031 [Edit]
Replies: >>35033 >>35034 >>35036 >>35038
File 160413977149.jpg - (78.28KB , 850x478 , feast.jpg )
SONY is buying Crunchyroll for $957 million ~ https://asia.nikkei.com/Business/Business-deals/Sony-nears-acquisition-of-US-anime-streaming-service-Crunchyroll
>> No. 35033 [Edit]
Replies: >>35037
Daiz won, then?
>> No. 35034 [Edit]
File 160414218463.png - (183.09KB , 303x306 , sad mary.png )
I don't see this going anywhere good.
>> No. 35036 [Edit]
As far as I'm aware Sony already owns the industry's left asscheek so this isn't surprising. Crunchyroll was already horrifically managed and showed no respect to any of the series they simulcast, so I expect this to change very little, if anything at all. As long as this doesn't somehow effect the raw rips of shows themselves then I don't have a reason to care.
>> No. 35037 [Edit]
He's perpetually winning, it seems.
>> No. 35038 [Edit]
Replies: >>35039 >>35040 >>35043
File 16041615168.jpg - (104.75KB , 736x938 , its not like I like anime baka.jpg )
This is really something...
It's funny, I've always hated cruncyroll, but have also been a bit of a Sony fanboy since the ps2 days. The company has really gone to shit but I still keep finding myself going back to them.

The first thing that comes to mind when I heard this news is their infamously horrible film division.
Like one movie reviewer once said; you see that clean nice looking well known sony logo and you might think of their high quality electronics and games, but it's misleading and in reality their studio is Asylum level garbage with better budgets. Hell as someone who watches a lot of movies too I can't help but think "oh no" if I start a movie and see the sony logo.
Their videogame division is the companies strong suite, but they've done a lot of stupid things with that over the years. I for one am still salty they removed the "select" button and replaced it with a dedicated "share" button for social media bullshit on the ps4, but that's a personal thing that I think most people don't care about. Something that isn't just a personal issue however is the infamous Sony hack, after that it's hard to trust them with any personal info, let alone billing information.
I've found their electronics are generally pretty decent, but they always come with one major flaw that they refuse to fix and ignore customers about. I couldn't tell you how much digging around in sony forums I've done over the years trying to find solutions for this or that. This leads me to believe their customer service is horrible.

That in mind, I can easily see CR under Sony five years from now as being an over priced half broken service with huge security holes, regional restrictions out the ass, and insultingly bad "Sony Original" anime released exclusively to the platform worse than anything netflix has put out. And because it's sony they'll probably try to clamp down harder on torrent/streaming sites.

Post edited on 31st Oct 2020, 9:36am
>> No. 35039 [Edit]
Yup, further:
Sony screwed over echolyn.
Sony mishandled the Vita.
Sony capitulated to Western "standards."
>> No. 35040 [Edit]
Replies: >>35041 >>35042
File 160416241615.png - (37.42KB , 798x611 , d71ebecac85763cad136bc9ed52ec637.png )
They're a Japanese company that moved their video game department to America. It's not suprising they would do this, but it's worrisome that they considered it worth the money. At worst it's an indication that America is starting to be seen as more of a worthwhile market place. At best sony made another stupid decision. Being a fan of sony because in the past they were involved with some stuff you liked as the corporate instigators, is like being a fan of sega because you like 90s sonic games. Those things you liked were made by creative people who could have worked at any company.

Post edited on 31st Oct 2020, 9:41am
>> No. 35041 [Edit]
>Those things you liked were made by creative people who could have worked at any company.
Yeah I'm not ignorant to the fact nostalgia has had a large influence on my buying decisions.
>> No. 35042 [Edit]
They have gradually transformed themselves into a global, international corporation. There is nothing Japanese about them anymore. It has been that way since they favored Howard Stringer as CEO and ousted Ken Kutaragi. Moving their game division was the final nail in the coffin, not the beginning. Sadly the global market is always bigger than the domestic market.
>> No. 35043 [Edit]
>being an over priced half broken service with huge security holes, regional restrictions out the ass
Sounds like business as usual.
>> No. 35052 [Edit]
>> No. 35055 [Edit]
File 160430671724.jpg - (433.08KB , 794x1123 , t_features-1323113600530014208-20201101_230359-img.jpg )
Getter Robo Arc anime announced!
>> No. 35102 [Edit]
Replies: >>35103 >>35107
File 160479898273.jpg - (40.39KB , 225x318 , stop.jpg )
I'm already annoyed by this trend of cheeky girl doing funny faces
>> No. 35103 [Edit]
File 160480733316.png - (362.52KB , 640x480 , [LRE]Urusei Yatsura - 190v2 [80AA7698]_mkv_snapsho.png )
What a shame.
>> No. 35107 [Edit]
Replies: >>35110
I'm guessing the creators probably know that's an easy way to at least get the character spread around on the net.
>> No. 35110 [Edit]
Yeah, it's the anime equivalent of a youtube thumbnail
>> No. 35147 [Edit]
Replies: >>35149
File 160578010752.jpg - (196.85KB , 706x1000 , 20201129.jpg )
'"Uchuu Senkan Yamato" to Iu Jidai: Seireki 2202-nen no Sentaku' compilation film new visual and main trailer.
>> No. 35149 [Edit]
Finally. I've been waiting on news for this.
>> No. 35191 [Edit]
Replies: >>35192
File 160690243372.jpg - (71.17KB , 640x360 , 20201220.jpg )
Alice in Deadly School Anime PV
Zombie Apocalypse
>> No. 35192 [Edit]
Replies: >>35193 >>35195
Any difference from Gakkou Gurashi?
>> No. 35193 [Edit]
Replies: >>35195
The artstyle is different, the animation might be better looking, there seems to only be two main characters. It might be just ripoff, but I'm still excited.
>> No. 35195 [Edit]
I loved Gakkou Gurashi. This new anime seems to be some sort of side-story/spinoff of the Gekidol post-apocalyptic idol anime. It seems to have the comedy/shounen tags though, so I'm not sure if it's really going to have the same "depth" that gakkou gurashi did.
>> No. 35197 [Edit]
Replies: >>35198 >>35200 >>35201
File 16069565828.jpg - (733.24KB , 850x1202 , sample_edb06c921d9b3e3e5fb5df5adc942c87.jpg )
I just watched this little clip.
It's so embarrassingly bad and comical I don't know what to make of it. I'm having such a hard time believing this is attached to something I like, I'm questioning whether my taste has completely changed since I watched the 2006 one or not. You have to see this shit to believe it. It's not just me, right? Isn't this really awful?
>> No. 35198 [Edit]
This is how a stabbing scene should be more like.
The atmosphere, the coloring, the sound design, the fact that you can't get stabbed 10+ times and not die, there's no blood flying at the walls like it's itchy and scratchy from the simpsons, it's not a stupid fight scene. The crazy chick is convincingly crazy. Rena from 2006 laughed maniacally too, but not constantly. When she killed Ritsuko, she didn't do that.

