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File 148109145238.jpg - (0.99MB , 1240x1754 , cde9b4c53daeb2558d1f78a853a21dd3.jpg )
12286 No. 12286 [Edit]
What are you guys waiting for? Those Pokemon aren't gonna catch themselves!
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>> No. 12288 [Edit]
File 148117154987.png - (373.12KB , 750x750 , vHmNKeK.png )
>> No. 12289 [Edit]
Replies: >>12292
File 148117165296.png - (20.72KB , 282x302 , m1PuG8Z.png )
>> No. 12290 [Edit]
Replies: >>12292
File 148117171588.jpg - (108.79KB , 750x740 , zP7AB2D.jpg )
>> No. 12291 [Edit]
Replies: >>12292
File 148117193225.png - (116.47KB , 320x321 , gycFFzv.png )
>> No. 12292 [Edit]
Man, gamefreak has really sunk in terms of creativity.
>> No. 13226 [Edit]
Replies: >>13227 >>13228
Can a human be sucked into a pokeball?
>> No. 13227 [Edit]
Nothing, afaik. Iirc there has been examples of pokeballs being thrown at characters in the anime and it just bounces off. No clue if there are actually explained lore-related reasons or explanations though.
>> No. 13228 [Edit]
That's an original fetish
>> No. 13256 [Edit]
Replies: >>13261
Was there new Pokemon at E3 2018?
>> No. 13261 [Edit]
I think they're making a new game for the switch.
>> No. 13279 [Edit]
Go, Water Tribe!
>> No. 13311 [Edit]
Replies: >>13347
File 154069686486.jpg - (120.57KB , 850x1202 , 20181028.jpg )
Pokemon players should upgrade to MonHun
>> No. 13347 [Edit]
But I don't want to skin and slice dead pocket monster corpses!
>> No. 13394 [Edit]
Replies: >>13432
File 155280200276.jpg - (129.46KB , 1000x940 , ah.jpg )
Where's Deadpool Detective Pikachu?
>> No. 13432 [Edit]
Replies: >>14950
That would make for an amusing easteregg skin.
>> No. 14950 [Edit]
You can fan-mod it in PALWORLD. Haha.
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