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12615 No. 12615 hide watch expand quickreply [Reply] [Edit]
The SNES classic launches tomorrow, who here is looking forward to it, what games are you planning to play first? I'll be camping outside Best Buy the following morning, if you happen to be going to the same store as me maybe we can talk to pass the time before the store opens, I'm going to the Best Buy in Santa Rosa California, hope to see you there.
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>> No. 12621 [Edit]
It's just a cute looking case for a simple SNES emulator. I'd rather play SNES and much more on the go with the GPD XD (which also can easily display on a TV through HDMI).

For the ergonomic feel I'd just get a cheap usb snes type controller, or an used true snes controller and an adapter.
>> No. 12623 [Edit]
I had no interest in this thing, but hopefully you managed to get one for yourself and enjoy it, OP.

I'm fine with just having a Switch.
>> No. 12643 [Edit]
Replies: >>12644
I've already got a couple original SNES, and can emulate any SNES game on a psp or vita. What point is there to getting this?
>> No. 12644 [Edit]
Novelty, or maybe to resell if they go up in value shortly after they go off sale.

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12932 No. 12932 hide watch quickreply [Reply] [Edit]
I just very recently started reading Ebi-Hime's works.

They are excedingly good: insightful, passionate, devasttating and by all means damned well written.

My favourite so far is Sweetest Monster. You can find it and others on Steam or directly at her page:


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2618 No. 2618 hide watch expand quickreply [Reply] [Edit] [Last 50 posts]
Tohno-chan, tell me about your favorite video game.
89 posts and 54 images omitted. Click Reply to view.
>> No. 12062 [Edit]
Replies: >>12068
That's kind of a though question for me, but probably TF2.

Max Payne is a close second though. I've been attempting to finish New York Minute Hardcore in Max Payne 3 for the past few days. It's actually the most fun I've had playing a game in a while.
>> No. 12068 [Edit]
>I've been attempting to finish New York Minute Hardcore in Max Payne 3 for the past few days.
I gave that up when I went too fast and a door didn't load to let me through.
>> No. 12569 [Edit]
Replies: >>12571
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Super Mario Galaxy.
It had so much creativity poured into it, the cinematic feel of the cutscenes was amazing to me, the music was simply beautiful, and at the end of it all it was fun to play too. Running and jumping through space was so enjoyable to me and I loved messing around with gravity and seeing what I could do, trying to make Mario orbit around smaller celestial bodies with a long jump was so funny to watch when I got it right.

It also featured one of my two favorite characters from all of fictional media.

I didn't really like the sequel quite as much simply because it had Mario going through 2D sidescrolling and the story didn't feel like it was as important, like the game didn't take itself seriously and I missed that with the first game. The main hub was kind of boring too, not a whole lot to explore and see. Just a single planet rather than the various sections of the observatory that I liked to look at.
>> No. 12571 [Edit]
I loved both Mario Galaxys but they are too easy and I honestly cant think of a way to make them harder without adding in cheap deaths.
I'd love if they made a multiplayer game where you have to run through all the levels against another player with rewards for exploiting gravity. The most fun part of Mario Galaxy is definitely messing around with the different gravities

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12565 No. 12565 hide watch quickreply [Reply] [Edit]
My God, Honest Hearts was pretty bad. Dead Money, though the simple-minded didn't appreciate its ending, is stupendously better.
They totally fucked up the Burned Man's character. I was thinking a interesting story for him would be he still liked Caesar despite Caesar trying to erase him from the Legion's history, but he turned into nothing but a vent for some writer who obviously did not like Caesar's Legion.
Not to mention the main plot was utterly one-sided and simple as well. The White-Legs are the bad guys with no redeeming features and everybody else had very plain stories.

