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13193 No. 13193 hide watch quickreply [Reply] [Edit]
Does anyone play on DMM? I have a very fun time with auto and gacha games for some reason. I only play Flower Knight Girl or Lord of Walkure (Even though its a bit old), because they're two of the few American accessible games that I enjoy.
>> No. 13194 [Edit]
Yeah, I only play Kantai Collection. I've looked around at other games, but none of them really catch my fancy.
>> No. 13195 [Edit]
I used to play KanColle but I sort of dropped off of that. I also tried out a few H games while I was there but never really did anything with them.

So far, although it isn't a DMM game, I'm playing Azur Lane. It just feels like KanColle but with more to do and significantly less tediousness to it.
>> No. 13196 [Edit]
I honestly don't like KanColle at all as a game. It's all numbers; in contrast, Azur Lane actually allows the player to do something. But at the same time, the lack of need for the player to actually do anything also makes it a good thing to do when idle. So, I have a love-hate relationship with it that is also upheld by the hope that maybe one day the game will actually start to feel like a game. I don't think that hope will ever be realized, but it doesn't cost me anything to continue holding onto it. I don't play any other video games, after all.
>> No. 13197 [Edit]
Kancolle was dropped like a hot potato. It became too much of a chore for nothing. Started playing Azure Lane recently and it's pretty comfy although the dreaded familiarity has set in. I just let it play itself on Auto (it just moves around randomly and fires off specials when they're available) to clear daily missions and stuff. The great thing about AL is that RL money buys you just costumes or marriage rings, while your effort and luck nets you characters and equipment. Unless you like paying, that is, since there's no way to weasel yourself out of some grind.

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13191 No. 13191 hide watch quickreply [Reply] [Edit]
colored pattern

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13175 No. 13175 hide watch quickreply [Reply] [Edit]
I was looking over some of my old games and couldn't help but notice a lot of great old series that are dead now due to being created by publishers who got bought and killed by companies like EA or activision.
What are some games of old you use to love which we'll never see another installment of thanks to these corporate fuckheads?
>> No. 13176 [Edit]
Silicon Knights disbanded after going bankrupt after being counter sued by Epic games. Eternal Darkness remains the best survival horror game ever made and i'm still pissed off about that.

Sega amalgamating all their separate teams and killing Smilebits was probably the biggest one for me but i'm not sure if this counts.
>> No. 13177 [Edit]
They're not dead, more in cryostasis. Some other company can buy it from them, just they don't want to.
>> No. 13178 [Edit]
Not EA in this case, but rather Atari/Hasbro regarding MicroPros. I always wanted to see a legitimate Master of Magic sequel, and a true-to-form Master of Orion 3.

EA in this case: Westwood. Lands of Lore is my all-time favourite RPG and am sad that 2 and 3 were such mediocre sequels due to popularity and the corporate pressure that comes with it. I've also been hoping for a Nox sequel for almost two decades now, and now more than ever a good non-generic action rpg is needed as breath of fresh air from all those D3 clones.

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13090 No. 13090 hide watch expand quickreply [Reply] [Edit]
Someone playing this on the switch?
30 posts and 22 images omitted. Click Reply to view.
>> No. 13156 [Edit]
Did the fanbase want some gross octopus girl though? I'm not really acquainted with Splatoon's.
>> No. 13157 [Edit]
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We want the salty, puffy OctoPUSS
>> No. 13158 [Edit]
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So who is on Team white ink today?
>> No. 13159 [Edit]
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sorry dude, but egg came first

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12365 No. 12365 hide watch quickreply [Reply] [Edit]
Normally I wouldn't create a separate thread for a single game. I also do my best to avoid using words such as 'best' as I don't won't to enforce my opinion upon other people or just plain upset someone. So I won't tell you that DS's best RPG and possibly its best game overall is getting a remake. Let me just say one thing: Radiant Historia Perfect Chronology got announced.
>> No. 12366 [Edit]
I wonder if anybody remembers this game, we've had a nice thread about it back in the day and it seemed to be well received. I couldn't help myself and I've made another thread for it.

I've actually redownloaded it just a short while ago, intending to replay it since I liked it so much and now this gets announced. I'm pretty excited, and a little bit anxious too. Apparently it's a 'full remake'. I guess Atlus will reveal more about it this weekend, during a presentation they have scheduled. They invited a bunch of seiyuu and judging from the low res Famitsu scan floating around the game will be voiced this time around (I think you can see 声 below the character names). On top of that there's a new female character. I think they changed the artist since the character portraits look noticably different.

Well, I just hope they won't change too much and that they'll keep the battle system intact, since it was innovative and a lot of fun. Truth to be told I'd sleep better if it the only changes were the new character, 'new scenario' and voices. But I'm excited nonetheless and I hope it'll be every bit as good as the original game.
>> No. 12367 [Edit]
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After googling around a bit I found some more info.

