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10582 No. 10582 Stickied hide watch expand quickreply [Reply] [Edit] [Last 50 posts]
Let's play some games together already!
91 posts and 7 images omitted. Click Reply to view.
>> No. 13691 [Edit]
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I didn't know that 325 people posted here, amazing.
>> No. 13692 [Edit]
They don't. Maybe some of them actively lurk, but as with the case of any imagboard, branch-off community on a more polular "platform", it's mostly made up of people who maybe visted the original a few times.
>> No. 13693 [Edit]
you would like this then:

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14507 No. 14507 hide watch expand quickreply [Reply] [Edit]
Have you played any older games recently? ie, nothing made within the last ten years.
21 posts and 10 images omitted. Click Reply to view.
>> No. 15109 [Edit]
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I am playing Girlish Grimoire Littlewitch Romanesque: Editio Perfecta!
>> No. 15111 [Edit]
I've been on and off playing Final Fantasy VI Type-T. I've kinda been getting filtered by the difficulty a bit tho. I have to grind every now and then to keep up. I also skipped over Gau's rage/leap tutorial so I don't know how it works.
>> No. 15115 [Edit]
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This one is interesting. It has the typical 90's adventure comedy style, which I happen to greatly prefer to tragedy as I do not care for the fixation on petty drama that the latter encourages. This is mixed with a noir detective story which draws details from a tapestry of a sci fi conspiracy. It's an FMV game with polygonal delights and a suggestive MIDI soundtrack (suggestive of what I don't know exactly - sometimes I think that 90's 3D and primitive MIDI is like experiencing another dimension, but I don't think that's entirely the right way to describe it). The main character is quite compelling - he easily traverses from states of melancholy into farcical expressions which almost mirror my own state of mind. Maybe I should live my life as if it were a comedy.

The puzzles are easiest to solve that I've come across in the early genre thanks to the addition of a hint system. Movement is an abomination - you press the space bar to enter move mode and then push the mouse around to navigate. I often found myself spinning in circles because the system was so sensitive. When a real time stealth section was introduced I almost gave up entirely but aesthetic considerations forced me to continue.
>> No. 15182 [Edit]
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I revisited R-type Final (PS2).
It's not a very long game but has some great replay value.
I have fond memories of skipping school and playing games like this alone in my room all day.
I think my age has caught up to me because I found myself not being particular good at it. I tried hard mode and wouldn't have cleared it without the use of save states. Made me wonder how I managed as a teen, but back then I guess I just played this over and over enough to manage.
I noticed a few things I found interesting after revisiting it. For one thing, I found it's actually possible to clear the levels passively, not killing anything and getting a score of 0. While I say possible, even on normal difficulty this seems insanely hard to do at points. I found myself repeating the same point dozens of times (save states) trying to find a path to progress. I'm not sure if you unlock anything for doing this, the game does have 101 ships, but I went for it for the hell of it.
Another thing that I noticed, the game has a fair bit of prolific imagery. one boss attacks you with what looks like sperm for instance. I didn't think much of it at first, but I got to a level with penis like worms, that originate from a boss creature which you enter from a vagina like opening to finish it off from the inside. I thought to myself "okay they know what they're doing." The last level then has you fighting on a solid backdrop, with the outlines of a man and a woman slowly making their way to each other, which fades out then fades in to them on top of each other.
The game does have different progression tracks though, with alternative levels based on your decisions. I haven't looked too much into how it works (search results keep sending me to the sequel), but I did find it amusing to see there's a boss battle that involves red and blue pills.

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7066 No. 7066 hide watch quickreply [Reply] [Edit] [First 100 posts] [Last 50 posts]
Thread for random video game-related news, so we don't have a bunch of small dead threads
838 posts and 298 images omitted. Click Reply to view.
>> No. 15098 [Edit]
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I just found out "How Parry ACTUALLY Works - Elden Ring"
I'm such a dumbass
>> No. 15133 [Edit]
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A writer along with an artist who both worked on Blue Archive have teamed up to work on a new project. Between the style shown, girls all having weapons, and the halos, there might be some implications about it being set in the same world. It's also been suggested this 'might' be a eroge.

www.projectkv. co. kr
>> No. 15141 [Edit]
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Rest in peace.
>> No. 15142 [Edit]
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Well that sure didn't take long.

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4311 No. 4311 hide watch quickreply [Reply] [Edit] [First 100 posts] [Last 50 posts]
MTX. Can't stand this stuff, every year it feels like eventually the whole industry is going to follow the gacha/lootbox route on even single player games.

