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12224 No. 12224 hide watch expand quickreply [Reply] [Edit]
Which games have the best music?
10 posts and 1 image omitted. Click Reply to view.
>> No. 12347 [Edit]
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>> No. 12389 [Edit]
>> No. 12397 [Edit]
Hotline Miami. Although I prefer the first game, I do prefer the soundtrack of the second.
>> No. 12415 [Edit]
I always liked Falcon's soundtrack

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12359 No. 12359 hide watch quickreply [Reply] [Edit]
Game comes out April 11th.
Who's hyped? I know I am!

Post edited on 15th Mar 2017, 12:53pm
>> No. 12370 [Edit]
controlls and handling is spot on, minor issues with the camera on rare occasions (no pun intended), but what I have issues with mainly is the level layouts/designs, some of the lighting/shadow work is a bit ugly at times, and the music feels very uninspired. Overall the game is 'okay' and is no where near as insulting as Nuts&bolts was. Still, You know what I think the game is missing? Center pieces for the levels. The best levels in the original game all had very memorable centerpieces that the levels were built around. Rusty bucket bay's ship, mad monster mansion's mansion, clanker in clanker's cavern, witchy world's circus tent, etc
yooka-laylee's first world on the other hand is just piles of rocks everywhere and a hollowed shell of a temple at it's center, there's absolutely nothing memorable about any of it's design I felt.

To give an idea of what I mean, when I park my car at work I usually do so in front of a lamp post, if not then near it. That's because it serves as a clear cut reference point you can use to judge your distance, speed, etc.
Likewise some of those centerpieces in those old banjo games made for good reference points. If you get lost at any point you could just make your way back to the massive snowman, crocodile, or pyramid in the middle of the level. yooka-laylee on the other hand just has piles of rocks... the maps so far feel a bit convoluted, especially the second level/world.
In the case of the music it's kind of the opposite issue and is more of them copying the original style too closely and not doing anything different/original. Rather than sounding like something new, it sounds like the music from a handful of banjokazooie levels mixed together. While playing the first level of yooka-laylee I couldn't stop thinking that it sounded like a mix of mumbo's mountain and the Cloud Cuckooland. Second world has a very nice/charming melody but not a memorable one. Keeping in tune with the original is all well and good, but you gotta bring something new to the table.

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12331 No. 12331 hide watch quickreply [Reply] [Edit]
Ave. True to Caesar.

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7495 No. 7495 hide watch expand quickreply [Reply] [Edit]
Were you ever considered a 'pro' player, ranked or otherwise amongst the best players for a particular game? What was it like? Was the community friendly or rude? Were there any interesting strategies you used?

Back in the day I used to play Pokemon Gold/Silver/Crystal competitively online, those were fun times.
45 posts and 25 images omitted. Click Reply to view.
>> No. 12274 [Edit]
CS:GO is designed to stroke the egos of children by making it a "competitive" game. Now if you want to play the game for fun you have to play the "casual" mode, and I bet they even named it like that as a subtle fuck you to anyone who plays it.

Valve ruined CS just like they ruined Team Fortress.
>> No. 12299 [Edit]
Griefing isn't ok, dude.
>> No. 12304 [Edit]
The hell it isn't. There's nothing wrong with deriving joy from the misery of Ford Drivers playing online games.
>> No. 12317 [Edit]
Yes but I'm at the point where I see how much bullshit is involved with everything, its just as much politics as anything else.

The best way to go "pro" right now is to stream a game with a niche audience on very regular basis and form a community around that. You can actually build a living off of your personality this way if you can connect to your viewers and grow. This also gives you opportunities outside of whatever particular experience and if you're well liked online you might have an easier time finding work within the community of the game as well. The competitive grind where you're actually trying to win tournaments can burn you out if you don't have the proper support/guidance.

