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File 157742255754.jpg - (119.82KB , 810x456 , 541348c.jpg )
13717 No. 13717 hide watch expand quickreply [Reply] [Edit]
What gamepads do you guys like to use?
11 posts and 3 images omitted. Click Reply to view.
>> No. 13951 [Edit]
Legality to a corporation is just a fine that gets added to their list of businesses expenses.
>> No. 14032 [Edit]
You can believe it's a grand conspiracy to rob you of a few dollars or know that it's simply due to shitty Chinese manufacturing.

I don't know what it is with dumbfuck poorfags and believing everything in life is a grand ploy to deprive them of monetary gain.
>> No. 14033 [Edit]
Who said it's a conspiracy? That's the whole point of a corporation.
>> No. 14034 [Edit]
I don't know what it is with dumbfuck richfags and believing everything in life is perfect just because they've never been deprived of basic human needs.

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14023 No. 14023 hide watch quickreply [Reply] [Edit]
Do you ever play crappy games you fully expect to be crap, but play them anyway out of curiosity or some other reason?
>> No. 14024 [Edit]
Not really, no. Sometimes I'll research them but I don't enjoy playing games I know I'll hate personally. I do understand why someone would though.
>> No. 14025 [Edit]
I still have Kane and Lynch 2 on my backlog because I want to see first hand how horrible the game could be that got people fired for saying it's crap while kicking off gamer gate.

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13891 No. 13891 hide watch expand quickreply [Reply] [Edit]
Do you prefer games which involve reflexes, or games that give you a lot of time to think? Reflex oriented games like tetris and platformers feel too nerve-racking and pointless to me. Playing through castlevania 3 feels like an exercise in trial and error.
4 posts and 2 images omitted. Click Reply to view.
>> No. 13948 [Edit]
I prefer strategic games over reflex-based games most of the time, but it depends on the game itself. A good example of this is Left 4 Dead 2. The base game is a 4 player co-op with chaotic arcade-style gameplay. It has it's merits but the novelty wore off. I downloaded a mutation that removes the three other survivors and alters the behavior of the zombies where they have a lower spawnrate, slower speed, and are less aware of their surroundings. The catch is that they can only be killed by a headshot and any damage dealt by one kills the player instantly. It transformed the game into a survival horror experience where you have to constantly check your surroundings and conserve ammunition. Two examples of games that I prefer to be more reflex-based are the MS-DOS Doom games. I use Brutal Doom which overhauls the game engine to incentivize faster paced firefights with the enemy AI.
>> No. 13949 [Edit]
Reflex. Too bad there's been nothing but trash in that category for years and years.
>> No. 13950 [Edit]
Doesn't puyo puyo have a good reputation? They released a tetris cross-over recently.
>> No. 13961 [Edit]
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Bit of both would be perfect for me.

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10913 No. 10913 hide watch expand quickreply [Reply] [Edit]
lately I've been messing around with my psps a lot and figured with the wide range of home brew applications, plugins, and emulators that it could use a thread for discussion such things.

So have any of you tried messing around with modding/hacking these things?
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>> No. 10967 [Edit]
wipeout theme, nice. I used to use that on my crystal clear psp before I sold it.
>> No. 10970 [Edit]
Yeah, it's clean looking and it's not CTF, so no extra RAM/CPU usage.
>> No. 11016 [Edit]
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I recently put this thing together. Hoping to make it my main someday but it still needs a bit of work. stick doesn't move around that well and the shoulder buttons don't work as good as they could. Thing is crazy light without a umd drive in it, half the weight of a fat. I might also try out some leds and what not to trick it out. If I could afford to mess around I'd maybe even try installing a camera behind the memory card and gps where the umd was. Second analog stick mod would be neat but I can't think of more than 3 psp games that would benefit from it. also got some extra speakers laying around that I thought of putting in it, but don't think there's enough space in the front area for that. I was able to find a ctf theme I think works well, but need to figure out how to remove the animated wave thingy which appears over background images on that theme for some reason.

I was really lucky with this thing, I was able to find a psp 2000 for only $17 just becuase it was bricked (super easy fix) and it had a TA-085v1 motherboard which is pretty much ideal. Stange thing is though... while the replacement body game with all the necessary screws none of them seemed to fit properly. they looked exactly like the originals but I couldn't use any of them.
I also had a screen protector laying around for a while and figured I'd finally apply it but man... is it even humanly possible to apply screen protectors without getting at least some particles of dust/fibers under it or what? just as well, the indent around the screen on the 2000 model has prevented the protector from sticking properly around the edges anyway.
>> No. 13862 [Edit]
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PSP Emu time

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13730 No. 13730 hide watch expand quickreply [Reply] [Edit]
What are some good moe JRPGs?
3 posts omitted. Click Reply to view.
>> No. 13734 [Edit]
Not unless they port it to something else. I hope they do.
>> No. 13735 [Edit]
The Switch is a good candidate since Omega Labyrinth is on it.
>> No. 13736 [Edit]
Yeah, several other vita dungeon crawlers like Mary Skelter made it over too.
>> No. 13792 [Edit]
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Anyone recommend Princess Connect?

