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File 14834388676.jpg - (485.04KB , 900x1300 , 20170107.jpg )
12314 No. 12314 hide watch quickreply [Reply] [Edit]
How clean are your inputs? Keep on practising!
>> No. 13475 [Edit]
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>> No. 13591 [Edit]
File 156490239557.jpg - (358.22KB , 1200x767 , 2019CREAK.jpg )
Keep at it.

No. 12779 hide watch quickreply [Reply] [Edit]
I just finished Nioh. Or the vanilla new game, anyway. I do plan on continuing into New Game+++ and the DLC and shit of course, which seems to be a lot better than the normal game from what I've heard.

It's my favorite game of all time. It definitely has some problems, most notably the poor music (none of the bosses have a unique theme) and cutscene budget (the final cutscene was disappointingly cheap), magic being overpowered and boring, and the loot system … also being boring. But these latter issues seem to be fixed in NG+ so I'm very excited to get into the actual game here now.
Last problem I can think of that I have with the game is that there isn't enough incentive to wear Light armor. I went through half the game using light armor and it was insane, you die in one hit. Which is good in some ways. I really like seeing a game make armor actually fucking matter. I am tired of games like Dark Souls where there is little noticeable difference between wearing heavy plate armor and running around fucking naked. The difference is definitely noticeable here.
But I don't feel like Nioh got the armor right, either. There just aren't enough benefits to wearing light armor. Ki (stamina) is the only big bonus you get for wearing light instead of heavy armor, with the exchange being dying in one hit to even random encounters, and it just isn't enough of a trade off. I never have a problem with ki management even using an ax and the heaviest armor in the game. I would have really butted heads with the devs over balancing this had I been there with them…

But I guess that is just kind of nitpicky. There are people who make the light armor work, it is actually seemingly the most used armor class for some reason? Maybe I am just severely retarded.

I'm a big fan of Team Ninja and Monster Hunter, you can really see the Ninja Gaiden influence everywhere, of Japan, Asian history, and demons. This game is kind of like a wet dream.
I went into the game blind and didn't know what to expect and as soon as I saw the opening cinematic, I was hooked.

When I heard that the main game is over 100 hours long, I was very scared that I had made a mistake buying it.
I cannot stand the Souls' series for releasing unfinished games. I am a content creator mys
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>> No. 12780 [Edit]
>I am a content creator myself
What do you make?
>> No. 12781 [Edit]
Fanfictions of my waifu.
You wouldn't think so since my OP is so shit. I didn't try, I wrote it at 4 AM.

The video I had meant to embed was the Nioh opening. I tried reposting it just now and it wouldn't let me. Oh well.
>> No. 12856 [Edit]
File 151524529772.jpg - (121.75KB , 850x879 , 20180105.jpg )
Nioh is so japanese-y even with a white guy protag...
>> No. 13585 [Edit]
NiOh 2 looks good.

File 156393359118.jpg - (2.53MB , 2907x3579 , yakuza_kiwami_2d_packshot_ps4_pegi.jpg )
13572 No. 13572 hide watch quickreply [Reply] [Edit]
This is my first Yakuza game.

I am absolutely blown away by how anti-fun these boss fights are. I have never in all my years of gaming experienced boss fights so insufferable, so infuriating, so unfair.

I LOVE getting stunlocked in a single hit while the boss's combo is impossible to interrupt. Getting my control of the character taken away from me instantly and repeatedly is so immersive. Pausing five times during a boss fight to use health items really adds a nice gameplay flow. It's so awesome how the prompt for heat moves has no audio cue while being relegated to the upper right corner of the screen, nowhere near where the action is happening. And the icing on the cake is bosses who regenerate health while they are supposed to be winded, as if the Kingdom Hearts-tier health bar wasn't enough.

These game design choices don't make sense to me. I'm gonna persevere through this shit show because they got me hooked on Kiryu, Majima and the wacky side quests, but I'm going to be cursing the fine people at SEGA every step of the way for signing off on something so uniquely aggravating.

Anyway, does it get better with the other games?

I'm thinking next I will play 0, then 6, then Kiwami 2. Is that a good order?

