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File 129264317995.jpg - (391.00KB , 1400x970 , moe 102862 sample.jpg )
13027 No. 13027 hide watch expand quickreply [Reply] [Edit]
Umineko Episode 7 translation patch will be out tomorrow. 50% translation patch is already out. Be sure to mark spoilers if you're going to discuss anything.
36 posts and 5 images omitted. Click Reply to view.
>> No. 13067 [Edit]
I just finished reading EP8. The "trick" ending was more fun than the true "magic" ending, but I was pretty reconciled with the end. It wasn't very earth-shattering, but it was nice.

I think I just gave up on the series and the mystery. How much did Ryu just give up on actually making every room solvable? With his level of quizzes and closed room fights, the whole thing was a disappointment. I wish Shkannon had a better resolution besides one of the pair killing the other to live in the catbox.

The ending was ridiculous--I imagined that Ange had dressed up the orphans in Halloween costumes so that they were the Uroshomiya family... haha. But the only thing that felt forced was the "catbox at the bottom of the sea" = "golden rose" and Ryu's self-inserts.

The last episode returned to the premise of the first, which is my favorite, which I think is the series' only redeeming point. I miss the mystery, even if I am a fantasy fan.
>> No. 13068 [Edit]
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Arise, thread!

Umineko is over (unless Ryukishi decides to make an extra fanservicey story like he did with Higurashi.) But 07th Expansion is still active.

Has anyone else read Higanbana? It's pretty interesting. It's got a strong Umineko feel with the mix of physical and supernatural worlds, but each part is broken into seven short stories. It almost has a Twilight Zone feel to it.

The first two parts have been released, but the project is apparently on hold right now because of another project. Part 1 is also translated into English. Just something to read if you liked Umineko and wanted something in the same vein.
>> No. 13069 [Edit]

Yes, I really like Higanbana and now I'm waiting for the translation of the second night.

>another project

You're talking about Rose Guns Days.

The trial is out and the translation of the VN is halfway.
>> No. 13070 [Edit]
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Voyagers a cute

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6307 No. 6307 hide watch expand quickreply [Reply] [Edit]
No Mass Effect 3 thread? Hasn't anyone played it? I demand a Mass Effect 3 discussion thread.

I finished it a couple of days ago, and I have to say... I loved it. It had some weird purely graphical glitches, but other than that, perfect. Sure, I've heard people whine about it, but I can't see why.

The multiplayer mode is oddly fun, too. I expected it to suck, but it's pretty awesome. Sort of reminds me of Space Marine's Exterminatus mode, except... Is better. Only problem is that since that's the only thing it does, I wouldn't expect long life for it. Just a 4 person co-op with a few maps and three different types of enemies that you have to survive 10+ waves... That's not a lot of MP modes.

As for the SP game again, the ending was (don't read on if you don't want to be spoiled, really)... Suitable. I haven't really felt that sad in ages because of a game. Regardless of what you choose, the galaxy is forever changed... And there's no way for them to sneak in a fourth game. They did leave a massive loose end though... How will all the fleets in Earth orbit get back home, or will Earth become the new home of a dozen species?

I can't believe Shepard's gone. Forever. The only thing I disliked really was the thing that comes AFTER the ending. The same you had in ME1 and 2 where you can "continue" after you finish it... It really doesn't fit ME3. The end should be the end. SHEPARD'S DEAD, for crying out loud! The Normandy is no more! It sooooo doesn't fit the game.

Either way, anyone else gotten through it yet?
10 posts and 1 image omitted. Click Reply to view.
>> No. 6320 [Edit]

It's just a case of "all paths lead to Rome". I wasn't so disappointed because I hadn't gotten into all the hype, but after reading it, I can see why people are annoyed. I'm still not, but I can see why others are. Apparently this isn't how it was supposed to be, because there was supposed to be, as they said, "divergent endings".

