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File 165313601957.jpg - (234.04KB , 1000x1361 , 55cf00b04ab73a43a977bbe322d18038.jpg )
14506 No. 14506 [Edit]
This game is too difficult. the weapons don't do damage at all if you don't put points in Strength.
There should be more runes given when you defeat an ennemy.
there is too much things and or object on the screen. There should be more plains. I can't see shit and it's getting confusing
I thought the map was big but there nothing to do and every ennemies and bosses are hidden at the edge of the maps each time. (so, the middle of maps are always empty)
I can't stop dying in this game. the magic is a 5/10 and controlls are shit. The armor sets and weapons are meh.
I thought they get rid of grinding in a rpg game but not.
Eldne ring? more like Elden grind
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>> No. 14519 [Edit]
this game is too hard, anybodh else playing it?
>> No. 14520 [Edit]
>the weapons don't do damage at all if you don't put points in Strength.

Uhh, weapons scale to different stats. I'm playing a dexterity build and putting points in strength doesn't give me too much of an advantage besides being able to use certain weapons, so a few points are more than enough. Also Elden Ring let you change what weapons scale to to a certain degree, making it more flexible than souls games.

>the middle of maps are always empty
I would say the maps are densely packed everywhere. I wandered around in a swamp for days and I couldn't stop discovering new things, I'm sure if I returned there and spend 20 min. I would still discover something new.

>I thought they get rid of grinding in a rpg game but not.
There's really no need to grind in such a massive game. You could just explore a part of it without need to be completionist and get enough runes to be overpowered except for the typical tough bosses that require you to learn patterns more than improving your stats. Only reason to kill the same enemy multiple times would be to get their specific drop if you want it, things like weapons, armor sets or materials. If something feels too hard you just need to go somewhere else and return later. In such a huge and open game this is the criticism I can't make less sense of it, it's the antithesis of a grinding game. I also heard magic is overpowered but I'm not a magic user so I can't confirm. Invocations sure are and make a big difference so I'm sure that's an important advantage for big mana pools.
>> No. 14521 [Edit]
>. I also heard magic is overpowered but I'm not a magic user so I can't confirm
it is but I also don't really use it
>> No. 14548 [Edit]
after plating elden ring I can't any games any longer. the others games felt meh compared to er
>> No. 14571 [Edit]
File 165918903651.jpg - (134.74KB , 850x1266 , A.jpg )
use ranged
>> No. 14631 [Edit]
I've had about 50-60 hours clocked in on ER and I'm still not even halfway through the second area(lakes). I've played all the previous Souls games and Sekiro except Bloodborne but this is the first time I've been burnt out playing a Fromsoft game that I had to quit a few times. It's not a bad game by any means but I suppose I'm just not cut out for open world games, I feel like the older games had better flow to it and the way that the maps were interconnected felt more rewarding.
>> No. 14661 [Edit]
『ELDEN RING』のDLC「Shadow of the Erdtree」を開発中です。続報はまだ少し先になりますが、ご期待いただければ幸いです。
>> No. 14663 [Edit]
Having not played Elden Ring specifically, I think magic and ranged attacks being very powerful is a common thread in a lot of souls games. Since there's a much lower risk it's very common to cheaply kill bosses like that.
Aside from an old computer, this is something that's scared me off from the game. Open world is a fun idea, but in a lot of games it feels like there's not a lot of reason to have open areas if they aren't used.
>> No. 14665 [Edit]
>a lot of games it feels like there's not a lot of reason to have open areas if they aren't used
And this is why Gothic I & II are still beloved.
>> No. 14666 [Edit]
Smaller worlds that are tightly designed and make good use of space really tend to be more memorable and kinda feel larger than huge open worlds, filled with nothing but large empty filler areas.
>> No. 14667 [Edit]
Gothic, huh. TC never disappoints. There are also a lot of great mods for it. Especially if you are capable of German, Polish or Russian. I liked Legend of Ahssun a lot.

What I adore about them is that they pour the time and effort instead into other points of the game. Gothic for example has a huge variety of how to solve quests and there are a lot of hidden items. On my 5th playthrough I found an amulet I have never encountered before just because I decided to climb around some wooden pillars of a mine. It gives such games an overall feeling that the devs care and genuinely tried to make it as good as possible.
>> No. 14671 [Edit]
It's funny you say that, because I've been playing through Gothic 2 for the first time recently and it's probably a subconscious cause of me bringing that up. I don't like all of the game, but the overall feeling of the world and the use of space is really well done. Ex. the farm to city ratio is incredibly realistic.
>> No. 14672 [Edit]
I hope you played 1 first, because 2 is even better if you did. Also take your time exploring, the world offers so much. Alone on that path from the tower to the city are two secret spots to find.
>> No. 14689 [Edit]
File 168297012857.jpg - (105.12KB , 850x659 , sample_dfda636d831b2f21fe22ce3209436734.jpg )
a dlc will be released for elden ring, are you excited? will you play it? what could it be? I hope the map is huge
>> No. 14915 [Edit]
File 170583590526.jpg - (59.22KB , 850x478 , 20240122.jpg )
Ranged offensive magic > everything else
>> No. 15004 [Edit]
File 170859553937.jpg - (7.51KB , 127x180 , 20240222.jpg )
Shadow of the Erdtree

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