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File 147211071210.jpg - (142.02KB , 1280x960 , Nice meme for my 2nd post ever_.jpg )
12205 No. 12205 hide watch expand quickreply [Reply] [Edit]
Anyone play this game here? Its got some good meme's and i think its fun. a bit to competitive sometimes tho.

8 posts and 2 images omitted. Click Reply to view.
>> No. 12215 [Edit]
callig somethig competitive in no way makes it competitive.

new cod games dont have dedicated servers meaning the game host gets an advantage. "competitive" tourneys are played on consoles, which have autoaim to compensate for the shoddy controls (joystick)

league of legends has "competitive" modes, but the developers are constantly trying to remove competitive features and homogenize the characters to make it easier to play.

even wow has "competitive" arena, but that is just a battle of who would waste more time on getting welfare gear...

20 tick means the server only updates once every 50ms. obviously its that way to make it easier to play on worse computers and worse internet. it severely limits the skill ceiling; it's a low skill game

even the "competitive" mode in csgo uses 60 tick for the servers, but actual competitive tournaments for that game use server mods to run at 120 tick.

tl;dr low tick = low skill != competitive
>> No. 12216 [Edit]
i mean overwatch was made to be competitive. Even in the quick play option it gets competitive. its a 6v6 team based fps, that alone makes it competitive.

I know what 20 ticks means, but what you dont understand blizzard designed the servers that way because they are brain dead. look it up Overwatch "favors the shooter".

No one is arguing if its low skill or not. but blizzard clearly designed the game to be competitive.
>> No. 12218 [Edit]
>blizzard clearly designed the game to be competitive

If they did, they failed miserably. Don't get me wrong, it's a fun game to hop on and screw around on once in a while, but I'm going to have to agree with the other guy here- nothing can be truly "competitive" at 20 tick. And that's to say nothing of the aim assist, gratuitous iframes on almost every character, and a broken ranking system.
>> No. 12221 [Edit]
I used to write like this...

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11369 No. 11369 hide watch expand quickreply [Reply] [Edit]
With the power of modern computing is there any good reason for turn-based gameplay except to emulate retro-games?
11 posts and 2 images omitted. Click Reply to view.
>> No. 11618 [Edit]
Field a team of assaults with close combat specialist and cheese through it.
>> No. 12043 [Edit]
Tank rush!
>> No. 12187 [Edit]
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Turn-based games are more gentlemanly.
>> No. 12188 [Edit]
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i like turn based games. they give me time to think. i hate games that are kinda turn based and kinda not, like some of the snes rpgs (chrono trigger, ff6). if you're gonna make me wait, dont punish me for taking a while to choose my move! still good games though.

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10409 No. 10409 hide watch expand quickreply [Reply] [Edit]
Chess: the Review by Ingmar Bergman (haha!)
Just play it!
10 posts and 8 images omitted. Click Reply to view.
>> No. 11350 [Edit]
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Tiny Chess
>> No. 11353 [Edit]
Thats hot.
>> No. 11390 [Edit]
I prefer poker
♣ ♦ ♥ ♠
>> No. 11831 [Edit]
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Chess... chess never changes.

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12184 No. 12184 hide watch quickreply [Reply] [Edit]

World has recently opened with a 60 member tribe limit. Looking for tribemates and allies.

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12174 No. 12174 hide watch quickreply [Reply] [Edit]
I don't care about him replacing Hayter but what was the point of hiring Kiefer to play Snake if Kojima was opting for less cut-scenes for MGSV anyway?
>> No. 12175 [Edit]
Wasn't it to stick it to Hayter? I think I remember hearing something about Kojima not getting along with Hayter and wanting to replace him for some time before finally getting to do so.
>> No. 12177 [Edit]
Judging by his almost hysterical reaction to not getting the Snake role, Hayter does seem like a not so fun person to be around.

No. 10846 hide watch expand quickreply [Reply] [Edit]
Whats the worst game youve ever played?
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>> No. 11283 [Edit]
Before the internet you would have inevitably encountered a bad game. Guess you're a bit young and had the internet as a kid or something.
>> No. 11284 [Edit]
I am young compared to the general population, but probably about average for here. I am 26.

As a child, my game information came from other children and magazines rather than the Internet. To be fair, I'm pretty sure my family had Internet access since before I was born. However, I didn't know how to use it, and whenever I was allowed to use the computer I would just play Doom 1 or 2, some Star Wars rail shooter, or Battle Chess.

I would always rent a game before asking for it for my birthday or Christmas. There probably are some terrible games I don't remember that I rented. I think also, when I was a kid I was more easily impressed and my memory of childhood is kind of a haze. One time I rented a PlayStation game, and there was a piece of gum stuck to the bottom of it and I couldn't get it off. That was probably the worst game I ever rented.

Trying to think back now, I think I played Superman 64 at a friend's house once when he rented it. That game is obviously definitely worse than the games I mentioned earlier.
>> No. 12156 [Edit]
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>> No. 12157 [Edit]
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maybe not the absolute worst I played but it's the first that comes to mind. I bought it from a bargain bin for $10 new back when the ps2 was in it's prime. It literally gave me migraines playing this game. I couldn't get far into it because I felt like it was killing me. I still think the concept is solid enough but the way it played was horrid. I vaguely recall one issue I had with it being endlessly re spawning enemies that made fighting feel pointless.

