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File 165317180353.jpg - (56.57KB , 640x428 , 91e1umx69n621.jpg )
14507 No. 14507 hide watch expand quickreply [Reply] [Edit]
Have you played any older games recently? ie, nothing made within the last ten years.
20 posts and 9 images omitted. Click Reply to view.
>> No. 15102 [Edit]
File 17197177868.jpg - (540.61KB , 1000x1430 , gaming.jpg )
I got a PS2 again, after having to sell mine some years ago alongside a copy of Symphony of the Night. I will be playing that for now.
I feel a bit silly for doing that, since I still have all my old FreeMCBoot card so piracy is readily available. Additionally, it seems there has been a lot of development with the homebrew scene. Apparently some models can get rid of the stupid region lock. That was always a massive pain, but hopefully it won't be anymore. I will have to do more research to see what else is new.
>> No. 15109 [Edit]
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I am playing Girlish Grimoire Littlewitch Romanesque: Editio Perfecta!
>> No. 15111 [Edit]
I've been on and off playing Final Fantasy VI Type-T. I've kinda been getting filtered by the difficulty a bit tho. I have to grind every now and then to keep up. I also skipped over Gau's rage/leap tutorial so I don't know how it works.
>> No. 15115 [Edit]
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This one is interesting. It has the typical 90's adventure comedy style, which I happen to greatly prefer to tragedy as I do not care for the fixation on petty drama that the latter encourages. This is mixed with a noir detective story which draws details from a tapestry of a sci fi conspiracy. It's an FMV game with polygonal delights and a suggestive MIDI soundtrack (suggestive of what I don't know exactly - sometimes I think that 90's 3D and primitive MIDI is like experiencing another dimension, but I don't think that's entirely the right way to describe it). The main character is quite compelling - he easily traverses from states of melancholy into farcical expressions which almost mirror my own state of mind. Maybe I should live my life as if it were a comedy.

The puzzles are easiest to solve that I've come across in the early genre thanks to the addition of a hint system. Movement is an abomination - you press the space bar to enter move mode and then push the mouse around to navigate. I often found myself spinning in circles because the system was so sensitive. When a real time stealth section was introduced I almost gave up entirely but aesthetic considerations forced me to continue.

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12937 No. 12937 hide watch expand quickreply [Reply] [Edit]
What are you playing right now?

Years after watching and loving both Ef anime series, I finally started playing A fairytale of the two. I heard it has even stronger stuff concerning Yuuko. I'm still waiting for some other stuff, but this should very well do for the meantime.
33 posts and 12 images omitted. Click Reply to view.
>> No. 15090 [Edit]
WARFRAME: Jade Shadows
>> No. 15094 [Edit]
I'm playing the NAO version of the N64 game Jet Force Gemini and now that it's at a reasonable frameratw it's pretty fun
>> No. 15101 [Edit]
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Playing Tower of Fantasy before it shutters.
Also Palworld update is lit.
>> No. 15112 [Edit]
I've been playing Fuga: Melodies of steel and Under Night In Birth. The latter I tried a casual match last night and got bodied instantly. I really should take the time to learn my character instead of just playing it clueless. I just knocked out Castlevania Revamped revamped a few days ago, was very fun.

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10891 No. 10891 hide watch expand quickreply [Reply] [Edit]
So what are your thoughts on this recent gamergate thing?
19 posts and 1 image omitted. Click Reply to view.
>> No. 15104 [Edit]
Not that I don't see where you're coming from, but maybe he's trying to spark new interest and discussion on an old topic? Now that gamergate is no longer a recent thing, maybe people would have more to say on the mater in retrospect?
>> No. 15105 [Edit]
confusing the action with the reaction is a great start
ten years on, it's pretty obvious that even if a lot of people felt genuine feelings of perceived disenfranchisement that led them to gamergate's narrative, the end result was just more harassment and dogpiling, while most of its initial ringleaders have utterly embarassed themselves
>> No. 15107 [Edit]
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Things are obviously worse than 10 years ago. It's sad seeing how naive and optimistic people were back then. A game like Stellar Blade would have been lost in the crowd. Now any t&a within a high-profile game gets people in a frenzy. God forbid they're in a highschool uniform. Games like Senran Kagura, with its budget, are just extinct(pic rel is official art). It's horrible. Not that journalists are the main culprit, but they're definitely complicit.