End of the day its all a giant marketing gimmick to suck money out of young kids. The only games that have significant prize pools are those that have the most money injected into them by the developer. Which of course brings in all kind of fun in it own way. Without that you have to bring in "Gaming Organizations" sponsor that fuck over kids who don't know shit about contracts. Some are good but most are useless brand circle jerks that give nothing of value to the players (although I haven't been involved in ages so it could be better now, at least for top teams).

Anyway I'm a strong player in most games I play and I just stick to casual settings, competitive playlists bring out the worst in people since mindsets contrast very differently between players. Think "If I'm not winning I'm not playing" kind of bullshit instead of just playing to learn the game. Win/Lose mean fuck all in matchmaking and scrims, what matters is adapting and learning. That special ranked 1 position doesn't really get you anything except attention and sad story is that vast majority of leaderboards are illegitimate for one reason or another. Account boosting, bad MM system, legitimate cheating you name it. Yet at your average levels of play you have everybody just mad at the world trying their damnedest to win, tilting and learning absolutely fuck all from hours of daily play.

In team games its absolutely mandatory you find a stable team to play with otherwise you'll hit a skill ceiling. In solo games its all about the grinding while losing games but keeping a
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12933 No. 12933 hide watch quickreply [Reply] [Edit]
Satie, Lewis Carroll, Cyrano, Nicholas of Cusa, Wittgenstein... all with cigarrettes...

This just fits like a glove. I hadn't been so into a VN in a while. I can't wait for the next patch to come (for ITH+TA does nothing with this one).
>> No. 12934 [Edit]
This sounds damn good. I can already tell I like the protagonist based off the description I read.

Getting it now, thanks!
>> No. 12935 [Edit]
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Today I found out the VN got fully patched in my mother language, based on a proof-read translation from Moogy's leeked english patch...

And so, after all these years, here we go again at last, this time until the end.

Cheers to Wittgenstein.
>> No. 12936 [Edit]
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12282 No. 12282 hide watch quickreply [Reply] [Edit]
Hey, you worthless ass pathetic cunts. Why don't you do something worthwhile with your time instead of being so busy being floor-shitting neets doing nothing all day like playing Tobowatch? This shitty piss-stain of a game is practically drowning in everyone's cum and breast milk so what's a few more gallons? We wanna round up a few more TC members so we can have some teescee games and make dead this site fun for once. Grab your fuckable, rideable, rapeable husbandos and your trash tier waifus and install this abomination of a game and join us bandwagon degenerates you nutshack cuckle knuckle chuckles. Get in here already so we can milk your dicks dry and move on to tearing your asshole passionately. And don't you dare tell me "shit thread, go back to 4chan, bleach yourself, love me Tohno". Bitch, I'm talking to you, fucking shit-eater. Get your balls in here so I can force them up your waifus ass and use you as a dildo to rape her with.

Get your cherry-ass wang in here and play with your onee-chans, we'll lube your asshole with our breast milk before we violate you with our Caduceus staves and Roadhog hooks up your tight cute little butthole.
>> No. 12283 [Edit]
I'd humour you, if it weren't for the fact that Overwatch is dumb, boring and filled with crybaby normies. Enjoy though.

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4710 No. 4710 hide watch expand quickreply [Reply] [Edit] [First 100 posts] [Last 50 posts]
This thing had a lot of potential...
119 posts and 23 images omitted. Click Reply to view.
>> No. 12275 [Edit]
Now that piracy has taken off on vita I've had the chance to play a handful of games on it, and one I just finished playing was qforce/full frontal. It's a port of a first party playstation3 game but it's so horribly done. It was practically unplayable without overclocking the gpu on the vita (thanks to homebrew). Fps would drop to -10 all the time, and cut scenes were going massively out of sync with the audio. Then there's blurry ugly low resolution textures all over the place, pop in for stuff that isn't really that far away, the lack of antialiasing, and general small bugs in graphics here and there. Contrast also seemed to bug up a bit, but I didn't notice that one until after going to over clocking.
>> No. 12276 [Edit]
How could you afford a Vita but not games?
>> No. 12277 [Edit]
Who says I can't afford them? I've bought a few before the vita was hacked and lost interest in the system shortly after. I just mean the hack has made more games more accessible to me now. Sorry for the confusion.
>> No. 12279 [Edit]
For those who don't know, if you have a vita running at 6.60 you can visit using your vita to temporary soft mod it, allowing you to run home brew and what not.
sony has since released an offical filmwear, which is currently 6.63 and blocks the henkaku exploit. If you're bellow 6.60 and want to update to 6.60 without going over, here's a guide to help you out.

