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12845 No. 12845 hide watch quickreply [Reply] [Edit]
People like to trash on MGS: Portable Ops a lot but it's actually written by Mikumo Gakuto, who has written series' such as 'Dantalian no Shoka' and 'Asura Cryin''.
Has me interested, but I don't think I could regress to PSP graphics and controls.
>> No. 12847 [Edit]
The stock graphics are better than the ps1 MGS and can look just as good as the ps2 games. Do you also refuse to play MGS1 because of the graphics? It was even re-released on ps3 with some minor upgrades. You can also run it on an emulator and up the graphics more if you like. If you run it on an emulator you'd have plenty of freedom to change the control layout by the way.
>> No. 12848 [Edit]
This. Just use PPSSPP on the GPD XD or GPD Win and voilĂ : portable HD MGS: portable Ops (or Peace Walker)
>> No. 12851 [Edit]
It's just, I've played the HD remake of Peace Walker and found the controls to be clunky.
I don't have a problem with low graphics, maybe it's just because PW was a PSP game being blown-up to a 40 inch television screen it kind just 'felt' weird.

I don't refuse to play it, if somebody handed it to me I'd play it for sure, I'm just not sure I want to go out of my way to get it only to find out I can't handle the controls.
I don't mean controls as in buttons per se, more the feeling of movement et cetera in-game.

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12674 No. 12674 hide watch expand quickreply [Reply] [Edit]
Why do people like Overwatch more than TF2?
If anyone here likes Overwatch more than Team Fortress 2 please explain why, I am curious.
1 post omitted. Click Reply to view.
>> No. 12678 [Edit]
The only right answer.
Though I find TF graphics and gameplay less offensive.
>> No. 12679 [Edit]
All the trappings around the game I simply prefer and find more interesting (graphics, art direction, 'lore', UI etc.), but gameplay wise the biggest reason is the the character roster and unique abilities each character has. The game offers you a better way to help out your team by playing your character to its strengths which aren't necessary always just shooting dudes, you can be helpful other ways.
I think TF2 is still fine, it's just the natural way of things growing old the next thing coming along that borrows from it, there's just more to Overwatch for me.
>> No. 12680 [Edit]
Finally, a decent answer. Thank you.
>> No. 12813 [Edit]
OW is newer and has better marketing than TF2. Also waifu character designs.

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12782 No. 12782 hide watch quickreply [Reply] [Edit]
I think I have noticed something weird in The Phantom Pain. Quite minor, but still...
So, when you get knew recruits, it displays the language they speak. Now, not all of them speak English, that is, for a little while. Yes, what I have noticed is that, once anybody stays on Mother Base staff for long enough, they will learn the English language.

I find it weird because it doesn't really effect anything, but does relate to the whole 'English is the Lingua Franca' thing.
>> No. 12783 [Edit]
In reality they'd probably stick to their language, form groups with others who speak it, and try to force it on others who don't.
>> No. 12784 [Edit]
I don't think it's weird at all. Just another example for how these games go into detail.

Yes, because that's exactly how it works in (para-)military organizations.

>force it on others who don't.
Like English?
>> No. 12785 [Edit]
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I feel it is way too minor to just be detail.
And then you had the outbreak that infected anybody who spoke a certain language, and then the English strain of vocal cord parasites is still out there, and then EVERYBODY on Mother Base will speak English, I cannot help but feel it is somehow all connected.
>> No. 12786 [Edit]
I'm not that far yet, so I didn't know. That does change things.

No. 1922 hide watch expand quickreply [Reply] [Edit] [Last 50 posts]
The last thread was getting to be a pain to load, so I figured I'd make a new thread if that's OK.
69 posts and 2 images omitted. Click Reply to view.
>> No. 8217 [Edit]
Virtual reality development?
>> No. 10467 [Edit]
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Could this be the actual meaning and value of Majora's Mask?

It'd be great.
>> No. 12774 [Edit]
This video makes me so nostalgic, it was great seeing somebody mess with mass AI and keeping it all in sync so well. I watched this one a long time ago so it's very special to me.
This thread takes a while to load, should we make another one?
>> No. 12778 [Edit]
Is not that long of a wait, unlike /mp3/ threads.

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8383 No. 8383 hide watch expand quickreply [Reply] [Edit]
Are there specific genres of games you dislike entirely (or almost entirely)?

For the sake of the thread, let's not count sport games.
39 posts and 11 images omitted. Click Reply to view.
>> No. 10868 [Edit]
The vast majority of JRPGs.

It's a shame, because I enjoy every aspect of JRPGs apart from the actual gameplay - they tend to have very good atmosphere, music and interesting stories. I completed Final Fantasy X and others when younger, but realised it had become a chore to finish and I was only playing to get to the next cutscene.