Post edited on 2nd Dec 2020, 5:10pm
>> No. 35200 [Edit]
File 160696229633.jpg - (243.94KB , 529x694 , 320b582e2d3dc68ff324402d43b7eaf3.jpg )
It looks kind of edgy.
>> No. 35201 [Edit]
That's comically bad.
>> No. 35231 [Edit]
Perhaps a fate worse than partnership: Funi has acquired CR.
>> No. 35267 [Edit]
>> No. 35269 [Edit]
Replies: >>35270

Could be interesting.
>> No. 35270 [Edit]
Replies: >>35271
File 160888686926.jpg - (273.29KB , 1600x1060 , dfbb27cff3dce45b07e10d7f18ada304.jpg )
Just seeing the kadokawa logo gets under my skin.
>> No. 35271 [Edit]
Replies: >>35278
File 160888877334.jpg - (293.08KB , 661x935 , __serval_kemono_friends_and_1_more_drawn_by_okurib.jpg )
Hurts to know that they are doing well and have their greasy fingers on a lot of decent IPs.
>> No. 35272 [Edit]
>> No. 35278 [Edit]
Replies: >>35283
I'm amazed no one else has tried to buy the rights to the IP.
>> No. 35283 [Edit]
I'm not sure if there's anything to salvage at this point.
>> No. 35296 [Edit]
Replies: >>35297
>> No. 35297 [Edit]
Replies: >>35300 >>35302
File 160953358697.jpg - (104.71KB , 742x1019 , eyebags.jpg )
This looks really promising and the girls are cute as hell.
>> No. 35299 [Edit]
File 16097719198.jpg - (827.70KB , 1920x1080 , [Erai-raws] Youjo Shachou - OVA [VRV][1080p]_mkv_s.jpg )
I've missed watching absurd shorts like this and Teekyuu.
>> No. 35300 [Edit]
File 160977220351.jpg - (494.98KB , 1920x1080 , [Erai-raws] Youjo Shachou - OVA [VRV][1080p]_mkv_s.jpg )
It has a charming "old" feel to it compared to newer anime which isn't too surprising considering it's from Oshii Mamoru.
>> No. 35302 [Edit]
It's very fun. I love blonde vampire girls.
>> No. 35305 [Edit]
Replies: >>35307
What are you going to watch this season?
>> No. 35307 [Edit]
Replies: >>35312 >>35322
Yurukyan, Hataraku Saibou, Non Non Biyori, Yatogame, Vlad Love. Maybe Tenchi Souzou Design-bu, HS Black, Wonder Egg Priority, Uma Musume. There's also Planetarian and whatever happened to Alice in Deadly School? So far I've watched Ura Sekai Picnic and Youjo Shachou. USP was slightly disappointing, I was expecting it to be better than the manga and lean towards horror but the supernatural elements are too stylized which takes away all the suspense. There are sequences that are done with 3DCGs, normally I don't mind these too much but it was quite jarring in this instance.
>> No. 35308 [Edit]
Replies: >>35309
When looking at the upcoming shows I noticed that Tokyo Gambo (spinoff of Urahara) has been airing since Nov 8th or so but I can't find any information about it online (no raws posted, no discussion). Is this just obscure enough that no one in the West cares?
>> No. 35309 [Edit]
Replies: >>35312
>Tokyo Gambo (spinoff of Urahara) has been airing since Nov 8th or so
Seems like it's Nov 22nd. It's written as Nov 21st 27:20, which is really Nov 22nd 03:20.
>I can't find any information about it online (no raws posted, no discussion).
Looks like each episode is a 2-minute segment of a 5-minute seiyuu show titled キャラ@声部. An extended version of the seiyuu show, キャラ@声部+, is streamed on Locipo and GYAO, but I don't know what hoops you have to jump through to view it. There's also a 4-koma web manga on PARK's official website.
>Is this just obscure enough that no one in the West cares?
That's my guess.
>> No. 35312 [Edit]
>Alice in Deadly School
It aired – seem like it's just a one-off ONA though.
Thanks for the info! It being just a series of shorts makes me less anxious about not being able to see it.
>> No. 35313 [Edit]
I find Alice in Deadly School to be frustratingly disappointing. Not directly related but I'd like to mention my distaste for anime that introduces a character that is supposedly a good friend/classmate of the MC only for them to not be part of the main cast/disappear from the rest of the series.
>> No. 35314 [Edit]
File 161006518669.jpg - (140.11KB , 637x900 , 20210108.jpg )
Original TV anime "Scar on the Praeter" is listed with a total of 13 episodes across four Blu-ray & DVD volumes.


The series begins tomorrow. (Studio: GoHands)

Source: https://twitter.com/AIR_News01/status/1347218967761309696
>> No. 35315 [Edit]
Replies: >>35316
>> No. 35316 [Edit]
Replies: >>35317
You can't be serious...
>> No. 35317 [Edit]
I seriously hope he gets the death penalty.
>> No. 35322 [Edit]
Replies: >>35324
I didn't realize that both hataraku saibou s2 and the black version were both airing this season. S2 seems to be done by a different studio and something seems off; I don't know if it was just that first episode, but there was barely any medical content and the pacing/tone felt more like a shounen show with lots of yelling and action rather than the SoL-esque pacing that was there before. Ironically saibou black seems to be closer to the content and pacing of s1 (modulo the darker setting).
>> No. 35323 [Edit]
File 161039243452.jpg - (847.26KB , 1920x1080 , [SubsPlease] Non Non Biyori Nonstop - 01 (1080p) [.jpg )
>> No. 35324 [Edit]
Replies: >>35326
The first season was by the same studio but I do agree the pacing was a little different. I still prefer it to black however, black had some interesting ideas but it feels too contrived.
>> No. 35326 [Edit]
>The first season was by the same studio
Ah you're right, my bad.
>> No. 35327 [Edit]
Replies: >>35328
File 161047838672.jpg - (805.21KB , 1920x1080 , [SubsPlease] Wonder Egg Priority - 01 (1080p) [EDD.jpg )
Wonder Egg Priority seems promising. Something about it reminds me of Kon Satoshi's works although it's different and certainly more "modern". It's an original series with an intriguing concept, looking forward to see how it will turn out. Hopefully it will be good and I hope there won't be too much suffering and pain. There are some elements that could potentially put me off but we'll see. The characters are cute and there are shades of yuri but so far it seems to revolve mainly around the theme of friendship.
>> No. 35328 [Edit]
Replies: >>35341
>I hope there won't be too much suffering and pain
Considering the thematic elements of the first episode I'm pretty sure that there's going to be a non-trivial amount of suffering or at least angsty themes. It's interesting that reactions to this initial episode have been pretty positive; I'm personally not completely sold on the characters or plot (mostly because we don't have much yet to work with aside from the broad strokes), but it holds enough potential to keep an eye on. If the rescuing of Nagase (who seems to have killed herself and that Ai feels guilty about?) and intertwined bullying of Ai do indeed turn out to be the scaffolding around which the series is drawn, then I hope they do properly flesh out the characters; sadly many other such shows fall into the trap of focusing on execution over character dynamics – merely using the characters as pawns to advance the plot).