Or if you have any thoughts about the series you would like to share, please do.
>> No. 13573 [Edit]
Incredible. I just threw a chair at a boss and watched it clip through his body. I guess breakdancing makes you invincible?
>> No. 13576 [Edit]
I've only played the original for ps2 and am still currently playing 0. I've found 0 a tad repetitive in terms of combat, but the massive amount of side content makes up for that from mahjong to slot car races. It's also stupidly long with cinematic so long and so frequent they put metal gear to shame.
As for the original, I don't remember much about it. I think it didn't have much in terms of side content and was more focused on the story. I think it dragged a bit but wasn't necessary too boring, and I did manage to sit though it to the end. Played it via emulator because fucking hell the original copies are over priced.
>> No. 13577 [Edit]
I played 0 on PC and it was the most fun I've had playing a video game since I was a kid. It rejuvenated my interest in video games enough for me to get a PS4.

Yeah, Kiwami is trash. Kiwami 2 and 6 are kinda meh.

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13524 No. 13524 hide watch expand quickreply [Reply] [Edit]
It's that time of year again!
6 posts and 2 images omitted. Click Reply to view.
>> No. 13564 [Edit]
"You're breathtaking" was the best part of E3 2019. Hahah.
>> No. 13566 [Edit]
I hate what CDProjekt is doing.
Their diluted RPG formula combined with their meme reputation of "the good guys" and "RPG/PC saviours" is inflicting enormous damage to the genre.
Oh I still remember how their new game was supposed to bring RPG's back closer to its pen and paper ideal. No one remembers these announcements now.
They slid back into their wide audience milking comfort zone and plebs are gobbling it all up like hungry pelicans.
Also they have one of the world's worst actors on board now. Just kill me.
>> No. 13567 [Edit]
You say that as if they had much of a choice in those decisions.
>> No. 13568 [Edit]
They really had. They specifically picked a pnp RPG to adapt, they had an enormous budget to utilize and a lot of faithful fans (fanboys?) who would have accepted anything, even shit wildly straying from the mainstream.
They chose to squander the opportunity.

There's no reason for CP2077 it to be tied with CP2020 game anymore. Lore alone isn't enough to justify the connection. They could have slapped together their own standard futuristic setting and called it a day.

Years ago when it was announced it was supposed to have all that stuff cRPG's were known for back in the day- a blank slate player character, a wide selection of classes, deep and reasonably adapted mechanics.
Now it's trimmed down to 3 combat oriented classes tied to one defined player character. Who seems to be some uninteresting douchebag I have no business playing as, and have little hope of significantly altering the character to my liking.
It's shaping up to be just another "role" playing game, where you play the role as assigned to you by the devs. Where choice is possible only within a narrow scope of staying in-character.
In the predefined fucking character.

Have you ever wondered what lies at the very core of a traditional RPG? The most important thing which trumps everything else?
It's player agency.
Usually bound by rules of the setting of course, but within the confines of that world a player must have the full freedom of action. Actions carry consequences which shape everything about the world the players are in and so on. That's the whole point of role playing games.
It demonstrates to the players that they matter. That their will makes the game.
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13491 No. 13491 hide watch expand quickreply [Reply] [Edit]
Are there any strategy games that never compromise on the scale? I hate big goofy units representing armies fighting. I want to see the whole battle to scale. The whole city to scale. Everything in full. Does that exist?
4 posts and 1 image omitted. Click Reply to view.
>> No. 13514 [Edit]
Regarding WW2 RTS I think Men of war is much better.
>> No. 13515 [Edit]
Who cares about balance? This isn't about abstract games that need to fiddle with arbitrary rules so no player feels offended, it's about simulating battle to scale. War isn't balanced.

>US Civil War
Ultimate General?
>> No. 13546 [Edit]
Mod Total Annihilation with old-timey units?
>> No. 13551 [Edit]
Spring 1944 is an open source World War 2 game that is inspired by Total Annihilation.
The Spring engine was originally made for a Total Annihilation clone and there are other games using the same engine.
It's free so you can just try it.

