No. 15021
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>stat issues
Due to the strength of healing and the enemies lacking in this regard, what matters most is the max amount of damage one can take in a single turn; as such defense matters more which gear adequately accounts for, likewise with attack, though less so (and if insufficent elemental bonuses typically tip the scales). I'm not sure if this is different in the sequels as I haven't played them.
The main boss I struggled with in this regard was storm lizard who I was always running slightly negative against. Due to such, Issac assumed an off-healer build, and to evade aoe attacks the party was spaced out such that the healers were at the borders. Mars djinn were spread amongst each to cyclically cast a summon by garet who was the almost sole source of damage. The game assisted me in this by giving me flash just before the fight and the usage order was such that right as corona's defense boost ran out flash was ready to grant invincibility for the turn left vulnerable. Ivan couldn't survive this fight effectively so I used him to cast two summons at the start and then promptly die. I seem to recall by having two mars on Mia she changed to a class with a helpful (de)buff, which may have been helpful beyond just the start. If this boss could summon enemies, it would've been a lot harder as aside from the routine summon, I had poor aoe.
The other fight I died a decent amount on was the final one. Though I dont recall the details cause the fight had more nuance to it, which made it satisfying to beat but harder to remember. I changed my class/gear roster 3 times before settling on one, where I then made further optimizations to my djinn usage before winning, I think I needed to use buffs in this fight a lot more and predict hard combos with defend; which itself staggered the usage of djinn.
>that extra island
Yes, that and Lunpa which you can do after tolbi.
>Did you manage to find it on your own?
No, I knew of
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