Post edited on 12th Jan 2021, 4:52pm
>> No. 35341 [Edit]
Replies: >>35343 >>35417
File 161109833791.jpg - (649.72KB , 1920x1080 , [SubsPlease] Wonder Egg Priority - 02 (1080p) [255.jpg )
Personally I'm drawn in by the relatively novel theme of the anime and its artistic value. I'm the type who only watch SoL anime most of the time as I prefer heavier themed medias in manga form so this was something new. Having watched the second episode I suppose I'll continue watching it although the occasional edginess rubs me off the wrong way. Off tangent but I really dislike male characters in modern Japanese medias.
>> No. 35343 [Edit]
Replies: >>35344
File 161110418822.png - (1.48MB , 1000x1366 , dcb13ed4a54fed6c841bcdb02c43286a.png )
>Off tangent but I really dislike male characters in modern Japanese medias.
Why do you hate them?
>> No. 35344 [Edit]
Replies: >>35345
File 161110539583.jpg - (207.43KB , 1482x1367 , __oomuro_hanako_takasaki_misaki_ogawa_kokoro_and_s.jpg )
I think characters in the past are more gritty/hardboiled and hold righteousness/integrity as an ideal and I grew up with those. Characters nowadays seem to revolve around coolness as an ideal and are made to be more relatable than someone idealized/to look up to. Character nowadays also takes a lot from shonen/shojo MCs as well as traits from romantic/harem genres. Looks wise everything has been bishonen-ified. I guess my rant basically points to them taking everything I dislike and mixing them together. It probably evolved in a different direction from me, thank goodness there are still lots of SoLs for me to enjoy. I think the likes of Tetsuya Nomura, Evangelion (Shinji), VNs and Heisei (Kamen) Riders contributed a lot to the modern Male Character ideals.

Post edited on 19th Jan 2021, 5:18pm
>> No. 35345 [Edit]
Replies: >>35346
File 161110750160.jpg - (275.72KB , 850x666 , sample_c449a74eb7861f029b2b86d68a6ba2b0.jpg )
It's odd that making a character more relatable makes you hate them. Those old school power fantasy male characters are entertaining in their own right, but modern ones feel like a reaction to those impossible standards and offer more depth in my opinion. Most of my fondest memories with anime come from some relatable guy's strife and growth.
>> No. 35346 [Edit]
File 161110981910.jpg - (523.54KB , 1600x1200 , __kemomimi_chan_original_drawn_by_naga_u__8f072ee5.jpg )
That's fair, I know I'm the one who can't adapt to these changes that's why I choose to focus on genres I like. I can understand why things develop in such a way and why it would be more popular but personally the so called relatable modern characters aren't relatable to me at all. Older characters don't necessarily set impossible criteria, though I know there are many characters like that and that's due to the simpler nature of older writings. I would say it's simply a difference in values. Characters like Majima and Kiryu from Ryu Ga Gotoku are ones in recent memory that I think are decent. I would say that depth are arguably more subjective. Some might argue that there are more character progression with newer characters but I don't think that that is the case, it only seemed that way because their flaws are more visible. Speaking of which the MC of Hataraku Saibou Black gets on my nerves.
>> No. 35403 [Edit]
Replies: >>35406
File 161198838937.jpg - (79.47KB , 474x674 , leu.jpg )
>Kakegurui Twin Live-action Web Drama Starts Streaming on Amazon Prime on March 26
The official website for the live-action adaptation project based on the gambling themed manga Kakegurui announced today that a live-action web drama adaptation of its spin-off series Kakegurui Twin will start streaming exclusively on Amazon Prime Video.
>> No. 35406 [Edit]
>live-action adaptation
Why would you post this in an anime news thread?
>> No. 35417 [Edit]
Replies: >>35442
I'm quite underwhelmed by the way it's turning out. When every new episode introduces a new character with some kind of tragic backstory it's hard to really care about any of them.

On the flipside urasekai picnic is more interesting than I would have thought given the format of the first episode.

Post edited on 1st Feb 2021, 11:57pm
>> No. 35442 [Edit]
File 161305273946.jpg - (681.48KB , 1920x1080 , [SubsPlease] Wonder Egg Priority - 05 (1080p) [620.jpg )
I'm still undecided but it's still interesting enough to keep me going. It's well animated and the designs are pleasing to the eye but at the same time I dislike the modern sensibilities it exhibits at times. The premise is potentially interesting as I've said before but it fails to evoke any real emotions for me thus far. I haven't kept up with Urasekai but I have been following the manga for a while before it aired. I think the anime did some things better than the manga but the opposite is also true. Similar to WanEgg I think the concept for Urasekai is interesting but it is also riddled with niggling flaws.
>> No. 35443 [Edit]
Replies: >>35444
It's not hard to make threads. This doesn't really seem like news...
>> No. 35444 [Edit]
Well, you're right. This post isn't news.
>> No. 35446 [Edit]
Replies: >>35447
File 161325819358.jpg - (973.76KB , 1920x1080 , [Erai-raws] Vlad Love - 02 [1080p][Multiple Subtit.jpg )
Vlad Love is finally airing.
>> No. 35447 [Edit]
Replies: >>35459
I'm a little upset that it came out all at once.
>> No. 35459 [Edit]
My guess is that they are probably trying to catch up and make up for loss time, I think the episodes will air as normal from here on.
>> No. 35496 [Edit]
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>> No. 35507 [Edit]
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Following the recent premiere of ARIA The CREPUSCOLO, another anime sequel was announced, titled ARIA The BENEDIZIONE, the final chapter of the Blue Curtain Call trilogy.
>> No. 35591 [Edit]
Replies: >>35625
File 16180808628.jpg - (219.63KB , 844x1200 , 9784088913841_120[1].jpg )
Akebichan no Serafuku is getting an anime adaptation. The art in the manga is unique and picturesque but I never really got into it for some reason. There were quite a bit of innuendos that might have put me off whilst I was reading it since I was in a different frame of mind and looking for a different kind of manga to read. It also evokes a certain quality that reminds me of older manga in a good way.

Post edited on 10th Apr 2021, 12:48pm
>> No. 35611 [Edit]
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>> No. 35623 [Edit]
Replies: >>35624 >>35626
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The live-action movie series adaptation of Nobuhiro Watsuki’s Rurouni Kenshin manga is returning with a not one, but two new movies! And now, Warner Bros Japan has released a new trailer for the second of these two movies. It features Kenshin in his days as the hitman called Battousai, as well as how he met his wife, Tomoe.
>> No. 35624 [Edit]
>live action
Sounds awful.
>> No. 35625 [Edit]
Late to the party, but I'm excited iff the anime's visuals will be in the strike range of the manga's graphical beauty. Also, to those enjoy ecchi and cute things in general, the mangaka's various artworks and doujin are worth looking into. (With that said, I also haven't kept up with the manga for reasons.)
>> No. 35626 [Edit]
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Nice anime you have there.
>> No. 35638 [Edit]
Replies: >>35640
There's a new madoka movie coming out, "Walpurgis no Kaiten." Not surprised that they're still milking this franchise
>> No. 35640 [Edit]
Hopefully they'll un-fuck things and end it properly again.
>> No. 35653 [Edit]
>> No. 35662 [Edit]
Metal Skin Panic: MADOX-01 Anime Hits Kickstarter Goal

Planned Blu-ray contents:

A new HD transfer of MADOX-01, created especially for this edition, in both the original 4:3 presentation (pillarbox) and a 16:9 version approved by Director Aramaki.
The original SD "Weapons of MADOX-01" featurette, that describes the real-life weapons systems featured in the show.
English subtitles, both our regular colored subtitles, colored SDH subtitles, and SDH captions.
Our English dub, with SDH captions.
Color and Line art galleries.
All the bonus features included on the 2003 DVD release, including a commentary track, two interviews (one of which is mostly Robert embarrassing himself), the original Japanese documentary, and an Easter Egg IMDB describes as a "disturbing behind the scenes look at AnimEigo."
List of all Kickstarter backers on the disc.
6-panel printed insert containing a poster on one side and a list of backers on the other.
Easter Eggs and other hidden content. Or maybe not. It'll be up to you to find out.
As with all our Blu-rays, the disc will not be region-locked.