Post edited on 16th Oct 2023, 8:23am
380 posts and 116 images omitted. Click Reply to view.
>> No. 15131 [Edit]
>When gaming made the shift from arcades to home consoles, they carried over a lot of the insane difficulty traits that were designed to suck up your quarters, but eventually devs realized there was no point in making home games with those elements, they already got your money
I don't think that was a good thing though. Arcadey design, at least in Japanese games, was not about just fucking you over unfairly but to get you to seriously engage with the game's mechanics and master them.
>> No. 15132 [Edit]
Sure if you're only looking at the best games. If you're not...
>> No. 15134 [Edit]
Well, no matter what principles games are being made with, some games are just bad. Arcadey games are still sometimes made today so it's not like they're completely gone either, although it's far from the norm.
>> No. 15178 [Edit]
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People always complain about mascot horror but honestly, I'm getting even more sick of this quote-unquote "yandere" genre where it's just the thinnest layer of moe aesthetics which is then "subverted" by an equally as shallow killer girl who "glitches the game" or "breaks the 4th wall" or something.

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15093 No. 15093 hide watch expand quickreply [Reply] [Edit]
Bought Phantasy Star for $2 on Switch and man this game is the simplest example of why the genre is great. I just dungeon crawled to buy a cake from a cave to give to the governor of planet Motavia to convince him to help me kill the tyrant king of the solar system Lassic
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>> No. 15153 [Edit]
>Bought Phantasy Star for $2 on Switch
What do you mean? I have tens of thousands of retro games on my hard drive and I didn't pay a penny for any.
>> No. 15155 [Edit]
Please use sage next time when making off topic posts.
>> No. 15176 [Edit]
I do love dungeon crawlers but I feel like I'm very picky with them. Like the Etrian Odyssey series and Labyrinth of Refrain and the like. The older RPGs do kinda feel like a slog to me nowadays. Some of them at least. I used to love Earthbound so much but playing it again earlier this year just kinda left it feeling boring/tiresome.
>> No. 15177 [Edit]
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I think the original Final Fantasy and Dragon Quest are very well paced. You get right into playing the game very quickly and it doesn't last too long. The only issue is that they're somewhat cryptic at times. I will say I played the SFC version of DQ1, though.

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14851 No. 14851 hide watch expand quickreply [Reply] [Edit]
Do you use GNU/Linux? What are you playing on your GNU/Linux system?
for me it's Factorio and The Long Dark both which are native GNU/Linux games and run flawlessly on limited hardware.
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>> No. 14857 [Edit]
I have been using linux mint since june and i dont regret switching. I have been playing blood fresh supply.
>> No. 15143 [Edit]
>Do you use GNU/Linux?
Yes, I do.
>What are you playing on your GNU/Linux system?
I play VNs for the most part, which work fine for me, some with more and some with less fiddling, some perfectly fine without anything. Higurashi and Narcissu work out of the box, as they're Linux native. Clannad, Rewrite and Planetarian work without any problems too, however you need to install Proton first, but once you've done that, it's fine. Muv-Luv also works out of the box with Proton. Tsukihime was a bit of a fiddle, to get running in Lutris, but I got it started too. I haven't played through Tsukihime yet, so I don't know, if there are any more issues, but I think it should probably work. Riddle Joker and Saya no Uta also work for me.

It's a much better experience with Steam/Proton. This if course requires your game, to be released on Steam, but when it is, then it works in my experience, pretty much flawlessly. Lutris sometimes also has scripts for some VNs. I imagine for more obscure VNs or games in Japanese language, it's more tedious to set up, but I don't know really, so I can't tell.
>> No. 15152 [Edit]
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On my Linux PC I basically only play emulated stuff, since I can't bother setting up all this Wine shit, and running proprietary software (games) on an open source OS is kind of dumb and misses the point (I know there is "sandboxing" or whatever, but that's just additional effort to set up).
For VNs I use an old Windows 7 laptop, and for other games I have a couple jailbroken (non-current gen) consoles.
>> No. 15175 [Edit]
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14938 No. 14938 hide watch expand quickreply [Reply] [Edit]
Mobile games, mobage, gacha games, phone garbage, so on and so forth.
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>> No. 15172 [Edit]
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Buy a GBA or DS and emulate mobile games on it.
>> No. 15173 [Edit]
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Gakuen Idolmaster is the best game ever.
>> No. 15174 [Edit]
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It's nice to see another Brohno playing gakumas too.
>> No. 15179 [Edit]
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I'm playing Wizardry Daphne. It's good but I want more loli characters for my party.

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15166 No. 15166 hide watch quickreply [Reply] [Edit]
Does anyone here like repairing, or modifying consoles?