I just find the grinding/turn-based battles very repetitive and unengaging. I only enjoy action-based battle systems such as in Nier, and those games are quite few in number.
>> No. 10882 [Edit]
I've never disliked the entirety of a genre before, I can find numerous things that are likable to me in all of them.
But there are a few select franchises in most that drive me up the wall. Pokemon being one of them. The games are all so brain dead that I can't understand how anyone could find them enjoyable. There's so many quality, actually thought provoking RPG titles out there but all most people want to play is shit like final fantasy and persona.
This extends well and beyond RPG's of course, it's just the best example I could give at the moment.

Post edited on 8th Sep 2014, 11:44am
>> No. 10929 [Edit]
Same thing in all genres;
ActionRPG~ everyone on Diablo3
Fighting game~ everyone on SF4
FPS~ everyone on COD
RTS~ StarCraft2 only
>> No. 12773 [Edit]
>your teammates are your worst enemy because they simply don't know what they're doing. Maybe they somehow thought it was a good idea to jump into multiplayer before even touching single player
Exactly what I think when I see them. My guess is that they're super normies and don't give a fuck about making your experience bad because, to them, it's just a game.

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12727 No. 12727 hide watch expand quickreply [Reply] [Edit]
Do you think Sony or the other guys will ever port over their old exclusive games to pc?
10 posts and 2 images omitted. Click Reply to view.
>> No. 12764 [Edit]
For all of those strictly first party games, you're likely to find a very similar one available for pc.
>> No. 12765 [Edit]
I'm forever surprised by how much "fanart" there is of christ-chan.
>> No. 12770 [Edit]
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>Do you think Sony or the other guys will ever port over their old exclusive games to pc?

I thought they already did that??.
>> No. 12771 [Edit]
Not the first party games.

No. 12429 hide watch expand quickreply [Reply] [Edit]
We already have a thread for full video game OSTs but how about one for individual tracks?

I'll start, I'm crazy about Let's Do the Odyssey! from Super Mario Odyssey, I never would have expected a song like this from a Mario game.
12 posts and 3 images omitted. Click Reply to view.
>> No. 12494 [Edit]
Hideki Naganuma worked on the soundtrack for Sonic Rush but he also composed the soundtrack for Jet Set(Grind in NA) Radio.
>> No. 12509 [Edit]
Spoiler alert!
>> No. 12613 [Edit]
Been playing a USA game in Darkest Hour recently. The entire soundtrack for Hearts of Iron II is really good, it actually works really well despite the slow pace of the game because of how the tracks have highs and lows that fit your ships moving from LA to Wake as well as they do marine landings on Iwo Jima. In terms of immersion for this theatre, Japanese Spirit stands head and shoulders above the others. It makes the micromanagement and frustration of moving large numbers of troops across contested oceans onto tiny specks of isolated rock actually pretty cool instead of annoying as shit.
>> No. 12761 [Edit]
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Composers: Shiho Fujii, Atsuko Asahi, Ryo Nagamatsu, Yasuaki Iwata
Mario Kart 8 - Big Blue
No song makes me as ready to race as this one in MK8. That saxophone is just amazing on it's own but it also plays really well with the guitar. Just being able to hear this while racing is one of the things that made the DLC worth it. It's even better listening to this while racing in 200CC.

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12928 No. 12928 hide watch quickreply [Reply] [Edit]
How do you play VNs on linux? I am using a version of GNU/Ubuntu and noticed AGTH doesn't run in WINE. what do you use?
>> No. 12930 [Edit]
Virtualbox layered mode with the vn and texthooker in the virtual machine. I don't read many VNs so haven't experimented much but this works pretty well on an otherwise shitty laptop with a lot of RAM.
>> No. 12931 [Edit]
When my old Windows PC broke and I only had my laptop, I used wine. The VNs I played during that time ran well, never encountered a problem but I have to admit that it wasn't that long until I got myself a new PC.

You might be interested in this thread >>979

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12866 No. 12866 hide watch expand quickreply [Reply] [Edit]
We have a thread for anime and video game screencaps, and for manga panels, so why not one for VNs?
43 posts and 32 images omitted. Click Reply to view.
>> No. 12916 [Edit]
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>> No. 12918 [Edit]
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>> No. 12920 [Edit]
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>> No. 12921 [Edit]
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12756 No. 12756 hide watch quickreply [Reply] [Edit]
One of the best TPS I've ever played, I've been playing this in the last 10 years and this game never gets old. It's amazing all the different things you can do and the different game modes you can play. This game really needs more recognition.

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12743 No. 12743 hide watch expand quickreply [Reply] [Edit]
Post a video game quote that will give away the game without saying the title.

Example: "but our princess is in another castle!"
3 posts and 1 image omitted. Click Reply to view.
>> No. 12748 [Edit]
"I sense a soul in search for answers".

Including a picture makes it easier though.
>> No. 12753 [Edit]
enemy officer defeated
>> No. 12754 [Edit]
>> No. 12755 [Edit]
You have to guess the previous posters' quote first, then write your own for the next person.

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