What are you guys waiting for? Those Pokemon aren't gonna catch themselves!
>>12289 >>12290 >>12291 Man, gamefreak has really sunk in terms of creativity.
Can a human be sucked into a pokeball?
>>13226 Nothing, afaik. Iirc there has been examples of pokeballs being thrown at characters in the anime and it just bounces off. No clue if there are actually explained lore-related reasons or explanations though.
>>13226 That's an original fetish
Was there new Pokemon at E3 2018?
>>13256 I think they're making a new game for the switch.
Go, Water Tribe!
Pokemon players should upgrade to MonHun
>>13311 But I don't want to skin and slice dead pocket monster corpses!
Where's Deadpool Detective Pikachu?
>>13394 That would make for an amusing easteregg skin.
>>13432 You can fan-mod it in PALWORLD. Haha.
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