Source: @AnimEigo
>> No. 35712 [Edit]
Replies: >>35715
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Berserk Manga Creator Kentaro Miura Passes Away at 54

>> No. 35715 [Edit]
Replies: >>35753
It was posted in the news thread in /ot/ in case you didn't know and would like to talk about it.
>> No. 35733 [Edit]

Nice cast.
>> No. 35753 [Edit]
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>> No. 35754 [Edit]
Replies: >>35756 >>35780
Looks like Di Gi Charat is still alive and getting a new anime.
>> No. 35756 [Edit]
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>> No. 35780 [Edit]
I don't think Gamers will ever let it truly die.
>> No. 35782 [Edit]
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I can't believe it, I never expected there would ever be a second season of this. This makes me happy.
>> No. 35837 [Edit]
Replies: >>35838 >>35841
>> No. 35838 [Edit]
I don't have enough energy to get upset about these things anymore.
>> No. 35841 [Edit]
Replies: >>35842

"KADOKAWA president Takeshi Natsuno voluntarily returns a portion of his remuneration (20%), saying he "deeply regret/reflect" his comments promoting manga censorship."
>> No. 35842 [Edit]
This faggot should voluntarily step down, and if he doesn't, the board should remove him (if they have the power to do so).
>> No. 35866 [Edit]
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My Hero Academia: World Heroes Mission Makes Its 2nd Place Debut @ the Japan Box Office
Mamoru Hosoda's "BELLE" has reached the 4 billion yen mark

Macross Delta the Movie: Zettai Live!!!!!! hits cinemas in Japan this autumn. To pre-game for the big premiere, a new Blu-ray box of the TV series is coming out, full of cool bonuses for Walküre fans.
Macross Delta Releases "Walküre Edition" Blu-ray with Beautiful New Art
Home video release will include concert videos, a photo book, and vendor-specific bonuses
>> No. 35899 [Edit]
Replies: >>35900
File 16313193334.jpg - (104.45KB , 640x360 , cooler2.jpg )

The official website for Shinkansen Henkei Robo Shinkalion Z, the second installment of the train transforming robot anime franchise Shinkalion, has announced that Rei Ayanami will appear in its forthcoming crossover episode with the Evengelion franchise to be aired in Japan on September 17, 2021.
As reported, Shinji Ikari to be voiced by his original voice cast Megumi Ogata has been also confirmed to appear in the episode. Ayanami previously made her guest appearance in the 31st episode of the first Shinkalion TV anime aired in August 2018, along with Soryu Asuka Langley. We don't know at this point if Asuka will also appear again, or if they'll have dialogue spoken by the original voice actresses.
The crossover episode will also feature "Oni Eva" (Demon Eva). It is a giant monster created from the statue of Eva-01 at the Toei Kyoto Studio Park by an unknown enemy named Teoti.
>> No. 35900 [Edit]
So, what exactly is Shinkansen Henkei Robo Shinkalion about? I've been thinking about this series a lot since it came out because of the Hatsune Miku crossover, but i haven't had enough motivation to watch it. How are these crossovers even happening?
>> No. 35917 [Edit]
Replies: >>35921 >>35924

This looks pretty decent.
>> No. 35921 [Edit]
RPG (Rent Plan Guide) lol
>> No. 35924 [Edit]
File 163558354251.jpg - (952.49KB , 1000x1452 , __ujimatsu_chiya_suzukaze_aoba_kujou_karen_anko_hi.jpg )
Doga Kobo + Kirara is always a treat.
>> No. 35952 [Edit]

oshiete galko-chan mangaka gets arrested.
>> No. 35953 [Edit]
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>> No. 35957 [Edit]
Replies: >>35958

Penguindrum is getting recycled.
>> No. 35958 [Edit]
the first came out only 10 years ago
>> No. 35994 [Edit]
"Yuru Camp" movie new "off shot" (i.e. candid) visual featuring Aoi Inuyama:
The movie is scheduled to open in Japan early this summer. (Studio: C-Station)
>> No. 36036 [Edit]
Replies: >>36037

FLCL: Grunge

Because apparently they still haven't given up on trying to milk this decades old IP.
>> No. 36037 [Edit]
3d huh?
>> No. 36090 [Edit]
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Pleasant surprise: Isekai wa Smartphone to Tomo ni will have another season.
I still vividly remember nobles learning to ride bicycles. What a show.
>> No. 36110 [Edit]
Replies: >>36111
File 165060520843.jpg - (43.75KB , 470x662 , FQ6O8FgVIAEp7rm.jpg )

"ONIMAI: I'm Now Your Sister!" TV anime adaptation announced, production: Studio Bind.
>> No. 36111 [Edit]
Replies: >>36112
This was a nice surprise. I love that manga.
>> No. 36112 [Edit]
Replies: >>36150
I'm going through the first few chapters right now and the gags are a bit run-of-the-mill so far, but you said you loved it and I believe in you anon, I'll stick to it for a while longer.
>> No. 36150 [Edit]
And it's directed by Shingo Fuji no less, I think it's his first directorial work but the guy is a really good animator and has a nice sense of camera.
You can check his other works here
>> No. 36170 [Edit]
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>> No. 36171 [Edit]
Replies: >>36175
is there any japanese media where they upload the latest new fresh manga out? thank you
>> No. 36175 [Edit]
Latest new fresh? I'm not sure what you're asking for anon and the fact you're asking about manga on the anime news thread makes me wonder if you even know what you are asking. I'll do my best to respond.
OK, for manga being released by publishers, you have manga magazines. Shonen Jump, CoroCoro, Weekly Morning, etc. You can get them online through legal or illegal means. All series currently getting released by publishers will appear on their magazines or their apps first, before being collected in regular volumes. If by "latest new fresh" you meant titles that not even a publisher picked up yet, you have pixiv, its sister site fanbox and Twitter. Lots of authors self-publish through those. If you meant just a place you can go to read the latest chapters of several new titles across publishers and sometimes self-published stuff, then you have rental-based manga sites and apps and there are tons of them. コミックDAYS, comico, ピッコマ, マガポケ, マンガup!, comic-zenon, マンガワン are the ones I use the most. Many of them have a 'login daily for points' and 'watch this crap for a free ticket' system so I very rarely have to actually rent anything with real money, though I'll rent it if I love the series. If I have to rent, then I'll use the app since I can pay using google play gift cards.

