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File 170502908461.png - (195.60KB , 960x900 , about-you-video-games-my-answers-image-template-v0.png )
14880 No. 14880 [Edit]
tell me more about yourselves.
...and by that, i mean fill this out, because i think that would be fun.

if this is too close to the 3x3 thread, feel free to delete this or move it there, i wasn't sure i should've posted this there or not
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>> No. 14881 [Edit]
File 170502937623.jpg - (2.68MB , 4458x2911 , about_me_video_games_very_low_quality.jpg )
here's mine, for reference
>> No. 14885 [Edit]
File 170514008674.jpg - (397.05KB , 943x886 , foru.jpg )
This took some time but I would have feel bad if you didn't have at least one answer.
>> No. 14886 [Edit]
I haven't played enough video games to fill this chart.
>> No. 14887 [Edit]
I'm working on one, but some of these categories are proving a lot more difficult than I would have guessed.
>> No. 14888 [Edit]
i had trouble choosing only one for each category, which is why i cheated and put two for some of them.
>> No. 14891 [Edit]
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I spent far too long thinking about this, and still ended up very unsure about a lot of these categories..
>> No. 14892 [Edit]
What do you find so stressful about GTA:V? The missions?
>> No. 14893 [Edit]
I'm also really curious to know.
>> No. 14894 [Edit]
Here's a 2 minute long video that does an excellent job of summing it up.

I suppose I should have made it clearer I was referring to GTAV online exclusively. GTAV in itself was a perfectly fine and fun game.

For context, I don't generally like social gaming and stick primarily to single player stuff (often offline). Which was what the GTA games were until GTAV. I wouldn't have cared but a significant amount of the game's content was walled off behind the online component, so I felt the need to take part, and well, GTA online was a hell, a real nightmare to play.

Where to start...
Whelp, the community is beyond terrible. To put it simply, it's trolls trolling trolls. It's a free-for-all in which the players enjoy nothing more but to ruin your day. It's hard to go a minute without getting killed. It's not even a skill issue, you have hackers insta killing people in the lobby, and on the other side you have pay to win kids that bought astronomically OP weapons and vehicles. There's no balance in the game, Rockstar likes it that way. This incentivizes anger fueled purchases using real world money for the sake of revenge. It also makes it extremely difficult to grind for game money as a free player due to how easy it is to get killed and fail whatever quest you're on. Even if you can manage to knock out a few in game jobs, everything is so ridiculously over priced it's unrealistic to buy anything decent in the game without cracking open your real world wallet.

The highlight of GTA online for me would be the story driven missions, which are unfortunately forced co-op. If you don't have friends to play this with, you're SoL because playing with randos is a nightmare. You'll wait for the match making system to find other players, time out, and try again a couple times. Then once you're in you'll probably fail the mission very quickly due to a player on your team dying on the other side of the map or disconnecting. Congrats, you just wasted an hour or two for nothing. Sometimes you'll get a rando that will string you and the team along till the last minute, and decide to troll you at the very end of the mission. It's even worse during missions that have you playing in open lobbies, where again it's very easy to get killed at any minute. The servers also kinda sucked so random disconnects and issues were not uncommon.

