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File 131404026899.png - (1.72MB , 1205x569 , hack.png )
4385 No. 4385 hide watch expand quickreply [Reply] [Edit]

Not sure if anyone else was a big fan of the series of games, or the shows, but this is a pretty big announcement for me anyhow.
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>> No. 5735 [Edit]
Oh good, it's just a movie, not a game. For a while there I thought I was going to have to buy a PS3 or something.

I far preferred IMOQ and sign anyway. I wish they'd just let the franchise die already. At least until full on virtual reality becomes possible and affordable.
>> No. 5744 [Edit]
Actually there's still a game coming
But it's most likely based on the movie world where kite is a gurl in love with balmung
So it will suck.
>> No. 5747 [Edit]
I would kill for a GOOD .hack mmorpg, but you're probably right.
>> No. 13794 [Edit]
I did like the show .Hack Sign, but not much of what came after that.

File 141096656629.jpg - (76.01KB , 600x446 , alphacentauri(1)_1313164604.jpg )
10959 No. 10959 hide watch quickreply [Reply] [Edit]
Have any of you played Alpha Centauri? Its basically scifi civilization, but slightly different. Its made by same people and just about $3(though i pirated it because i actually own the game and don't know where the disk is). I really enjoy this game and since there seems to be a multiplayer option i was wonder if anyone would be willing to play? I really suck at these kinda games, but it would still be fun!
Also share your opinions of it if you've played?
>> No. 10960 [Edit]
its in my to-play list. lots of people say its the best 4X out there, you can get it from gog or a gog torrent without drm.

i'll come back when i try it out!
>> No. 10961 [Edit]
OP: if anyone wants to play, my skype is kazurachan so add me and we can work it out.
>> No. 10962 [Edit]
This was a great game.
>> No. 10964 [Edit]
One of the best games ever made and probaably the best strategy game period.

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