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File 151295890386.png - (1.49MB , 1330x746 , しう.png )
31033 No. 31033 [Edit]
Are there any Japanese YouTube channels you like? Or maybe any YouTube channels you like at all? I like しう, メッタ ME!ME!ME!TTATON!!, and AHATO. MokoDojo is another one that I like though it may not be Japanese but has had some Japanese content on the channel.
Hakase Reimu is very charming to me with the fun videos covered over certain games and the interaction with Hakase Reimu and her fans as well and feels almost like Bill Nye in a certain way. I like the Pokémon remixes on メッタ ME!ME!ME!TTATON!!'s channel and I very much enjoy the game play videos of AHATO, especially their Mario Kart 8 and Splatoon 2 videos. I also happen to find the many unboxing videos of MokoDojo very relaxing, they help me to focus on things and calm me down. I will include links to each of their channels.

Maybe we can recommend YouTube channels we like to other users in this thread as well. In consideration of users with older computers I ask that you don't post any videos and instead post links, perhaps with an image as well to give users an idea of what they might see on the channel posted without their computer slowing down.
Please keep the rule in mind restricting 3D imagery but don't let it restrict you from recommending quality channels! If an image for the channel is not possible due to containing 3D, then please provide a written description of the type of content on the channel you are recommending. We can have more than just Japanese channels as well for the sake of variety and introducing people here to new things.
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>> No. 31040 [Edit]
I can't say I really watch or follow any youtubers all that often, aside from the occasional guide video to look something up or otherwise out of boredom, but I do like one youtuber who goes by the name Uxwbill. I have known of him for quite a while now, he makes content about electronics, computers, and other things of the sort. I don't watch anything when it comes to Japanese channels, unfortunately. Sorry. Generally I don't spend a whole lot of time using it, which is probably a good thing.
>> No. 31052 [Edit]
File 151330146911.jpg - (59.16KB , 600x614 , dn_pilot_cats_by_pigmhall-dbth9f6.jpg )
The only Japanese youtube channel I follow is Pigmhall, who makes cute looking glitch-type animations for his electronic music.
>> No. 31053 [Edit]
>>31052 Great channel, I didn't think I'd see anybody else who appreciates their content.
>> No. 31075 [Edit]
File 151373461247.png - (304.35KB , 1276x664 , kizuna-ai.png )
Virtual youtuber Kizuna Ai!
She's pretty cute!
>> No. 31327 [Edit]
File 15159268064.png - (33.48KB , 267x300 , profile_picture_by_reimu_and_cirno-d6rnji8.png )
Reimu and Cirno:
Without a doubt, this is one of my absolute favorite youtube channels. I adore the stories he tells and the way he tells them, most of them are very wholesome and relaxing so I like to watch them while I eat food. I also like his depictions of the characters far far more than the canon characters. His uploads are very slow but they are all very enjoyable.
>> No. 31441 [Edit]
File 152063313022.png - (870.89KB , 1468x1080 , 1501817627021.png )
same! her videos are sometimes the highlight of my day
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