>end result was just more harassment and dogpiling
They deserve anything that comes to them. I don't have an iota of sympathy for those parasites. That said, harassment only provided ammunition to them. As for the "ringleaders", most of them were grifters and astroturfers.
>> No. 15108 [Edit]
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Scarlet Blade came out in 2013, and it definetly was not lost in the crowd I can tell you as much. One of my best MMO experiences just from the fact that once you outleveled the hordes of irony-poisoned shitheels and outraged grifters, you found a genuine haven of amazing people who just wanted to enjoy an otherwise quite good game that was also pretty lewd. The amount of vitriol or smugness you'd get online if you mentioned you're playing that game with any sort of sincere enjoyment was disgusting. To me the Stellar Blade purityfagging is just history repeating itself, almost 1:1 even.

Post edited on 30th Jun 2024, 11:02am

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6981 No. 6981 hide watch expand quickreply [Reply] [Edit]
Star Wars Battlefront II for 5.39:
The offer ends in 32 hours!

Go buy it, so we can play together. We've got 1-3 people right now.
11 posts and 3 images omitted. Click Reply to view.
>> No. 11686 [Edit]
I've never played Battlefield and I thought this new Battlefront was fun. It feels like the kind of game I would have imagined Battlefront 3 being when I was 12 and playing the first one. It's also the one time I've ever felt that the trailer wasn't staged as fuck, because the actual game plays just like it.

I'll probably buy it in a year or two when it's really cheap but it's a fun way to kill a few hours.
>> No. 11782 [Edit]
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That's how you play games
>> No. 11827 [Edit]
New BattleFront comes out just before SW:TFA but has nothing from the new movie. Do you even game design?!?
>> No. 15100 [Edit]
STAR WARS is dead; Disney killed the golden goose.

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12805 No. 12805 hide watch expand quickreply [Reply] [Edit]
Not really a video game, but would anyone be interested in playing DnD? We were wanting to play using an online tabletop and maybe voice chat. We would be playing either Dungeons and Dragons 3.5 or 5th edition. All the books are available online for free, though the 3.5 havent been in print for a while so they're easier to find, plus there's alot more of them to draw from for your character.

So who wants to play?
23 posts and 8 images omitted. Click Reply to view.
>> No. 14979 [Edit]
>Is the consensus that people do not want to use voice chat software?
That seems to be the case.
I heard about playing RPGs on IRC, but I have no idea how it would work. This should require some additional steps like adding bots and some sort of logger(bouncer?) to record messages posted while one is offline, no? My IRC experience is also limited to chat only, so the Myth-Weavers forum seems the practical choice here.
>> No. 14980 [Edit]
Then I'll look into making a Myth Weavers game (I've only ever used it to store character sheets) and I'll see if it can be made private in some way, since I know that members of TC are often private people.
>> No. 14990 [Edit]
I'm not familiar with myth weavers, but IRC has worked out decent in my experience. The only thing you really need a a dicebot and a place for players to put their character sheets, and preferably a GM capable of giving good verbal descriptions of the environment considering that you're limited to just text. Servitor is a good option for the former.
>> No. 14991 [Edit]
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>I wondered if the posters here would like to play in a game with an overt 'anime aesthetic' such as magical girls with guns, maids with magical powers, etc, or if they would just prefer the traditional D&D high fantasy.
I wouldn't mind seeing a combination of the two. Playing a cleric of the church of Goshujin-sama or a mahou shoujo style magic-user would be awesome.

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14378 No. 14378 hide watch expand quickreply [Reply] [Edit]
Mine sweeper and the like.

I found a version of mine sweeper which has no luck involved. Pretty fun.

There's also downloads and source code here.
5 posts and 3 images omitted. Click Reply to view.
>> No. 14385 [Edit]
Mario's Super Picross is quite forgiving compared to normal nonograms. There are actually two modes of play, Wario's and Mario's. I assume Wario's mode is a little more similar to traditional nonogram but Mario's (which is the default mode) allows you to make mistakes in the forms of lives and has a time limit. There are also stages so it only gets harder and more complex incrementally. Seems like an English translation for it was made not too long ago, you can find it in romhack.
>> No. 14401 [Edit]
ever play Pokemon Picross? It's pretty solid.
>> No. 14653 [Edit]
I love nonograms, but that's one of the big problems I've had with them. Anything after ~25x25 involves a lot of scrolling back and forth around the board. Thankfully they separate into blocks of 5 usually, so you don't have to count individual squares, but there's a lot of keeping track of things and it's easy to get lost.
The colored ones solve that, but they have the opposite problem, where they are too easy because there are only so many ways you can fill in a hundred squares when the numbers add up to 90 or so. Still, both are very fun and can be challenging
>> No. 15075 [Edit]
Does Bubble Puzzle count? You shoot bubbles to get similar to pop.

