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File 150934174114.jpg - (139.38KB , 550x776 , 338339e331deffce6d0f9f93a9cc0564f2f98c6e.jpg )
30724 No. 30724 [Edit]
Have you ever met otakus from other cultures?
What were they like?
>> No. 30725 [Edit]
If I'm interpreting your image correctly, what you mean with culture seems to be nationality. Like otaku from hispanic countries etc. I think that the nation an otaku comes from doesn't matter much, it's more about the stuff he's interested in/the communities he's a part of (if he is part of any).
Otaku culture is a subculture so it doesn't have to share a lot with the culture of the nation one lives in. From my experience (which is not that great: I only met other otaku once) we were pretty similar to each other but I'm pretty sure that was because we were part of the same community so you could say we were from the same culture despite being from different nations.

In my eyes otaku from other cultures would be ones with a completely different area of interest (compared to anime/video game otaku) like train, photography, military otakus, I imagine their ways of doing things differ quite a bit from those of anime/video game otaku (but even with those there might be a big overlap, the latter has been prevalent in the last years) or from a community with completely different customs (also hard to give examples here since imageboards are the only ones I'm very familiar with and I'd say the global similarities are pretty big here).

Also forgive me talking as if anime/video game otaku are an homogeneous group, thinking about it there are greater differences there like western/eastern-, singleplayer/multiplayer-focused etc. that affect the customs of the communities even though the lifestyle might be the same.

Another distinction you could make is by the value they attribute to the community-aspect, in my opinion that impacts greatly what an otaku is like (was probably one of the bigger differences between me and a few of the other otaku I met on that occasion), despite not knowing much about multiplayer communities they are probably a good example since for them team mentality or similar stuff seems to be very important.
>> No. 30728 [Edit]
Pretty much what >>30725 said: Otakus all over the world as mostly the same.
>forgive me talking as if anime/video game otaku are an homogeneous group
We pretty much are though. Sure, there's different tastes and hundreds of variation, but it's still the same group that gravitates towards the same general things. For example, I've never heard of otaku that shun all anime except those that contain 3D and/or cgi.
>> No. 30731 [Edit]
>For example, I've never heard of otaku that shun all anime except those that contain 3D and/or cgi.
You could say a guy that is obsessed with western video games but hates everything Japanese (I've read posts of some people who seem to fall into that category, may the reasons be rational or not) is still an otaku as long as he has a big knowledge about them and they're a major part of his life, if not the main focus.
>> No. 30732 [Edit]
>You could say a guy that is obsessed with western video games but hates everything Japanese... is still an otaku
Do you mean a westerner (America, Europe, Russia, etc.) or Japanese? If the former, why would anyone call him and otaku? If the latter, then it's more likely they'd call them a gamer why "otaku" would be reserved as more of an insult.
>> No. 30733 [Edit]
I was going by the Japanese definition of the word, like how they use lolicon for pedophile. Probably should have clarified.
>> No. 31337 [Edit]
I know a Chinese one. When it comes to their taste in weeb stuff it seems about the same as most other people from around the world. Their location grants them easier travel to japan and their cultures are similar in a lot of ways.
I've known some hispanic ones too. They almost always tend to have a deep love for saint seiya for some reason.
>> No. 31341 [Edit]
Not in person. I barely know any otaku people in person and don't really partake with them.

As for in anonymous boards, I'm a beaner myself and I don't think it ever specially stood out to anyone here over all these years, other than in my sometimes convulted wording. Also, I was often mistaken for a nord in other chans, so I don't think there's any solid criteria to pinpoint cultural backgrounds within the usual otaku board talk.

Saint Seiya was huge on TV here when I was a kid (early 90's). I guess it's mostly nostalgia, but I could be wrong. I do treasure it too, however.
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