Next time please take your time to get familiar with Tohno's boards and threads before posting.
>> No. 36291 [Edit]
Replies: >>36292
File 165575216837.jpg - (134.57KB , 460x651 , bx143417-LO11j2kZdxdB[1].jpg )
Hopefully this will be better than Maesetsu.
>> No. 36292 [Edit]
Replies: >>36293
I loved maesetsu though
>> No. 36293 [Edit]
Replies: >>36294
I'm sorry, I didn't mean to imply that it was bad. Perhaps I had too much expectation for it initially. Also, things like comedies are always subjective and can be difficult to get right.
>> No. 36294 [Edit]
Replies: >>36295
To me maesetsu wasn't a comedy show, so much as it was a show _about_ comedy. But really the comedy itself could have been replaced by anything else, the focus was more on the usual stuff about persistence, hard work, friendship, etc. I realize that it didn't really get a warm reception, and honestly I don't even know exactly why I'm charmed by it: I'll readily admit that the depictions of pure friendship aren't as strong as it is in a kirara, and the pacing feels a little bit rocky. It feels organic and heartfelt though, and it mixes the sweetness and warmth you'd usually get in a CGDCT with doses of realism. I guess it's sort of the same reason why I liked ImoSae, if that makes any sense.

(It doesn't hurt that I genuinely thought some of the skits were funny. Like that cicada one.)
>> No. 36295 [Edit]
Yeah, it was decent as a cgdct sol and as you've said it's really more of a show about a comedian's struggle rather than an actual comedy. I was hoping it would be to comedy as Houkago Teibou Nishi is to fishing. I've never watched ImoSae but I find it rather similar in that respect to Chotto Ippai!.
>> No. 36311 [Edit]
Replies: >>36312
File 165686653895.png - (128.82KB , 449x386 , FWuwGrMWYAE6AjC.png )
Panty and Stocking Season 2 announced

Trigun remake
>> No. 36312 [Edit]
Replies: >>36315 >>36321
lul people who were teens in 2006 are old and decrepit now, and animu makers know to cash in on that nostalgia
>> No. 36315 [Edit]
Replies: >>36316
How old is old? Just curious. I don't want to give too much away, but I was a teenager in 2006 and I still have some connection to anime. Not as much as some, but it's a thing I pay attention to.
>> No. 36316 [Edit]
Replies: >>36317 >>36324
(not him) It can largely be a matter of perspective. People feel old around anyone younger than themselves, but not so much around people older than themselves who they see as "old".

Back in 2006 I'd probably call anyone over 30 "old". Then again, now I'm there and I feel old. Maybe it's because life pretty much just goes down hill from 30. Your body reaches full maturity, you're supposed to be settling down to have kids by or at that age, you should be well established in a carrier at that point. When you're young you still don't have to worry about that stuff, you still have time to play around and find yourself. Your 20s are a time in which you're supposed to figure out and finalize your path. Once that time passes, that you become set on the path you've chosen, it's then that you become "old". (and not choosing a path is in itself a choice too)
>> No. 36317 [Edit]
I remember someone saying old is anyone 10 years older than you. I think that's it. Some time ago I was walking my parent's dog around the neighborhood and a 12ish yo girl said 'hey uncle, can I pet your dog? Is it a she or a he?' I was in shock. To children I look like an old man, never thought about that until that day. I see my dad as an old man, not myself, but I guess that's what I am, too.
>> No. 36321 [Edit]
I was born old and decrepit.
>> No. 36324 [Edit]
Yeah, it very much is a matter of perspective. That being said, I don't feel old really. I feel like a consistent person and the number of years I've lived hasn't done much really. I only notice little things here and there, but nothing that really makes me feel "old".
>> No. 36365 [Edit]
Replies: >>36616
File 165914356818.jpg - (156.17KB , 780x1027 , A.jpg )
'Yu-Gi-Oh!' Creator Kazuki Takahashi Dies At 60

Kazuki Takahashi, the creator of the “Yu-Gi-Oh!” manga and trading card game, has died. He was 60 years old.

Takahashi died from unknown causes while snorkeling, according to authorities in Japan. A Japan Coast Guard spokesman said his body was found floating off the Nago coast in Okinawa Prefecture on Wednesday, according to The New York Times.

The Coast Guard was first alerted to the scene by tourists who discovered the body before noon. Takahashi was found wearing snorkeling gear 1,000 feet offshore, according to NBC News.

When police determined that an abandoned rental car on a local beach was his, they contacted Takahashi’s family, who identified the body Thursday.

Authorities are now investigating the cause of his death, while family, fans and colleagues around the world grieve the monumental loss.
>> No. 36377 [Edit]
File 165962125048.jpg - (8.82KB , 160x160 , 20220807.jpg )
One Piece Manga Surpasses a Historic 500 Million Copies Around the World
The series holds the Guinness World Record for "most copies published for a comic"
>> No. 36503 [Edit]
Prolific Anime Art Director Shichiro Kobayashi Passes Away
Kobayashi worked on titles ranging from Lupin III: The Castle of Cagliostro to Revolutionary Girl Utena
RIP 2022-09-10
>> No. 36616 [Edit]
Replies: >>36621
The Japan Coast Guard confirmed a report from U.S. military magazine Stars and Stripes from earlier in the week that Yu-Gi-Oh! manga creator Kazuki Takahashi (whose real name is Kazuo Takahashi) died “a hero” after aiding Major Robert Bourgeau in the rescue of a family that was caught in a rip current off the coast of Mermaid’s Grotto in Onna, Okinawa on July 4.

According to the initial report, on October 11, Bourgeau, who is also a scuba diving instructor, and a student of his were beckoned by a Japanese woman to help her family, a U.S. soldier and their 11-year-old daughter, who were caught in a rip current. Bourgeau explained that at some point during the rescue, Takahashi joined the pair. Though Bourgeau didn’t see the man, his students who were on the beach did.

Bourgeau said “the conditions were really, really rough” and nearly drowned himself. He was awarded the Soldier’s Medal by the U.S. Army for saving the family.

The Japan Coast Guard declined to comment on the Stars and Stripes story, instead launching an investigation into the story and concluding today that the report lines up with what the Japan Coast Guard discovered, announcing the news to Japanese media.

Originally, the Nago City Coast Guard had said that Takahashi had been snorkeling alone near Onna Village, close to Mermaid’s Grotto, and this is where he had drowned and was found on a beach 300 meters away off the coast of Nago City on July 7.

The coast guard now reports that “Mr. Takahashi entered the water to rescue the girl, and then disappeared. It was determined to have been an accident at sea.” The coast guard also explained that they were aware of the incident with the family in July but "refrained from publicizing the details of the incident" in consideration of the girl’s well-being.

Bourgeau told Stars and Stripes that Takahashi was “a hero. He died trying to save someone else.”