One thing I noticed is that Honest Hearts is the only DLC that Chris Avellone did not work on. Now that he has left Obsidian, I am not really looking forward to anything they do.
A side thing I noticed, if memory serves me correctly, is J.E Sawyer said he relates to Arcade Gannon the most, which would very much explain why the Burned Man is the character he is without Christ Avellone.
>> No. 12566 [Edit]
Replies: >>12570
I actually liked Honest Hearts. I think what made it suffer the most was that it was a DLC. Zion would make a really interesting setting for a full-size fallout game. Working your way down untouched canyons, waist deep in pristine water, and the old ranger stations and other wooden buildings being spared the war essentially was really neat to me. Zion was a really nice respite from irradiated shitholes.

I also wouldn't call it shallow. It just needs to be looked at differently in my eyes. I mean it's not a literary masterpiece but there is more to it than just good vs evil. It wears its Christian influences on its sleeve, down to using Zion National Park, the name being important to Judaism especially as the promised land. The White Legs represent that which would destroy Zion to both the tribes. Joshua represents the idea of Zion being the Promised Land as a real place of deliverance given by God, such as during the Exodus, with the White Legs being defilers who would destroy this gift and/or enslave the people. To the other guy, can't remember his name, Zion is more of a metaphysical concept of deliverance from the sins of the world and thus the White Legs represent the destruction of the spiritual Zion if his tribe fights them and destroy their own peaceful souls. The two beliefs, the physical and metaphysical Zion cannot coexist anymore than they can coexist with the White Legs. It's really not obvious about it, but there were definite theological undertones to it when I was playing it. The individual elements are basic but fit together in surprisingly interesting ways, even if it probably wasn't entirely intended to reflect an actual theological argument.
>> No. 12570 [Edit]
It's all well and good to have references to your story, but Honest Heart's story itself is bland as hell and the White-Legs exist, still, just to be the bad guys. Well, as you say, it isn't a literary masterpiece.
Dead Money, Old World Blues and Lonesome Road have interwoven stories, each on of those places relates to each other and then to the main New Vegas world (such as the situation in the Sierra Madre being a experiment from Big MT).

Zion itself wasn't much fun to explore, for me. A few caves that didn't exist for any grand reason.
And personally, playing a post post-nuclear holocaust game without irradiated holes is no fun.
>> No. 12572 [Edit]
I was a bit harsh on Honest Hearts, to be fair, I did enjoy it somewhat, just the negatives outweighed the positives but that doesn't mean the postives don't exist.

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12541 No. 12541 hide watch expand quickreply [Reply] [Edit]
What do you think are some of the worst things to come from gaming?
Let's plays, micfags, old people freaking out over stuff on a screen, game memes? Feel free to post anything about the topic here.
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>> No. 12547 [Edit]
Replies: >>12550
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The culture of condoning companies peddling unfinished wares is by far the worst.

let's plays aren't a bad thing, and microphones help a lot for games that require coordination with other people.
The problem is generally the other people, from the fuckwit who thinks he is more important than the game itself and the story the game is trying to show, to the dumbshits who care more about maintaining a "positive score" than winning until the tipping point of certain loss is well passed, followed by stall tactics to delay the inevitable.
>> No. 12550 [Edit]
Replies: >>12551
Are you referring to DF in your first sentence? I think the game is interactive enough to stand on it's own and complete enough, even in the "unfinished" state it's in. There's no portions where I think, "Damn it sucks this game is in beta" or anything similar. The UI is grimy but that comes with the territory, it's an ASCII game. Rather than waiting for an alpha, I think of it as being in perpetual beta with content being released regularly, something I really appreciate about the game. There's typically something new going on in DF with every major patch.

I feel like console games have become really homogeneous. It's hard to explain, it's like the camera angles and 'weight' of moving characters is the same all around (for the most part, there are exceptions). This depresses me, because I love games and I hate to see them end up like this. The "HD'ification" of video games is slowly ruining it.

I also hate how the Persona series is how most people identify the SMT franchise at this point. They're fine games and I love them to death, but SMT is so much more than just Japanese high school simulators.
>> No. 12551 [Edit]
Replies: >>12552
Heavens no, well, not yet. If Toady decides to charge $60 and push out stuff that is clearly work-in-progress and broken, it may change. But I sincerely doubt it will go that direction.