First, the voice cast:
Konishi Katsuyuki - Stocke
Komatsu Mikako - Nemesia (the new character)
Takahashi Rie - Eruca
Kurosawa Tomoyo - Aht
Sakura Ayane - Raynie
Yamaya Yoshitaka - Marco
Hatano Wataru - Rosch
Kuroda Takaya - Gafka

The portraits have indeed been redrawn, as you can see in the screenshot. Personally I liked the old artstyle more but I can live with it.

The 'new scenario' is a third story node called Sub-History but from the way it's described it seems rather than being a true node it's a series of side stories related to the characters and in-game events.
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>> No. 12368 [Edit]
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It looked that way based on Famitsu scan but it was hard to tell - unfortunately Eruca's design was changed. I wonder why, considering every other design was kept the same and Eruca's was too, except for her hair. She looks really generic now. Oh well.

Atlus also revealed Etrian Mystery Dungeon 2 and SMT Strange Journey remake at yesterday's event.
>> No. 13098 [Edit]
Well, it's out now. When I first heard of it I imagined myself downloading it on the day it'll be out. Unfortunately the timing ended up being poor for me so I 'll probably play it in March/April or so.

Still, if you haven't played this before and you own a 3DS do yourself a favor. If you have played it you already know it's certainly worth replaying. Have fun.

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5831 No. 5831 hide watch expand quickreply [Reply] [Edit]
What's your favorite battle theme, Tohno-chan? Also, why?

Random encounter, boss fight, final boss, anything goes.

This has been mine lately:

The transition from the mellow pre-battle theme to this is perfect, and it's just so intense and fast-paced. Loving that SNES-electric-guitar sound.
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>> No. 11227 [Edit]
one I liked a lot because is both epic and dramatic
>> No. 11263 [Edit]
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Dum dee dum dee dummm
>> No. 11861 [Edit]
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China Vox (3rd Strike Chun Li's Theme)
>> No. 13084 [Edit]
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Ryu's Theme

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12826 No. 12826 hide watch expand quickreply [Reply] [Edit]
I'm bored. I'm going to do a playthrough of UnReal World.
It's a survival simulator set in the iron age. The goal of the game is to survive the winter.

I rolled these stats after 11 minutes or so of rerolling. The starting stats are very important because they can never be changed, unlike your skills. Intelligence and will both only affect skills, so I don't need to worry about those.
The most important stats are Speed, to get across the area quickly and flee from things, Eyesight, to see enemies before they see me, and Endurance, so I don't get as much penalty from swinging or running a lot.
I'm happy with them for the most part. I would have preferred maximum speed, that's the most important, but high everything is not so bad.

I chose the kaumolainen tribe because they have a chance to spawn with the best knife or spear in the game. Let's hope I get one or both.

My character's name is Fudo. Japanese romanization of Food. And also the name of a great protagonist from Hokuto no Ken. This is not actually a selectable portrait in the game and I'm not using mods; it's just the actual portraits are 3DPD and I'd get banned, so I'll be pasting Fudo's face over my portrait in each of the screenshots.
15 posts and 11 images omitted. Click Reply to view.
>> No. 12853 [Edit]
File 151520304190.png - (369.11KB , 626x274 , you should watch Hokuto no Ken it's the best .png )
It's true. And speaking of dog balance, I've given a third piece of misinformation: the dogs are not invincible after all, just very highly resilient and heal quickly, making you think they are.
None of my dogs have died, in fact I bought a new fourth one called Tobo, it's just I saw a screenshot from another user whose dog did.

Years ago, I was doing an anarchy run where I was killing every NPC I could, and at one point, my dog was surrounded from all directions by a mob that were beating the living shit out of him. (including from behind which increases damage by like 100%.) I thought for sure he was dead. But, as you can see in this screenshot here, he was alive, somehow. I actually struck him as well because he had become hostile to me for some reason, and he survived my additional blows. So I don't know what it could take to kill a dog. But they can die.

Anyway, yes, I have four dogs now, but I don't plan on bringing all four of them with me. Two of them are staying home to defend another new addition of the family: a cow!
Cows can be very easily killed, in one turn even, by wolves and lynxes, both of which can walk right under fences. Hopefully two dogs accompanying it will protect it a bit.
Cows are great because they give you milk every 24 hours which extinguishes thirst and some hunger. And if I'm ever in a serious situation during the winter, I can slaughter it and get a good couple hundred pounds of meat.
I've never actually had any livestock during the wintertime in this game before and I'm a little scared. I hope I'm not expected to keep them inside a building.
I was able to buy all these animals thanks to the things the Njerpez dropped. The armor wasn't wholly useless after all.
>> No. 12854 [Edit]
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This is what my camp looks like right now. A 1/4th finished log cabin built right on the shoreline. The location is perfect, I'm just a couple kilometers away from lots of villages, and also a "no-man's land" which is where foreign traders, vagabond thieves and njerpez typically spawn.
Construction is going gruesomely slow because my axes, timbercraft and building skills all suck. It takes me three to six days to make just one wall.

I'm going to postpone the house construction and focus on making a pen for the animals right now, because I fear tying them to the tree could make it harder for the dogs to protect the cow.

