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14952 No. 14952 [Edit]
This thread is for discussion, help, meet-ups, etc. regarding the RPGMMO Master of Epic.

Official website:
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>> No. 14954 [Edit]
What are some ways of making gold in the early game? I've been selling the loot from the scorpions in Neok Mountain (10 scorpions = ~300 gold), but there's probably a better way.
>> No. 14955 [Edit]
Farming the hilltop lion in Mi-rim coast is good early on and will get all your combat skills up to 25.0~30.0. If you are in warrior's (武閃) guild, there is also a quest for collecting lion meat. It sells 20 gold a piece and lion will usually drop 4 or 5 + leather and fang.
>> No. 14956 [Edit]
Not sure if I'll join in the fun since the idea of playing any MMO sounds like a chore to me these days. That said, I love they've retained the design of their homepage. Crazy that enough people are still playing to keep the servers up and maintenance going.
>> No. 14957 [Edit]
Couldn't get it work through wine. (Launcher works and game starts up then I get a ship background with a black square in the center.) Terminal has nothing helpful, so I guess I need to skip it.
>> No. 14960 [Edit]
Alright tomorrow is Saturday, I'll try the game out, I know 0 Japanese but I do have experience with mmorpgs and gacha games in Japanese so it's not my first rodeo, is there at least any wiki online ? Even if it's only in Japanese ?
>> No. 14961 [Edit]
I'm beyond dumb, there are three servers right ? Wich one are you guys playing on ? And if possible attach a pic of wich server to pick when first starting the game, or at least the kanji of the server.
>> No. 14962 [Edit]
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We're playing on the Pearl server. As for a wiki, I've been using this one:
>> No. 14963 [Edit]
Thanks a lot senpai, one last question, how are you guys called in-game ? So maybe I can try to contact you after I install it tomorrow.
>> No. 14964 [Edit]
So far there's only two of us, HNDR and Mupio. I'll be around the tutorial zone tomorrow so I can help you with the game if you need it.
>> No. 14966 [Edit]
Try running it through a Windows 7 VM?
I would like to try the game out this way, but I can't read Japanese.
>> No. 15145 [Edit]
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Is anyone playing this?

I'm the OP, it is lonely being the (seemingly) only foreign player and not being able to have a discussion about the game with anyone in English.

I found this video by chance, which inspired me to make this post. It is a promotional video for the game it seems:

(I'm sorry to the person who I played together with about 8 months ago, I had lost the internet access at home, I just came back online about a month ago)
>> No. 15146 [Edit]
>the person who I played together with about 8 months ago
Hey, that would be me.
I stopped playing a bit after you left, but I'd be up to go back to it. Although I've probably forgotten how to play at this point.
>> No. 15147 [Edit]
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I've wondered occasionally about what happened after I disappeared, if you maybe kept playing the game by yourself or just quit. But I guess you answered it now.

I'm glad to hear that you're still interested in playing it. I've played basically non stop for last 30 days or so (I'm HikkiNEET) and I've learned a lot of additional new things about the game (I've tried a lot of different classes).

If you decide to play again, I can wait for you at the hidden village, same as the last time.
>> No. 15148 [Edit]
Alright, I'll start downloading the game then. Seems it's still really slow to install so I'll only be able to login way later.
Will you still be playing the same character as before? I think I had crafted some steel gear you could use last time I played.
>> No. 15149 [Edit]

If you will play the same character that you did, then I will also play the same one I did back then. I'll log into it now and try to pick up where I left off.
I think the client is limited to about 50kb/s, it is pretty brutal.
>> No. 15150 [Edit]
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Well, it finally finished downloading, and as expected I can barely remember anything...
I spent about 30 minutes fumbling around with the controls and resetting my spell hotkeys and such.
I'll continue playing tomorrow.
Also, it looks like I crafted an iron scimitar, not steel.
>> No. 15151 [Edit]
I played for a few hours and then went to bed. I've restocked on food and some other essential items. And I also did some guild quests.
I'll probably be online for next... 12-14^ hours so if you log in within that period, we can meet up again. I'll help you out with anything you need or are curious about.
Also, iron is fine since NPCs only sell copper equipment.
>> No. 15156 [Edit]
Is there any difference between high grade and master grade weapons? I crafted one of each but the stats seem identical.
>> No. 15157 [Edit]
This has confused me as well just now so I've looked it up on the wiki. Master Grade will increase defense or damage by about 30% more than High Grade it seems. However it seems there are some exceptions where there will be no increase in stats. (At least you get your name attached to the item with Master Grade I suppose)
>> No. 15159 [Edit]
Here is a useful link for planning and optimizing your character builds. The website also has other utilities for treasure maps and more;

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