Sources: Oricon, Tokyo Sports, Stars and Stripes
>> No. 36621 [Edit]
Manly as fuck. RIP.
>> No. 36845 [Edit]
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>> No. 36906 [Edit]
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Sound! Euphonium Anime Sets Theatrical OVA for Summer 2023 - Anime News Info
>> No. 36963 [Edit]
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>> No. 37022 [Edit]
Kizuna AI Corporation has announced the launch of "Alleles," a new XR artist project featuring 15 cast members who will appear in the forthcoming TV anime Kizuna no Allele, the internationally popular virtual YouTube Kizuna AI's first TV anime.
>> No. 37024 [Edit]
Replies: >>37025 >>37033
File 167617863434.gif - (100.45KB , 100x100 , 00.gif )
New Lycoris Recoil Anime Officially Revealed
>> No. 37025 [Edit]
Not surprising considering how popular it was. Although personally I'm probably not going to bother watching it since even the first season was underwhelming.
>> No. 37033 [Edit]
That's good to see. I was recently just going through my MAL list and realised that there's so many shows from the last 10 years that never got a second season, even though the source material kept on going.

Plus I really liked it, especially the scenes in the cafe.
>> No. 37068 [Edit]
File 167942029782.jpg - (423.77KB , 1600x2542 , __maomao_kusuriya_no_hitorigoto__540c321770402a816.jpg )
Kusuriya is getting an adaptation.
>> No. 37069 [Edit]
Another season of Rezero, to no one's surprise.
>> No. 37071 [Edit]
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\Broadcast information lifted/

「 #カノジョも彼女 」Season 2
Start broadcasting in October 2023

Original: Hiroyuki (serialized in Kodansha's "Weekly Shonen Magazine")
Director: Takashi Suzuki Series Composition: Keiichiro Ochi Character Design: Shoko Hagiwara Animation Production: SynergySP
>> No. 37083 [Edit]
Hideaki Anno’s First Directorial Anime Work Gunbuster Heads Back to Japanese Theaters for 35th Anniversary
>> No. 37108 [Edit]
Based on the Slam Dunk manga by Takehiko Inoue, who also wrote and directed the anime film, THE FIRST SLAM DUNK has proven to be a major hit, landing as the 11th highest-grossing anime film of all time in Japan as of last month. Now it's dribbling its way over to cinemas in the UK, Ireland and Malta thanks to distribution from Anime Limited and Toei Animation Europe with plans to release the film this summer.

Sylvanian Families the Movie - A Gift from Freya
The adorable anthropomorphic animals of the Sylvanian Families figurine line are headed to Japanese theaters in fall of 2023 with a newly announced 3DCG film entitled Gekijoban Sylvanian Families Freya kara no Okurimono ("Sylvanian Families the Movie - A Gift from Freya").
The story of Gekijoban Sylvanian Families Freya kara no Okurimono is set in Sylvanian VIllage during the yearly Star Festival, and it follows the rabbit girl, Freya, struggling to make everyone happy during the holiday. The film is the first theatrical anime film for the series, which has previously been adapted into an animated series in 1987, a stop-motion animation series in 1988, and a three season 3DCG TV anime that kicked off in 2017.
>> No. 37139 [Edit]
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Gunbuster OVA Series Announces 35th Anniversary Revival Screening Schedule

The schedule for the 35th anniversary revival theatrical screenings of Gainax-produced OVA series Aim for the Top! Gunbuster and its sequel Aim for the Top 2! Diebuster has been announced.
>> No. 37179 [Edit]
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ENG: news has been reported that Hiroko Ara, who performed Mika's Kantele music in GuP Der Film (2016), has passed away. rest in peace
Sakkijarven polkka · 浜口史郎
『ガールズ & パンツァー 劇場版』オリジナルサウンドトラック
Released on: 2015-11-18
>> No. 37238 [Edit]
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Sound! Euphonium Anime’s Song Continues in New Trailer for ~Ensemble Contest~ Theatrical Release
The first story in Kumiko’s leadership premieres August 4
>> No. 37271 [Edit]
Replies: >>37272
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WIT Studio Launches Vertical Manga Division

Best known for their work on Attack on Titan, SPY x FAMILY, Great Pretender and more awe-inspiring anime, the witching hour is nigh for WIT Studio after announcing an intriguing new venture today: a "planning/production team" for vertical manga that will utilize their animators and "dynamic graphic expression" the studio has established over the last decade.

Their first title, Estee: Hajimari no Mahou wo Tsugumono ("Estee: Successor of the First Magic"), was also revealed, set in the world of the Wizards Nova novels and music videos (concept art for which is pictured above) by FUZI. The creator group is penning the manga's script in tandem with these key staff members at WIT Studio:

Creative Producer: Keisuke Sato (The Girl from the Other Side design manager)
Storyboard/Direction/Color Design: Nanako Hashimoto (The Girl from the Other Side animator)
Character Design: Shou
Chibi Character Design/Main Artist: Chika Sasamori

A prologue chapter is currently available to read on the HykeComic service, where Estee: Hajimari no Mahou wo Tsugumono will fully commence on June 25. WIT Studio describes the series as such:

Wands and spells. These are what wizards needed to work miracles… until magical augmentation equipment called "Apparatus" made those old robe-wearers a thing of the past.

Meet Estee, a wizard who grew up in the sticks and, despite being trained from a young age in traditional magic by her grandmother, struggles with even the most basic spells. Refusing to give up on her dream of becoming a fully-fledged wizard, she leaves her hometown to attend a magic school in the city, where she becomes embroiled in a battle to save the world.

Spirits of the dead? A ghost town? An adventure of miracles and curses begins!
>> No. 37272 [Edit]
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Reminds me of something.
>> No. 37289 [Edit]
Oshi no Ko has confirmed a second season.
Season 1 of Oshi no Ko ended on June 28 with Episode 11, fittingly titled "Idol." https://youtu.be/Cxfr5hENj54
>> No. 37307 [Edit]
Link Click Season 2 opens with "VORTEX"
Does Link Click count as anime? I think it's original audio is chinese...
>> No. 37322 [Edit]
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Toho animation financial report pic related
Comparison between 21FY (March 2021-February 2022) and 22FY (March 2022-February 2023)
Toho animation has some of the biggest IP's around and are top of of their respective production committees
>Jujutsu kaisen
> My hero Academia
Some interesting things
>Merch and licensing are lower than one would expect considering the popularity of the three above
>Domestic is still insane. Overseas ratios are not close to 50% at all. They're 14% and 34% respectively.
>Blu-ray sales are still big part of revenue, as big as merch or bigger depending on the hit.
> heavy decline on revenue despite release of big hit such as SxF. the corona demand might be subsiding.
>Merchandise/licensing go down a lot without new content with exception of "passionate" fans series like touken ranbu (in the picture, it was said as the reason for merchandise sales for the year).

What's interesting is despite all of these (Distribution (tv channels, streaming etc), character license, merchandise sales, blu-ray sales, theater revenue, other) and Toho helming the big committee (They get the biggest cut) They still don't get close to the big evergreen IP's of the industry.