I think it's also about time I made a raft. I'll be about to float into the middle of the sea and finally use my fishing net that I've had lying around since week one of my game.
>> No. 12984 [Edit]
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Finished the animal pen. I forgot you can't carry lumber over a fence (obviously) so I don't know how I can continue building without letting the animals out, heh.

I've been busy with waifu related shit and hospital shit and haven't been up for playing but I'm back now. The game will continue till this character dies, or I get bored after I've already survived out all of winter.
>> No. 12985 [Edit]
File 151687163522.png - (797.17KB , 956x744 , you should watch Hokuto no Ken it's the best .png )
I also finished my raft here you could see at the bottom of my above screenshot.
Here's my first catch with the fishing net.... It sucked! I hope to get some salmon passively with this, the most nutritious food in the game.

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12845 No. 12845 hide watch quickreply [Reply] [Edit]
People like to trash on MGS: Portable Ops a lot but it's actually written by Mikumo Gakuto, who has written series' such as 'Dantalian no Shoka' and 'Asura Cryin''.
Has me interested, but I don't think I could regress to PSP graphics and controls.
>> No. 12847 [Edit]
The stock graphics are better than the ps1 MGS and can look just as good as the ps2 games. Do you also refuse to play MGS1 because of the graphics? It was even re-released on ps3 with some minor upgrades. You can also run it on an emulator and up the graphics more if you like. If you run it on an emulator you'd have plenty of freedom to change the control layout by the way.
>> No. 12848 [Edit]
This. Just use PPSSPP on the GPD XD or GPD Win and voilĂ : portable HD MGS: portable Ops (or Peace Walker)
>> No. 12851 [Edit]
It's just, I've played the HD remake of Peace Walker and found the controls to be clunky.
I don't have a problem with low graphics, maybe it's just because PW was a PSP game being blown-up to a 40 inch television screen it kind just 'felt' weird.

I don't refuse to play it, if somebody handed it to me I'd play it for sure, I'm just not sure I want to go out of my way to get it only to find out I can't handle the controls.
I don't mean controls as in buttons per se, more the feeling of movement et cetera in-game.

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12674 No. 12674 hide watch expand quickreply [Reply] [Edit]
Why do people like Overwatch more than TF2?
If anyone here likes Overwatch more than Team Fortress 2 please explain why, I am curious.
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>> No. 12678 [Edit]
The only right answer.
Though I find TF graphics and gameplay less offensive.
>> No. 12679 [Edit]
All the trappings around the game I simply prefer and find more interesting (graphics, art direction, 'lore', UI etc.), but gameplay wise the biggest reason is the the character roster and unique abilities each character has. The game offers you a better way to help out your team by playing your character to its strengths which aren't necessary always just shooting dudes, you can be helpful other ways.
I think TF2 is still fine, it's just the natural way of things growing old the next thing coming along that borrows from it, there's just more to Overwatch for me.
>> No. 12680 [Edit]
Finally, a decent answer. Thank you.
>> No. 12813 [Edit]
OW is newer and has better marketing than TF2. Also waifu character designs.

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12782 No. 12782 hide watch quickreply [Reply] [Edit]
I think I have noticed something weird in The Phantom Pain. Quite minor, but still...
So, when you get knew recruits, it displays the language they speak. Now, not all of them speak English, that is, for a little while. Yes, what I have noticed is that, once anybody stays on Mother Base staff for long enough, they will learn the English language.

I find it weird because it doesn't really effect anything, but does relate to the whole 'English is the Lingua Franca' thing.
>> No. 12783 [Edit]
In reality they'd probably stick to their language, form groups with others who speak it, and try to force it on others who don't.
>> No. 12784 [Edit]
I don't think it's weird at all. Just another example for how these games go into detail.

Yes, because that's exactly how it works in (para-)military organizations.

>force it on others who don't.
Like English?
>> No. 12785 [Edit]
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I feel it is way too minor to just be detail.
And then you had the outbreak that infected anybody who spoke a certain language, and then the English strain of vocal cord parasites is still out there, and then EVERYBODY on Mother Base will speak English, I cannot help but feel it is somehow all connected.
>> No. 12786 [Edit]
I'm not that far yet, so I didn't know. That does change things.

No. 1922 hide watch expand quickreply [Reply] [Edit] [Last 50 posts]
The last thread was getting to be a pain to load, so I figured I'd make a new thread if that's OK.
69 posts and 2 images omitted. Click Reply to view.
>> No. 8217 [Edit]
Virtual reality development?
>> No. 10467 [Edit]
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Could this be the actual meaning and value of Majora's Mask?

It'd be great.
>> No. 12774 [Edit]
This video makes me so nostalgic, it was great seeing somebody mess with mass AI and keeping it all in sync so well. I watched this one a long time ago so it's very special to me.
This thread takes a while to load, should we make another one?
>> No. 12778 [Edit]
Is not that long of a wait, unlike /mp3/ threads.

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