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29603 No. 29603 hide watch expand quickreply [Reply] [Edit]
Hello olds, I know you hate the likes of me, but they used to say that knowledge must admit no emotion, so...

For the sake of knowledge, do you have any particular techniques to accelerate adaptation to isolation? I still get painful urges to be part of a community, though I am already beyond the alienation stage and feel not even the desire to
actually connect with any of them. I don't hate or even dislike them, I just feel like they're sort of movie characters, I can hear and see them, can even say a few words, but there's a screen between us that doesn't allow any connections. Besides, I find them disgusting in many ways.

All said, I would think it would come to me as natural to not be pained by inability to find company, but it didn't. Why?
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>> No. 29703 [Edit]
Does it really work like that? I'd never be able to leave an impressive story unfinished. It would fester on me. For me it's like there's no escape. I iterate through mind killing emptiness and then when I find something worthwhile, I get it all into myself, then it ends and I suffer again. At least suffering is a feeling.
>> No. 29704 [Edit]
I probably phrased it badly, I do still do intend to finish it eventually, but every time I try I find myself saying that I'm not in the right mood to properly enjoy it, and instead choose to watch something else that I'm not as attached to. So while in principle it's not that I'm intentionally avoiding the show, in practice it sort of does end up being that way. But yes having that episode unfinished does annoy me in the sense that I _want_ to finish it, so it serves as motivation and hope to believe that one day my mind and body will feel rested enough that I can watch it. (It doesn't even need to be permanently, just one day where I don't feel "out of it" would be enough to finish off a backlog of stuff...)
>> No. 29721 [Edit]
Okay so I'll turn this thread into one-liner whining posts, because there is no point anyway. Emptiness is creeping in and I want to laugh and cry at the same time. A maddening feeling.
>> No. 29725 [Edit]
I fucking hate these modern imageboard users. They give me brain cancer. I thought I am a shitposter, but in comparison to them I am literally saint. I just can't be around them. It doesn't matter how much effort you put into your post they'll derail it in an instant and then make fun of you on top.

A bit of a tangent, but community on tohno is rigid and sharp, but at least I can understand it, because I hate people as well, so even if I get upset sometimes, I can forgive/get over it.

But those fuckers, they are absolutely insufferable. I hate myself so fucking much for wanting to talk to other people sometimes, it is the worst fucking thing that can happen to a man.

Yes, a lot of media/hobbies are enjoyable, but after a time, it looses all meaning, because there is nobody to discuss it with, and doing it for the sake of doing it simply does not work. You only enjoy it until you don't. I don't know what the fuck is wrong is me.

I wish I could stop being a NEET by finding a job that I don't fucking despise, so I could just work my ass off and fucking forget myself. Because if I don't do that, I'm just going to descent down the drunkard path, I simply can't cope with this shit.

I fucking hate it. I fucking hate myself. I fucking hate having to live in a world that considers you a joke. Why does it have to be like that? What is the meaning of being born in exactly the most insufferable circumstances. Who enjoys my torment? Fucking hate it. I fucking hate it all.

Post edited on 7th Nov 2024, 1:40pm

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29322 No. 29322 hide watch expand quickreply [Reply] [Edit]
I think I'm done.
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>> No. 29690 [Edit]
I should have not enrolled for another course. Theoretically, Master's degree is useful. Practically, I should have given it up. I'm done for now. I have completely fallen apart. I can't go on. I can't stuff knowledge in my head. Do you believe me? I just can't concentrate on studying anything to the point of feeling nauseous. Maybe you could make me work for a while if you beat me, but I'd just walk out of the window. I should do it regardless though, so I guess I'll wait till I'm expelled and then we'll see. I am completely done for. Even some turbo non verbal autist has more chance of sustaining himself than me. I am done for. There isn't anyone to end it for me, so I have to do even that myself. Ironically, I'll likely just wait till I die, not actually doing anything to assist the death in taking me.
>> No. 29702 [Edit]
In the meantime I'm loosing it real hard
>> No. 29719 [Edit]
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Well then you better tighten it up!
>> No. 29720 [Edit]
I beg to differ. There is nothing I can do. My cognition completely escaped from under my control and now I just watch it all unfold and count the days till I must kill myself.