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10787 No. 10787 hide watch expand quickreply [Reply] [Edit]
Could you guys state some games that allow to modify the physical characteristics of your player to an exceptional extent?

I really want to play a game where I get to be a raven-haired, twig-thin witch in her late 30s who has extremely long, sloping breasts.
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>> No. 11829 [Edit]
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>> No. 11925 [Edit]
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Fallout Four:
>> No. 11947 [Edit]
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Lineage II Character Creation
>> No. 12103 [Edit]
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That one was great. I'm not an MMORPG guy unfortunately (and I only have a toaster) so I stopped playing after a few times like with every MMORPG. First time I really liked my character though.

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1266 No. 1266 hide watch expand quickreply [Reply] [Edit]
Pick your poison.
31 posts omitted. Click Reply to view.
>> No. 5677 [Edit]
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STAR WARS: TOR may do ok just because it is star wars. However, Phantom Menance killed Star Wars for me.

May give Guild Wars a go though. I prefer sorcery&swords MMORPGs to sci-fi ones.
>> No. 5700 [Edit]
I'm mildly interested in GW2 and PSO2. I'm still going to wait a few weeks after launch, though. I want to see where GW2 goes with its supposed "cosmetics only" cash shop.
>> No. 11628 [Edit]
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>> No. 12044 [Edit]
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7798 No. 7798 hide watch quickreply [Reply] [Edit]
Is it possible in reality to detonate a rpg in midair by shooting it like we see in videogames all the time?
>> No. 7800 [Edit]
Mythbusters have tested it and yes bullet can detonate rpg if it hits straight to peak of rpg missile. In reality is impossible tho.

Post edited on 4th Jan 2013, 1:05pm
>> No. 7801 [Edit]
I can't imagine how fucking hard it must be to hit a rocket in motion

Post edited on 4th Jan 2013, 3:20pm
>> No. 11992 [Edit]
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Very hard. Not easy like those light-gun games.

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11644 No. 11644 hide watch expand quickreply [Reply] [Edit]
Anyone here play it? Thoughts?
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>> No. 11820 [Edit]
The soundtrack is good. Gameplay is mostly trivial, there are no RPG mechanics and it's a very simple euroshmup with health instead.

Graphically, I found it pretty dull. I'm fine with faux-retro, but this game seemed particularly lazy and lacking in detail, even for a 1-man indie job.

I did like the humor and story, though.
>> No. 11821 [Edit]
Soundtrack was great, one of the more interesting OST's i've listened to in a while. I actually dug the protagonist's awkward sprite.
>If you feel generous you could see it as a parable on /r9k/
Can you interpret?
>> No. 11936 [Edit]
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Needed more weapons
>> No. 12498 [Edit]
It's one of the few games that I would seriously call a "meme game", which is to say, a game whose existence and popularity is entirely memetic in nature.
A Jew wrote it, and Jews are very smart. Toby Fox knew exactly what he was doing. This game was designed to spread virally, like a meme. A bad meme. A dangerous meme. A meme designed to indoctrinate impressionable western millennials into neo-nihilism, hedonism, and degeneracy.

Too many people have died because of this game. Too much social filth has been spawned and propagated because of this game. What's worse, is they're remaking it, and they're going to keep remaking it, and re-releasing it, every generation, for as long as they can, and every time they do, more people will play it, more people will be infected with the narrative, the meme.

This game is a weapon. A memetic, social, cultural weapon, perhaps more dangerous and more damaging than any physical weapon that humanity has ever come up with.

Globalist conspiracy, Jewish cultural subversion, the Cult of Saturn, Remphan, and Moloch, it's all real, and this game is proof.

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13027 No. 13027 hide watch expand quickreply [Reply] [Edit]
Umineko Episode 7 translation patch will be out tomorrow. 50% translation patch is already out. Be sure to mark spoilers if you're going to discuss anything.
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>> No. 13067 [Edit]
I just finished reading EP8. The "trick" ending was more fun than the true "magic" ending, but I was pretty reconciled with the end. It wasn't very earth-shattering, but it was nice.

I think I just gave up on the series and the mystery. How much did Ryu just give up on actually making every room solvable? With his level of quizzes and closed room fights, the whole thing was a disappointment. I wish Shkannon had a better resolution besides one of the pair killing the other to live in the catbox.

The ending was ridiculous--I imagined that Ange had dressed up the orphans in Halloween costumes so that they were the Uroshomiya family... haha. But the only thing that felt forced was the "catbox at the bottom of the sea" = "golden rose" and Ryu's self-inserts.

The last episode returned to the premise of the first, which is my favorite, which I think is the series' only redeeming point. I miss the mystery, even if I am a fantasy fan.
>> No. 13068 [Edit]
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Arise, thread!

Umineko is over (unless Ryukishi decides to make an extra fanservicey story like he did with Higurashi.) But 07th Expansion is still active.

Has anyone else read Higanbana? It's pretty interesting. It's got a strong Umineko feel with the mix of physical and supernatural worlds, but each part is broken into seven short stories. It almost has a Twilight Zone feel to it.

The first two parts have been released, but the project is apparently on hold right now because of another project. Part 1 is also translated into English. Just something to read if you liked Umineko and wanted something in the same vein.
>> No. 13069 [Edit]

Yes, I really like Higanbana and now I'm waiting for the translation of the second night.

>another project

You're talking about Rose Guns Days.

The trial is out and the translation of the VN is halfway.
>> No. 13070 [Edit]
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Voyagers a cute

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