These are a few I've done custom shells for.
>> No. 15167 [Edit]
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I did this one this morning.
Bought a cheap old busted DS for like $20 with the common broken hinge issue, but wasn't able to find replacement shells online. I ended up half forgetting about the thing and leaving it in my car for more than a year. Searched again recently and found tons of shells available now. Guess I must have been using the wrong search terms before or something.
Both the top and bottom screen had a bunch of dead pixels so I had to get replacements for that too. It was interesting to learn the top and bottom of the DS use the exact same screens, but with a digitizer over the bottom one.
Kept the bottom black part of the original DS since that wasn't in too bad of shape, as well as peeling off and transferring the name sticker since the new one had a font that looked off.
Might have gone with a more interesting shell but was only able to find standard colors.
>> No. 15168 [Edit]
Can you do soldering tohno?
>> No. 15169 [Edit]
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Sure, but not that well.
I actually need to redo this I made years back since the battery needs replacing. (It's three batteries soldered together)
>> No. 15170 [Edit]
The only modification I did on a console was installing custom firmware on a PS3 (Evilnat), so I can play PS2 games on it. I also like to replace the HDD in it with some newer and/or bigger one.

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15162 No. 15162 hide watch quickreply [Reply] [Edit]
Has anyone else here played Nikki?
>> No. 15163 [Edit]
Mirai or yume?
>> No. 15164 [Edit]
I tried to but the game wouldn't let me proceed when opening the app on my phone. I gave up after the first reinstall
>> No. 15165 [Edit]
I used to play the first one on my old iPod, fun times.
Then I tried the one where there's like some branching paths and gacha mechanics(?), but I found it too difficult to keep up with without paying so I gave up.
If Inifnity Nikki plays nicely on Linux, I might give it a go, otherwise it's Style Savvy for me.
Yume > Mirai

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14771 No. 14771 hide watch expand quickreply [Reply] [Edit]
I decided to pick up the new Armored Core. It's... pretty fun! I was a bit worried because Fromsoft has been making the same game over and over for a long time now. You can definitely see some elements that got carried over, but I don't think it's really a bad thing. I do have some gripes with it, mostly with the movement and the massive difficulty gap between bosses and normal stages, but I'm still enjoying it. It's pretty cool.

Anyone else playing it or any of the other games?
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>> No. 14872 [Edit]
Trying out the first Armored Core. The controls are a bit weird, but understandable with the limitations of a PS1 controller. It's kind of neat though. I'd imagine mechs are pretty awkward to pilot for the uninitiated.
The actual setting is cool too. It's a much more living world.
The first few missions are pretty simple, but it makes sense for a rookie to take on weak enemies.
Some aspects make the game a bit more engaging than AC6. The normal enemies are way more durable, some mission have environmental hazards to keep in mind, and actual punishment for failures mean you have to tackle obstacles with some thought.
I'm looking forward to seeing how things develop and hopefully getting good enough to pull myself out of poverty.
>> No. 15110 [Edit]
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An unexpected revival. I was worried that it would be bad, but this game really blew me away.
It became one of my favourite games in the entire Armored Core series even.
There are some things I don't like, mainly hard lock and the way stagger works in PVP, but the rest of the game is amazing. The story is gripping and the soundtrack is also fitting. I at first was skeptical of the new ambient sounding OST until I heard Rusted Pride. Stargazer was a really nice ending song too. Disk 3 also came with a lot of remakes of music from the older games and I loved it.

This is an AC I made during my first playthrough and used to beat the final boss of NG++, called LUNA DIAL.
I had fun. Will look forward to the next entry and meanwhile play some of the old games I skipped.
>> No. 15160 [Edit]
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Still playing through the old games. I really enjoy them. Played through Gen 1 twice, Placed AC2 and most of 2AA. Replaying 3 on emulator now because I didn't want to play Silent Line on my Vita, though I might just play them on my PS2 because it's freely playable there.
I'm super excited to play 4 and For Answer when I get to those.
I just made a similar AC to yours today, though it isn't very effective as it's made purely for style. The extra coloring is rough. I'm no pro at it, and the system they have is strange. I'd like to put more details on the head.
>> No. 15161 [Edit]
I saw this video about decals today with a trick I did not know, it might be helpful for what you're trying to do.

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14952 No. 14952 hide watch expand quickreply [Reply] [Edit]
This thread is for discussion, help, meet-ups, etc. regarding the RPGMMO Master of Epic.

Official website:
16 posts and 4 images omitted. Click Reply to view.
>> No. 15151 [Edit]
I played for a few hours and then went to bed. I've restocked on food and some other essential items. And I also did some guild quests.
I'll probably be online for next... 12-14^ hours so if you log in within that period, we can meet up again. I'll help you out with anything you need or are curious about.
Also, iron is fine since NPCs only sell copper equipment.
>> No. 15156 [Edit]
Is there any difference between high grade and master grade weapons? I crafted one of each but the stats seem identical.
>> No. 15157 [Edit]
This has confused me as well just now so I've looked it up on the wiki. Master Grade will increase defense or damage by about 30% more than High Grade it seems. However it seems there are some exceptions where there will be no increase in stats. (At least you get your name attached to the item with Master Grade I suppose)
>> No. 15159 [Edit]
Here is a useful link for planning and optimizing your character builds. The website also has other utilities for treasure maps and more;

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