The stuff I meant was the bullshit such as the "pre-order" selling of games that were clearly not finished, or alpha/beta versions of games with no intention of actually finishing the game. The broken/buggy game launches tend to also be commonplace, but at least there is some backlash against the companies when they do that. This seems to be increasingly commonplace with console->PC ported games.
>> No. 12552 [Edit]
It's funny with all this early access stuff too, it's a great opportunity for devs to tap into a massive testing group. People say that people pay to beta test but they don't. Most devs aren't using it to do that, just to get the money earlier. A good counterpoint is UGCW. Monthly updates which usually added new content on top of gameplay patches and at 0.8x I think it was, the devs reworked the campaign mechanics because early access players were very positive towards the ideas that were to eventually be implemented.

That's the power of Early Access, lots of interaction between devs and consumers allowing for the development to really follow the path towards success with players. Instead most seem to squander it with selling unplayable messes that they have no intention of fixing.

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12535 No. 12535 hide watch expand quickreply [Reply] [Edit]
Replies: >>12543
What things do other players do that make you angry in video games? It can be anything at all.
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>> No. 12543 [Edit]
Replies: >>12544 >>12546
I'll take an "I play 4fun" useless player on my team over a smug asshole any day of the week. Not being toxic really goes a long way in improving the experience for everyone involved.
>> No. 12544 [Edit]
What did you mean by this?
>> No. 12546 [Edit]
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I mostly disagree. If I'm playing a multiplayer game where winning is the purpose of the time spent, then I'd rather have someone in my team who is willing to try to win. Sadly, for a lot of people nowadays "fun" comes at the expense of others' time, effort, mood and interest.
>> No. 12548 [Edit]
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Complain about other players being "toxic" while being absolute garbage at playing in a team game while on my team.

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12922 No. 12922 hide watch quickreply [Reply] [Edit]
Dunno how no one has made a thread for this yet but here it is!
>> No. 12923 [Edit]
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Coconut is best neko.
>> No. 12924 [Edit]
I ended up liking it until the H-scenes come along. Granted, you can play without them but I normally still know when they happen and that kind of ruins it for me. It's almost like boding with them as daughters and then having sex with them.
>> No. 12925 [Edit]
>It's almost like boding with them as daughters and then having sex with them.
That's not uncommon for Japanese games. I've even seen some where you litteraly raise a baby, feed them, potty train them, show help them to walk and everything, then fuck their brains out when they get older. So yeah nekopara could be worse.

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2781 No. 2781 hide watch expand quickreply [Reply] [Edit] [First 100 posts] [Last 50 posts]
Let's talk about co-op games. Maybe we can find one that we can play together.

Does anyone like Doom? The gameplay is simple, and it runs on nearly all computers. I'd set us up a server (using Skulltag), but my ISP doesn't allow me to open ports.
131 posts and 16 images omitted. Click Reply to view.
>> No. 6264 [Edit]
Replies: >>6265

>> No. 6265 [Edit]
I feel the same way.
>> No. 10815 [Edit]
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esbenlash wants a Diablo3 party!
>> No. 12500 [Edit]
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I am pretty much always up for:
Left 4 Dead 2
Killing Floor
PAYDAY: The Heist
Diablo II: Lord of Destruction (latest patch, no mods)
Diablo I (with HD mod, "Tchernobog" version)
100% Orange Juice

Feel free to add me on Steam if you're interested.

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12354 No. 12354 hide watch expand quickreply [Reply] [Edit]
Do you guys do much game emulating?

I just found out recently my laptop can actually handle some ps2 games decently. Over the past few days I've been playing P3fes at 2x rez with a widescreen patch, and getting a mostly consistent 60fps. (and yes I own a legitimate hard copy of the game before anyone complains.)
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>> No. 12361 [Edit]
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I started during late 90's (Nesticle days), but it was only quite recently that I got a gear powerful enough to run some emulation's current state of the art. As someone whose only consoles were NES and N64, emulation has allowed me to enter a beautiful world I could only see from afar for many years.

