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6181 No. 6181 hide watch expand quickreply [Reply] [Edit] [Last 50 posts]
So how about another thread about sequels we'd like to see but won't ever get? I'd bump the old one but it's in the archive already.
47 posts and 22 images omitted. Click Reply to view.
>> No. 14869 [Edit]
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Not exactly a sequel but Xenogears is trending on Twitter in Japan and I was excited for a remake of sorts but turns out it was little more than some streamers doing an RTA. I'm terribly disappointed.
>> No. 14870 [Edit]
I don't think a remake would be really necessary, but that kind of thing would certainly be announced at a game show of some sort and not randomly on twitter.
>> No. 15017 [Edit]
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Not so much a sequel but I want the real-time-strategy genre a few new games.... please.
>> No. 15019 [Edit]
For base building RTS games, Tempest Rising will be releasing Soon™, and if you enjoyed C&C Generals, there's a total conversion mod for Red Alert 3 that recreates it.
I'm still surprised that AoE4 was made.

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14316 No. 14316 hide watch expand quickreply [Reply] [Edit]
The Sequel games are a series of RPGs made primarily by one person who goes by Hakika. They're very talented and even write original music. The characters are also really charming and have good chemistry.

These games are pretty much exactly what I was looking for in >>14235
I like them so much I think they deserve their own thread. They were made in rpg maker, but I don't think that takes away anything or see why it would bother anybody here.
Info and games:
32 posts and 6 images omitted. Click Reply to view.
>> No. 14996 [Edit]
The latest entry into the mainline series, Thirst, will be releasing this year. As usual, it will feature a few returning characters amongst the cast, with the leading girl being a certain fat aho. Alas the designated trap's design is underwhelming, but with few circles even bothering with them, it's hard too complain too much.
Oh, and the spinoff with Ino as the MC will probably be receiving a translation after all, though not from the guy who usually translates Sequel games.
>> No. 14997 [Edit]
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I haven't played Innocent Rules yet since it hasn't been translated. The guy who's been translating them seems to be burned-out.

edit: is this the one you're referring to?

Post edited on 19th Feb 2024, 11:55pm
>> No. 14999 [Edit]
>is this the one you're referring to?
Probably. I didn't know he had a public repo.
>> No. 15010 [Edit]
Reading not-so-great things about the upcoming TL for Innocent Rules: the guy's meme'ing it up. Guess we'll see.

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14506 No. 14506 hide watch expand quickreply [Reply] [Edit]
This game is too difficult. the weapons don't do damage at all if you don't put points in Strength.
There should be more runes given when you defeat an ennemy.
there is too much things and or object on the screen. There should be more plains. I can't see shit and it's getting confusing
I thought the map was big but there nothing to do and every ennemies and bosses are hidden at the edge of the maps each time. (so, the middle of maps are always empty)
I can't stop dying in this game. the magic is a 5/10 and controlls are shit. The armor sets and weapons are meh.
I thought they get rid of grinding in a rpg game but not.
Eldne ring? more like Elden grind
12 posts and 1 image omitted. Click Reply to view.
>> No. 14672 [Edit]
I hope you played 1 first, because 2 is even better if you did. Also take your time exploring, the world offers so much. Alone on that path from the tower to the city are two secret spots to find.
>> No. 14689 [Edit]
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a dlc will be released for elden ring, are you excited? will you play it? what could it be? I hope the map is huge
>> No. 14915 [Edit]
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Ranged offensive magic > everything else
>> No. 15004 [Edit]
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Shadow of the Erdtree

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14128 No. 14128 hide watch expand quickreply [Reply] [Edit]
The rest of the internet won't shut up about it. Does it live up to the hype?
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>> No. 14844 [Edit]
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After numerous patches, it's a decent game now. Should have been like that on release though.
>> No. 14874 [Edit]
Cyberpunk Edgerunners is a fine show though:
>> No. 14909 [Edit]
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I haven't seen the anime. Are the anime characters in the game at all? Even as side characters or npcs?
>> No. 14912 [Edit]
I don't think so, it was released like two years after the game after all. I've seen some videogame characters in the anime though.
I'm halfway trough it and I would say it's been great, but I also find it emotionally exhausting for some reason. I will probably end it this weekend.