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12189 No. 12189 hide watch expand quickreply [Reply] [Edit]
What is you're favorite video game /vg/??.
21 posts and 11 images omitted. Click Reply to view.
>> No. 13632 [Edit]
Smash Bros in 2019-11
Are you OK?
>> No. 13633 [Edit]
They're also adding a skin of an Undertale character for the Mii fighter.
>> No. 13654 [Edit]
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Will Chun Li be next?
>> No. 13790 [Edit]
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I don't have a number one but I can list my favourites (not in any order):
Age of Empires 2
I have been playing this game for nearly two decades now and still play it today.
Age of Mythology
I discovered this game after Age of Empires 3 but I really like the idea and I think it has a big potential for a part 2.
Age of Empires 3
A lot of people don't like it because it's to different from part 2 but I like both because they are different.
Empire Earth
Maybe my favourite Strategy game. It's so sad the the successors (there are 2 official ones by other studios and two similar games buy the same studio but a different name) are all way worse than it and don't mage to capture what made the original so good. Some issues like the super close camera can't even be removed by mods and it doesn't run on Windows 10 anymore.
Half-Life 2 (especially Episode 2)
Best single play campaign in any shooter in my opinion.
Half-Life: Alyx
Best VR single player campaign and experience you can get no were else. It litteraly gives you a different view on the Half-Life universe. Also Alyx is the best character in that universe and it's awesome that you can play her in this game, I hope she will be an optional character in HL3.
Technically the best VR shooter/melee game it just leaks the content to be the best game of all time.
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13338 No. 13338 hide watch expand quickreply [Reply] [Edit]
Company of Heros 2 is free on steam for the next two days
1 post omitted. Click Reply to view.
>> No. 13368 [Edit]
I didn't really like it. I much prefer Men of War. It's too gamey and unrealistic.
>> No. 13782 [Edit]
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GTA5 is free to grab on epic game store till 21/05.
>> No. 13783 [Edit]
>epic game store
God dammit.
>> No. 13784 [Edit]
I'd like to remind you that every game is free on TPB et al.

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13779 No. 13779 hide watch quickreply [Reply] [Edit]
Top videogame beauties.
Post some.
>> No. 13780 [Edit]
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>> No. 13781 [Edit]
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>> No. 13795 [Edit]
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13737 No. 13737 hide watch expand quickreply [Reply] [Edit]
Is there a Doctor in the house?
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>> No. 13747 [Edit]
I need one.
>> No. 13748 [Edit]
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>> No. 13750 [Edit]
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Here's hoping the game gets a live 2d update soon.
>> No. 13753 [Edit]
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Cafe colab!

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7245 No. 7245 hide watch expand quickreply [Reply] [Edit]
Tell me about your favorite video game artist.

Mine is Kazumo Kaneko. aka the guy who does the character and demon art for the Shin Megami Tensei games. I love his style and especially his strange demon designs. Sometimes they're sort of traditional-looking, but most of them are interesting takes on mythological and religious figures. I also love how Demi-Fiend here is grabbing Angel by the head, as though he was some kind of demonic pimp. She's obviously not enjoying it.

Honorable mentions to Ryoji Majima and Takehito Harada, the artists who did the designs for all of Nippon Ichi's games (La Pucelle, Disgaea and all the spinoffs) as well as to the artist for the Ar Tonelico games whose name I've forgotten.
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>> No. 13636 [Edit]
The mechanical designer for EVE ONLINE
>> No. 13644 [Edit]
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My fave Bengus is his Street Fighter Alpha art.
>> No. 13707 [Edit]
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Nice choice
>> No. 13712 [Edit]
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Any answer besides Yoshitaka Amano is the wrong one.

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11700 No. 11700 hide watch expand quickreply [Reply] [Edit]
Who else here prefers old video games over new?

I know people are probably sick of hearing this but I just have such incredible nostalgia for the games of the late 90s and early 2000s. It felt like every major release was something I was excited about, and they were games that other people were excited about too - Majora's Mask, Final Fantasy X, Metroid Prime, etc. Now every headline-grabbing game is yet another generic open world RPG and/or FPS, and I just don't feel like keeping up with the mainstream gaming community at all. I played 2 hours of Skyrim and it bored me to tears. Fallout 4 is such a normie thing, it's disgusting. I basically only play Nintendo games and other japanese games now.

I'm pretty excited about The Last Guardian and Shenmue 3 though, and other people are excited about those too. Gives me some hope.
45 posts and 21 images omitted. Click Reply to view.
>> No. 13594 [Edit]
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I still play Tekken Tag Two
>> No. 13617 [Edit]
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When's DIABLO4?
>> No. 13641 [Edit]
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>> No. 13705 [Edit]
It works

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