It was a borderline unplayable broken mess with terrible mechanics and the worst community you could ask for. Yet, I took the whole thing as something of a challenge and decided to make it anyway. I found a bug that allowed me play in empty lobbies, which helped significantly. From there I discovered what was essentially an AFK system for making a small amount of money in the game that involved fooling the game into thinking I was still there with random button inputs I assigned with the macro functionally of my keyboard, and I'd remote into my PC while at work sometimes to make sure it's still running. When home I'd grind the best money making methods I could while using the solo server bug over and over (after half an hour or so people would start to join the session each time).
I kept doing this till I was able to afford some of the better items in the game at the time, specifically the deluxo which is an OP DeLorean style flying car that can fire an infinite amount of homing missiles. (When it comes to GTA:online, the devs couldn't care less if things were world/lore appropriate).
I kept doing this till I was able to afford the HD version of my favorite car from GTA VC, the cheeta, as up till then everything I bought had to double as a means of helping me make money, with that being the first purely fun thing I got since I started, and this was also when I noticed I racked up 666 hours of play time, so I decided to just leave it at that and never go back.
>> No. 14895 [Edit]
File 170546622180.jpg - (735.42KB , 1600x1200 , blacklagoongta__revy_balalaika_roberta_gretel_eda_.jpg )
Damn, that sounds really stressful. I had no idea GTAV could be like this. I played it on the 360 just as soon as it came out. Bought a physical copy with the map and all. I remember some ruckus about the secret invisible ink. Everything was fresh. I played the hell out of story mode and I was still in HS at the time, so my friends were playing the game also. We would mostly play just us so I didn't experience anything of the sort you described, although sometimes one of them would act very annoying "for fun". I don't remember there actually being much to do, besides team deathmatches and some pretty straight-forward missions. I don't remember anything expensive or out of the ordinary. Just regular cars like in story mode. I suppose this mostly has to do with added content in the following updates. By then I wasn't playing with them anymore.
>> No. 14902 [Edit]
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Here's a list of almost EVERY game I've played instead.

Because I've played relatively few, and I have a good memory, I was able to make a list like this. The consoles are in no particular order, but for each console, the games are roughly sorted by when I played them. To explain why a Bratz game is on there, some of these were a hand-me-down from my sister.
>> No. 14903 [Edit]
Where's Saya no Uta? Or do you not count VNs as games?
>> No. 14904 [Edit]
File 170554526893.jpg - (539.85KB , 1446x2048 , F9vHi8Aa8AA9_w0.jpg )
>To explain why a Bratz game is on there, some of these were a hand-me-down from my sister.
Where they any fun? The barbie and bratz games?
>> No. 14905 [Edit]
File 170554695510.jpg - (98.85KB , 800x1000 , e2c4d71cdda9669866adf0068032e3bd.jpg )
When you're a kid, even bad media is fun. Everything is new to you after all. That said, the Qix style mini-game in Barbie was the most memorable part, and I remember almost nothing from the Bratz game. The most fun hand-me-down game from her was Kim Possible 3 for the GBA, which I forgot to put on the list until now.

>do you not count VNs as games?
Yep, unless they have enough gameplay by my standards.

Post edited on 17th Jan 2024, 7:04pm
>> No. 14992 [Edit]
File 170763869515.jpg - (158.50KB , 600x1200 , 20240215.jpg )
VNs are more like choose-your-own-adventure books.
>> No. 14994 [Edit]
"Visual novel" is a misnomer term in the first place. In Japan they're referred to as ADVs, or adventure games, and treated as games because they are.
>> No. 14995 [Edit]
According to wikipedia
>In Japanese, a distinction is often made between visual novels (NVL, from "novel"), which consist primarily of narration and have very few interactive elements, and adventure games (AVG or ADV, from "adventure"), which incorporate problem-solving and other types of gameplay.
In any case, I'm an American and it's my list of games, not ゲーム. I don't really care what nebulous, engrish terminology is preferred in Japan.

Post edited on 12th Feb 2024, 11:38am
>> No. 14998 [Edit]
File 170847789837.jpg - (668.22KB , 1448x2048 , F_H_xn2bAAAVw4q.jpg )
I don't like the term adventure game very much. It makes me thinks of Indiana Jones games. Many of these games are about living a completely ordinary HS student's life. Calling that an adventure and the girls heroine feels off to me. I know it's the japanese way and therefore the "correct" way, but I don't use it. I very much prefer the other more specific japanese terms such as "galge".
>> No. 15030 [Edit]
I started doing this but I realized half-way through that it doesn't really fit the games I play. I like a lot of city building/strategy games and comparably very few story-driven ones and I was really struggling for best protagonist, best story, favorite ending...The only games that came to mind were VNs. It's a cool idea though.

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