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13304 No. 13304 hide watch expand quickreply [Reply] [Edit]
Who here's playing it?
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>> No. 14148 [Edit]
「ソウルキャリバーVI」DLC13弾 『ファン・ソンギョン』
>> No. 14164 [Edit]
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When's the next character or patch?
>> No. 14352 [Edit]
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Ibuki should guest-star in Soul Calibur..
>> No. 15072 [Edit]
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How about FALKE?

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160 No. 160 hide watch expand quickreply [Reply] [Edit] [First 100 posts] [Last 50 posts]
since it hasn't been posted yet here on the new site, I'll do so

we have a steam group! we don't really do much, but rostran targo decided to make one so there you go.
192 posts and 27 images omitted. Click Reply to view.
>> No. 10698 [Edit]
You're thinking about it the wrong way;
>> No. 11254 [Edit]
There's always another STEAM sale...
>> No. 14325 [Edit]
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Let's go, girls!!
>> No. 15071 [Edit]
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There are rumors of Microsoft buying VALVE. Think it's true?

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7269 No. 7269 hide watch expand quickreply [Reply] [Edit]
If real life was like videogames...
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>> No. 15028 [Edit]
I would air dash everywhere
>> No. 15039 [Edit]
I would install sex mod
>> No. 15066 [Edit]
It would be off 8 hours a day. Zzzzzzzzzzz
>> No. 15070 [Edit]
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It'd be a shovelware title sitting at the depths of a bargain bin.

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15068 No. 15068 hide watch quickreply [Reply] [Edit]
For those who are interested in Mahjong and want to improve their game skill:
R Mahjong - Japanese mahjong for 4 people with strong mahjong AI, training mode with AI tips, advanced system for collecting and displaying statistics. You can play with friends on a local network via Wi-Fi (no internet required). Missing players are automatically replaced by bots.
The application is completely free.
>> No. 15069 [Edit]
This is a mobile app, you can't play on your browser which seems like a huge oversight. Not sure if you are the dev but you should add a theme that mimics the mobile game seen in Pon no Michi (>>/an/37785).

And the most important feature should be the riichi button that goes "Pin pon... riichi!"

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13797 No. 13797 hide watch expand quickreply [Reply] [Edit] [Last 50 posts]
66 posts and 11 images omitted. Click Reply to view.
>> No. 15055 [Edit]
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The physical disk is pre-patch, but if you ever connect online, the update is mandatory. So much for "owning your games".

Source on Sony saying they'll never have mandatory updates for offline game:

Post edited on 29th Apr 2024, 11:47am
>> No. 15058 [Edit]
>so I can play Silent Hill 2 and Nier Automata on my laptop
>both of those came out on a Playstation
Are you talking about the original Silent Hill 2 release? That game released almost 23 years ago, that's enough time to see a baby infant grow up and become a working age NEET hiding inside his mother's basement. Plenty people have come and gone both inside Sony's and KCET's offices and nothing's remained. I don't know how brand loyalty becomes ingrained in people's mind, but corporations don't exist to uphold values or standards, only to make money.
>> No. 15059 [Edit]
Since posting that, I built a PC and played Nier Automata. Haven't gotten around to Silent Hill 2, but my motivation has nothing to do with brand loyalty; I'm barely older than the game.
>> No. 15067 [Edit]
Audio Akira Yamaoka - Pianissimo Epilogue - (2.06MB - 178 kbps - 44.1 kHz , Pianissimo Epilogue.mp3 ) Length: 1:37

>Silent Hill 2
Expect a very janky but earnest game about a man losing his mind. It's fairly interesting how the multiple endings were worked on so they offer completely a completely different conclusion to the MC's motives depending how you play the game. It's not very intuitive but a definite improvement over what the first game did with its endings. Music's incredible too. The In Water ending sequence followed by this song on the results screen fucked me up my first way playing through.
Somehow it strikes me as the kind of game that would've had some hamfisted political message if it was made any time later or by different devs.

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