By now I rely heavily on emulation, either on my laptop or on my GPD XD (or the combo, by means of streaming). I use Snes9x Ex+, ePSXE, PPSSPP, Drastic, Muppen64 PLus AE, PCSX2 and Dolphin without issues. I can run Citra alrigth, but nothing there really interests me. I've tried Xenia, but it turned out to be too much for my GPU. I've also been using Cemu for a while and recently became a patreon, afer watching their outstanding work with BotW (apart from the fair performance, they already made possible to play it undubbed, the only way I wanted it).

Post edited on 15th Mar 2017, 10:27pm
>> No. 12377 [Edit]
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I emulate fighting games.
>> No. 12481 [Edit]
Replies: >>12482
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I play mostly NES and SNES games since they're easy, and I only really play them at times when I would be do nothing else
I recently tried emulating smash bros brawl on Dolphin, but I could never get >8fps, is this because I'm doing something wrong, or is it because my computer is total garbage?
>> No. 12482 [Edit]
Your computer isn't total garbage. Gamecube and PS2 emulation require very, very high end hardware to get playable frame rates. The emulators just aren't very efficient.

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12342 No. 12342 hide watch quickreply [Reply] [Edit]
I just want to live in this world forever.
>> No. 12349 [Edit]
Replies: >>12480
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Nobody else played this game? I highly recommend it if you enjoy Japanese games in general.
It's got decent elements of hunting game, which Western gamers aren't so familar with, which is why I'd assume it got rather average mainstream reviews.

You get to create a waifu and use eletric-whips and the story envokes Friedrich Nietzsche's philosophies.
Just get past the delivering the hydra head mission, then the game opens up...or kind of throws you in, it won't hold your hand at all after the mission, you'll have to pay attention to what people say.
>> No. 12474 [Edit]
Replies: >>12477
I got past the hydra mission and couldn't figure out where I needed to go.
Proceeded to spend a couple hours trying to beat some bandits but they were too strong for me.
I'm too stupid to play games without big arrows pointing me at my objective.
>> No. 12477 [Edit]

I believe you were supposed to go do most of side quests and such for xp/equipment before leaving that area, else the next areas have a steep difficulty curve and you have to resort to cheese tactics to kill stuff.
>> No. 12480 [Edit]
>which is why I'd assume it got rather average mainstream reviews.
It got pretty decent reviews. Very few sites gave it below 80%. There's that one asshole who claimed it's a "4.8/10" game but he's wrong.

I'd say 8/10 is a perfect rating for it. Dragon's Dogma has it's flaws but it's a really fun game.

I ran a Magic(k) Archer, which was my favorite class, on my first playthrough and subsequently a Mystic Knight. I wanted to make an Assassin but I abandoned that run and traded it in. I'd like to play it again.

The pawn system was something I really appreciated. Mine was a Strider named Moth for the first two playthroughs.

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12421 No. 12421 hide watch expand quickreply [Reply] [Edit]
It's that time of year again!
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>> No. 12423 [Edit]
It was all bad and I hated everything. Except the Spiderman thing. It was full of too many annoying QTEs, however.
>> No. 12424 [Edit]
Technically it's a xbox 3.2 not 4, but with the changes it has it should be a whole different gen system.
>> No. 12425 [Edit]
I haven't had a console since the 360 (I know, I know, I was going to get the PS3, but I thought I'd 'try the other side' that gen. I regret it.) so most of the releases that might interest me are irrelevant. Ace Combat 7 seems kind of neat, but it's a cinematic trailer and the series has been in decline for a while now so it's cautious optimism. I haven't seen any releases, but the Thrustmaster Booth is showing betas for the DCS: F/A-18C and AV-8B which should also be interesting. Thrustmaster themselves are also announcing a new collaboration with Eagle Dynamics which might mean an F/A-18C stick to the same level of finish as the Warthog stick. i.e basically usable as a spare part for the real deal, and waaaaay above my budget
>> No. 12442 [Edit]
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