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28183 No. 28183 hide watch expand quickreply [Reply] [Edit]
why this website is so slow, can't you post more? I feel so ronery
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>> No. 29715 [Edit]
>undeserving of happiness
I viewed it more as that the unpleasantness and cynicism was a product of the loneliness. But again I watched it quite a while back and don't remember much concrete.

>I prefer Welcome to the NHK
Conversely to me this was more a show focused on agoraphobia and a dumb main character (falling for random scams all the time) rather than one about loneliness and isolation from an inability to connect. I think there's some other thread on TC which explains this view better.
>> No. 29716 [Edit]
You'd probably prefer the novel to the anime, I think. It's drastically different and more narratively cohesive.

As far as Oregairu goes, it's very different from those in that it's a harem romance mainly, although one that happens to have a protagonist who is cynical about social relationships and normalfags.
>> No. 29717 [Edit]
>I watched it quite a while back and don't remember much concrete.
The way I remember Watamote, it was mostly Tomoko embarrassing herself, doing something incredibly petty, or thinking something nasty about people she barely knows. My assessment of her was based on a comparison to myself, who had(has) even less of a social life.

>this was more a show focused on agoraphobia and a dumb main character (falling for random scams all the time) rather than one about loneliness and isolation from an inability to connect
Maybe that's why I like it so much. I'd say Welcome to the NHK explores the disappointments in life and the depressing way things can change, like no other story I know of. The alienation, frustration and dissatisfaction of the main character are things I can easily relate to. Loneliness is in there, but I guess it's tangential to the main focus.
>> No. 29718 [Edit]
Your post is a rant. Mine was a rant as well. We wrote many letters but they all go into null. I find your post to be missing the point so much I barely hold off from exploding with another rant directed at you. And I don't even mean any offense, nor am I offended. It's just how things are.

Your entire post doesn't make sense simply because it targets reason where it isn't applicable. If I could hold onto my reason you'd never hear me rant about anything ever.

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29691 No. 29691 hide watch quickreply [Reply] [Edit]
I feel absolutely worthless, and among other things the problem is, that I'm
just stupid. I knew this from my early childhood and this feeling was consistent
through all of my life. I just happen to be always the slowest in class, the
slowest to understand things, the one that comes up with the objectively worst
solutions, the worst in absolute anything, that requires some thinking. It's a
clear pattern, that no matter what I do, I'm just inferior or lesser in terms of
my cognitive ability (not that I would be better in anything else, but this isn't
the purpose of this post).

You need to understand that this frustration does not stem from a single sitation
or moment, where I just happened to be worse, but that this is a problem through
all my life. From elementary school into adulthood this a common theme.

There have been many gaslighting attempts by people, who I know in real life,
like psychiatrist for example, to make me believe, that this inferiority complex
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>> No. 29692 [Edit]
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It's even worse when you wasn't always as stupid as you are now. Retardation is a hard thing to live with. Peace to you, TC.
>> No. 29693 [Edit]
You're a good internet citizen for 80-char wrapping your posts at least. And for what it's worth you write well, so your ability to verbally communicate seems fine.

>IQ test with a psychiatrist and I got an actual result (I scored below 85)
I don't know enough about your situation to make a comment, but I guess society's whitewashing of IQ differences is annoying. The difference is sort of obvious and undeniable: an ability to pick up patterns and the underlying intuition just from examples without needing to be explicitly taught it. That said, at least for the fields I'm familiar with (e.g. STEM-related) I think past some lower-bound, IQ can be compensated for with practice and exposure. (I don't know what that lower-bound is though, so it would be patronizing to offer any false notion of reassurance)

>I'm patient, friendly, listen to them and try hard, but I can still feel how people get pissed off
I feel bad because I think I do this [get pissed off]. I could never be a teacher, I like explaining things but I can only explain things in the way I understand it and with an assumption of being familiar with all the other thoughts.

>POSIX shell scripting
I guess that's at least one thing I can provide concrete advice for without coming off as an asshat: writing POSIX shell scripts is pure masochism. The thing doesn't even have proper arrays, using something like Python (with its subprocess library) would surely seem easier.