And I do know what the indoctrination theory is. Although, I think there's some proof of the indoctrination having started well before the last few minutes. The dream sequences? The times when Shepard all of a sudden hears voices (not Reaper voices, but voices s/he shouldn't be hearing, nor can respond to)? The dreams with the boy are so much like the dreams people being indoctrinated described in ME2. And they never elaborate on what kind of voices they hear at any point. The voices of other people, or Reaper voices? Maybe Shepard started the slow fall towards indoctrination after destroying the Alpha Relay, when s/he was at the mercy of that Reaper artifact for a few days!

Too bad that's probably giving Bioware too much credit. It's always fun to speculate, but when you start to speculate, it all boils down to this... Can you expect the people who made the story to be that creative, or are you just grasping at straws there?

Aaand, I meant that there can't be any more sequels after this if this holds.
>> No. 11491 [Edit]
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> there can't be any more sequels after this

Well, I bring you news;
>> No. 11596 [Edit]
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>> No. 11597 [Edit]
cute frog toy

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11509 No. 11509 hide watch quickreply [Reply] [Edit]
Hello. We're looking for some people who'd like to play the wixoss TCG with us. Considering we're playing online I figured this technically counts as /vg/.

Most of you probably recognize wixoss as a fairly crazy, rather crap and yet somewhat enjoyable anime that aired last year (split cours, one in Spring, one in Autumn). The anime was made to promote the card game in a fairly unusual way - the rules are never really explained in detail and the show does its very best to ignore the card game and focus on the plot (although all the cards played in the anime have TCG versions as well and they share the same effects).

The TCG itself is surprisingly fun. I decided to give it a try just for the heck of it (simply because I was watching the anime really) but I've gotta say I'm rather impressed by it. The rules are deceptivly easy - after I read them I couldn't imagine the game being anything but terrible and boy was I wrong.

Anyway, we have a small - and frankly, somewhat unactive but we're looking to change it! - gaming group. IRC is our preferred 'contact method'. Using mibbit is more than good enough. For starters you can join #tohno-chan on Rizon and if I'll spot you expressing interest in wixoss I can teach you how to play (with hands on experience of course, since reading the rules takes like 5 minutes).
If you're clueless about IRC use /irc/ to join the channel.

For now we're using Lackey with the Bato-Ruu plugin. We might switch to webxoss once the card database will get fully updated but that might take a while.

Anyway, here's the stuff you'll need:
• Lackey:
- Windows download:
- Mac download:
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6402 No. 6402 hide watch expand quickreply [Reply] [Edit]
Chun Li is already for Mists of Pandaria
5 posts and 4 images omitted. Click Reply to view.
>> No. 7119 [Edit]
Just awful. The older cinematics kept with the theme of western fantasy, but this one just blows for more than that reason. The fight scene made me think of those really lame ass Steven Segal or Jackie Chan movies.

"i want no trubbu xD" and he beats a few knuckleheads with no effort while being serious and doing some few things for cheap laughs from the audience, like that panda did when straightening out the lamp or whatever the hell that was.

Fuck. How can you base an ENTIRE expansion after just Pandas? Who is the enemy? Where is the conflict?

1st Expansion trailer: Horde vs Alliance conflict, powerful people fighting for their own race and faction.

2nd Expansion trailer: More horde vs Alliance along with a common enemy in Illidan, another great trailer.

3rd Expansion trailer: The Lich King, the summation of lore in the warcraft games, crowning expansion for the game.

4th Expansion trailer: Wrapping up side stories for multiple other lore important characters from the dragon soul books, the equivalent of the 2nd expansion, the game winding down.

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>> No. 7124 [Edit]
I agree. It was very impressive from a technical standpoint, as they always are are, but it completely lost the atmosphere that every other Blizzard cinematic has.
>> No. 11490 [Edit]
Is WoW still being played?
>> No. 11499 [Edit]
Losing subs...