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14880 No. 14880 hide watch expand quickreply [Reply] [Edit]
tell me more about yourselves.
...and by that, i mean fill this out, because i think that would be fun.

if this is too close to the 3x3 thread, feel free to delete this or move it there, i wasn't sure i should've posted this there or not
15 posts and 8 images omitted. Click Reply to view.
>> No. 14994 [Edit]
"Visual novel" is a misnomer term in the first place. In Japan they're referred to as ADVs, or adventure games, and treated as games because they are.
>> No. 14995 [Edit]
According to wikipedia
>In Japanese, a distinction is often made between visual novels (NVL, from "novel"), which consist primarily of narration and have very few interactive elements, and adventure games (AVG or ADV, from "adventure"), which incorporate problem-solving and other types of gameplay.
In any case, I'm an American and it's my list of games, not ゲーム. I don't really care what nebulous, engrish terminology is preferred in Japan.

Post edited on 12th Feb 2024, 11:38am
>> No. 14998 [Edit]
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I don't like the term adventure game very much. It makes me thinks of Indiana Jones games. Many of these games are about living a completely ordinary HS student's life. Calling that an adventure and the girls heroine feels off to me. I know it's the japanese way and therefore the "correct" way, but I don't use it. I very much prefer the other more specific japanese terms such as "galge".
>> No. 15030 [Edit]
I started doing this but I realized half-way through that it doesn't really fit the games I play. I like a lot of city building/strategy games and comparably very few story-driven ones and I was really struggling for best protagonist, best story, favorite ending...The only games that came to mind were VNs. It's a cool idea though.

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14941 No. 14941 hide watch quickreply [Reply] [Edit]
Has anyone here played this? Seems people are making a pretty big deal about it.
>> No. 14944 [Edit]

It didn't take long for someone to make an actual Pokemon mod for the game.
It also didn't take long for Nintendo to smack them down for it.
>> No. 14981 [Edit]
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Palworld does have their own designs for pals
>> No. 14987 [Edit]
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I have, It's a decent enough time if you just want to do things while listening to a podcast in the background but it is absolutely overhyped by the 'gaming' sphere. It has a strong first impression but gets exponentially more shit as you progress and start to see the more and more glaring errors.

Progression feels like you're forced to downgrade from bow to crossbow and to crossbow to musket just to keep up with the increasing mob levels, and there is no variety because of the linear progression. Combat is mostly you luring enemies in circles while your pal casts skills off cooldown like a sentry turret, unless you use them as mounts or makeshift weapons. There are elemental rock paper scissors but it's kind of pointless because you just can dump all the rare/legendary fruits into your combat-bred main regardless of type and it will do a lot more damage.

Base building and production is there but unreliable because you can't really tell which of your pals should do what (aside occasionally tossing them at a production unit and hope they'll stay there while you're away). Higher level pals also completely clown on even specifically bred lower ones when it comes to production, making your base slowly turn into a kaiju fortress. The whole thing is bugged to hell and back and somehow in a manner that you'll come across the more endearing or funny bugs first and the infuriating or game-breaking ones once you're knee deep into it. The Pal designs are fucking amazing though, they move about all cute and have so much personality it's wonderful.

If you're thinking about getting it, honestly just wait a few months for it to ferment. Or if you do get it, don't be afraid to just play around with the settings to 'cheat', it will save you from lots of grind and trouble. It's very much just a patchwork of stuff right now with little sense of balance.

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8229 No. 8229 hide watch expand quickreply [Reply] [Edit] [Last 50 posts]
I'm not sure if we have a thread for this, but what online multiplayer games do you play? MMO, FPS, racing, strategy, whatever.

