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File 133054441089.jpg - (359.07KB , 1800x966 , d995b18bafd2f91850c5a153335cc9eb.jpg )
6181 No. 6181 [Edit]
So how about another thread about sequels we'd like to see but won't ever get? I'd bump the old one but it's in the archive already.
1 post omitted. Last 50 shown. Expand all images
>> No. 6187 [Edit]
Dungeon Keeper/Evil Genius. I'd actually preffer the latter as I liked the setting more.
>> No. 6299 [Edit]
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Capcom vs SNK

Come on, MvC got a sequel...
>> No. 6300 [Edit]
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Metal Arms: Glitch in the System
This game was fucking hella awesome.

What sucks is that it was originally planed to be a trilogy.
And a squeal was actually in the works, but Blizzard bought out the company and killed the project and ip.

Stuff like this is why I hate copyrights.
The original creator has stated that they want to continue the series, but the current copyright holder that had nothing to do with the making of the original game wont let them, and they clearly have no interest at all in doing anything with the series themselves.
Fuck copyrights and fuck Blizzard.
>> No. 6342 [Edit]
I want a C&C sequel done by Westwood without EA interference.

Sad state of affairs, that Starcraft II is the only decent RTS at the moment.
>> No. 6364 [Edit]
Chrono Break.
>> No. 6366 [Edit]
I want another The Longest Journey so badly.
>> No. 6652 [Edit]
More King's Quest please
>> No. 6653 [Edit]
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a new part of Legacy of Kain would make me very happy.
>> No. 6712 [Edit]
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Needs more chess games on PC
>> No. 6713 [Edit]
sorry to dissapoint you but they are doing a franchise reboot.
>> No. 6755 [Edit]
KotOR 3

I'd still be hoping if it wasn't for TOR.
>> No. 6842 [Edit]
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You and me both. A System Shock 3 would also be great but I don't think I'd want one these days, it would just get fucked up.
>> No. 6844 [Edit]

It would be a nice idea, but yeah they would probably ruin it. Too bad, because it's a great story/world.
>> No. 6897 [Edit]
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Mass Effect 4.. oh wait..
>> No. 6898 [Edit]
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Alpha Centauri...maybe. If a good company could do it.
>> No. 6909 [Edit]
>> No. 7039 [Edit]
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Can we have a iD sequel that doesn't suck, Carmack?
>> No. 7041 [Edit]
>The speech kicks off with an apology to the PC community for the issues with RAGE, calling it an "inexcusable error" on their part and saying that it was "really really poorly handled, offering some explanation into why it all happened the way it did.

Well at least they admit the mess that was RAGE. Most developers now would tell you to suck it up, or not apologize at all.

Though, I wouldn't put any hope in a decent iD game anymore, however I'm pessimistic when it comes to modern games.
>> No. 7343 [Edit]
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May I has Bayonetta 2?

Wish granted!
>> No. 7378 [Edit]
Wii-U to have B2? What the heck?!?
>> No. 7435 [Edit]
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Capcom, may I have SFV?
>> No. 7506 [Edit]
New X-com is good
RE6 sucked
>> No. 7516 [Edit]
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>> No. 7526 [Edit]
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HALO 4 is out
Did anyone want a sequel for this?

(Image from )
>> No. 7527 [Edit]
I would have preferred a sequel to ODST than Halo 3 itself. It had a really fun single player.
>> No. 7528 [Edit]
I've played Halo 3 and didn't really care for it. Aside from that, MS is going to milk Halo straight to hell since that is their only strong title and they know it.
>> No. 7529 [Edit]
I was skeptical at first because it wasnt being made by Bungie (and im pretty sure I "finished the fight" several years ago...) but now I'm actually excited to play it.
>> No. 7534 [Edit]
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The ending of Assassin's Creed 3 is like a tomahawk chop to the throat.
>> No. 11174 [Edit]
Do we need another Assassin's Creed?
>> No. 11180 [Edit]
>> No. 11201 [Edit]
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>> No. 11211 [Edit]
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SF4 was made by the help of DiMPS, another company. Sad that Capcom had to contract a 3rd party to make SF4.

At this point, SFV's future is clouded with uncertainty.
>> No. 11222 [Edit]
>> No. 11229 [Edit]
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Yes V( )V
>> No. 11230 [Edit]
asscreed unity just came out and they're already talking about the next one?
>> No. 11233 [Edit]
Isn't Unity still broken?

Post edited on 4th Dec 2014, 1:32am
>> No. 11335 [Edit]
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"Life is Strange is a new episodic adventure from the makers of Remember Me."

Do games made by the same company & similar mechanics count as sequels in spirit ?

If so, I'm waiting for BLOODBORNE.
>> No. 11336 [Edit]
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Same here.
Shame I couldn't get into the alpha test, I played Demon's on my old PSN account and Dark on steam, so they probably didn't consider me.
>> No. 11371 [Edit]
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While we wait for Bloodborne,
>> No. 11378 [Edit]
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Forever waiting for the next Sin & Punishment game.
>> No. 11381 [Edit]
It might have been a sequel but I was interested in The Last Guardian about half a decade ago. I would still like it but I wouldn't be excited, it's a bit too late for that.
>> No. 11418 [Edit]
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Did anyone ask for a Wolfenstein prequel or sequel?
>> No. 11516 [Edit]
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What's the point of sequels if you just bring back previous characters only?

>> No. 11517 [Edit]
Lost Odyssey 2

Well guess what
>> No. 14655 [Edit]
When's GTA VI?
>> No. 14657 [Edit]
You got your wish and it was awesome.
>> No. 14869 [Edit]
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Not exactly a sequel but Xenogears is trending on Twitter in Japan and I was excited for a remake of sorts but turns out it was little more than some streamers doing an RTA. I'm terribly disappointed.
>> No. 14870 [Edit]
I don't think a remake would be really necessary, but that kind of thing would certainly be announced at a game show of some sort and not randomly on twitter.
>> No. 15017 [Edit]
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Not so much a sequel but I want the real-time-strategy genre a few new games.... please.
>> No. 15019 [Edit]
For base building RTS games, Tempest Rising will be releasing Soon™, and if you enjoyed C&C Generals, there's a total conversion mod for Red Alert 3 that recreates it.
I'm still surprised that AoE4 was made.
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