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10553 No. 10553 hide watch expand quickreply [Reply] [Edit]
Bwaaaaahhhh Raaammm Youuuu

Fun for an April's Fool Joke.
3 posts and 3 images omitted. Click Reply to view.
>> No. 11237 [Edit]
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>> No. 11271 [Edit]
2015 is year of the Goat (Sim)
>> No. 11365 [Edit]
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>> No. 11391 [Edit]

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11291 No. 11291 hide watch expand quickreply [Reply] [Edit]
Does Tohno-chan have ok legs?
6 posts and 3 images omitted. Click Reply to view.
>> No. 11299 [Edit]
Good to know, you run coop together there too or only post about it?
>> No. 11300 [Edit]
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Sometime coop, it's hard to get anyone to host servers, we get around say 16 people at a time at most from what I been in, however, I've seen them go up to max 32
>> No. 11301 [Edit]
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also here

It's the group I'm currently following for E.Y.E related things, as well as other cyberpunk related games
>> No. 11302 [Edit]
You can go ahead and leave now.

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11224 No. 11224 hide watch quickreply [Reply] [Edit]
Guys from the IRC want to play monopoly on Tabletop Simulator v3.2 but we need more people. Might make it a regular thing if you guys are interested.

Post edited on 1st Dec 2014, 9:10pm
>> No. 11225 [Edit]
Is it even possible to flip the table and throw all the pieces to the floor while yelling at everybody that they cheated and then calling them Jews because they bought all the property??
>> No. 11226 [Edit]
yeah, Tabletop Simulator has a very nice table flipping feature. As the game has 3d models and physics, it can be very satisfying to watch everything scatter.

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10119 No. 10119 hide watch expand quickreply [Reply] [Edit] [Last 50 posts]
Can we get a Yukkuri thread going?
85 posts and 73 images omitted. Click Reply to view.
>> No. 11124 [Edit]
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Revolting easy!
>> No. 11151 [Edit]
What a dumb yukkuri, now everyone saw her face and she isn't anonymous anymore.
>> No. 11156 [Edit]
What makes it more confusing is that the faces are exactly the same. They are said to have spawned as a result of a massive hack since they have not been encountered in the wild. No one knows how.

Post edited on 31st Oct 2014, 9:50am
>> No. 11202 [Edit]
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6061 No. 6061 hide watch expand quickreply [Reply] [Edit]
$1 million raised in less than 24 hours. This is going to have a big impact on game development.
23 posts and 3 images omitted. Click Reply to view.
>> No. 6390 [Edit]
I am quite sceptical about this. For me it looks like this kind of success on Kickstarter removes the major incentive(s) to make good games.
>> No. 6430 [Edit]
Obsidian/Chris Avellone will collaborate with the inXile to develop Wasteland 2 if the Wastlend 2 Kickstarter reaches 2.1 million in funding.
>> No. 6431 [Edit]


... Why.
>> No. 6432 [Edit]
That's a good point there.
Regardless of whether or not the game sucks, people already paid for it.

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5504 No. 5504 hide watch expand quickreply [Reply] [Edit]
Greetings comrades, I was wondering if anyone was up for some DS online game playing, if anyone is interested post your games, and then later on we can set up a date for which to set up matches via IRC.

Diddy Kong Racing DS
Custom Robo Arena
Surf's Up
Star Fox Command
Mario Kart DS
Metroid Prime: Hunters
Final Fantasy Fables: Chocobo Tales
Final Fantasy III
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>> No. 5547 [Edit]
The soundtrack is absolutely amazing.
>> No. 5549 [Edit]
I would be willing to play anything.

I have not used my DS in a long time, the flip-thing is really loose and makes a weird noise when I open or close it.
>> No. 5554 [Edit]
This thread should include 3DS games.

So far I have Dead or Alive: Dimensions, Super Street Fighter IV, Mario Kart 7, and Kid Icarus: Urising as my only online 3DS games.

I think that Kid Icarus might be the best 3DS game ever made.

Post edited on 28th Mar 2012, 3:55pm
>> No. 6407 [Edit]
Pokemon Soul Silver: 5243 7054 5370

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7683 No. 7683 hide watch expand quickreply [Reply] [Edit]

It's happening.
1 post omitted. Click Reply to view.
>> No. 7685 [Edit]
Have to agree that I'd play any *Simulator over Shooting-Game-08983746
>> No. 7689 [Edit]
i've actually thought about buying euro truck simulator 2. it sounds like it'd be relaxing
>> No. 7720 [Edit]
Oh, I actually bought this.
For a friend as a joke, but still.
>> No. 11083 [Edit]
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