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File 170617558755.jpg - (197.25KB , 1024x1024 , palworld-1705691572614.jpg )
14941 No. 14941 [Edit]
Has anyone here played this? Seems people are making a pretty big deal about it.
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>> No. 14944 [Edit]

It didn't take long for someone to make an actual Pokemon mod for the game.
It also didn't take long for Nintendo to smack them down for it.
>> No. 14981 [Edit]
File 170660858277.jpg - (57.03KB , 600x750 , 20240204.jpg )
Palworld does have their own designs for pals
>> No. 14987 [Edit]
File 170690286191.jpg - (108.31KB , 850x969 , d452ef1022eb1b3527eac2c91894ed6b.jpg )
I have, It's a decent enough time if you just want to do things while listening to a podcast in the background but it is absolutely overhyped by the 'gaming' sphere. It has a strong first impression but gets exponentially more shit as you progress and start to see the more and more glaring errors.

Progression feels like you're forced to downgrade from bow to crossbow and to crossbow to musket just to keep up with the increasing mob levels, and there is no variety because of the linear progression. Combat is mostly you luring enemies in circles while your pal casts skills off cooldown like a sentry turret, unless you use them as mounts or makeshift weapons. There are elemental rock paper scissors but it's kind of pointless because you just can dump all the rare/legendary fruits into your combat-bred main regardless of type and it will do a lot more damage.

Base building and production is there but unreliable because you can't really tell which of your pals should do what (aside occasionally tossing them at a production unit and hope they'll stay there while you're away). Higher level pals also completely clown on even specifically bred lower ones when it comes to production, making your base slowly turn into a kaiju fortress. The whole thing is bugged to hell and back and somehow in a manner that you'll come across the more endearing or funny bugs first and the infuriating or game-breaking ones once you're knee deep into it. The Pal designs are fucking amazing though, they move about all cute and have so much personality it's wonderful.

If you're thinking about getting it, honestly just wait a few months for it to ferment. Or if you do get it, don't be afraid to just play around with the settings to 'cheat', it will save you from lots of grind and trouble. It's very much just a patchwork of stuff right now with little sense of balance.

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