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15068 No. 15068 hide watch quickreply [Reply] [Edit]
For those who are interested in Mahjong and want to improve their game skill:
R Mahjong - Japanese mahjong for 4 people with strong mahjong AI, training mode with AI tips, advanced system for collecting and displaying statistics. You can play with friends on a local network via Wi-Fi (no internet required). Missing players are automatically replaced by bots.
The application is completely free.
>> No. 15069 [Edit]
This is a mobile app, you can't play on your browser which seems like a huge oversight. Not sure if you are the dev but you should add a theme that mimics the mobile game seen in Pon no Michi (>>/an/37785).

And the most important feature should be the riichi button that goes "Pin pon... riichi!"

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13797 No. 13797 hide watch expand quickreply [Reply] [Edit] [Last 50 posts]
66 posts and 11 images omitted. Click Reply to view.
>> No. 15055 [Edit]
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The physical disk is pre-patch, but if you ever connect online, the update is mandatory. So much for "owning your games".

Source on Sony saying they'll never have mandatory updates for offline game:

Post edited on 29th Apr 2024, 11:47am
>> No. 15058 [Edit]
>so I can play Silent Hill 2 and Nier Automata on my laptop
>both of those came out on a Playstation
Are you talking about the original Silent Hill 2 release? That game released almost 23 years ago, that's enough time to see a baby infant grow up and become a working age NEET hiding inside his mother's basement. Plenty people have come and gone both inside Sony's and KCET's offices and nothing's remained. I don't know how brand loyalty becomes ingrained in people's mind, but corporations don't exist to uphold values or standards, only to make money.
>> No. 15059 [Edit]
Since posting that, I built a PC and played Nier Automata. Haven't gotten around to Silent Hill 2, but my motivation has nothing to do with brand loyalty; I'm barely older than the game.
>> No. 15067 [Edit]
Audio Akira Yamaoka - Pianissimo Epilogue - (2.06MB - 178 kbps - 44.1 kHz , Pianissimo Epilogue.mp3 ) Length: 1:37

>Silent Hill 2
Expect a very janky but earnest game about a man losing his mind. It's fairly interesting how the multiple endings were worked on so they offer completely a completely different conclusion to the MC's motives depending how you play the game. It's not very intuitive but a definite improvement over what the first game did with its endings. Music's incredible too. The In Water ending sequence followed by this song on the results screen fucked me up my first way playing through.
Somehow it strikes me as the kind of game that would've had some hamfisted political message if it was made any time later or by different devs.

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14752 No. 14752 hide watch expand quickreply [Reply] [Edit]
Is anyone here playing this?
24 posts and 19 images omitted. Click Reply to view.
>> No. 15047 [Edit]
Train loli olev
>> No. 15048 [Edit]
This new animal crossing expansion is rad.
>> No. 15050 [Edit]
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>> No. 15060 [Edit]
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As someone who has attended American public schools, I agree this sounds about right.

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15056 No. 15056 hide watch quickreply [Reply] [Edit]
anyone here played minecraft better that adventure?

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14807 No. 14807 hide watch quickreply [Reply] [Edit]
What do you guys think of the Endless Empty
>> No. 14808 [Edit]
Reminds me of Middens and Gingiva, looks good. I'll try it.
>> No. 15045 [Edit]
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anger is cute

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13374 No. 13374 hide watch expand quickreply [Reply] [Edit]
Have any of you played around with VR? If so what kind of things have you used it for? and what has your experience with it been like?
25 posts and 12 images omitted. Click Reply to view.
>> No. 14606 [Edit]
The glut of used gpus that should be available now might lead to some interesting things as more people can try out SoA graphics algorithms or ML things. I still feel the current bottleneck for effective VR is on the hardware side though.
>> No. 14637 [Edit]
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The company next to me is trying VR surgery
>> No. 15018 [Edit]
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Does Apple VR have any games?
>> No. 15043 [Edit]
I've had VR for years and only use it for VRChat. The game seems to be dwindling though, less people on in worlds that used to be full. Still a large amount of people. I've played other games in VR but they don't keep me there for hours, maybe 30 minutes but moving around so much in VR gets tiring.

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2003 No. 2003 hide watch quickreply [Reply] [Edit] [First 100 posts] [Last 50 posts]
ITT, what you're curently playing for the time being, or just finished, new or old games alike.

