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File 14165882228.png - (241.56KB , 1366x768 , hammerwatch.png )
11190 No. 11190 [Edit]
If you have not played this game, it is pretty awesome. You can play solo or multiplayer with up to 4 people online or local. It'd be nice to have a Tohno party.
>> No. 11192 [Edit]
Buy it for me
>> No. 11195 [Edit]
I just downloaded a torrent of it.
>> No. 11196 [Edit]
What do you do in this? Will I enjoy it?
>> No. 11199 [Edit]
It's just your basic dungeon crawler, but I found it fun. The music is catchy, and although it's simple, it's addictive.

Here is the launch trailer.
>> No. 11269 [Edit]
Legend of Dungeon (LoD) is much nicer for a similar game.
Rainbow unicorns!
>> No. 11311 [Edit]
Unicorns that fart rainbows!
>> No. 14923 [Edit]
Hammerwatch II - Gameplay Trailer | PS5 & PS4 Games
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