File 15606674525.jpg - (332.28KB , 1280x720 , TheExpressionAmrilato-VisualNovel-Steam-2.jpg )
13534 No. 13534 hide watch expand quickreply [Reply] [Edit]
So apparently Valve has yet again decided to ban/forbid a game from being released on Steam while claiming it "sexualizes minors" in spite of the games doing no such thing.
The most recent victim of this is The Expression: Amrilato, an educational game about a girl who finds themselves in a land where people only speak Esperanto. Before this we also had the game "key to home" which was forbidden from being released on steam for the same reason.
5 posts omitted. Click Reply to view.
>> No. 13540 [Edit]
It's not a cool idea at all.
>> No. 13541 [Edit]
If people didn’t just use Chinese, Spanish, English or French and language death wasn’t common because of this, a constructed language that you can become fluent in 150 hours is a pretty interesting idea.
>> No. 13544 [Edit]
I don't see steam banning anime games as a problem. It will simply create demands for alternative anime game distribution platform and you'll get your shitty nukige all the same. I'd even argue that it's a good thing because the less h-game there is on mainstream platforms, the less mainstream attention is on it, which mean less people are likely to start a controversy. The actual problems with in-game content censoring because you may not be able to access it in any other way but then private companies have the right to do so.
>> No. 13545 [Edit]
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Does it really do that?

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13531 No. 13531 hide watch quickreply [Reply] [Edit]
Download link here:

Fleeing the Complex is basically a flash game and to play this game you should have Flash Player and Adobe Air in your device. One can play this game in this smartphone, tablet, computer and laptop. Henry Stickmin is the hero of the game and in this sequel of the game due to his past actions he is imprisoned in an area named as The Wall.
>> No. 13532 [Edit]
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>> No. 13533 [Edit]
It's okay

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6655 No. 6655 hide watch expand quickreply [Reply] [Edit]
What relaxing games does /vg/ play?
I usually play a few rounds of Pop'n Music before going to sleep.
28 posts and 9 images omitted. Click Reply to view.
>> No. 13397 [Edit]
File 155282797420.jpg - (144.00KB , 850x1088 , 20190317.jpg )
I zone out playing Kantai Collection...
>> No. 13442 [Edit]
Azure Lane is superior
<3 Kongo
>> No. 13455 [Edit]
Hearthstone.. just try not to pay money for it. Haha.
>> No. 13463 [Edit]
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True dat

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13462 No. 13462 hide watch quickreply [Reply] [Edit]

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9678 No. 9678 hide watch expand quickreply [Reply] [Edit]
If you could create a VN about anything, what would it be about?

I'd either make one about living by myself in a remote place, or a historical one. I'd love to play a historical-style VN.
30 posts and 15 images omitted. Click Reply to view.
>> No. 13373 [Edit]
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Mortal Kombat!
>> No. 13392 [Edit]
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I would romance NYOTENGU.
>> No. 13435 [Edit]
Something went wrong with my post so I'll try to submit this again:

I had this idea about an unsolvable "murder" mystery, I guess it could be done in VN format too:
several people die in strange circumstances and detective MC investigates.
It would be a complex sort of enigma, with lots of contradictory leads pointing to several possible suspects.
In the end the gathered evidence would not be conclusive enough to say who dun it with certainty.
It could be as likely it was all a coincidental series of freak accidents.

I came up with one scene:
Somewhere towards the end of the story there would be a sequence where something almost convinces the MC he's about to find himself face to face with the culprit.
Maybe it's night, and he's at a fresh crime scene (presumed) when he sees movement out of the corner of his eye or something.
He goes after the apparition. It's not clear if it's the killer, or if MC only sees what he expects to see, effectively chasing shadows through busy backstreets of some grimy city.
The 'chase' ends in a dark utility tunnel or something, where the detective sees a figure off in the distance, and he takes a shot.
As bullets ricochet off the walls and strike sparks the flashes reveal it was an optical illusion caused by a peculiar layout of pipes and smoke.
But still he finds something in the tunnel that could suggest someone was there just a moment ago, maybe. Or not.
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>> No. 13456 [Edit]
Hero detective chasing a villianess he has feelings for?

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13427 No. 13427 hide watch quickreply [Reply] [Edit]
And I thought I was good changing the buttons on my arcade stick layout...
>> No. 13431 [Edit]
Gotta make sure to get that metal slug arcade machine in every pic possible.
Also SAGE for ugly 3DPD skank.
>> No. 13451 [Edit]
Do a barrell roll

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