>Thanks for reading.
>Despite being hopeless and frustrated, I still try to learn new things, but it tends to be a fruitless endeavour.
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19645 No. 19645 hide watch quickreply [Reply] [Edit] [First 100 posts] [Last 50 posts]
Why are you unhappy, /tc/?
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>> No. 29683 [Edit]
For me it's chronic tiredness. If I had energy I'd become manic, so it's stopped being an option for me. I've become more and more depressive and I can only temporarily reset if I sleep like I used to months ago. Everything sucks more than usual...
>> No. 29684 [Edit]
> I've become more and more depressive and I can only temporarily reset if I sleep like I used to months ago
Does this mean sleep well, or skipping sleep? Because there was some study that intermittently skipping sleep ends up temporarily resolving depression and giving you energy. (Of course only a short-term solution, it's like it transfers your mental energy from one day to the other, so you feel better that day but worse the following days).
>> No. 29710 [Edit]
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Wrote a long rant that went nowhere about issues that have most likely been expressed before. In short, I don't like talking to people in my day to day life because it forces me to acknowledge how abnormal I am and then put on an act so people treat me decently. I already put in so much effort to try and compensate for this but it's never enough.
Maybe I ought to say "screw it" and stop trying or caring. Not like I can keep it up forever.
>> No. 29711 [Edit]
Just don't panic please, panic is a terrible brain killer.

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28601 No. 28601 hide watch quickreply [Reply] [Edit] [First 100 posts] [Last 50 posts]
Last one (>>26312) hit the bump limit.

Me too man. Me too.
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>> No. 29700 [Edit]
>I don't like the prospect of being a worthless NEET in mom's for the rest of my life.
That hits so close. It wouldn't be nearly as bad if I at least could sustain myself, but having to depend on others and knowing that you're a genetic mistake incapable of existing on your own kills from inside.
>> No. 29712 [Edit]
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I realized that what's keeping me alive is my idea, or rather, delusion of reality. And all of that is shattered the moment I step into the world.
>> No. 29722 [Edit]
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>> No. 29724 [Edit]
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29560 No. 29560 hide watch expand quickreply [Reply] [Edit]
it makes me feel sick to my stomach that one day this site might go down or just slowly dwindle to nothing, and then ill have a gaping hole in my chest because i have some sort of deep emotional attachment to this site even though i barely visit it any more, like a childhood home being knocked down and never being able to visit it again
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>> No. 29624 [Edit]
Funny you say that, I was visiting tohno-chan after an extended break and almost got a heart attack seeing the domain on sale! I cant replicate how this happened but TC is still alive! Thank you Tohno and crew!
>> No. 29625 [Edit]
It happens if you try to access the site like https:// as opposed to http:// . For a while I thought that he site was dead too and only when I mentioned it to someone else did they say that it's still alive and I realized that it was a problem on my side.
>> No. 29632 [Edit]
every cope has an end
>> No. 29634 [Edit]
And exactly one.

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26783 No. 26783 hide watch expand quickreply [Reply] [Edit] [Last 50 posts]
Do you have a sex doll, or have you thought about getting one?
Or maybe a non-sexual, but still life~sized doll?

Does cuddling with them or just having them around help dispel loneliness?
Is it more satisfying to have "sex" with the doll than just masturbating with your hands?

I always thought they're really creepy, but now there are some anime-inspired ones that basically look like oversized figurines.

The only thing holding me back from buying one right now is that I imagine it must be a lot of work to clean them.
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>> No. 29361 [Edit]
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moshi moshi
>> No. 29372 [Edit]
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I absolutely adore dolls, but never owned one. It kinda feels lilke a point of no return for someone who always struggled with people. I just know it would alleviate my loneliness, but I would also treat her like a real being. That can't be healthy in the long run.

Some of the cool pages I follow: <- my favorite brand <- second favorite <- big titty girl and her aotume dolls

life sized doll fool your lizard brain
>> No. 29592 [Edit]

I stumbled across a channel that does reviews and stuff of Aotume dolls.
Most of these dolls look terrible, particularly the ones with silly expressions or opened mouths.
>> No. 29593 [Edit]
Hm something about the relative proportions on the face seems wrong. I still think the cloth dolls further upthread look the best, I wish they were available in a silicone version.