Dragon ball with 100 billion just from games/merch (Bandai)
Naruto/One Piece with tens of billions from the same (Bandai)

Dragon ball Licensing/distribution from toei alone is higher than Toho animation entire department (which has a lot of anime besides the above)
>> No. 37336 [Edit]
Replies: >>37337
Yuru yuri hasn't been forgotten just yet.
>> No. 37337 [Edit]
There were also leaks that there would be a yuru yuri s4. There was a thread on 4/a/ a month back where a supposed insider provided a lot of information (he also confirmed oomuro-ke, but that itself was leaked before he posted so it's not complete confirmation that the insider was legit).
>> No. 37347 [Edit]
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The author of "Sakamoto desu ga" is dead. She departed from her earthly body for the heavens after being diagnosed with cancer. Her last manga will receive an anime adaption.
>> No. 37349 [Edit]
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Maruyama was former president of animation studio Actas
Manga creator Yūji Takemura reported on Tuesday that his brother-in-law, anime producer Shunpei Maruyama, has passed away. Takemura did not reveal the cause of Maruyama's death, but said that his family has already held a wake and funeral.

Maruyama was formerly the president of Actas, the studio that is perhaps best known for the Girls & Panzer and Princess Principal original anime franchises. Maruyama was animation producer for both anime, including the 2015 Girls und Panzer der Film anime film and the Princess Principal: Crown Handler six-part film series (of which three have been released). Maruyama's last post on his Twitter account was New Year art featuring Girls & Panzer protagonist Miho and Princess Principal protagonist Ange.
>> No. 37361 [Edit]
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This is only news to me, because my life had distracted me around the time of this announcement, but I didn't see it posted here, so I'll post it:
The Light Novel, Magical Girl Raising Project: Restart, (sequel to Magical Girl Raising Project: Unmarked, which already had an anime-adaptation, as you may recall) will be getting an anime adaptation.

This one's been in my prayers for a while, guys. Is this man's doing, or God's? When I heard that you could ask for anything, and that God, being a person and not a vending machine, can fulfil or reject, I just let loose, and presented my wish list. I presented it repeatedly. Now Restart is in the works.
Did God hear my prayers? Will there really be a fantastic two-cour Restart adaptation, a two-cour Limited adaptation, and an amazing JOKERS movie-adaptation some day? I dared to ask, but I suppose time will tell.

I must say though: the future looks really bright right now.
>> No. 37378 [Edit]
Replies: >>37379
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Studio Ghibli set to become subsidiary of Nippon TV
>> No. 37379 [Edit]
Interesting. It'd be super-comfy if Ghibli put out a nice TV-movie every 18 months or so.
>> No. 37421 [Edit]
Zom 100 stops at episode 9 due to production circumstances. Guess there's the manga and netflix live-action if you want more Zom 100.
>> No. 37490 [Edit]
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Get a Piece of Pai with Pon no Michi TV Anime's Latest Character Trailer
Fire Force Season 2 director helms mahjong-themed series at OLM
>> No. 37562 [Edit]
Replies: >>37563

Full metal panic is getting a new series
>> No. 37563 [Edit]
The concept is ripe for antics with two autists under one roof, and the daughter looks cute. Looking forward to it!
>> No. 37570 [Edit]
Replies: >>37571 >>37576
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Boy & Heron is praised by NYT
>> No. 37571 [Edit]
Western rags gushing over another Miyazaki film is unsurprising.
>> No. 37576 [Edit]
I thought he retired 3 movies ago.
>> No. 37608 [Edit]
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Suicide Squad ISEKAI broke free today with the release of an explosive new trailer and a rogues gallery of character visuals, while confirming a 2024 global release window.


The main cast was also revealed, as follows:

Harley Quinn voiced by Anna Nagase (Ushio in Summer Time Rendering)
The Joker voiced by Yuichiro Umehara (Goblin Slayer in GOBLIN SLAYER)
Deadshot voiced by Reigo Yamaguchi (Doumoto in The Eminence in Shadow)
Peacemaker voiced by Takehito Koyasu (Dio in JoJo's Bizarre Adventure)
Clayface voiced by Jun Fukuyama (Yukio in Blue Exorcist)
King Shark voiced by Subaru Kimura (Todo in JUJUTSU KAISEN)

Furthermore, veteran singer-songwriter Tomoyasu Hotei will perform "Another World" for the series' opening theme song.
>> No. 37630 [Edit]
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Only just realized that "Himesama, 'goumon' no jikan desu" is getting an adaptation.
>> No. 37662 [Edit]
Replies: >>37663 >>37664
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My Hero Academia Season 7 will air next spring, the official website for the series alongside TOHO animation released a new trailer for the upcoming season, teasing Romi Park's role as Stars and Stripes, as well as announcing Season 7 will begin on May 4, 2024.
>> No. 37663 [Edit]
Replies: >>37711
It's that far along already?! I wasn't even able to finish season 2 and it didn't feel that long ago either...
>> No. 37664 [Edit]
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Excited for the influx of froppy fan art.
>> No. 37711 [Edit]
Cos Jujutsu Kaisen is in the same genre and better.
>> No. 37769 [Edit]
Replies: >>37770
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I hope Dungeon Meshi anime will have enough episodes to finish it properly.
>> No. 37770 [Edit]
Replies: >>37857
It's listed at 24 episodes right now.
>> No. 37806 [Edit]
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Aniplex released the announcement trailer today for the "University Arc" for the Rascal Does Not Dream anime, based on the series of light novels about adolescents dealing with strange and sometimes paranormal events.


A new key visual was published for the “Rascal Does Not Dream of School Memories – Aobuta Exhibition” art exhibition, which will run from March 12-24, 2024 at the Event Square venue located on the 8th floor of the Matsuya Ginza department store in Tokyo. Additional exhibitions will also be held later in Nagoya, Osaka, and Kyoto.

The original Rascal Does Not Dream light novels are written by Hajime Kamoshida, illustrated by Keiji Mizoguchi, and published in Japan by ASCII Media Works under their Dengeki Bunko imprint. An English language version is also available from Yen Press.

The Rascal Does Not Dream light novels were previously adapted into a 2018 TV anime (Rascal Does Not Dream of Bunny Girl Senpai), a 2019 theatrical anime film (Rascal Does Not Dream of a Dreaming Girl), and two 2023 theatrical anime films (Rascal Does Not Dream of a Sister Venturing Out and Rascal Does Not Dream of a Knapsack Kid). Soichi Masui directs the previous adaptations at the animation studio CloverWorks.
>> No. 37829 [Edit]
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Knowing a friend who is hard of hearing (but not completely deaf), she may appreciate this anime.

A Sign of Affection
( Japanese: ゆびさきと恋々, Hepburn: Yubisaki to Renren)
>> No. 37857 [Edit]
Needs another season of 24 to translate it from the manga properly.
>> No. 37874 [Edit]
Replies: >>37875
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Metallic Rouge is the Perfect Way to Celebrate Bones' 25th Anniversary
It's time to celebrate... Bones style!

Since Metallic Rouge was announced at Fuji TV Anime Lineup Presentation 2023, it was clear that the new anime series from the prestigious Bones studio would be an emotive way to commemorate the first 25 years of the company made by ex-key members of Sunrise Studio (now Bandai Namco Filmworks).