As is, I'm on assassin's creed brotherhood myself after having finally gotten around to playing killzone 2, which was a tad bit on the disappointing side, but works fine for a mindless shooter I guess.
AC:B on the other hand is pretty good so far I think.
734 posts and 235 images omitted. Click Reply to view.
>> No. 15009 [Edit]
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>allow the player to make on-the-fly build changes and thus approach a fight in different ways depending on the opponent and the point in the game
This was a strong point of this game.
>differing levelling (I almost always fled), in which case the devs didn't properly scale
I started out mostly fighting, but during and after Suhalla desert(2nd desert) changed my strategy to fleeing. Did you not run into problems because of too much fleeing later? Like not a big enough hp bar or attack points to fight most bosses? I realized after I started fleeing this happened to me, and boss fights became difficult.
>it's bonus sections were both fun and lucky dice was very cool
By bonus sections do you mean that extra island you can get by choosing a particular set of rowers or using the red cyclone? I never went there, I thought it was something very hard to get into, as the game doesn't give enough tips about it. Did you manage to find it on your own? I didn't play much lucky dice, I played more of the other minigames.
>to the asiatic monk village, you had to go all the way back around for some reason
Yes, I found the kung-fu village even worse.
Speaking of off-battle psynergy I was fine with the other psynergies but I felt that many were too repetitive. You have move, catch, lift and carry. These four are almost the same conceptually. They could've added fire based puzzles for Garet or something.
>And yeah, key items taking an inventory slot for sake of these psynergies was extremely stupid.
I remember giving the "important" Mars sphere to Ivan at the very beginning just for kicks, and then Ivan went away with it for a moment and I worried I would reach the end and not be able to progress. Turns out the thing is useless in-game.
Nice. If I ever come back to this game/series to finish it or give it
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>> No. 15021 [Edit]
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>stat issues
Due to the strength of healing and the enemies lacking in this regard, what matters most is the max amount of damage one can take in a single turn; as such defense matters more which gear adequately accounts for, likewise with attack, though less so (and if insufficent elemental bonuses typically tip the scales). I'm not sure if this is different in the sequels as I haven't played them.
The main boss I struggled with in this regard was storm lizard who I was always running slightly negative against. Due to such, Issac assumed an off-healer build, and to evade aoe attacks the party was spaced out such that the healers were at the borders. Mars djinn were spread amongst each to cyclically cast a summon by garet who was the almost sole source of damage. The game assisted me in this by giving me flash just before the fight and the usage order was such that right as corona's defense boost ran out flash was ready to grant invincibility for the turn left vulnerable. Ivan couldn't survive this fight effectively so I used him to cast two summons at the start and then promptly die. I seem to recall by having two mars on Mia she changed to a class with a helpful (de)buff, which may have been helpful beyond just the start. If this boss could summon enemies, it would've been a lot harder as aside from the routine summon, I had poor aoe.

The other fight I died a decent amount on was the final one. Though I dont recall the details cause the fight had more nuance to it, which made it satisfying to beat but harder to remember. I changed my class/gear roster 3 times before settling on one, where I then made further optimizations to my djinn usage before winning, I think I needed to use buffs in this fight a lot more and predict hard combos with defend; which itself staggered the usage of djinn.

>that extra island
Yes, that and Lunpa which you can do after tolbi.
>Did you manage to find it on your own?
No, I knew of
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>> No. 15040 [Edit]
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I am playing a doom mod called delta doom and its a pretty good mod so far. It tries to be like alpha doom.
>> No. 15042 [Edit]
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Urban Reign for the PS2. It's rough around the edges, but a really fun beat em' up with tons of fightings styles and room for experimentation

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13006 No. 13006 hide watch expand quickreply [Reply] [Edit]
So, HongFire is down and the guys in the IRC saying that the DDL and torrent section will get

removed because Honk don't want to deal anymore with the DMCA bullshit. Don't know how much

of this is actually true, but anyway. Somebody asked me once in the tc IRC to post my

VN/Eroge links, so I'm doing this now, feel free to add, what you are thinking is missing.

Note: some of my links are quite well known, like the tokykotosho one, but please be aware

that not everybody is so well educated on this matter, so this thread could be a nice start

for people that are new to the scene.

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11 posts and 1 image omitted. Click Reply to view.
>> No. 13022 [Edit]
Oh boy, I'll fuck over the whole round table so badly.
>> No. 13023 [Edit]
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Here's a short work I found adorable and touching. Definitely worth your time to play it.
>> No. 13024 [Edit]
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Just started Okujou no Yuriei-san, though it's yet to be translated. So far I really like it. Lots of cute girls everywhere.

Post edited on 29th Jun 2012, 7:16am
>> No. 13025 [Edit]
anime-sharing is good way to go,and just found 2 sites can download vn too and

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12328 No. 12328 hide watch expand quickreply [Reply] [Edit] [Last 50 posts]
ITT: Post all of your unpopular opinions about anything related to games.
59 posts and 23 images omitted. Click Reply to view.
>> No. 15034 [Edit]
Can't speak to Genshin Impact since I don't play it, but I too found BotW to be rather boring. The breadth of the world is cool, but it's got the same issue as all of these vacuous open world games.
>> No. 15035 [Edit]
After playing Hitman:Blood Money (my first hitman game) I decided to watch the 2 movies based on the series. I can see why they were hated but I liked them as short, mindless action movies. Not sure if I can say that they are good with all the clichés and predictable story, but I think they are definitely cool and the cinematography is impressive. You just have to let yourself be seduced by them to enjoy them (or be young and impressionable).
>> No. 15036 [Edit]
Dragon Age 2 is better than Dragon Age 1
>> No. 15037 [Edit]
I think the entire series is bad.

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11532 No. 11532 hide watch expand quickreply [Reply] [Edit]
Do you play or watch tournaments like EVO2015?
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>> No. 14789 [Edit]
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>> No. 14871 [Edit]
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Got SF6 for Xmas 2023
All right!
>> No. 14876 [Edit]
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When is Akuma/Gouki?
>> No. 15032 [Edit]
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SF2X Cammy guide

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10562 No. 10562 hide watch expand quickreply [Reply] [Edit] [Last 50 posts]
What's your favourite game music ever?
I liked the ost from Halo.
51 posts and 18 images omitted. Click Reply to view.
>> No. 12243 [Edit]
Dragonborn song
>> No. 13085 [Edit]
Jazzy NYC 99
>> No. 14879 [Edit]
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Parrying the Darkstalkers
>> No. 15029 [Edit]
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Sailor Moon vs Street Fighter

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