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24553 No. 24553 hide watch expand quickreply [Reply] [Edit] [Last 50 posts]
Hello. I am 15 years old, and I saw no specific rules about not being able to post if you are under 18?
Hopefully I am allowed to post.
Now saying that I may frustate some of you (and for good reason), however I will say that I will not post anything outside of this thread, and I will try to be respectful, and here are some things about myself.
-I don't have any friends, in real life or online.
-Almost all of my time outside of school, and not sleeping I have been on this world wide web, (since I was 3, my mom put me on a preschool website and just let me wander)
-Anime wise, I don't actually have that many under my belt, because i'm scared of watching a bad one, but I very much love anime and Japanese content. Some animes that I have liked are, A Place Farther than the Universe, Welcome to the NHK, Non Non Biyori, and The Melancholy of Haruhi Suzumiya
-I'm unable to speak to anyone besides my family in real life because of how shy I am
-I'm autistic
-I don't have any dreams for the future, or willpower to be able to do anything.
-I don't have/use any social media, or a phone
-I am very much interested in the old internet, being of my age I have only experienced a little of only well, 2007ish internet, and I can not remember much of my experiences around that time besides a handful. I browse archives of old websites, and look at old dead forums a lot, encyclopedia dramatica articles about internet events that have long been forgotten and I very much like these small website communities, where if you don't know where to look you will never find them. I don't very much like most of this 2019 internet, as I feel a lot of it's fun and soul have been taken away.
I like the people on here, and I would like to learn about things from you. I know generally older people are smarter than younger people. I personally would love to tell my 8 year old self a lot of things. If anyone can tell me about there experiences, or just general knowledge, about otaku culture, the old internet, or anything really I will be very grateful.
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>> No. 29590 [Edit]
Because there is no point. I will only give myself to something worthwhile, and reiterating their money gains isn't worthwhile. I in fact wish big tech and business collapsed entirely and stopped bothering me. Careers, money, position, shove that up your ass. You company is a band of bitches
>> No. 29591 [Edit]
Still, the articles look like they're talking about it just being on the rise rather than becoming "standard", but whatever. Who knows, really. Either way, regardless of their quantity I wouldn't find these people relatable and wouldn't like being compared to them since most of them would still be pretty much normalfags who care about social bullshit and all, but with the gimmick of not caring as much about work/career/money tacked on.
>> No. 29596 [Edit]
That mindset is not the standard. It's only standard for the internet addicted and typically people of particular beliefs and leanings. A bunch of boomers writing articles on tiktok trends doesn't slot into how reality works. Pew Research polls show that the priorities of the average person (at least in the USA) has not changed at all in almost 40 years now, even among the gen z adults who responded. Culture has changed but people's wants have not, outside of the previously mentioned chronically online. People have been "quiet quitting" (doing their job to the best of their ability and nothing more) for hundreds if not thousands of years now. Don't listen to this bullshit it's all clickbait and mole hills being turned into mountains.
>> No. 29600 [Edit]
Yeah, sounds about right.

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23218 No. 23218 hide watch expand quickreply [Reply] [Edit] [Last 50 posts]
Post and discuss medical issues here. It helps to talk about them.

My lower left lung has been hurting, it feels like it's been stabbed. And I just coughed and tasted blood. Didn't see any blood when I went to the mirror and made myself cough again, just tasted it.
I'm scared. I'm poor. The doctors are going to let me die if it's cancer, I can't afford it. I did used to smoke but it was only for a year or two... I've been having trouble breathing but it might just be allergies. I will try to be optimistic.

I also went two years without brushing my teeth and my gums are so full of bacteria it's actually making me sick now. I'm sick constantly because of my own mouth, swallowing bacteria is irritating my throat and giving me a fever, and will be till I pay up $7,000 to unfuck my mouth. No root canals yet, and only two teeth have to be pulled, so that's a positive I guess. I got good teeth genetics from my folks. The dentist said average people would have had lots of teeth fall out by now.