Most anime enthusiasts know Bones for series like My Hero Academia, Fullmetal Alchemist (both adaptations), Bungo Stray Dogs, Mob Psycho 100 and movies like Escaflowne, Cowboy Bebop and Josee, the Tiger and the Fish. But true fans of the studio’s vast filmography know that their original works had an important impact on the anime industry since their beginning.
>> No. 37875 [Edit]
Why not link the source you quoted? https://www.crunchyroll.com/news/features/2024/2/2/metallic-rouge-bones-25th-anniversary

Also their praise reads a bit too effusive to me, I feel the show is fairly average as a sci-fi. Nothing too novel, and even the execution is a bit lacking.
>> No. 37887 [Edit]
Replies: >>37888
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CR is doubling their price it looks like.
>> No. 37888 [Edit]
I forgot how inexpensive it was previously since I don't use it. That's still cheap relative to other streaming services.
>> No. 37889 [Edit]
Replies: >>37891
If funimation is shutting down, does this mean that going forward subs for those licensed shows will be handled by CR as well? I vaguely had the feeling that out of all the corporate subs, CR tended to be the best (don't remember if it was funi or hidive that was the worst).
>> No. 37891 [Edit]
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A while back CR pretty much entirely took over Funimation's subbing business and Funimation only continued to stream succeeding seasons of shows they already had (CR also streamed them, so not really any difference there) alongside shows they had licensed in the past (again, CR also streamed these). The only real difference is that it can't be watched on Funimation now and they're deleting people's purchased copies of stuff.
Most people consider HIDIVE to be the worst as you mentioned.
>> No. 37940 [Edit]
Replies: >>37946 >>37950
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Rest in Peace, Akira Toriyama aged 68
>> No. 37946 [Edit]
RIP Toriyama. An absolute legend.
>> No. 37948 [Edit]
Replies: >>37950
The voice actress Tarako passed away as well, https://news.livedoor.com/article/detail/26013504/.
Most here probably aren't too familiar with her (more known in Japan), but she voiced the MC of Chibi Maruko-chan, Sugar in Urusei Yatsura, and Monokuma in Danganronpa just to name a few.
>> No. 37950 [Edit]
The cultural impact his work had all over the world is insane. I'm not a big fan of Dragon Ball but I did play Chrono Trigger and his artstyle wasn't hard to recognize.
I often see Japanese people online speak fondly of Maruko-chan in the same way as Doraemon, Shin-chan, Anpanman, etc.
RIP, both of them.

Post edited on 9th Mar 2024, 1:47am
>> No. 37968 [Edit]
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Japanese Illustrator and Animator Mutsumi Inomata has passed away
>> No. 37982 [Edit]
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Weekly Oricon Ranking (by Manga Series): Mar 18 - 24 2024
01. Blue Lock: 166,001
02. The Apothecary Diaries - Maomao no Koukyuu Nazotoki Techou: 131,339
03. Sousou no Frieren: 123,654
04. Mashle: Magic and Muscles: 122,554
05. Spy x Family: 108,835
06. One Piece: 98,962
07. Record of Ragnarok: 98,194
08. Haikyuu!!: 92,087
09. Call of the Night: 74,568
10. Uma Musume Cinderella Gray: 68,557
>> No. 38048 [Edit]
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The official Twitter account for the Sister Princess franchise announced the launch of its 25th anniversary project. The account was originally launched for the franchise's 20th anniversary in 2019, and it is now relaunched for another anniversary project.

According to the announcement, the 25th anniversary project will include:

Crowdfunding (details will be announced later)

The production of Chikage's 3D model

Sister Princess joins HoloModels, an AR & MR application that allows users to enjoy digital figures using VR devices and smartphones

A virtual space recreating "Kita no Hanare," a memorable place that appeared in the Sister Princess anime

"SisPri Virtual Live," in which sisters sing and dance
>> No. 38156 [Edit]
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Sadly, She was the last original cast member of the Lupin the 3rd cast.

Monkey Punch (creator) Died: April 11, 2019

Lupin (Yasuo Yamada), March 19, 1995 (before his passing, He knew Kanichi Kurita was the perfect successor in voicing lupin)

Jigen, (Kiyoshi Kobayashi), Jul 30, 2022 (He voice Jigen one last time in the OVA before he official Retired from voice acting of over 50 years)

Goemon (Chikao Ōtsuka) Jan 15, 2015 (you may know him as Eggman, DOA's Gen Fu, Mercenary Tao And tekken's Jinpachi Mishima)

Fujiko (Masuyama Eiko) May 20th 2024 (Her official Last time voicing the character Mine Fujiko. in the opening as Sawashiro Will take over as the new voice. )


Zenigata (Goro Naya) March 5, 2013 (At Yasuo Yamada's Funeral, he made a Short Eulogy in Zenigata's voice saying “hey, lupin, who the hell am I supposed to chase now?”)

all these voice actors have been with Lupin franchise since part 1. Continuing to voice their characters in the movies, OVA's Even Collabs (such as conon vs lupin the 3rd) Her last role as Fujiko was The women named Mine Fujiko. She would voice the intro, and give the role of fujiko to Miyuki Sawashiro, who voices Cammy in Street Fighter. May all rest in peace drinking in heaven together like the ending theme of Part 5 at 0:46.

>> No. 38170 [Edit]
Replies: >>38171
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Studio Gainax(Evangelion, wings of honneamise, gurren lagann) has folded after filling for bankruptcy in the last week in Japan. All IP will be transferred to Studio Khara(Evangelion 1.0-3.0, Shin Godzilla), which is made up of ex Gainax staff.
>> No. 38171 [Edit]
Replies: >>38263
I thought Gainax died years ago?
>> No. 38214 [Edit]
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Kiki's European delivery service is sponsored by McDonalds
>> No. 38262 [Edit]
TVアニメ『Summer Pockets』ティザーPV/2025年放送開始
『Summer Pockets』(key game) getting anime in 2025
>> No. 38263 [Edit]
The spirit of Gainax died a decade ago. The soul of Gainax died in 2020. What happened a month ago was confirming the inevitable, but nevertheless historically notable: the death of Gainax's (corporate) body.
>> No. 38265 [Edit]
Replies: >>38266
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A new anime project for "Magic Knight Rayearth" has begun! A promotional video has also been released, starting with color illustrations from the original manga.

>> No. 38266 [Edit]
>> No. 38301 [Edit]
Kanojo Okarishimasu is receiving yet another season.

But here I am thinking, "How is it so popular?" It's not that I don't like romantic comedies and similar works, but I couldn't even complete ten chapters when reading it years ago, before it became super popular. If there's somebody here that likes it, I'd love to read your opinion.
>> No. 38374 [Edit]
Replies: >>38376
Rachael Lillis, the English language voice of Misty and Jessie in Pokémon, has passed away at the age of 46, after a short bout of cancer.
>> No. 38376 [Edit]
>the English language voice of Misty and Jessie in Pokémon
Not really relevant then, even if it's unfortunate somebody died like this.
>> No. 38380 [Edit]
Replies: >>38415
Atsuko Tanaka passed away today after a year of fighting an illness. She was most known for voicing Motoko in GitS, Caster in F/SN, and Harumi in Railgun.
>> No. 38415 [Edit]
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【葬送のフリーレン 】花畑を出す魔法
Atsuko Tanaka also voiced Flamme from Sousou no Frieren.
>> No. 38439 [Edit]
魔王様、リトライ!R Airs
>> No. 38564 [Edit]
Hiroya Oku to Work on New Manga
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