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27454 No. 27454 [Edit]
Complete the sentences. (Or tell why they just cant apply to you.) If you don't feel like sharing it, then just complete them for yourself. Just be honest.

After all these years of struggle and wasted time and life, I now realize, that I honestly don't give a damn about.....

Not that I'm angry about it anymore, but it was foolish of me to.....

I think what I really want to do in the rest of my life, is.....
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>> No. 27455 [Edit]
After all these years of struggle and wasted time and life, I now realize, that I honestly don't give a damn about life anymore.
Not that I'm angry about it anymore, but it was foolish of me to expect things to turn out any better.
I think what I really want to do in the rest of my life, is just be left alone.
>> No. 27461 [Edit]
>After all these years of struggle and wasted time and life, I now realize, that I honestly don't give a damn about.....
Never managing to work in a real job that suits my intellectual capabilities, because I'm making more money off of trading crypto than I ever would've gotten as an engineer or whatever anyway.
>Not that I'm angry about it anymore, but it was foolish of me to.....
let my parents ruin my life. Should've just run away when I was a teenager.
>I think what I really want to do in the rest of my life, is.....
raise kids and teach them all I know, but that's unlikely to happen because I can't imagine spending significant amounts of time with a woman, and there aren't many of them who find me attractive anyway. So I guess as soon as my passive income is enough to retire on, I'll just move to some warm country and spend the rest of my life swimming in the ocean, writing computer programs for fun, reading Japanese manga and ancient philosophy, and watching the Judaists destroy the world while 99% of the population is too retarded to notice.
>> No. 27462 [Edit]
After all these years of struggle and wasted time and life, I now realize, that I honestly don't give a damn about.....
living up to anybody's standards, except my own, or being "better" than the next person.

Not that I'm angry about it anymore, but it was foolish of me to.....
let internet-addiction and general hedonism and passivity slowly erode my mind. Wasting year after year while waiting for some magic to happen and wondering where all my happyness and motivation went.

I think what I really want to do in the rest of my life, is.....
make enough money to ensure some relative security and comfort, create art - whatever I want - and share it, play VNs, eat yummy food, take long walks in nature, keep myself mentally and physically healthy as much as I can. I just want to live my own life, the way I want, and be left alone.
>> No. 27463 [Edit]
File 165419417623.jpg - (2.13MB , 1600x900 , 56167711_p0.jpg )
After all these years of struggle and wasted time and life, I now realize, that I honestly don't give a damn about most people.

Not that I'm angry about it anymore, but it was foolish of me to think there's a moral order that gives you what you deserve, good or bad.

I think what I really want to do in the rest of my life, is to work as less as possible and live as isolated as possible.

Reading some answers makes me think we have more in common than what I thought.
>> No. 27464 [Edit]
>After all these years of struggle and wasted time and life, I now realize, that I honestly don't give a damn about.....
being the best.
>Not that I'm angry about it anymore, but it was foolish of me to.....
give up just because I fucked up.
>I think what I really want to do in the rest of my life, is.....
take things one step at a time until I have a life where I can enjoy my interests to their fullest in peace.
>> No. 27467 [Edit]
After all these years of struggle and wasted time and life, I now realize, that I honestly don't give a damn about.....
Whether or not I fuck up. It doesn't matter, so when I say, miss work, or get in a fender bender or whatever, it just doesn't bother me. I can go home and act like nothing happened because it genuinely doesn't matter as long as I am alive and free.

Not that I'm angry about it anymore, but it was foolish of me to.....
Not applicable. I regret nothing.

I think what I really want to do in the rest of my life, is.....
Learn more about things that interest me and relax when possible.
>> No. 27491 [Edit]
After all these years of struggle and wasted time and life, I now realize, that I honestly don't give a damn about my family. they tried to figure big in my life, and early on I was suckered into it, but now I know to interact with them purely as a transaction, to get something out of them in exchange for whatever it is they want. the last exception I'll make is for my grandfather, who is close to death.
Not that I'm angry about it anymore, but it was foolish of me to ask a girl out when I was 11. I suppose it taught me the lesson, once rejected immediately after, that a 3d girl simply doesn't exist on the same plane as me, but it would have been better to learn this in a way that did not make a fool of me.
I think what I really want to do in the rest of my life, is pursue my own pleasure, no matter what, and not be tricked ever again by the ideas of morality, meaning, family or earthly love.
>> No. 27571 [Edit]
>After all these years of struggle and wasted time and life, I now realize, that I honestly don't give a damn about
...truth, justice and philosophy. Also on another note, I don't give a damn about people except for my closest family members. Addendum for former: I worked myself up and wrecked my nerves searching for some ultimate truth and philosophy that would be just "right" or "correct" in my eyes. Never happened. Addendum for latter: I tried to be the typical "nice guy" for so long and felt like I needed to take some moral high ground to justify myself. But I know now that whatever is good for me is good for me and that's the end, I don't need to justify why I take X choice or action over Y or why I am acting the way I am, unlike many people. I don't have the desire to always portray myself as the morally right character in the story of life.

>Not that I'm angry about it anymore, but it was foolish of me to
...try to fit in with others. Anywhere, really. I'm not a people's person and it's fine. I'm not like others, like the majority of people. It was stupid of me to think I am even remotely like others.

>I think what I really want to do in the rest of my life, is
...annoying people whom I dislike or hate. Or generally inflicting pain on them in any way I can or to be unpleasant to these people. Or simply: revenge.
>> No. 27705 [Edit]
These anons get it
>> No. 27723 [Edit]
>After all these years of struggle and wasted time and life, I now realize, that I honestly don't give a damn about.....

>Not that I'm angry about it anymore, but it was foolish of me to.....
think i would get things i wanted from life

>I think what I really want to do in the rest of my life, is.....
find some way to handle the fact that I'll die
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