Also, post whatever your ID is in these games if you would like to find some new people to play with.
47 posts and 9 images omitted. Click Reply to view.
>> No. 14947 [Edit]
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Is anyone else going to play? So far it's only been me and OP.
I have to say I'm pretty hooked. There really is no noticeable lag and it's pretty easy to get around even only knowing some of the more common kanji, and OP was very helpful in explaining the parts I didn't understand.
>> No. 14948 [Edit]
Playing an old, mostly abandoned mmo seems kind of depressing, and I know almost no nip.
>> No. 14951 [Edit]
I feel like I shouldn't because I already have so many games I want to play, but I'm somewhat curious. I'll try picking it up since I do know a bit of Japanese.
>> No. 14953 [Edit]
I made a thread for MoE so we don't hijack this thread completely.

If anyone wants to meet up or needs help, post in the thread and I'll come to the tutorial village. I'll make the fellowship A.K.A clan or guild today

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12286 No. 12286 hide watch expand quickreply [Reply] [Edit]
What are you guys waiting for? Those Pokemon aren't gonna catch themselves!
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>> No. 13347 [Edit]
But I don't want to skin and slice dead pocket monster corpses!
>> No. 13394 [Edit]
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Where's Deadpool Detective Pikachu?
>> No. 13432 [Edit]
That would make for an amusing easteregg skin.
>> No. 14950 [Edit]
You can fan-mod it in PALWORLD. Haha.

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2315 No. 2315 hide watch expand quickreply [Reply] [Edit] [First 100 posts] [Last 50 posts]
General nostalgia thread.
What were your favorite games growing up? I loved playing Sunset Rider, even though I couldn't play worth a shit. I'd spend hours trying to beat a level. I just found it on a rar'd pack of ROMs I dled.
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>> No. 14866 [Edit]
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Vice City IS Grand Theft Auto it's GTA: Vice City...
Anyway my childhood game is Bugdom for the frickin' Mac. I also played a whole bunch of Donkey Kong 64, my mom hated the water level so I kept deleting the save file going "look we don't have to play it" and my mom continually died inside.
>> No. 14867 [Edit]
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That reminds me of when i was younger and i would delete my dads Majoras mask save
>> No. 14868 [Edit]
The iBook I was given didn't have that, but it did have marble blast which was (and is) the only video game I've played.
>> No. 14937 [Edit]
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Uppercut punch!

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11190 No. 11190 hide watch expand quickreply [Reply] [Edit]
If you have not played this game, it is pretty awesome. You can play solo or multiplayer with up to 4 people online or local. It'd be nice to have a Tohno party.
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>> No. 11199 [Edit]
It's just your basic dungeon crawler, but I found it fun. The music is catchy, and although it's simple, it's addictive.

Here is the launch trailer.
>> No. 11269 [Edit]
Legend of Dungeon (LoD) is much nicer for a similar game.
Rainbow unicorns!
>> No. 11311 [Edit]
Unicorns that fart rainbows!
>> No. 14923 [Edit]
Hammerwatch II - Gameplay Trailer | PS5 & PS4 Games
More of the same...

No. 12251 hide watch expand quickreply [Reply] [Edit]
Watcha playing?

Anyone else playing Granblue Fantasy? You can collect waifus and aidorus.

Mod edit: Do not make a mockery of waifuism like this here.
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>> No. 14749 [Edit]
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Blue Archive is having a collab with a credit card company in KR where Yuuka would scold you based on the amount you've spent. That's kinda cute and genius actually.
>> No. 14750 [Edit]
Nice. I hope she offers praise if you're fiscally responsible.
>> No. 14835 [Edit]
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>> No. 14878 [Edit]
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Helldivers co-op can't be beat.

I wanna play Black Myth: Wukong
UE5 never looked so good!

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