Recommended homebrew tools and applications:

MaiDumpTool, allows dumping(ripping) your games, and installing games other people have dumped also using mai.
An alternative is Vitamin, but you don't need vitamin to install games dumped with vitamin. vitamin dumps games in vpk format which can be installed with vita shell.

VitaShell is a content/file manager, and as mentioned above can be used to install vpk files (home brew and games)

I also recommend the offline-installer application. This allows you to run the henkaku exploit without being connected to the internet.
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12265 No. 12265 hide watch quickreply [Reply] [Edit]
Any of y'all wanna play some Paladins? It's basically F2P Overwatch.
>> No. 12268 [Edit]
no thanks
>> No. 12269 [Edit]
I tried playing only this only for a short time and I already found what seems to be a huge problem with the game. The amount of free characters is barely more than the amount of members required for a full team. So it's safe to say people are going to be fighting over characters a lot, and opting out of selecting a character if they can't get at least one they like. When that happens the match gets canceled and you're stuck waiting on another match. I think if you play this game you can expect to spend lots of time waiting on matches that get canceled over and over until they add in more characters, or let multiple players use the same character.

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12160 No. 12160 hide watch expand quickreply [Reply] [Edit]
The world is going apeshit over this game yet it's so bare bones it feels like it's still in the alpha stage.
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>> No. 12195 [Edit]
Pokemon Go is very overrated but fun not going to lie.
>> No. 12200 [Edit]
I don't understand why this is so insanely popular. I mean I get the appeal of Pokemon IRL but you can't really do anything with them. You can't teach them moves or train them any other way than catching more of the same Pokemon and repeatedly trading the lower leveled ones for candy that's all specific to that Pokemon and its evolutions. It's fun for like a week and then you just get so sick of catching and discarding 500 magikarps so you can get a gyrados which kind of ruins the point of having magikarp in the first place because it's so obvious to new players that it's going to become something really badass.
>> No. 12203 [Edit]
>It's fun for like a week and then you just get so sick of [it]
Which would explain why the number of players is plummeting already.
It's funny though, the devs don't seem to be doing much to prevent it. I understand why the game was designed this way but now that you hooked some people you should make an attempt to actually try to get them to stay. I think making the game a bit more complex would turn away some of them but many others would stay for this depth. At this rate people will forget this existed by November.
Not that I care either way; hell, it's probably for the better.
>> No. 12267 [Edit]
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Best thing of POKEMON GO is the human npcs.

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12232 No. 12232 hide watch quickreply [Reply] [Edit]
Is it just me or does anyone else feel it's a bit pointless to get a gpu in the 10 series with so few games coming out that would really push the hardware? Is 4k gaming really worth it?
>> No. 12254 [Edit]
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Gotta sell those new graphics cards somehow...
Why are so many games today go so crazy with lighting effects? Tone it down, people!
>> No. 12257 [Edit]
VR is really stressful on cards as it needs to produce two images at the same time. There is some work being done to make it less intensive by only rendering certain objects per frame per eye, but it's not a thing yet.
Some people fell for the 4k fad as well and need a beefy GPU to play at a decent framerate (for minimal visual gain).

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13071 No. 13071 hide watch quickreply [Reply] [Edit]
Can we have Symphonic Rain thread here?
>> No. 13072 [Edit]
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I don't see why not!

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