Best advice I can give anyone is take Vitamin D supplements if you aren't in the sunlight at least 30 minutes a day. It helped me a lot.
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>> No. 29460 [Edit]
I don't know if you had the surgery yet, but I read somewhere that nasal stents (not those strips) to mechanically open the nostril might work (the brand that was mentioned was Rhinomed). Something about how mechnically keeping the nostril open prevents sinus closure or something, not sure.
>> No. 29464 [Edit]
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A follow up to this post, as I've been thinking about my health.
I didn't end up getting anywhere with my hypothyroidism. Healthcare is expensive and I was a neet. Now that I'm working, I went to a doctor again. I will keep up with it this time, because I did feel quite a bit better after taking my medication for a little while. Just had my appointment yesterday, so I'm still waiting on my prescription. Fortunately I haven't developed any "serious" problems in the meantime. At any rate, I'm pretty happy I finally got around to doing this and I'm excited that I'll be able to function properly.
I've been more mindful of what I'm eating. Not that I'm eating "healthy", but I'm eating a better variety of foods and healthier alternatives. Still eat pizza fairly often, but most of the time it's more trouble that it's worth compared to some of the simple things you can throw together in a couple of minutes. Who could have guessed, a simple sandwich is a lot more satisfying than eating a bunch of crap.
My poor dental hygiene has started to take it's toll. Always been bad about brushing my teeth, and not too long ago one of my molars started falling apart. Luckily it doesn't hurt much, but it's really annoying. Food gets stuck there. At the very least, it's encouraged me to do better with brushing my teeth, even if it's a bit too late.
My mom has been trying to say I have anxiety because I'm unsociable. That's nonsense. I'm unsociable because I'm completely alienated. Even when I do try to conversate, it goes nowhere because no connections are being made.
>> No. 29575 [Edit]
i hope you take better care of yourself. at least vape instead of smoke for instance, wash your hair at least once a week etc
>> No. 29580 [Edit]
insomnia has hit me again

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25993 No. 25993 hide watch expand quickreply [Reply] [Edit]
Have you ever tried to kill yourself? What method(s) did you use? If you made multiple attempts, how many? What pushed or keeps pushing you over that edge? How did you feel when you woke up in the hospital or each time it happens? Did life change for you in any way at all, for better or for worse? How did others around you feel, if you had anyone? What other experiences do you have related to it?
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>> No. 29354 [Edit]
>But I still can't manage to make myself pass out and it's driving me nuts.
In what way? With your hands or another implement? If you're trying with your hands, then it won't work.
>The pressure required to obstruct various neck vessels has been reported as:
>Carotid arteries (2.5 – 10kg, or 250mmHg), a scenario not normally seen in manual strangulation (Puschel et al 2004)
>> No. 29468 [Edit]
Why do you prefer full suspension hanging over partial suspension?
>> No. 29500 [Edit]
I already elaborated the reason in my post.
>The other option was partial suspension. The thing that ruled that out for me was the potential of having the noose becoming undone when your body is unconscious and flailing. The risk for brain damage seems a bit much.
But, I guess another reason is that it feels like there's a lot more information out there related to full suspension hanging than partial suspension hanging, making it easier to do research. Furthermore, you have more weight on your neck in full suspension compared to partial suspension, making it possibly a more reliable method.
>> No. 29569 [Edit]
>Have you ever tried to kill yourself?

>What method(s) did you use?
>If you made multiple attempts, how many?
I don't remember exactly, because I was acutely psychotic at the time and every memory from that time feels blurred if not blank. But as far as I can remember it was:
1. Pills, but actually I wanted to jump off a bridge, but because of the pills, I collapsed before I could get to the bridge, so nothing really happened.
2. Hanging
3. Strangulation in the hospital bathroom

>What pushed or keeps pushing you over that edge?
I was suffering from schizophrenic psychosis badly and felt like the only way out of the horrors that I thought were real, was to kill myself.

>How did you feel when you woke up in the hospital or each time it happens?
I never was unconscious, so I can't really say, but I had to go to a psych ward each time where I then stayed for months.
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